HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 11 15 Regular CASE# e 82-313-0009 82-308-0029 82-286-0017 82-318-0040 82-330-0010 82-340-0039 82-341-0015 82-336-0013 82-347-0029 8.44-0003 82-343-0031 82-356-0007 82-292-0009 e VIOLATION FROM: November 6, 1982 SECTION TO: December 30, 1982 CLOSED Commercial Truck in C-2 Zoning-Truck Removed 44.76 8-2 No Occupational License - Purchased License No Permit for Street Excavation-Code Board ruled no permit needed. 13-1 Loud Music (Band)-Subjects renting new building. 44.76 44.85 44.85 44.74 8-2 Disabled Vehicle - Vehicle Towed Away Junk Vehicle, Boat in front yard - Boat mov~d to rear yard - Vehicle removed. No Occupational License - Business moved. Junk Vehicle - 2 Vehicles removed - 1 Vehicle repaired. 44.85 4-13 4-13 44.76 7-2 44.51 -, Cat at large - Refer to Citizen Dispute Dog at Large - Refer to Citizen Dispute Unkept Property - Unfounded Unkept Property Trash Blowing - Cleaned Up Parking in 15' Setback - Parking corrected. C-l Zoning. . .. SECTION CASE# VIOLATION FROM: November 6. 1982 TO: December 30, 1982 e PENDING 30 DAYS OR MORE NONE PENDING 60 DAYS OR MORE NONE . .', e : . . -- -- --- - - -- --- NOTICE TO APPEtJ~ AT H!':ARH:C Dii'- ~~ " N.lJ-fE Herbert Go Monson 1209 Deer Run ADDRESS \Vintp... Snrino-s Fl ~ ~?,7()8 _ ~ J . .- :L . ---- Iffry, - / U,.,//( You arc hereby su:mnoned to appear at a hearing of the Code Enforcement Board of ~he City of ~inter Springs, Florida, located at City Hall, 400 N. Edgemon Avenue, Uinter Springs, Flor:ida 32708. You are notified to appear at: TIHE 7:3() "Pm - DATE l"ov" 1!1-P.?' ~ , - J /l ~/0' At the aforesaid tL~e and place the Board lil~ hear ,evidence to determine whether you are in violation of Section .-':". .3~j" - -.of the municipal code. You will be afforded the opportunity to present evidence that you are not in violation of the aforesaid section of the Code, and you may be represented by counsel of your choice. Your failure to appear can result in judg~~ent rendered against you. ~/~ -~:> - ~~ the Code Enforce~ent t.h~ City of Hinter s~s, X H-6JW DELIVERY -~-"7 ~i. "-_ cr;, (~,/ ;,' 1?S~ BY. //>) ,"/" ficA' \~~ ~J . ~ .:.:.~=--- "__ \ l'-/ V L/ , /~, J',' (~--- 7/&:' ~ ~/ //, ",r- \ . .,.y" _ /~. b.::/-'." I _ ;,.--:'-- I CERTIFY A COpy OF THIS DOCU}fE~"T l-lAS SERVED BY CERTIFIED }L~IL THIS / 7 DAY OF 3.3 , NOTICE OF VIOLATION THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE NAHE H f'rhf'rt (;, Monson ADDRESS - DATE 1209 Deer Run 10-13-82 \Vintpr Springs Flao CODE SECTION IN VIOLATION City Ordo #13 Section 13-1 CODE REQUIREHEh""fS Excavation, Cut, or FiIlnf p::lrth . "Pe-rn1H neededu It will be unla'Nful for a...TJ.Y p::rE;on ~ dig up or into or any way disturbp, any street or sidewalk or .part thereof with out first obtaining a permit from city. FACTS OF VIOLATION Mulch W::lS pl::l~pn on ~ity property ::lr€,::l netw€,pn sjnew::llk 8r street with out a city permit. CODE~~RCEHEltt);BOAR.I.l~NEC ~R: . @'fi -t'-J Officer e ey Dowel For further guidance to determine the procedure to comply with the code of the City of Winter Springs, Please contact OiL Do\vell at 102 N. Moss Road, Winter Springs, Fla. 327-1000 Honday - Friday 8: 00 A.:H. to 5: 00 P. M. Response: (To be filled in by Code Enforcement Officer) ~r 11onson stated }lP '''?,S not going- tG.-correct vioLat.iQn & ,vaunted to go before the Code Enforcement Board as soon as he couldo I certify a copy of this document was served by II day of {Jc.}"' J( Hand Deliver Certified Mail, this /, ..it. ';"- .r, " I . lJ/.T [: Oct. 13- 1982 TIXE OF ALLEGED VIOLATION: Od- 7- 1 ~82 , -- lOC1~TION: 12f)!) Dppr Rnn WintA1'. Sprino-!=; \,..J > Fl~ ~?7()~ NAHE OF VIOLATOR' Herbert G.' Monson - DESCRIPTION OF. COHPL..A..INT: It was repJrted to this offic~r by Mr n 'Harris \Vho is President of 'r1l9"awjl1:1 Home Own"'rc: A ~~od~tion ~ Vlnl~tjnD of dty c;nne. It was noted sod & Grass was torn up & mulch had been placed in front of halls '" O.,...rl. 1 ~ Sed. 13-L Mr; Hr\:rri~ i"f'11]pdPrl tne'rity t~l.[e ~tep9 to correct vjol~tjon. , . ~ . , , . , . .. . . . . . - . (REQUEST FOR ActION BY WINTER SPRINGS CODE EN FOR CEt-rEt\"T BOARD. . , , .:ro BE FILLED our BY STAFF Art Harris DISPOSITION OF o:n'IPLAINr: PRINT ~AHE Preaident ,', Tuscawilla Homrowner Association , . ,. SIGNATURE 20- S"l,;le Ct. ADDitESS Vi in to Spgso, Fla. 32708 f\71_Qf\71; , 1'ELEPHO~m NmIBE~ Q') ,)Q~ flfl1rT ,..~ CASE NilllDER e -- ..~ so j ;I ;;- . . ~ ~~ .~""'~\ ;-. '. .~ -. . ~ "' t. e --.~:::.. :-.;~7!~ f' l-~ r. .' t .<:',:,.~ .,~ '; .- .,.._.._-........c.:::_~.-J:_.. . - e e CODE ENFOnCEMENT BOARD CITY OF HIHI'ER SPRIIJGS Upon a Hearing held on ITovember 15, 1982: ORDER OF 'I'HE BOARD The Code Enforcement Board having met on November 15, 1982 and having heaY'd evidence in the Case #S2-286-o017-c6 (in re: Herbert G. Monson of 1209 Deer Run, Hinter Springs, Florida 32708) arrived at the follo1-Ting conclusions of fact: 1. Herbert G. Monson resides at 1209 Deer Run, Winter Springs, Fl. 32708. 2. Herbert G. Monson was served .....i th a Notice of Violation and a :Iotice to Appear before the Board. 3. Herbert G. Monson did remove the sod from the City's right-of-vay in front of the aforesaid address between the sidewalk and the pavement and replace it with a wood chip mulch. 4. In performing the aforesaid work Herbert G. Monson did not obtain a permit for said 1-lOrk from the City of Hinter Springs. Having arrived at the foregoing conclusions of fact, the Board arrived at the following conclusions of law: 1. Sec. 14-1 (M) defines a street "including all of the land lying bet.....een the right-of-way lines as delineated on a plat showing such street I' , a~d the area between the sidewalk and the pavement is including in a "street. " 2. The excavation of the sod and replacement by mulch constitutes a violation of Sec. 13-1 of the municipal code in that it was u~lawful for r~. 110nson to have done such work without first procuring a permit authorizing sa~e from the City Councilor an official who has been designated by the City Council to issue such a permit. After arriving at the foregoing conclusions of law it is ORDERE~ BY THE Board as follows: 1. Herbert G. Monson is hereby directed to remove the mulch and replace the mulch with sod in the area .....hich was disturbed to the same condition as existed prior to hIs constr~J_ction -r,'Jor1\.. i'.!r. rvlonsor! is granted B, period of 30 days v:heJ:"e~n to p:2~form said ivork. 2. Upon failure to do so at the end of 30 days a levy of $50.00 per day shall be placed against the property (1209 Deer Run, Hinter Springs. Florida 32708) and if and when such le\~ mrrounts to $1,000 or mOY'e the City Attorney is directed to file a claim of lien and foreclose on same. CHAIB2.1AN OF THE BOARD SViANN AND IL\.DDOCIC PR~Fe:SSION..\L ASSOCIATlOr: e EDMU:-',O T. 3~X';. JR. PAUL H. ;Oy':l.=.:~ JeM:ELLE G. S;;Ci:-J50N PAUL F. En ,;:, EO,'IARD e. H.';ODOCK,JR. THOMA3 F. LM,:; P::TER G. L"'TH';:.i PAmlel; PcTH~'I!Ll-MUELLER P.1':HA;:tD ~L S\',:'U\i MARTiN 8. U~:;ER DAVID A. Vi::9SER JAM::S G. WILLARD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 600 COURn..Ar~s 5TRE:ET JotAILtNG ~.:>ONESS: POST OF'F"l::~ sox 7838 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32854 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32804 TELE?WON E: (305) 628-3939 Novel:1..ber 11, 1982 --, ~", ---. f~' IT h r, '7,::' i-~-\ ';::'\fr-(j'~ !"","'\ ~. \-:,,; n' l~.\l -, -'1...' -, ','" I~ I' \ ...j. " . "" -'-J" ,'.. t" t i...i'~-~~" ~;;.; ..: t...; :'1:........5 .' ."',!; I~ -,,:.., .; J t.,. ..... 'J1 ~>7 .., q;.-' PERVIE P. S\\".\~!~~ OF CCl!~;3EL : ,~" l' .";-,,_"J.' "- lS:\?; ST!I-:JT ~:~~).( ;'~J~ ~;:J~i!~'.~~~ .~~:-... !~~,\,.....-.:;..::....;. Mr. Richard Rozansky City Han3.ger City of Winter Springs 400 North Edgemon Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: !-1onson v. City of ~'Iinter Spri.ngs Dear Dick: . This office has been retained by Colonel and Mrs. Monson to represent them with regard to their placing mulch on property without a permit allegedly in violation of City Ordinance 13-1. I have reviewed this Ordinance and dispute the existence of even a prima facie case against them~ More importantly, I think the implications of pursuing this matter must have been ignored. ~13-2 of the Ordinances defines sidewalks as being a portion of the street intended for the use of pedestrians; therefore, the city must be considering the property in question as ~streetr'. If the property in question is a dedicated street, then it is the city's obligation to maintain same and arguably would have to have paved same pursuant to your ordinances which require streets to be paved. I think the proper classification of the property involved is "dedicated public area" (see ~14.98). Dedicated public areas are not covered by ~13.1. Consequently, the city has no legal authority to pursue this natter. If the city persists in its position that the property involved is street, I will have to recommend to my client that he remove the mulch and delG:lnd that the city provide and maintain grass for him. e e e e S"WAN"N AXD HADDOCli:. Mr. Richard Rozansky November 11, 1982 Page T\'lO Additionally, I would hasten to point out that the violation alleged is not at all consistent with the ordinance cited. ~13.l states: "l-t shall be unlawful for any pers.on to do any construction or repair work. . . or to dig up or to dig into. . without a permit." That section goes on to explain how you have to replace that which you dig up in the same condition. ~13.2 requires a surety bond. S13.3 refers to restoration and S13.5 would have required Col. Monson to erect safe and sufficient barricades while working pursuant to the permit. If the city's strained interpretation is to be carried to its logical conclusion, an owner needs a permit to dig weeds or plant trees and he must erect a barricade while he is digging or planting. I think a logical reading of this ordinance will show that it was intended to protect the city from unauthorized digging in the road bed or sidewalk for the purpose of laying or repairing pipe. At this point, I believe the city is violating Mr. Monson's civil rights or in the alternative is offering to accept main- tenance responsibilities it had not contemplated. I would hope that this matter could be terminated without further expense or aggravation for the Monsons. Thanking you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, \ I . ___ ~~--r- - ---- ~--~11\^" I_ \ \ \ - "-, ,1 \-:W-\ ,-J\ ____ ThOIJ.3.S-- P--;--- L-~" g ~ 'I'PL/tp cc: Col. and Mrs. Monson '}Qlr-UV'f (/") -/-() . D /"- ~\ Chapter 13 ./ e STREETS AND SIDEWALKS Editor's note---Ord. No. 119, adopted June 2, 1975, amended the Code by adding Ch. 13, as set out herein as ~~ 13-1---13-13. Cross references---Street and sidewalk defined, ~ 1-2; regulation of erection of signs and awnings over sidewalks, S 5-109 et seq.; motor vehicles and traffic, S 11-1 et seq.'i through streets designated, 5 11-3; yield intersections established, ~ 11-4: design standards for streets and alleys in subdivisions, ~ 14-83 et seq.; provisions for street improvements in new sUbdivisions, ~ 14-114 et seq. State law reference---Power of city to regulate streets, sidewalks, etc., Fla. Stats., s~ 167.01, 167.02, 167.09. Sec. 13-1. EXCAVATION, CUT OR FILL OF EARTH; PERMIT REQUIRED. '. It shall be unlawful for any person to do any construction or repair work inVOlving the tearing up and relaying of any street or sidewalk or any part thereof or to obstruct, dig up or into or in any way disturb any street or sidewalk or part ~thereof without first procuring a permit authorizing same from the city councilor an official who has been designated by the city council to issue such permit. The permit herein pro- vided for shall be issued under such conditions as prescribed by the city councilor an official who has been designated by the city council and shall accurately describe the portion of the street or sidewalk or other area to be affected and shall make provision for.the replacement of that part of the street or sid2'tvalk which is to be replaced in the same condition as when disturbed and shall state a definite time within which the permit shall be operative. COrd. No. 119, ~ 1, 6-2-75) Sec. 13-2. EXCAVATIONS, CUT OR FILL OF EARTH, BOND REQUIRED. As a condition precedent to the issuance of any permit a cash or surety bond must be posted by the applicant therefor, to assure a good and workmanlike performance of the repair Work. The amount of each cash or surety bond shall be estab- .lished by the city councilor an official who has been desig- nated by the city council and shall be in a sufficient amount to insure the restoration of such city street or sidewalk or any part ,thereof to the same condition that existed prior to the excavation, construction or alteration, and this shall be eupp. No. 4 723 ~ 14-1 "WINTER SPRINGS CODE ~ 14-1 e (d) Ditch means an open cut with a slope deeper than 3:l. (e) Easement means any strip of land created by a subdivider for public or private utilities, drainage, sanitation, or other specified uses having limitations, the title to which shall remain in the name of the property owner, subject to the right of use designated in the reservation of the servitude. ([) Plat, tinal means the final plat and supporting data representing a land survey of lots, blocks and streets, and the engineering plans and specifications for streets, utilities and other improvements. (g) Plan, preliminary means a preliminary plan with supporting data for a proposed development of streets, lots, block and utilities. (h) Public utility includes any public or private utility, such as, but not limited to, storm drainage, sanitary sewers, electric power, water service, gas service, telephone line, or cablevision whether underground or overhead. (i) Improvements may include, but are not limited to, street pavements, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, alley pavements, walkway pavements, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers or drains, street names, signs, landscaping, permanent reference monuments (PRM'S), permanent control points (PCP'S), or any other improvement required by a governing body. (j) Lot, tract or parcel means the least fractional part of subdivided lands having limited fixed boundaries, and an assigned number, letter or other name through which it may be identified. (k) Plat means a map or delineated representation of the subdivision of lands, being a complete exact representation of the subdivision and other information in compliance with the requirement of all applicable sections of this chapter and of any local ordinances, and may include the terms "replat," "amended plat" or "revised plat." e (1) Right-at-way means land dedicated, deeded, used or to be used, for a street, alley, walkway, boulevard, drainage facility, access for ingress and egress, or other purpose by the public, or certain designated individuals or governing bodies. (m) Street includes any access way such as a street, road, lane, highway, avenue, boulevard, alley, parkway, viaduct, circle, court, terrace, place or cul-de-sac and also includes all of the land lying between the right-of-way lines as delineated On a plat showing such street, whether improved or unimproved, but shall not include those access ways such as easements and rights-of-way intended solely for limited utility purposes, such as for electric po\ver lines, gas lices, telephone lines, water lines, drainage and sanitary sewers and easements of ingress and egress. Streets shall be classified as follows: e (1) Arterial. (2) Collector. Supp. No. 24 774