HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 03 15 Regular , - ,. SECTION CA~EfI VrOLATION e 0010 NEW CASES 2 CD trash, noise~ fence 7-2, 5-126, 44.'iti 2 035 0007 cb no building permit 5-24 2 018 0015 cb failed to pick-up permit and business lic. 5-24, 8-23k 2 008 0015 cb fire safety 5-53 2 056 0010 CD occupied camper at residence 44.74 : . PENDING CASES' .. 1 35d'0021 CD hazardous fence 5-126 , CLOSED CASES 1 345 0012 CD no business permit 8-23d 1 362 0028 CD sign illuminating into residence 5-1l4d I...... e , - ~ .. e e TE LEPHONE (305) 327-1800 .,e e WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32708 MEMO Feb. 1, 1982 To: Lt. Bo Smart, Chief Govoruhk and All members of the Code Enforcement Board From: Jack Cooper, Code Enforcement Board Prosecutor Pursuant to your request I have solicited and obtained the Attorney's opinion regarding the jurisdiction of the Code Enforcement Board. Please find enclosed a copy of same which is self-explanatory. This will define what should be on the bi-monthly report. If you have any further questions, please discuss it with me. C9~~ LAW OFFICES JONES, MORRISON & STALNAKER, P. A. e 400 MAITLAND AVENUE ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32701 MICHAEL D. JONES WILLIAM H. MORRISON WALLACE F. STALNAKER, JR. MIKEL W. CARPENTER ALBERT R. COOK JEFFERSON C.SALTER (305) 834-8866 January 27, 1982 Jack Cooper, Code Prosecutor City of Winter Springs, Florida 400 N. Edgemon Avenue Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Jurisdiction of Code Enforcement Board Dear t-1r. Cooper: You have asked me to provide a legal interpretation of the jurisdictional limits of the Code Enforcement Board esta- blished by Winter Springs Code, Section 2-51 et. seq. In doing so, I have reviewed this code section as well as Florida Statute 166.051, et. seq., from which it derives. . Let me first note that I understand the reason for the con- fusion over the jurdiction of the Code Enforcement Board. Our Ordinance No. 266, which was the genesis of the present code, did not specifically define the code violations the Board can act upon. Our code section was enacted pursuant to Chapter 166 of the Florida Statutes and there is a specific reference to the Statute in Section 2-51. In the Statute, the intent is very clear: "It is the intent of this act to promote, protect, and improve the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the municipalities of this State by providing an equitable, expeditious, effective, and inexpensive method of enforcing the various occupa- tional license, fire, building, zoning, sign, and related technical codes enforced in municipalities." It seems quite clear that the legislature intended to limit the Code Enforcement Board to those specifically listed items. I have verified this in discussions with Mr. Claude Mullis, legal counsel for the Florida League of Cities, in Tallahassee. He has informed me that other municipalities have limited their Code Enforcement Boards to violations of technical codes. I am informed that there have been a number of Attorney General's opinions which support this interpretation although there have e e Jack Cooper, Code Prosecutor January 27, 1982 Page 2 been no court decisions on point. It was also suggested that to expand the role of the Code Enforcement Board by a liberal interpretation of this Act, or municipal equiva- lent of the Act, would be an unconstitutional infringement on the judiciary. I also would advise you that a strict interpretation of the jurisdiction of the Code Enforcement Board would be in the best interest of the City and would recommend that you limit the jurisdiction of the Board to those items specifically set forth in the Statute's Intent Clause cited above. If you have any further questions or would like more specific quidance on whether or not a particular item comes within this intent, I will be pleased to discuss these with you. SinCe~~(!)s~-. j AL~/tv~~o~ UH,- e ARC/SO cc: City Manager e .. e TELEPHONE (305) 327-1800 . e M E M 0 To: From: WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32708 Feb. 1, 1982 All members of the Code Enforcement Board Jack Cooper, Code Enforcement Board Prosecutor Pursuant to your request I have solicited and obtained the Attorney's opinion regarding the jurisdiction of the Code Enforcement Board. Please find enclosed a copy of same which is self-explanatory. e~~