HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 06 20 Regular :"a._J.... -- ~ It ... EDMU/V;:> T. BAXA.JR. PAUL H. BOWEN .JEANELLE G. BRONSON PAUL F. BRYAN EDWARD E. HAD.DOCK..JR. ALLAN ..I. KATZ FRANK C. KRUPPENBACHER EDWARD L. KUTTER THOMAS F. LANG PETER G. LATHAM PATRICIA RETHWILL MUELLER RICHARD R. SWANN MARTIN B. UNGER DAVID A.WEBSTER JAMES G. WILLARD d!awww~~ g;~Sf4\pa;'~ ~~~tff~d.ku IN ORLANDO: 600 COURTLAND STREET. SUITE 600 POST OFFICE BOX 7838 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 328S4 (30S) 628-3939 June 6, 1983 IN TALLAHASSEE: BARNETT .BANK BUIJ..~ING.SUITE 880 31S SOUTH CALHOtJN STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 (904) 224.9634 REPLY TO: ORLANDO Mr. Richard Rozansky City Manager City of Winter Springs 400 N. Edgemon Avenue Winter Springs, FL 32708 ()~".sf ,. _. _ ._ OC+ Lt;~ ~ f~~ i:ll...~ ~ (1.{4 t ftj, ~. ~ UnU. 'J~ PERVIE F! SWANN OF COUNSEL Re: Clarification of City Ordinance Chapter 7 Dear Dick~ . This is to confirm our telephone conversations of June 3 and June 6, 1933. Section 7-1 of the City Ordinance states that it is unlawful for any person to place refuse, debris or any other offensive, unwholesome or unsightly matter on any vacant property within the City. t~hether or not the material on ~1r. Hartman's property is in violation of the section is a matter of interpretation of the City Code. As a result, I recomnend the matter be referred to the Code Enforcement Board for a policy decision on whether Yr. Hartman has violated the Code. y yours, ThOm~~ng cc: Frank Kruppenbacher rrFL/sps . , , ...; -:. ;-:>. \-;;'\ tii' ~)'m1 uib\bbSGi ~lli JUN 7 1983 C!TY of WINTER SPRINGS CITY M~NAGE~ . . . --";'_~~':"S.~~ .~"'- ,,>lINTEl) "'" J.j -~'" S':" ,?/......:/';,."'~. ''>)1::1 0(0.... -c ,y;,) .( (;./. .\ :, \ .,'~ -1 ..~ > ~ ~ ~ i ~\ ."~I'v.~"""'-<:d"'fJJ ~' ~ '-'l~~:J(~~~~Y CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 . . June 22, 1983 MEMORANDUM TO: Victor Suarez, Vice-Chairman; Jay Alpert, J. R. Hattaway and Ben Kaplan Mary Norton, City Clerk FROM: SUBJECT: Minutes of Special Meeting of Code Enforcement Board, June 20, 1983 These minutes will be presented to the Board for approval at the next regular meeting of the Code Enforcement Board. Please review same and return to me with your comments. In the event that these minutes are correct and proper, please so state. In the event that you have some comments regarding revision, please advise me. J -! ~ "'-'-rz?L {} ~JL-<-.e" ,4.L___'" ,.bi, . . ' _ ,-;-- ~L ~J '( . 1. ',iJ ~-r}!L _,,1 o/;l ..y'J> -3 y- {:~'~ 'fr .r-- I e ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEHENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE: TOM TOWNER The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in hearing in the matter of Tom Towner who resides at 712 Lakeside Drive, Winter Springs, Florida, to determine whether a certain identification sign affixed to his premises was in violation of Sec. 5-ll3(e)(1)(a) of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Mr. Tom Towner lives at 712 Lakeside Drive, Wildwood Planned Unit Development, Winter Springs, Florida. 2. The zoning for said address is P.U.D., residential. 3. A sign denoting that a business is being conducted at said address is fastened to the building. 4. The sign reads Towner's Talent Assn. e 5. Section 5-ll3(e)(1)(a) of the Winter Springs Code reads "Identification signs may be located on private property in any district, provided the use or activity is a permitted or approved use in such a district." After arrlvlng at their Findings of Fact and referring to the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, the Board arrived at the following: CONCLUSION OF LAW 1. The sign is in violation of Section 5-ll3(e) (1) (a) of the Winter Springs Code by virtue of the fact that it designates a business is being conducted in a residential zone. After arriving at the foregoing Conclusion of Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF BOARD 1. The sign shall be removed from the building within 10 days after the entering of this Order. 2. Upon failure to remove the sign in the time specified the Board will reconvene to issue a further Order. e e Now then the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to accomplish this Order. This 16th day of May, 1983 by / e e VICTOR SUAREZ, VICE-CHAIRMAN, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA