HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 04 26 Consent Item A
MGR ~EPT ":V j,
Authorization {
April 26, 1999
REQUEST: Fire Department requesting authorization for expenditures from the Medical
Transport fund for Heart Monitor Defibrillators.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Commission item is to gain Commission authority for
expenditures from the Medical Transport fund for four (4) Hewlett-Packard Corp.
12 Lead Heart Monitor Defibrillators from the sole source distributor Laerdal
Medical Corporation for an amount not to exceed $48,815.00 which includes
trading in existing equipment.
The Fire Department has been administering Advanced Life Support (ALS) procedures to
patients since authorization by the City Commission with the Paramedic Program in 1981.
Paramedics have utilized a portable heart monitor defibrillator to assist diagnosis of heart
activity and to shock the heart when in a condition of fibrillation. The original heart
monitor defibrillators that were purchased for the program are still in service today
however technology has changed significantly since that time. The original heart monitors
were capable ofthree lead monitoring and did not offer any predictive or analysis of heart
activity. These devices relied entirely on the paramedic's diagnosis and provided limited
information to the paramedic via a small display and printout of Electro Cardio Gram
(ECG) activity. The Department has three (3) ofthese original three lead heart monitor
defibrillators that were manufactured by Physio Control.
In early 1990's the Department purchased three (3) Marquette 12 Lead Heart Monitor
Defibrillators to replace the original units. These units provided a better monitor that also
allowed the paramedic to pace the heart with this newer technology. The Marquette units
April 26, 1999
Consent Agenda Item "A"
Page 2
also recorded the event with the capability to review at a later time the interventions that
the paramedic provided to the patient.
The Department with the 1998/99 budget requested and was approved to purchase two
units to replace two of the three Marquette units. We were also in the process of
surplusing the original three Physio Control units that were purchased in early 1980's and
had evaluated all current manufacturers of portable heart monitor defibrillators for
purchase. The Department's overall plan was to replace two units this budget year and to
replace two units next year, however it was determined during evaluation of current
equipment that it was not Year 2000 Compliant so therefore we have proposed to replace
all current equipment this fiscal year.
The Hewlett-Packard equipment being proposed by Laerdal Medical Corporation is the
equipment of choice by the Department Medical Director and by the Department
Equipment Committee. These units are Y2K compliant and offer these sole source items
such as the only DefibrillatorlMonitor to incorporate advanced predictive instruments, the
easy use of QWERTY keyboard controls, and a complete 5-year warranty. Laerdal
Medical Corporation has also offered to trade in our existing equipment to reduce the cost
ofthis project. The total project would require us to trade in three Physio Control Lifepak
5's with charger and three Marquette Medical 1500SLP's. In return our purchase would
include four Hewlett-Packard CM100 Monitor Defibrillators with battery systems.
Funding for two units was requested and approved in this current year budget. However, I
am requesting to amend the original appropriation from two units to the purchase of four
Hewlett-Packard CMlOO Monitor Defibrillators with battery systems units for a total
amount not to exceed $48,815.00 from the Medical Transport Fund Reserves.
April 26, 1999
Consent Agenda Item "A"
Page 3
It is recommended that the City Manager be authorized to purchase four Hewlett-Packard
CM100 Monitor Defibrillators with battery systems including trading in existing
equipment from Laerdal Medical Corporation for an amount not to exceed $48,815.00
from the Medical Transport Fund Reserves.
Purchase, equipment delivery, and training within 30 days.
1. Quote from Laerdal Medical Corporation
Sole Source Letter from Laerdal Medical Corporation
Laerdal Medical Corporation notification on Year 2000 Compliance
Product Information
~ laerdar
helping save lives
Chief Timothy Lallathin
Winter Springs Fire Rescue
102 N. Moss Rd
Winter Springs FL 32708
We are pleased to quote as follows:
Catalog #
CM 100 Monitor/Def W /12 Lead Complete.
Includes: Adult/Pediatric Paddles, 12 & 3-Lead ECG
Cable, Ten (10) Disposable ECG Electrodes,
"Hands-free" Cable with Adaptor for Heartstart
Electrodes, 2 rolls of Recorder Paper, User's Guide,
Quick Reference Guide, Training Video Tape,
Battery Support System.
2.5Amp-hour NiCad, Internal Modem
Battery, Paramedic Carrying Case, and
2 pairs of Heartstart Electrodes. Load Tester
Ischemia Analysis/Predictive Instruments.
Reuseable Sp02 Trunk Cable
Reuseable Sp02 Adult Transducer
5 Year Warranty
Marquette Medical 1500SLP
Lifepak 5 with Charger
407 -977 -2602
List Price
Extended Price
Quoted by:
U. LL,./41V
(j , /
John Hawkins - Account Manager
800-648-1851 X247
Free shipping for orders over $500.00
2 % 20 OR Net 60 Days
Thank you for your interest in Laerdal products.
Federall.D. #
Quote Exp.
Quote No.
60 days
WINTERSP.IJI{~?:dal Medical Corporation, 167 My"r3 Co'ners hU2'::. P.O. Box 18-10. Wappingers Falls. NY 12590-8840
Telephone 19;-\} 29 '-~~70. Fax (914) 297-1137
Customer Ser'/ice (800) 431-1055. C,-,storner Serv;::e Fa, (800: ::27- 11,13 or (91-1) 298-4545. Sales Representatives (8001 048-1851
~ laerdar
helping save lives
Winter Springs Fire Rescue
102 N. Moss Rd
Winter Springs FL 32708
Attn: Chief Timothy Lallathin
Dear Chief Lallathin,
This letter is in response to your question of the sole source
distribution of the CodeMaster 100 Monitor/Defibrillator with 12 Lead.
Laerdal Medical Corp. has been designated by Hewlett-Packard
Corp. as the distribution channel for the product to the prehospital
market segment (including Fire Depts. and Emergency Medical
Services Providers), as indicated in our strategic alliance with
The HP CM100 with 12 Lead ECG is the only portable
Defibrillator/Monitor to incorporate advanced predictive instruments, and
easy to use Qwerty keyboard controls. HP ACI- TIPI (Acute Cardiac
Ischemia - Time Insensitive Predictive Instrument), TPI (Thrombolytic
Predictive Instrument). 5 Year Warranty.
HP ACI- TIPI uses a patient's age, gender, chest pain status and ECG
features to analyze a patient and present a numerical score - the predicted
probability of acute cardiac ischemia.
HP TPI helps identify patients having acute myocardial infarction who
might benefit from thrombolytic therapy.
If we can assist you with any other matter, please do not hesitate to
contact me at 800-648-1851 X247.
John Hawkins
Account Manager
Laerdal rvledlcal Corpora~IC1, 167 Myers Corners Road. P.O. Box 18-10. \Vappi""ers Falls. NY 12590-88-10
Telephone 1914) 297-7770. Fax (91.1) 297-) i37
Customer Service (800) 431-1055, Cusiomer Service Fax (8001 227-/1.J3 or (91-1) 293-.15-15. S,1!es Reoresentatives (800) (3.13-1851
.~ L9~rp~1
-dllo-' helping save fives
March 17, 1999
Laerdal Medical Corporation has conducted an internal review of all of our products for
compliance for the Year 2000 date change. NONE of the Laerdal manufactured and/or
distributed products pose any risk to patients, caregivers or end users. ALL Laerdal products
(with the exception of the Actronics Training Sofuvare) will perform as intended with or without
being updated, though some of the products may generate incorrect dates on reports after use.
A complete listing of our products is attached, however, the following items have been identified
as requiring some type of action to be Year 2000 compliant:
Treatment Products
1. Heartstart 3000 (excluding QR and A TS models) display
2. Medical Control Unit (MCU)
3. Medical Control Module (MCM 2000 and MeN! Plus)
4. Heartstart Database Manager
Training Products
5,. Actronics Training SofuvarelHardware
Please call Laerdal's Customer Support Team at 1-800-431-1055 to arrange for your product(s)
to be updated for Year 2000 compliance, if possible.
Laerdal Medical Corporation has done extensive research on our infrastructure to be sure that it
will continue to support our ability to provide products and services. This includes our sofuvare
systems and hardware platforms as well as our facility infrastructure and manufacturing
processes. All of these items are either currently compliant or will be compliant upon the
activation of our new operating software, planned for June I, 1999.
In addition, we are in the process of querying our vendors to insure that they will be able to
continue to provide Laerdal with quality products and services without interruption or
malfunction throughout the century date change.
Please visit our website, www.laerdaI.com. for more information as it becomes available.
Laerdal Medical Corporation. 167 Myers Corners Road. P.O. Box 1840. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590-8840
Telephone (914) 297-7770. Fax (914) 297-1137
Customer Service (800) 431-1055. Customer Service Fax (800) 227-1143 or (914) 298-4545, Sales Representatives (800) 648-1851
Product Type Product Name & Description " Y2K Attachment
Training Family CPR Trainer Yes
Training Little Annen..., Baby Anne™ Infant, Little Yes
Junior™ CPR Training Manikins
Training Resusci@ Anne, Resusci@ Baby, Yes
Resusci@ Junior, CPR Training Manikins
Training Recording Resusci@ Anne, CPR Training Yes
Training Skillmeter, for CPR evaluation Yes
Training Resusci@ Anne Skillguide, Resusci@ Yes
Baby Skillguide
Training Resusci@ Baby with Skillguide Yes
Defibrillation Heartstart@ 1000, 1000S Automated Yes
Treatment External Defibrillators
Treatment Heartstart@ 2000 Automated External
Defibrillator Yes
Heartstart@ ECG SimulatorfTester Yes
Treatment Heartstart@ Battery Chargers Yes
Treatment Heartstart@ 3000 Automated External No A
Treatment Heartstart@ 3000ATS, 3000QR Yes
Automated External Defibrillators
Treatment Heartstart@ Medical Control Modules No B
Treatment Heartstart@ Check Module for HS3000 Yes
Treatment Heartstart@ Medical Control Units - prints No C
incident reports from cassette tape
Treatment Heartstart@ Reporter - prints incident Yes
reports from MCMs
Treatment Heartstart@ Quick Reporter Charger - Yes
prints incident reports from MCMs
Pro~uct Type Product Name & Description ". Y2K Attachment
.- Compliant - . .
-' .- ' .
Treatment Heartstart@ 911 Automated Defibrillator Yes .
Treatment Heartstart@ Intelligent Power System - Yes
sustains in-unit battery
Treatment Heartstart@ FR Automatic External Yes
Treatment HP/Heartstream@ ForeRunner™ Semi- Yes
Automatic External Defibrillators
Training HP/Heartstream@ ForeRunner™ Setup Yes
and Training cards
Training HP/Heartstream@ ForeRunner™ Yes
CodeRunner Event Review Software and
PCMCIA Data cards
Treatment Hewlett Packard CodeMaster@ 100 Yes
Portable Defibrillator/Monitor
Treatment Hewlett Packard M2480B Battery Support Yes
and Charging system
Treatment Hewlett Packard CodeMaster@ 100 12- Yes
Lead Portable Defibrillator/Monitor
Training HeartTesFM RST3, RST-12 Rhythm Yes
Treatment Heartstart@ DataBase Manager No D
Treatment HeartMaster™ Event Data Management Yes
Treatment Heartstart@ Electrodes Yes
Training Early Defibrillation Training Manikin, with Yes
Skill meter and Mini-Heartsim™
Training Laerdal@ (HS911) AED Trainer Yes
Training Heartsim@ 200 Cardiac Rhythm Yes
Training Heartsim@ 2000 Cardiac Rhythm Yes
Simulator and Program Modules
Training Laerdal@ Monitor Interface Yes
Training ALS BabyTM, Basic ALS, Advance ALS Yes
Product Type Product Name & Description Y2K Attachme~t
, Compliant
Training IV Trainers Yes
Training HeartCode".l Adult Airway manikin and Yes
interface box
Training HeartCode,M ACLS Courseware Yes
Training Actronics Software/Hardware Systems No E
Training HeartSim™ Interactive Training System - Yes
courseware, manikin & interface box
Training HeartSim™ 4000 Rhythm Simulator Yes
Airway Laerdal@ Silicone Resuscitators, The Yes
BAGTM Disposable Resuscitators
Treatment Laerdal@ Pocket Mask™ and Resusci@ Yes
Face Shield
Treatment Laerdal@ Premier™ Suction Unit, Yes
Laerdal™ Suction Unit, Laerdal™
Compact Suction Unit
Treatment V-VACTM Manual Suction Unit Yes
Training Laerdal@ Airway Management Trainer Yes
Training Laerdal@ Infant Intubation Model Yes
Treatment Trachlight@ Stylet and Lightwand Yes
Spinal BaXstrapTM Spineboard Yes
Treatment Stifneck@ SelecFM and Stifneck@ Yes
Extrication Collars
Treatment Headbed™ II Cervical Immobilization Yes
MPL Products Skeletons, Skulls, Spines, Hearts, Brains, Yes
Training Manikins, Trauma, and IV Training
Training Multi-Sounds Trainer Yes
Training Arrhythmia Scenario Trainer Yes
".-\GE 3 OF 3
( HP __ Speed of Life)
When it comes to treating and trans-
porting patients. the HP CodeMaster
100 is in a class by itself.
It delivers the quick charging.
dependable performance and
advanced features you expect from
an HP defibrillator/monitor - all in a
durable. water-resistant unit built to
\\ithstand the rigors of emergency use.
The HP CodeMaster 100 is a versa-
tile defibrillator/monitor forBLS-
and ALS-trained personnel alike.
BLS responders \vill appreciate its
true 1-2-3 operation. intelligent
battery support system. easy-to-use
pads for hands-free defibrillation.
and optional shock advisory -
which signals whether a rhythm is
shockable or not and guides users
through the process.
ALS responders ....ill value the.HP
CodeMaster 100's advanced manual
defibrillation. integrated .pu1se
oximetry. non-invasive pacing.
synchronized cardioversion and
other advanced features that put
them in complete control.
Best of all. 12-Lead ECG. predictive
instruments and interpretation are all
available on the HP CodeMaster 100 -
to speed diagnosis of acute cardiac
ischemia and other cardiac arrhyth-
mias. and reduce time to treatment.
HP has been a leader in electrocar-
diography. defibrillation and moni-
toring for more than 35 years. Now.
with the HPCodeMaster 100. we
take life-saving technology to the
next level.
. .
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Early 12-Lead ECGs reduce time
to treatment.
In the United States alone. over
one third of the L.5 million people
who suffer heart attacks each year
die. And even more will experience
diminished lives due to the resulting
damage. Why? Because it took too
long to get the right care.
Clinical studies show that early
treatment using thrombolytic agents
can significantly improve outcomes
for patients suffering from acute
myocardial infarction (Atvfi) -
especially if administered within
one hour of symptom onset.
Obtaining 12-Lead ECGs in the field
has proven to be the most effective
way to reduce time to treatment.
Thanks to this advanced technology,
a patient is more likely to be trans-
ported to a hospital with the most
appropriate facilities. And the emer-
gency department is more likely to
be prepared once the patient
The right solution - anytime,
The HP CodeMaster 100 with 12-Lead
ECG and predictive instruments
allows emergency medical personnel
to view, acquire, store. print, fax and
transmit .l2-Lead ECGs. Paramedics
can send a patient's L2-Lead ECG
by landline or cellular phone to an
emergency department, where a
physician can overread it and be
ready to deliver treatment upon a
patient's arrival.
The result? Using 12-Lead ECGs
in pre-hospital medicine improves
door-to-treatment time, as well as
patient outcomes.
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The only defibrillator!
with predictive instrum
The HP CodeMaster L 00 \
ECG is the only portable
monitor to incorporate a
predictive instruments
TIPI (Acute Cardiac Isch
Time-Insensitive Predict'
ment) and HP TPI (Thro
Predictive Instrument),
HP ACI-TIPI uses a patie
gender, chest pain status
features to analyze a pat
present a numerical scor
predicted probability of
diac ischemia. It's an ad
you can use to support y
HP TPI helps Identify pa " ,
lng acute myocardial inf
might benefit from thro
therapy - recommende
the American Heart Ass
the National Heart Attac
Program. HP TPI pro\;d
HP Codelvlaster 100 With 12.Lead lets 'f
qll'Ck,y p-ev ew all 12 leads. any three ;
time. to ver fy [eG quailty tJe{cre rewd
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.J/ y:~( ~,
. Acquires. stores. transmits and prints
simultaneous 12-Lead ECGs.
. HP ACI-TlPI predicts the probability of acute
cardiac ischemia in chest-pain patients,
. HP TPI identifies those who might benefit
from thrombolytic therapy.
. Displays all 12 leads, any three at a time,
to verify ECG quality before recording.
. Incorporates HP's advanced adult and
pediatric analysis programs.
. Reports clearly labeled with ECG data
and patient information entered via the
QWERTY keyboard.
. Stores up to 30 12-Lead ECGs intemally.
. Transmits ECGs to a receiving station using
landline or cellular telephone via intemal
modem (US, Canada and UK only). or
external modem in other countries.
The durable carry bag is engineered and
manufactured to absorb the bumps and
scrapes of transport.
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. Quick Charging. Charges From 0 to 360
joules in under 5 seconds.
r;\SY 10 U~;r-:
. True 1-2-3 Operation. Easy to learn, easy
to use, speeds response in an emergency.
. Event Summar::!. Documents and stores
up to 28 events, even holds data aFter the
unit is turned oFF.
. Advisor::!.tvent Summary. Documents
and stores up to 50 ECG strips and 200
events in the advisory event summary
mode- included with Shock Advisory.
. Large CRT Display. A bright S-inch
screen makes it easy to read user-Friendly
messages and monitoring inFormation.
. Leads-oFf IndicatOl'. HP defibrillatorl
monitors display a dotted line on the
display when a lead becomes disconnected.
. Paddle-to-Patient Contact Indicator.
Reduces guesswork by telling you
whether you've applied enough pressure
to successFully defibrillate a patient
. Uncluttered Front PaneL Contributes
to easy operation and Fast response.
. Long-Lasting Battery. Comes with a
25 hollf'. NiCd quick-charge battery.
. Intelligent Battery Support System.
Eliminates the "memory eFFect" that takes
place .when batteries are partially dis-
charged. then recharged again and again.
Automatically indicates when it's time to
recondition the battery.
. Battery Capacity Gauge. Indicates
battery cha~ level. so you know when
it's running low.
. Optional AC Power. The AC power module
allows it to be plugged into a standarn AC
wall socket For use in the hospitaL
. Optional DC Power. The 12-volt power
module is ideal For long-term monitoring
or as a batter::! charger in emergency
~r.YC\c. THC BA<JIC:.
. Monitoring. Use the HP CodeMaster 100
as an ECG bedside monitor when
a separate unit isn't available.
. Hands-Free Defibrillation. Allows you
to defibrillate remotely through multi-
Function electrodes for maximum.safety.
. Integrated Pacing Option. Pace and
defibrillate through the same multi-
Function electrodes.
. Integrated Sp02 Monitoring.
Measure and monitor Sp02 levels to help
determine when mechanical capture occurs.
. Auto Gain. Automatically sizes ECGs
on the display.
. Adjustable Heart Rate Alarms.
.Alerts you to any changes in a patient's
. . Easy-loading Thermal Array Recorder.
Prints critical patient data - date. time.
heart rate and more.
. Built-in Pediatric Paddles. Available
under slide-oFF adult paddles, so there's
no extra equipment to carry.
,1;.;!ll TO l:'fRFOfU.\
. Durable, Water-Resistant Case.
Engineered and manuFactured to absorb
the bumps and scrapes of transport
. High-Visibility Yellow Case. Makes.it
easy to locate in an emergency.
. Built-in Diagnostics. Lets you know
when the unit needs to be serviced.
. HP$upport. HP Customer Support
keeps your HP.CodeMaster 100 up and
running. 24-hour telephone support
means help is always just a phone
call away.
. . 5-Year Warranty. Backed by HP, with
more than 35 years of clinical leadership.
o Pil Q~: S
. 12-lead ECG. Acquires high-quaUty 12-Lead
ECGs at the touch of a button which can
then be stored, transmitted and printed.
. Predictive Instruments - standard with
the 12-Lead option.
HP AO-TIPI-helps predict the probability
of acute cardiacis.chemia
HP TPI- helps predi<t outcomes of throm-
bolytic therapy in AMI patients.
. Shock Advisory. lets you know whether
arhythm is shockable or not and guides
you through t~ess of deftbritlation-
all on screen.
lf7EJ ~~C'K-~~D
For more information, please call
your local HP sales office or an HP
regional office listed below.
United States:
Hewlett.Packard Company
/o.ledical Products Group Headquarters
3000 Minuteman Road
Andover. MA 01810
Medical Customer Information:
Hewlett.Packard (Canada) Ltd.
5150 Spectrum Way
I\lississauga. Ontario L4W 5G I
(416) 206.4725
Asia Pacific Headquarters:
Hcwlett.Packard Asia Pacific Ltd.
J7.2IfF Shell Tower. Times Square
I Matheson Street, Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
(852) 2599 7777
Latin America:
Hewlett.Packard Latin America
5200 Blue Lagoon Drive
9th Floor
Miami. FL 33126
(305) 267.4220
Marketing Center Europe:
Hcwlett.Packard GmbH
Herrenberger Str. 140
71034 Boeblingen
Fax (49) 7031 144096
Medical Distribution:
. Europe, Middle East, Africa
39 rue Veyret
1217 MeyTin I.
Geneva, 'Switzerland
(41) 227804111
Visit us on the .....-eb at:
For life-saving Informati.on about
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). please
visit our educational web site:
i\ote; For specific, detailed information.
please consult the HP CodeMaster 100
lser's Guide and/or Technical Data Sheet.
Caution: In the U.s.. federal law restricts this
de.,ice to sale on or by the order of a physician.
The Informarion contained In this document Is
subject [0 change without notice.
. C 1998 He.....lett.Paekard Cnmpany.
AU Rights Reserved.
Printed In USA 10/98
Part Number 5968-2303E
HP CodeMaster 100 Defibrillator First to Offer
Pre-hospital 12-Lead ECG with Predictive
Palo Alto, California. Nov. 3, 1998
Hewlett-Packard Company today introduced the industry's first defibrillator with prehospital 12-lead
ECG and predictive instruments. The new HP CodeMaster 100 with 12..,}ead electrocardiogram (ECG)
capabilities, designed to speed diagnosis and treatment of heart-attack patients, provides enhanced
decision-support capabilities in the field.
Using the new HP CodeMaster 100, paramedics and other ALS.(advanced life support) personnel can
capture a 12-lead ECG in the field, as well as use predictive software to calculate the probability of acute
cardiac ischemia (ACI), and mortality and complications with and without thrombolytics for patients with
ECG-detected acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
HP's predictive instrument algorithms were developed in conjunction with Dr. Harry P. Selkerofthe New
England Medical Center and Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston.
The HP Acute Cardiac Ischemia-Time Insensitive Predictive Instrument (ACI-TIPI)on the.HP
CodeMaster 100 calculates the predictive probability of ACI, which includes unstable angina pectoris and
acute myocardial infarction, on a.percentage scale by combining 12-lead ECG analysis with patient age,
sex and chest-pain status.
The HP Thrombolytic Predictive Instrument (TPI) is designed to .assistin identifying patients who .have
AMI and might benefit from thrombolytics -- "clot-busting" drugs. The TPI algorithm uses a combination
of the ECG, patient age, sex, weight, blood pressure, patient .history, and time since .ischemic onset tD
predict the probability of cardiac .arrest, mortality with and without thrombolysis, and the probability of a
major bleed and intracranial hemorrhage resulting from thrombolysis.
Using the HP CodeMaster 100, paramedics in the field can transmit the 12-lead ECG and probability
scores via landline or cellular communication to an emergency department (ED). The 12-lead reports can
be received by fax or HP ECG Manager PC software. With this information, clinicians in the ED can help
accelerate assessment and triage of patients before they reach the hospital -- saving time and preserving
heart muscle.
"As clinicians seek new ways to decrease door-to-drug times, predictive instruments in the field .offer an
additional layer of decision support beyond a 12-lead strip," said Steve Rusckowski, general manager of
HP's Cardiology Products Division. "This new functionality will help further reduce the time to
intervention and is a valuable tool for expanding the administration of thrombolytics."
1 01'3
3/11/998:50 PM
According to the National Heart. Attack Alert Program,. obtaining a 12-lead ECG on patients in the field
is a key factor in reducing time needed to identify and treat heart-attack patients. The American Heart
Association and European Congress of Cardiology agree that all eligible patients should receive
thrombolytic therapy within a short time after arriving in the emergency department.
Thrombolytic therapy has been shown to reduce mortality by 20 percent to 52 percent and to improve left
ventricular function significantly. The greatest benefits ofthrombolytics, however, have been observed in
patients who receive therapy within 70 minutes of the onset of symptoms.
The lIP CodeMaster 100 with 12-lead ECGretains the.originalfeatures that have made.it a success in the
prehospital market, including the fastest charge time and true 1-2-3 operation. The integration of 12-lead
ECG includes a large display and alphanumeric keyboard. In addition, an internal modemis.currently
available in the United States and Canada. The new HP CodeMaster 100 with 12-lead ECG is available
worldwide through lIP and its alliance partner Laerdal Medical Corporation.
About HP's Medical Products Group
lIP's Medical Products Group is a worldwide leader of clinical measurement and diagnostic.technologies,
.information solutions, services, support and supplies for the healthcare industry. The group has 4,800
employees and had revenues of more than $1.2 billion in its 1997 fiscal year.
HP leads the world in acute-care patient monitoring, cardiovascular ultrasound imaging. and
clinical-inf.ormation systems for critical care, and is at the forefront of new technologies such as
point-of-care diagnostics and predictive instruments. lIP is the founding member and chair of the
Andover Working Group, a 300.,member initiative focused on developing standards-based
interopecability between healthcare applications.
Information about lIP Medical Products Group can be found on the World Wide Web at
About HP
Hewlett-P4ckard Company is a l~ading global provider of computing; Internet and intranet solutions,
.services, .communications products and measurement solutions, all of which are recognized for excellence
in quality and support. lIP has 127,200 employees and had revenue of $42.9 billion in its 1997 fiscal year.
Information about lIP and its products can be found on the \Vorld Wide Web at http://www.hp.com/.
Editorial Contacts:
Kelly Peavey, HP
(978) 659-4351
Tony Labriola
3/11/99 8:5\ PM
Mullen PR forHP
(978) 468-1155 x 127
Note: HI' press releases are archived on this Web site for historical purposes. Information in the releases is accurate at the time of
release. However, .productspecifications and availability, promotions, .prices, .relationships, contact numbers aud other. specific
information may change over time. Some information about product pricing and availability may be limited to specific
geographic ;ireus and may differ in other areas. Infonnatwn as stated in the release mayor may not be in. effect after the.date,oll
the release.
Iu additiou,4e press releases may contain statements that are forward-looking. These statements arebased{)u current
expectations as of the date of a particular release. Actual results may differ materially from those projected because of a number
of risks and uncertainties. including those detailed from time to time in HP's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Click here to review these that could cause results to differ materially from those in any such
forward-looking statements.
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COP!Jng~ 1')<).j.Y.i9g H~wle-:r-Patkard Ccr.'i;)~y
(c) Copyright 1998 Hewlett-Packard Com pan)'.
3/11/99 8:52 PI\\
HP M2475B
CodeMaster 100 Portable MonitorfDefibrillator
Technical Data Sheet
· Shock advisory with advisory (optional).
· Charges. from 0 to 360 joules in less than five seconds with fully charged battery.
· True 1-2-3 operation, standardized with other HP CodeMasterdefibrillators.
· Large CRT display offers clear view in multiple applications and environments.
· Built-in pulse oximetry.
· Built-in non-invasive pacing.
· Battery capacity gauge indicates battery .charge level.
· Event Summary documents pre-and post-critical event data.
· High-visibility yellow case for fast, -easy recognition.
· \Vater-resistant.
· Durabl.e design and extra-rugged materials made to withstand. everyday-bumps and scrapes.
· Paddle-to-patient contact indicator reduces guesswork.
· Adjustable heart rate alarms.
· Standard battery powers 50 .fuU-.energy .discharges or2.5 .hours ECTmonitoring.
· Built-in pediatric paddles immediately available under. slide-off adult electrodes.
· Hands-free defibrillation c~pability .included:
· 12-volt power module for long-term monitoring and battery charging in emergency vehicles
( optiol)al).
· 5-year warranty standard.
~.p'i~'d~~i.~~.;hAi.~;y :
Waveform: Damped sinusoidal (Lown).
3/11/998:38 PM
Output Energy (Delivered): 2, 3, 5, 7, 10,20,30,50, 70, 100, 150,200,300, and 360 joules.
Charge Control: Push-button on apex paddle and on front panel.
Charge Time: Less than 5 seconds to 360 joules with a fully charged battery installed.
Armed Indicators: Charge done tone,.charge done light on apex .paddle.and on defibrillator front panel,
and available energy indicated on display.
Paddle Contact Indicator.(PCI): 3.,color LED bar .graph .array on STERNUM paddle indicates quality
of defibrillator paddle contact before discharge.
Paddles: Standard paddles are water.,resistant anterior/anterior,adultand.pediatric, with .PCL Adult
electrodes (83 cm2) slide off to expose pediatric electrodes (21 cm2). Paddle cord is lOft. (3 m).
Synchronizer: SYNC message appears.on monitor.and is.annotated periodically.on recorder while.in
synchronous mode. An audible beep sounds with each detected R-wave, while a marker on the monitor
and sync designator on the recorder strip indicate the discharge point.
Shock Advisory ( optional): Allows CodeMaster 100 to be used as an advisory or "semi-automatic"
Inputs: ECG may be viewed through paddles or patient .cable. .Lead I, II, III, or P ADDLE SIP ADS
. selectable. Additional.leads (aVR, aVF, ~VL, V leads) are available. Monitor and recorder indicate
selected ECG source.
Lead Fault: LEADS OFF .message .and dashed baseline .appearon .monitor if aJead becomes
disconnected. Common Mode Rejection: Greater than 90 dB measured as per AAMI standards for
cardiac monitors (EC 13).
Display Size and Type: 5 inch (12.7.crn).diagonaICRT for 4 .secondsofECG.data.on screen; non-fade,
fixed trace. Scrolling trace is selectable.
Sweep Speed: 25 mm/sec nomi~a1.
Frequency Response: 0.5 to 40 Hz.
Heart Rate Display: Digital readout on monitor from 15 to 300 bpm.
Heart Rate Alarms: Three configurable pairs of high and low heart rate alarm limits from 20 to 280
ECG Output: 1 V/mV.
Patient Cable Length: 10 ft. (3 m).
3/11/998:39 PM
Thermal Array Recorder
Annotates; Time, date, HR, event marker, ECG mode, .defibrillator mode, selected.energy,actual
delivered energy, peak current, patient impedance, Sp02 and pacing current and rate.
Recorder :Mode: Automatically documents events. and ECG during defibrillation episodes. The recorder
can be configured to run in either real time or with a six-second delay.
Speed: 25 mrn/sec.
Paper Size: 50 mm by 30 m (100 ft).
Frequency Response: 0.5 to 40 Hz or 0.05 to 150 Hz selectable.
Event Summary: Stores and prints 3 seconds pre- and 8 seconds post-critical event data for up to 28
events. Data retained after unit is turned off
Advisory Event Summary (with shock advisory):. Stores approximately 200 events and up to 50
ECGs. Data retained after unit is turned off.
Type: 2.5 Ah NiCd.
Dim~nsions: 3.3 in H by 3.0 in W by 7.3 in D (8.4 cm H by 7.6 cm W by 18.5 cm D).
\Veight: 2.71b (1.2 kg).
Charge Time: Approximately 2 hours to 100%.
Capacity: 2.5 hours ECG monitoring or fifty (50) full-energy discharges or 1.75 hours combined ECG
and Sp02 monitoring while pacing.
Battery Indicators: LOW BATTERY message appears on monitor when approximatdy30 minutes of
battery capacity remain. ..
Capacity Gaug~ LED system built into battery pack gives operator visual indication .of remaining
battery cl1arge.
Also available
Type: 4.0 Ah NiCd.
Dimensions: 3.3 in H by 3.0 in W by 7.3 in D (8.4 cm H by 7.6 cm W by 18.5 cm D).
Weight: 4.3 lb (1.9 kg).
3/11/998:-10 PM
Charge Time: Approximately 3 hours to 100%.
Capacity: 4 hours ECG monitoring or seventy-five (75) full-energy discharges or J hours combined
ECG and Sp02 monitoring while pacing.
External Pacemaker
Current Pulse Amplitude: 10 mA to 200 mA.
Pulse \Vidth: 20 msec.
Rate: 40 ppm to 180 ppm.
l\'lodes: Demand or fixed rate.
Refractory Period: 40 to 80 ppm 340 ms; 90 to 180 ppm 240 ms.
Pulse Oximeter
Sp02 l\'leasurement Range: 0 to 100%.
Accuracy with HP M1190A Sensor:
1 standard deviation.
65% to 80%: +/- 2.5%
80% to 100%: +/- 1.5%
Resolution: 1 %
Accuracy with Nellcor Sensors:
1 standard deviation.
N-25, 1-20, D-20, D-25, Oxiband AIN, OxibandPII: 80% to 100%, +/- 3% (requires option #C74
adapter cable for Nellcor sensors).
Sp02 Alarm Limits: Three pr~set ranges ofhigh/low alarms: 100/90, 100/85, 100/80. Default = Off.
Pulse Amplitude Indicator: Indicates pulsatile activity.
Pulse Rate Measurement:
Range: 30 to 300 bpm
Accuracy: +/-1%
Resolution: 1 bpm
En l'ironmental
3/11/99 8:40 PM
Temperature: 0 to 550 C.
Humidity: 15 to 95% for 24 hours at 400C.
Altitude: 15,000 ft.
Shock: MIL-STD 81 OD, Method 516.3, Procedure 1 (functional).
Vibratiqn: MIL-STD 810D, Method 514.3, Figure 514.3-28 (Cat. 6), Helicopter (UH-60).
'Vater Resistance: IEC 601-2-4, splash proof per IEC 529 IPX4.
Temperature: -20 to 700 C.
Humidity: 90% for 24 hours at 650 C.
Altitude: 15,000 ft.
Dimensions: 6.25 in H by 13.75 in W by 15.13 in D (15.9 cm H by 34.9 cm W by 38.4 cm D).
'Veight: 21.5 Ib (9.8 kg). Includes paddles, standard 2.5 Ah battery, Sp02 , pacer, and recorder paper.
Standard Accessories
Water-resistant Paddles with Paddle Contact Indicator 3-Lead ECG Patient Cable
Disposable Monitoring Electrodes Water-resistant Adhesive Pads Adapter Cable (M2472A)
Recorder Paper, Spare Roll (40457C for package of 10 rolls)
User's Guide
Quick Reference Guide
;2{. ~
Training Video Tape VHS-NTSC
Training Video Tape VHS-P AL
Sp02 Concepts Guide
( '3 · 33 ~i\. IOu)
\' ~.W-
'\ I:' ~&-v
. \'\.
Sp02 Sensor Guide
Redux P~ste (651-1008-010)
2.5 Ah NiCd Battery (M2476B)
3/11/99 8:-11 PM
~""." -, .'. - -.. ....~....... '.
Ordering Information
C30 6-pin AAMI ECG connector; includes AAM1 3-lead cable
C31 6-pin AAMI ECG connector with AAMl12-lead 5-wire cable
C32 12-pin HP CMS ECG connector; includes AAM13-lead cable
C33 12-pin HP CMS ECG connector; includes AAM1 12-lead 5-wire cable
C34 12-pin HP CMS ECG connector; includes IEC 3-lead cable
C35 12-pin HP CMS ECG connector; includes IEC, 12-lead 5-wire cable
C36 AAMI, 12-lead 5-wire ECG cable
C37 IEC, 12-lead 5-wire ECG cable
C51 Defibrillator carrying case with accessory pouch
C52 Accessory pouch
C73 Adult finger Sp02 sensor
C74 Ad~pter cable for Nellcor Sp02 sensors
C76 Additional 2.5 Ah NiCd battery
en AdcFtional4.0 Ah NiCd battery
C78 Substitute 4.0 Ah NiCd battery instead of2.5 Ah battery
C80 Shock advisory
JOt Add 8-pin SYNC cable
J02 Add 6-pin AAMI SYNC cable
J03 Add 12-pin HP CMS SYNC cable
OB3 Service manual
OBR Service training video tape, VHS/NTSC
3/11/998:41 PM
OBS Service training video tape, VHS/P AL
Additional Accessories
l\t12480B External NiCd battery support system (required for battery charging and reconditioning)
l\t11749A Multi-function electrode pads, adult AAMl
l\t11749B Multi-function electrode pads, adult IEC
l\t11749C Multi-function electrode pads, pediatric IEC
1\'11 749D Multi-function electrode pads, pediatric AAMI
l\t12478A 12-voltpower module for use in emergency vehicles
Click here to order at your local H P Sf tIes oftk.;-.
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U This data sheet is available in Adobe Acrobat format. Click here to do\vnloi1d the Acrobat versior:
(jfthi~ data sheet
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Updated 11/19/98 19:58:28
3/11/99 8:42 PM
rhfl'l HEWLETT'
Thrombolytic Predictive Instrument (TPI)
HP TPI for PageWriter XLi (M1792A Option C01)**
HP TPI for PageWriter 300pi (M1792A Option C02)
HP TPI for CodeMaster 100 (M2475B Option C90)*
Technical Data
The Hewlett-Packard Thrombolytic
Predicti ve Instrument (TPI) is a soft-
ware program that enhances the com-
puter-assisted ECG analysis
capabilities of the HP PageWriter
300pi and the HP PageWriter XLi
cardiographs. It is designed to aid the
decision-making process of physi-
cians in the pre-hospital and Emer-
gency Department setting iq
identifying patients having acute my-
ocardial infarction (AlVII) who might
benefit from thrombolytic therapy.
Patient age, gender, time since is-
chemic symptom onset, history of di-
abetes, history of hypertension, blood
pressure, weight, and ECG features
are used to predict patient outcome
probabilities for short-term mortality; .
long-term mortality, cardiac arrest,
and complications associated with
thrombolytic therapy.
The Thrombolytic Predictive Instru-
Fully implements the Throm-
bolytic Predicti ve Instrument
analysis program.
Automatically assesses ECGs
for evidence of acute myocardial
infarction to identify throm-
bolytic therapy candidates.
Automatically detects the
approximately 25'70 of patients
with chest pain that actually
have At"!!. Detection triggers the
appropriate data entry screen to
produce a HP TPI analysis
Provides a HP TPI analysis
report in an easy-to-read tabular
Can be enabled or disabled
through standard configuration
controls and can be selected at
any time from the main report
selection menu..
Reports results with regard to
two degrees of Al\H evidence:
definite and possible.
Automatically reports the pre-
dicted probabilities of patient
outcome: short-term mortality,
long-term mortality. cardiac
arrest, and complications associ-
ated with thrombolytic therapy
(intracranial hemorrhage and
other major bleeds).
Provides ECG reports which can
be permanently stored on the HP
TraceMaster ECG Management
System and HP ECG Manager.
**Note: Available on the Page'Vriter XLi in 1999.
The Hewlett-Packard Thrombolytic
Predictive Instrument (HP TPI) pro-
vides physicians with an additional
tool in identifying patients with acute
myocardial infarction (AlVII) who
might benefit from thrombolytic ther-
Aiter answering a series of questions,
the physician is presented with pre-
dicted probabilities of patient out-
come: 30 day mortality (with and
without thrombolysis), 1 year mortal-
ity (with and without thrombolysis),
cardiac arrest within 48 hours (with
and without thrombolysis), thrombol-
ysis-related intracranial bleed and
other types of thrombolysis-related
major bleeds. The clinical features
entered by the clinician include: pa-
tient age, gender, time since ischemic
symptom onset, history of diabetes,
history of hypertension, blood pres-
sure. and weight
Three ECG features which are taken
from the computerized analysis of the
electrocardiogram are examined.
They are: presence and degree of
ST segment elevation or depression,
presence or absence of abnormal Q_
wa ves, and the presence and degree of
T-wave elevation and inversion.
ECG features must be apparent in at
least two related leads and not due to
noise. artifact or any of the five ex.clu-
sionary cases which can skew ECG
interpretation repolarization abnor-
malities secondary to L VH, REBB,
LBBB, anificial pacemaker or early
repolarization. \Vhile none of these
ECG features alone is diagnostic, to-
gether they represent the most promi-
nent ECG features for predicting
Ai\-! I.
A vailable Reports
A printed HP TPI report contains the
TPI analysis statements based on de-
gree of AMI evidence: definite and
possible. An optional second
section contains standard adult ECG
criteria statements.
In general, patient ECGs meeting
"definite" AMI criteria have ST seg-
ment elevation in two or more related
leads well exceeding the commonly
used thresholds (2mY in the pre cor-
dial leads and ImY in the limb leads).
Patient ECGs meeting possible AMI
criteria have somewhat elevated ST
segment not consistent with normal
variants. This may include significant
reciprocal ST depression in opposite
anatomic regions or abnormal ST seg-
ment elevation across a wide region
of the leads.
Predictive Instruments
Predictive instruments are appropri-
ate for medical situations where clini-
caljudgment is dependent upon a
number of diagnostic variables. This
type of mathematically-based deci-
sion aid is useful in critical care situa-
tions where speed of diagnosis can be
HP TPI uses a logistic regression
mathematical formula that, based on
patient age, gender, time since is-
chemic symptom onset, history of di-
abetes, history of hypertension, blood
pressure, weight, and ECG, to com-
pute predicted probabilities of patient
outcome. These predicted probabiJi-
ties are: short-term mortality, long-
term mortality, cardiac arrest, and
risks associated with thrombolytic
therapy such as thrombolysis-related
intracranial bleed, and other types of
thrombolysis-related major bleeds.
The HP TPI algorithm and report
are implementations of work:by
Harry P. Selker, M.D., of New
England Medical Center, and his col-
leagues. Dr. Selker is a clinician and
researcher who has worked for many
years in hospital Emergency Depart-
ments, and directs a research center
that studies ways to improve emer-
gency care through decision aids.
The development of the TPI instru-
ment resulted from Dr. Selker's rec-
ognition of the need to increase the
Emergency Department (ED) physi-
cian's ability to quickly and correctly
identify patients with acute myocar-
dial infarction (Ai\1I) who might ben-
efit from thrombolytic therapy. By
analyzing the Emergency Department
triage process, his research team was
able to detennine which factors led to
best decisions.
These factors were incorporated into
the fonnula. Extensive work on TPI
has been done in consultation with
Dr. Selker to produce Hewlett-Pack-
ard's application ofTPI for the Page-
Writer XLi and 300pi cardiographs
and the HP CodeMaster 100 monitor-
defibrillator with 12-Lead ECG.
Physician Use
Like any computer-assisted ECG
interpretation program, HP TPI
evaluation is intended to supplement,
not substitute for the physician's
decision process. The results must be
considered in context of
contradictions of thrombolysis and
conditions that mimic acute
myocardial infarction. It is best used
in conjunction with knowledge of the
patient's history, the resu Its of the
physical examination, the ECG
tracing, and other findings. The range
of predicted patient outcome
probabilities produced by HP TPI is
ex.pressed in a percentage from 0% to
100%. Specific ranges of predicted
probability and probabiJity ratio of
benefit versus risk are not
represented as indicating specific
treatment decisions such as
"administer thrombolytics" or "send
the patient home". Specific ranges
are meant to be utilized at the
physician's discretion, and the
meaning of any panicular number or
subset must be defined by the
Ordering Information
Model M 1792A Option CO I is com-
patible with HP PageWriter XLi car-
diographs using version A.05.00 or
later operating software. Model
M 1792A Option CO 1 includes appli-
cation software on a 3.5 inch diskette
(which is installed by the customer),
Quick Reference Guide, and Predic-
tive Instruments Physician's Guide.
Orderable as the HP M3548A Predic-
tive Instrument Upgrade.
Model M 1792A Option C02 is com-
patible with HP PageWriter 300pi
interpretive cardiographs. It comes
installed on the PageWriter 300pi and
includes a Quick Reference Guide
and a Predictive Instruments Physi-
cian's Guide.
*The HP TPI software program has
been incorporated into the HP
CodeMaster 100 monitor-
defibrillator for use in pre-hospital
emergency settings. HP TPI is
designed to aid physicians and
paramedics in the pre-hospital
environment The TPI report can be
selected by the user, generated on the
CodeMaster 100 monitor-
defibrillator with 12-Lead ECG,
transmitted to the hospital
Emergency Department for physician
overview, and stored on the HP
TraceMaster ECG Management
System and the HP ECG Manager
receiving station.
The CodeMaster 100 12-Lead ECG
option includes TPI and can be or-
dered as M2475B with option C90.
For more information, please call
your local HP sales office listed in
your telephone directory or an HP
regional office listed below for the
location of your nearest sales
United States:
Hew(ett-P:!ckard Comp:lJlY
Medic:!1 Products Group He:ldquarters
3000 Mnutem:!ll Road
Andover. MA 01810
Medical Customer loIormalion
1-800- 934-7372
Hewlett-P:!ckard (Canada) Ltd.
5150 Spectrum Way
Mississ:!ug:l, Oot.1rio L4W 501
(905) 206-4725
Latin America:
Hewlett-P:!ckard Luin Amenc:!
5200 Blue Lagoon Drive
9th Floor
Miami. Fl 33126
(305) 267-4220
Marketing Center Europe:
Hewlett-Packard GmbH
Schickardstr. 4
71034 Boeblingen
Medical Distribution
Distribution Europe. Middle Ease. Africa
(+41) 22 1804111
Asia Pacinc Headquarters:
Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Lcd.
17-211F SheU Tower, Times Square
1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay
Hoag Kong
(+852) 2599 7777
The information contained in Ih,:r
document iJ .ruhjectto change without
Hewlett-Packard Company 1998
Printed in USA 8/98
rhii'l HEWLETT'
Acute Cardiac Ischemia Time-Insensitive Predictive Instrument (ACI-TIPI)
HP ACI-TIPI for PageWriter XLi (M179lA Option COl)
HP ACI-TIPI for PageWriter 300pi (M179lA Option C02)
HP ACI-TIPI for CodeMaster 100 M2475B (Option C90*)
Technical Data
The Hewlen-Packard Acute Cardiac
Ischemia Time-Insensiti ve Predictive
Instrument (HP ACI-TIPI) is a
software program designed to aid the
physician's decision-making process
in the pre-hospital and Emergency
Department setting by using patient
age, gender, chest pain status and
ECG features to provide the
predicted probability of acute cardiac
ischemia (ACI). The HP ACI-TIPI
software package enhances the
computer-assisted ECG analysis
capabilities of the HP PageWriter
XLi and 300pi cardiographs.
The program is called a Time-
Insensiti ve Predictive Instrument
because it uses information that is
readily available both real-time in the
Emergency Department can be used
for retrospective review to aid in
quality assurance.
This tool has been shown in clinical
studies to help improve detection of
Can be manually selected or
configured to automatically report
the probability of acute cardiac
ischemia on ECGs printed by the
Page Writer XLi and 300pi
Generation of the report is prompted
by entry of three simple variables in
the patient ID field: age, gender and
severity of chest pain.
Reports can be stored on the HP
TraceMaster ECG Management
System and the HP ECG Manager.
An optional Risk Management
Report can be printed which
thoroughly documents the
physician's decision-making process.
Printing of the Risk Management
Report can be triggered by user-
configurable high and low ACI- TIPI
probability score thresholds.
The Hewlett-Packard Acute Cardiac
Ischemia Time-Insensitive Predicti ve
Instrument (HP ACI-TIPI) provides
physicians with an additional tool in
the diagnosis of acute cardiac
ischemia (which includes unstable
angina pectoris and acute myocardial
After answering a series of questions,
the physician is presented with a
numerical score, which is the
predicted probability that the patient
has ACI. The clinical features
entered by the clinician include:
patient age, gender, and whether
chest or left arm pain is the chief
complaint, a secondary complaint, or
not present. TIu-ee ECG features are
examined which are taken from the
computerized analysis of the
electrocardiogram. They are: the
presence or absence of abnormal Q
wa ves, the presence and degree of ST
segment elevation or depression, and
the presence and degree of T-wave
elevation or inversion. ECG features
must be apparent in at least two
related leads and must not be due to
any exclusionary cases which can
interfere with ECG interpretation
(repolarization abnormalities
secondary to L VH, RBBB, LBBB,
artificial pacemaker or early
repolarization). While none of the
ECG features alone is sufficient for
diagnosing ACI, together they
represent the most important ECG
features for predicting ACI.
A vaiJable Reports
The ACI-TIPI report prints a
standard ECG trace, the ACI-TIPI
score, plus detailed infonnation
about how the ACI-TIPI probability
was derived.
An optional Risk Management
Report can be printed which helps
physicians document their decision-
making processes. This report can be
used to help focus attention on the
process and procedures used to
Ji:lgnose ACI in the :lcute care
setti ng.
The ACI-TIPI Report
The ACI-TIPI report is meant to be
used in place of the standard Auto
ECG report in clinical settings where
ACI is a major diagnostic concern. It
is based on the standard Auto ECG
report, but provides ACI-TIPI
interpreti ve statements instead of the
regular computerized ECG analysis
statements. Just like the standard
ECG report, the ACI-TIPI report
provides ten seconds of ECG
waveforms and standard waveform
On the ACI- TIPI report, the
predicted probability of ACI is
accompanied by a list of the clinical
variables and ECG features used by
ACI- TIP!. At the end of the report is
a coded listing of coefficients that
were used in the HP ACI-TIPI
The Risk Management Report
The HP ACI-TIPI report can include
an optional Risk Management
Report. This form may be
configured to print on a separate
page. It covers key clinical and ECG
findings relevant to the triage
decision-making process for ACI.
These findings include
characterization of the chest pain or
chief complaint, its duration, factors
which have made it worse or relieved
it, comparison to prior ECGs, history
of prior heart attack, prior
nitroglycerin use, and the ultimate
admit/discharge decision. By
thoroughly documenting the
Emergency Department examination,
this report provides a useful tool for
assessing and managing malpractice
risk. Physicians may choose not to
use the Risk Management Report, or
to accommodate the institution's
needs and triage protocols, the Risk
Man:lgement Report can be set to
print automatically at specified ACI-
TIPI probabilities.
Predictive Instruments
Predicti ve instruments are
appropriate for medical situations
where clinical judgment is dependent
upon a number of diagnostic
variables. This sort of
mathematically-based decision aid is
useful in critical care situations
where speed of diagnosis can be
crucial. If it is a time-insensitive
predictive instrument (TIPI) such as
the ACI-TIPI, it can also be used
retrospecti vely, to aid in quality
assurance and cost control efforts.
The HP ACI-TIPI report uses a
logistic regression mathematical
formula that, based on the patient's
age, gender, chief complaint, and
ECG, computes a predicted
probability of ACI in the fonn of a
percentage score.
The HP ACI-TIPI algorithm and
report are implementations of work
by Harry P. Selker, M.D., and his
colleagues at New England Medical
Center. Dr. Selker is a clinician and
researcher who has. worked for many
years in hospitals and Emergency
Departments, and directs a research
center that studies ways to improve
emergency care through decision
The development of the ACI-TIPI
instrument resulted from Dr. Selker's
recognition of the need to increase
the Emergency Department (ED)
physician's ability to quickly and
correctly diagnose ACI. By
analyzing the Emergency
Department triage process, his
research team was able to determine
which factors led to the best
These factors were incorporated into
the formula. Extensive work on ACI-
TIPI has been done in consultation
with Dr. Selker to produce Hewlett-
Packard's application of ACI-TIPI
for the PageWriter XLi and 300pi
cardiographs, and the HP
CodeMaster 100 monitor-
defibrillator with 12-Lead ECG.
Physician Use
Like any computer-assisted ECG
interpretation program, HP ACI-TIPI
evaluation is intended to supplement,
not substitute for the physician's
decision process.
It is best used in conjunction with
knowledge of the patient's history,
the results of the physical
examination, the ECG tracing, and
other findings. The range of
predicted probability of ACI
produced by HP ACI-TIPI is
expressed as a percentage from 0% to
100%. Specific ranges of predicted
probability are not represented as
indicating specific treatment
decisions such as "admit to CClJ" or
"send the patient borne", Specific
ranges are meant to be utilized at the
physician's discretion, and the
meaning of any particular number or
subset must be defined by the
Ordering Information
Model M 1791 A Option CO 1 is
compatible with PageWriter XLi
cardiographs using version A.OS.OO
or later operating software. It .
includes application software on a
3-1/2" diskette (which is installed by
the customer), User's Quick
Reference Guide, and Predictive
Instruments Physician's Guide.
Orderable as the HP M3548A
Predicti ve Instrument Upgrade.
Model M 1791 A Option C02 is
compatible with HP PageWriter
300pi cardiographs. It comes
installed on the HP PageWriter 300pi
and includes Quick Reference Guide
and Predicti ve Instruments
Physician's Guide.
*The HP ACI-TIPI software program
has been incorporated into the HP
CodeMaster 100 monitor-
defibrillator for use in pre-hospital
emergency settings. HP ACI-TIPI is
designed to aid physicians and
paramedics in the pre-hospital
environment. The ACI-TIPI report
can be selected by the user, generated
on the CodeMaster 100 monitor-
defibrillator with 12-Lead ECG,
transmitted to the hospital
Emergency Department for physician
overview, and stored on the HP
TraceMaster ECG Management
System and the HP ECG Manager
receiving station.
The CodeMaster 100 12-Lead ECG
option includes ACI-TIPI and can be
ordered as M2475B with option C90.
For more information, please call
your local HP sales office listed in
your telephone directory or an HP
regional office listed below for the
location of your nearest sales
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(905) 206-4725
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Hewlett-Packard 1998
Printed in USA 8/98
5966-0441 E