HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 11 21 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
City of Winter Springs
November 21, 1983 - 7:00 P. M.
The Code Enforcement Board Meeting was called to order by Jay Alpert.
Roll Call:
Jay Alpert, present
Tom Stoddart, present
Ben Kaplan, present
Tom Dougherty, present
Marianne Cheeseman, present
Mike DePasquale, present
Arthur Hoffmann, present
Code Prosecutor John Govoruhk, present
Code Inspector Charles Sexton, present
Code Inspector Wesley Dowell, present
Election of Chairman:
Arthur Hoffmann nominated Jay Alpert for Chairman, seconded by Tom Dougherty.
Mike DePasquale nominated Ben Kaplan for Vice-Chairman, seconded by Tom Dougherty.
Motion by Tom Stoddart to close nominations - no objections.
All in favor of Jay Alpert for Chairman, all aye.
All in favor of Ben Kaplan for Vice-Chairman, all aye.
Motion was made by Kaplan, seconded by Cheeseman to approve the minutes of
September 19, 1983. Motion carried.
There was discussion of new, pending and closed cases.
Meeting was recessed at 7:17 p. m. and called back to order at 7:35 p. m.
Chief Govoruhk presented the Case of Mr. Richard S. Burke, 75 S. Devon Ave.,
Winter Springs. Mr. Burke was not present.
Findings of Fact:
The Board arrived at the Findings of Fact that there was a truck parked at 75 S.
Devon Ave.; it was a dual wheeled, almost three ton truck. It was parked there on
certain dates as established.
Motion was made by Kaplan, seconded by Dougherty that we accept the Findings of Fact
as presented by the Code Prosecutor and substantiated by the Officers that attended
the matter. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Cheeseman, aye; DePasquale, aye; Stoddart,
aye; Alpert, aye; Kaplan, aye; Dougherty, aye; Hoffmann, aye; motion carried.
Findings of Law:
Motion was made by Dougherty, seconded by Kaplan, that Mr. Burke was in violation of
Sec. 44.8l(1)(a) and 44.82(1) and (2). Discussion. Vote on the motion: DePasquale, aye;
Stoddart, aye; Alpert, aye; Kaplan, aye; Dougherty, aye; Hoffmann, aye; Cheeseman, aye;
motion carried.
Motion was made by DePasquale that we set a date of compliance as of today (Nov. 21, 1983)
and we notify him that he was in violation and if he continues violating, we will meet
and assess a fine of $250.00 per day. Seconded by Dougherty. Discussion. Vote on
motion: Stoddart, aye; Alpert, aye; Kaplan, aye; Dougherty, aye; Hoffmann, aye;
Cheeseman, aye; DePasquale, aye; motion carried.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting, Nov.2l, 1983
Page 2.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk