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1999 03 22 Regular Item B
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM B 'Consent Informational Public Hearin Re ular X March 22. 1999 Meeting MGRr~~EPT. Authorization REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to consider approval of $3,500 for the Seminole Vision Program. PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to follow through on previous direction of the Commission to have this matter approved by the Commission for the FY 99 payment. CONSIDERATION: For the past two years the City Commission has approved annual contributions to the Seminole Chamber of Commerce to operate the Seminole Vision Program. When the Commission approve this matter in FY 98 the Commission decided that representatives of the program keep the Commission better informed as to the progress and benefit of the program and to provide the Commission a report prior to approval of the FY 99 contribution. Representatives of the program will be here to make the presentation. All cities in Seminole County and Seminole County Government has approved FY 99 contributions. FUNDING: The requested contribution for FY 99 is $3,500. This item is budgeted in the General Fund. Page 1 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission hear the report of representatives of Seminole Vision and decide if it desires to fund the program for FY 99. A IT ACHMENTS: January 6, 1998 letter from Seminole Vision. COMMISSION ACTION: Page 2 _.- 1 I iDt TI{rr;J.Err\~l1E1f\\ JJ\:.J~~"~ ..'Jlj) JAN 0 7 1999' January 6, 1998 CITY OF WiNTER SPRINGS City Manager Mr. Ronald McLemore City Manager, City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. McLemore: On behalf of The Seminole Vision, I am pleased to present for your review a report of the Vision's activities and accomplishments in 1998 and goals for this new year. We believe the accomplishments are exemphuy when you consider The Seminole Vision was funded only for seven months of 1998. We look forward to a great 1999. We have not lost momentum. Our corporate contributors are growing dramatically. In addition to The Pizzuti Companies and Lucent Technologies / Cirent Semiconductors, Orlando Regional Health Care Systems is our newest and largest private investor to date. For the third consecutive year, Seminole County Govenunent will match those dollars committed by the County's seven cities up to $17,500. We are very grateful that each c.ity has invested in the Vision for two consecutive years underscoring the strength of this unprecedented collaborative public/private partnership. We are therefore requesting the opportunity to appear on your city's agenda in January or early February at which time we will request that the city of Winter Springs invest $3,500 in The Seminole Vision for the calendar year 1999. Questions are welcome. My telephone number is 834.4404 ext. 222. ehalf of the Vision . . . rs, erg .~ , .... ,. The Seminole Vision ~~?X::~~~~::::-~~~::r~::::::::r:::::~~::::::::::*:::::::;;:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::.=::m.:::::::::*::::f.:::::::::t~::";::::::.=::m~~~*~~::~::::~:::~::?:::::::.e:e:~m.:~:::;x:~::m:::;X%:::r.&x:::~;;:::~~x::::m:::.:r;:?::m::::::~-::Y::~:mm::::::::::::*:::::::::::ili:::::::::: Established 1996 .' ~. :.:.:.:.:.:~:.:.:;:;:.:;:;:;:;:;:-:;:.:.:;:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:.:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:>x.:.:;:;:;;;;;:-:.:-;;;.;{{.;.:--;;:;:;:>:>:.;;;.;.;.:;:;.:{.:-:.:>:>:-:.;;;;:.:;7h:-;;:;:;':;;;';;:;:;;;7h;;:;';<-;;::;Yh;;;;:;:;::;.::.:-:;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;:<-;;;;;;y,*:-y.o>>>>**z.:'-:'{-7/..;<-:*;;;;;.:-:-:>:-7"::;;:::;:;:;;.;.;.7/'.;;;;;;:;:;':;;;:;;.;;;.:-:;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;;;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:.:-:;:.:;:;:.:;:.:.:;:.:;:.:.:.: Public-Private CommlO1ity Building Partnership ~ 150 CommlUlity Trustees ~ * Business & Economic Development * Connnunity Services (non- profits) * Public Safety * Transportation * Education * Healthcare * Govennnent * Religion ~ FlUlded By ~ * City of Altamonte Springs * City ofCasselbeny * City of Lake Mat)' * City ofLongwood * CityofOviedo * City of Sanford * City of Winter Springs * Seminole Cotlllty Government * The Pimtti Companies * Lucent Technologies I Cirent Semiconductor * Orlando Regional South Seminole Hospital #i. The Seminole VISion - History X<<o"N:<<<'......:<<<<<<<<.;...<<-;-;-;.;9;-:.:<<<<<<..~""~..:<<-:<<....:<<-;-;.X..._.":~ ;::::::~::::X::":::::::Q:.Q:~""~"hX"":<Oo'/.-:<<-:-::-:- In the summer of 1996 a small group of vi sionary community leaders asked; What should be the future of Seminole County? Is there a Vision for Seminole County? The Seminole Visioll ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;0-.....;.;.:->>'..;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;0;0;';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';0;';';';';';':';':':-:':';"-"';-:':':';':':';';';-:';';';':':';':';-;-;0;':-:';';';';';';0;';-;-;';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. They decided to find out. . . * October 1996: 107 Senior Community Leaders Invited: Business, HUlTIlm Services, Education, Government, Public Safety, Real Estate, Transportation, Healthcare * 104 Attended * For 1 Yz days they Talked and Worked to Define; * Current Realities. . . affecting Seminole County * Anticipated Future. . . of Seminole County * Desired Future. .. of Seminole County The Seminole VISion aHCC:;::'~:H;::;;:~::::::Q:Qacc::::C::::l:: ;; ,,;;:::c:::ca;:QQ;HC They discovered that. . . * Given an environment of equality and trust. . . * Honest dialogue on important issues would occur, * Consensus on a Desired Future could be established, * Innovative partnerships would be built, * The future of the community of Seminole could be intentionally and collaboratively created. * A Vision could be created. . . ~' The Seminole Vision ~:::::;:~:::::::::::::.:~::~:::::::::::::.:::::.:::::;:::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:::::;:::::::::::::::::::-::::::-:::::::::::::::::;:::::;::::~:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::':::::i:i:::::;:::::;:;:::::i:-:::::===-::::::i:i:i:i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::;:;:;::::==:*:::;:::;:::;:;:::::::::;:::;:;:::;:::i:::::i:i:::::;:;:;:;:;:::::::::::::;:;:i:::::::::::::;:':::::::::;:::::::;:::::::::::::i:::::::::::::i:::i:i:i:;:i:::i:i:::i::::::: . . . an innovative and diverse community dedicated to excellence, properity and quality of life for alL 'It, ,," The Mission :'l.::::::=-==-::">>:::::::~<::::W<<~*<<~~<<wm'M<=*:*~~~<:~'('(M::.x~<<W&:<<~U~~~~K.&:*::*~:(~>>~-&<'(.t.:::::::::::::<<:::::::(<<:::::::::X::::::::-::~*::$':W.&'*:(<<::&&::::::::::: of The Seminole VISion is to provide community leaders with opportunities to build bridges of cooperation designed to invent the future of Seminole County. In support of this, we commit to: CREAlE and MAINTAIN . . . a process where diverse community leaders from all perspectives in Seminole County can come together in a spirit of equality, trust and collaboration. SfRENGlHEN . . . the community of SemInole by identifYing opportunities and challenges. DEVElOP . . . innovative partnerships to capitalize on these opportunities. ~' .. , The Seminole Vision ::::::;:;;::;:;:::::;:;:::;:::::;::::::::;::::::::::::::::;=::;:::::::::::;:::::;:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:::::::::;:::;::::::::=:;;::=-;::;-..;;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::::::=::::;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;::::;:;:::::::;:::;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:::;:::;:::;:::::::;:;:;:::;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::;:::::;:::;:;:::;:;:::::::::::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:;:;=:::=;:;:::;:::::::;:;:::::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::::::;: Return on Investment *This Year (May -December) What has The Seminole Vision done? How is the community of Seminole better? * Funded for 7 months :.. '. 1998 - Return on Investment PARTNERSHIPS & INITIATIVES 1) Mayor's and Manager's Discussion Forum * Mayors & Managers from all seven cities * County Commissioner and County Manager * Quarterly Meetings (2 12 hours) * Rotating Locations * Additional Meetings as Needed 1998 - Return on Investment P ARTNERSHWS & INITIATIVES. Dialogue & Issues Relationship Building Opport:t.mity to infonnally interact Become more comfortable Build trust Adult Entertaimnent Information exchange and development of collaborative approach Orlando-Sanford Airport Noise abatement concerns & solutions Scheduled ckmestic airline service 1998 - Return on Investment P ARlNERSHWS & INITIATIVES ;gg~~C; :cccc :c~ :"c ~ caee:: :H:C.~ Hce::: c: ace:e ;cc leee"::;:;:::: ~ll: ::c~:.:: ::cc : :;:: =::: acae:::: c:: cc lla e:e:::: l:::: c: cc;caCQQ.::a: l Annexation/Boundary Adjustment Issues Currently exploring creation of procedures to handle overlapping interest, thereby reducing potential for misunderstanding and conflict Light Rail On-going opportunity to clarified positions, provide updates and search for common ground One-Voice Lobbying Currently preparing for I m legislative session by identifying common interests to COO1Il1unicate to the delegation Road Constmction Identified priorities and discussed overlapping concerns 1998 - Return on Investment PARTNERSHIPS & INTfIATIVES ~===-:Z:=-:.:::=-::::::-:=-W.(.(.(.(.(<<:(<<*=-::::':.:.~=:(.(.:.:::.:".(.:::.:::::.:::::<<::::::::::=-::::':.:.:.::::(.:.:.::::':.:::--<<::::<<3"*;:&&~::('<<':':{{:-:<<*Z::::('::::'::::'::'::'{":::::::::::::::.:::::~K<<::::'::::::::::'::=:::=:::::::'::'::::::':.::':~*::W.(,,*X::(.(<<::::::::::::$:.:.:::'::i':::r.:::::.::::::::::::::'::'::':W.(.::'::::::::;:;:::::*:::::::::::::::::'::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::'::'::::::::::':::::::::: 2) Business & Economic Development Group Fast Track Permitting Working with developers, Seminole County and Lake Mary to improve permitting process GIS Mapping System Assisting Seminole County to develop a GIS system that will be user-friendly to real estate and development interests. Insider's Guide to Seminole County Collaborating on the development of text and layout Declaration of Inter-Dependence Initiating a process to invite businesses, thoughout the county, to "sign" the declaration and then get involved in community betterment initiatives 1998 - Return on Investment PARTNERSHIPS & INITIATIVES .:.:-:o:.:.:o:--.o<<.;>oX<<o;-:v.v.~-"^,,".-:<l'""'''''''''''."':'''''''-:O:''''''':O:<-:O:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:<<-:-:-:-:-:-:-:<<<<<.X"-"'-:~:-:-:"'f._...::~-:<:-:.....:.,-:-:-:-:<-:-:-:-:-:....-:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:.:-:.:.:,:-:"-:-:-:-:'Z-:"'-:<<-:<<o':-:.c-:-:o(<<-:~<<<<<<<-:<:-:-:-:<<-:-:':O:<<<<-:<<-:':':':-:<':':':-:O::O::0::';':-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:':':':-:':-:-:':':':':';';':':':':':':.:.:.:.:-:.,-,- 3) Community Justice Coalition* EAST ALTAMONTE SPRINGS (pilot Project) Collaboration of Public Safety organizations intent on reducing crime and the fear of crime Partners include Seminole ColIDty Sherrif s Office Seminole ColIDty Probation Altamonte Springs Police Department Longwood Police Department Casselbeny Police Department State Attorney's Office Florida Department of Corrections Florida Department of Juvenile Justice PAY Program *Partnership Incubation of The Seminole VISion ;. ;:; 1998 - Return on Investment PARTNERSlDPS & INITIATIVES ..;.".';';"^"N:F.';o;';';"~.I".""''''~.fi''..VT.';N<.J'N7''''''.1''.':FF''''''hTJV......n~'''~h;O........;o;oXN'.1QI;Tn:F"'T.....,!I".I'...,...;-:."^'"'N...;O-H;o;N;/'..;'O;'~~7.V...~~..H.1'...~.....~~"r<P<I(~...-",N........;o;.;oNNNNNN.T~~-.n<.N'T........;N;/'N>>"...^.............N;.;o;.:,.;o;.^"..;,;,............,.....;........ 4) Healthcare Forum HEALTHY KIDS CORPORATION Organized collaborative public-private partnership that has the opportunity to offer health insurance to 2,000 uninsured children Public-Private Partners Seminole Health Department * Seminole Public Schools Florida Hospital * South Selninole Hospital * Central Florida Regional Seminole COlmty Government * Seminole Medical Society Benefits 1) Prevents/reduces needless medical complications 2) Use of emergency room decreases 3) Children receive needed care for chronic conditions 4) WOIkingparents have to take fewer days off for sick children 5) School attendance improves 6) School performance and behavior improves (with improved health) 1998 - Return on Investment PARTNERSIllPS & INITIATIVES :.;.;.;.;.;.r:';':-:':O>>:O::<<~-:-;O:<<<"'-:'X-:oY.<<<<-':-:-X-:-:(,-:-:.X<-~:-:o;.:.:-:.:<>:-:-:-:<<<o;<<.:<<-:<<<.x<<<<~.:.-::(<<..t;...;'.-::....-:<<.::<<~~.x<<<<<<<<<-x-x-x-:-:-x-:.:.x.;.....:.>>x<<<<<-:<<.:"/.-:';o:.:.:-x-:-x<<-:.:-:.:-:..-.:.;.:<<......<<-:.:-:.:.:-:.:.;.;.:.:-:ox.;.:-:-:-:<<.:-:.;.;.;.;.- 5) Healthy Community Initiative REGIONAL COLlABORATION Currently in the early stages of building connections with: Healthy Community Initiative of Orlando Community Visioning of Osceola A PLACE FOR CHILDREN Court House Child Care (Orange County Court House) Exploring potential for Seminole County 1998 - Return on Investment PARlNERSHIPS & INITIATIVES ';':';':':':':':';0;';<<.;.;-:-:-:0:-:':-:-:';';';-:-:':':':<<-:<<-:<<-:.:.:-:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;-:..-'x.,.;.:-:.:.:-:-:-:-:':';';';-:-:-:<<-:<<-:<<':<<-:-;':':':':-:-;<<0::-:-:-:-:-:':':':':-:';':';';';':<<';':-:-:-:-:-:<<';<<';':-:-:-:.:.:.x<<<<.:-:-:-:-:.:-.xo::.-.<<<<<<<oQo;<<<<-:-:<<oX<<<,,".<<.:~-:.:-:-:-:<.;-:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:.;..;.;.;.:.:.:-:.>>:-:-:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:-:<<.:-:-:.:0:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.;-:.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.: 6) Religious Leaders Group INTEGRITY / ETHICS SURVEY The Seminole Visionary, October Issue 15% Return Rate (24/160) 80% of Responders want to learn more Sample Question: Does a lack of integrity affect the bottomline? Sample Reponse "Absolutelyl Dishonesty on employee's part increases costs; dishonesty on management's part increases turnover, causes low morale and passive aggressive behavior which all affects the bottomline. Sample Question: How do you personally respond to the temptation to lie and/or distort the truth? 29% I never lie ...... 71 % J really struggle to never lie . . . hut sometimes I do. 1998 - Return on Investment PARlNERSHIPS & INITIATIVES '.:0::,:,:,:,:,:,:,;,:,:,;_:,:-:-:-:-:-:':-:_:_:':':':':':-:0::0::0::0::':-:.:.:.;.:.:-:-:.:.:-:.:-:-:-:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;-:.....:-:-:-:-:.;.:-:.;.;.;.;.;-:.;-:.;.;.;.;-:.;.;-:.;.;.;.;.:-::.:-;.;-:.;.:-:.....;.;-:.;-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;-:-:.;.:-:-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;-:.;-:.;.;-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-:<<-:.;.;.x.;.;-:.;-:-:.;.;-:-:-:-:.;-:-:-:.:-:.;.:.;-:.:.;-:.;.;.;.;.;.;-:.;.:-:.;.;.;.;.;.;-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;-:.:-:-:-:-:.;.:-:-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-;.;.;.;.;.;.,.,." COMMUNITY EDUCATION EVENT · Religious leaders currently developing a proposal to sponsor a community event on personal ethics · Currently researching speakers and program format .. . .. 1998 - Return on Investment PARTNERSHIPS & INITIATIVES .......oV'.u.....J'.................v...................v........"".....r......"'..H.............,........."",..,".............,..,..t'.I'J'.....VH......................"'......N....v..........J'.........................~"'^^"'^"""...,."..,..,,,................J'......,,,,,..,~..N.......................U...."'J'......N.....V..J"N~...../'..........".................v............ 7) Chamber Relations Discussions At the invitation of The Seminole Vision, all four Chambers of Commerce in Seminole County Greater Seminole Chamber Lake Mary-Heathrow Chamber Oviedo Chamber Sanford Chamber Are meeting to identify; Areas of Common Interest Opportunities for Increased Collaboration 1998 - Return on Investment PARTNERSHIPS & INITIATIVES 8) The Seminole Visionary - Newsletter Quarterly Publication 1998 July October 1999 January April July October Provides Up-Dates on Partnerships and Initiatives Featured Article 1999 Goals ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................," MovDlg ever closer Ii) die VlSioll To Be Completed in 1999 ~ Fast Track Permitting ~ GIS Mapping System ~ Insiders Guide to Seminole County ~ Integrity I Ethics SUIVey: Report ~ Chamber Relations Oiscusssions 1999 Goals .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:.:.;.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:-z.:.:.:':':':':':':-:':'-/.':':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:.:-:.:.:.:.:- Movmg ever closer to the Vision On~ing Partnerships ~ Mayor's & Manager's Discussion Fonn ~ Business & Economic Development Group ~ Community Justice Coalition ~ Healthcare Fonnn ~ Religious Leaders Group 1999 Goals y~y~.=.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~.:..:.:..:.:.~:..:.:.:..:..:..~.y-:.~:-:-:-:.:.:.:..-.;.:....:-:.:..:-:.:..:-=-:.:~.:-:..:-:-:..:.:-:..-..:-:~...oI:..H-:<<<<.e.....".U..:<<-:-:-:O::"H.:.:-:q..:.=-:..:-:-:<<.:.:~.;.<<<-.".U"",,,,:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:<<<<-:-: Moving ever closer to the VISion On-Going lnitiativ~ ~ Orlando-Sanford Aiqx:>rt Issues & Opportunities ~ Boundary I Amexation Adjustment Protocol ~ Adult Fntertainment Discussion & Coordination ~ One-Voice Lolliying ~ East Altamonte Springs Public Safety Initiative ~ Healthy Kids Corporation ~ The Seminole VISionary Newsletter .. . ", ~ . 1999 Goals ;.;.;.;-;...........~.~.-;~..;.7.-;.;.;.^........;-;...-;........;.;...;.;.;.;...;.-.-;.7..;......~..........r.-;-;-;.-.-;v.-;-;-;.;.;.-..;.;....;......;..^-;.;-;..........;,.c...H,.;o;...:V..:o;q..-..-..-..;.-.....;.;.;.;,.;.;....-.-;.-..;.-..;....;....;....;.;...;-;0;-;.....;...;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.-..;..., MOVDlg ever closer to die VISion On-Going Social Capital Building ~ All Initiatives, Innovations and Partnerships ~ Pulse-Taking Efforts Interviews, Focus Groups, Surveys 1999 Goals .~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:-::-:-::~:-:.:.:.:-::.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: MOVDIg ever closer to die Vision New / Expanded Initiatives ~ ~onal Collaboration with Healthy COIllrmmity Initiatives of Orange and Osceola ~ Re-energlzing of Education Group ~ Seminole Vision Conference: Ethics Focus ~ Non-PmfitFmdingFormula Improve ACCOlIDtability & Duplication Concerns ~ Broaden the Base Spea:l the word about The Seminole VISion Bring more people into the process 1999 Goals x<<~",,,,,,,:,>>,,"':<<<<"..x<<q"'H,,,..>>,,,,,,<<".-:<<-':.yh>>"..xCg.,;;; ....;.;:c~;;>>.>>>>X;l;;;:;;;;;...~"'.wA<<<<<<<<.../........x.:....:<<.....>>'>> MOVDIg ever closer to die VISion Organizational & Infrastructure ~ SolidifY aBoard of Directors I Chairman ~ Identify and Implement Formal Organizational Structure ~ Identify and Implement Sustainable Flll1ding Strategy " Ir- '- .. '...., ~ The Seminole Vision Established 1996 . ' of ., ~ -- , '~ , I' i t. :. I n::::.:,:,:\,,:.:/"" '.:" . .. .:.\:c..,.,..,........... .... ...... ...................... ..,...,.:-.......,.... .......... .' ..., ':}': .. '. . ",:":"': ......,. . . ,',',',',.. .""". ,...,..... ......:.... ...,',',',',.......::',...:'.,':,,':.:' :,:........ ,>:). :..':' '. .:::,."..:"::::. ::'.:'..' .:.. . . .', .... .'. '. '), . ..' :..::,:;. ':::?:::;::'. :.: :.':,:::::: . .'.:., ':'.. . ...,;'::::::,,:,.,:: .':::', ." . '.!::i '1 :::':' ::::::...::.' :.;:: '.:':: .,::.:(:..:::::/\:.::.:q,::::,":,:::: '. :::: ..:::::,,::, r: :::. . .... . ',;: '. :::':. ... ;'. ;:!'j.j:;:j:lll:i >il:J:' }:::::{i.::':';::::. :it. .::,::: '.: ....i . .: .::::':<::..:';:;::;.:: \::':::;:::r." :',. .::':..i::':::::: . . :. .'. , .... ......: :":,,'..' .:0::' . ......: ..,:-., .' :,':' ........ .}{: ... ....:.. . ....::.,:..::::,.::::,. I ::::;:::,..::X:::::...... ......;. ..':: '.':;:. 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