HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 03 08 Regular Item C
Pu blic Hearing
Regular X
March 8, 1999
Mgr. /
The Community Development Department requests the Commission table an
Interlocal Agreement between the City and the County addressing the design,
maintenance and construction for the relocated Cross Seminole Trail segments
located within the new Town Center scheduled for March 8, 1999.
The purpose of this agenda item is to request the Commission table an Interlocal
Agreement between the City and the County for the design, construction and
maintenance of the realigned sections of the Cross Seminole Trail (paved and
unpaved) located within the Town Center, as depicted in Exhibit "A" of the
Interlocal Agreement.
The provisions of260.012(5) F.S. which states "it is the intent of the Legislature to officially
recognize the Florida National Scenic Trail as Florida's official statewide trail from the Florida
Panhandle to the Everglades. It is also the intent of the Legislature to encourage all state,
regional and local agencies who acquire lands to include in their land buying efforts the
acquisition of sufficient legal interest in the lands over which the trail passes to ensure its
continued existence in a permanent location."
The provisions of260.012(3) F.S. which state" The planning development, operation, and
maintenance of the Florida Greenways and Trails System authorized by 250.011 - 260.018 is
declared to be a public purpose, and the Department of Environmental Protection together with
other governments and agencies of the state and all counties, municipalities, and special districts
of this state, is authorized to spend public funds for such purpose and to accept gifts and grants
of funds, property, or property rights from public or private sources to be used for such
purposes. "
. The Cross Seminole Trail which will traverse the City of Winter Springs and its Town
Center is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail.
· Dover, Kohl & Partners has recommended that the existing alignment of the trail in the
northeast quadrant of State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road be relocated to enhance the
economic development potential and design of the Town Center.
. The City staff has held discussions with Schrimsher Properties, and Michael Schrimsher
has provided a letter dated June 8, 1998 agreeing to provide the land area necessary to
meet state requirements for a 2 for 1 exchange.
· The City, on April 2, 1998 submitted a Trail Realignment application to the Office of
Greenways and Trails (OGT) of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
· On September 23, 1998, OGT notified the City that the State requires a letter from the
County transmitting a complete stand-alone realignment application. In addition to the
cover letter from Seminole County, the application must include sketches depicting the
proposed exchange parcels and a list of landowners within 500 feet of the State owned
parcel (the parcel to be surplused).
· On October 9, 1998, the City provided the required sketches and listing of landowners to
the county. Also included was a draft Interlocal Agreement which addressed
maintenance and construction responsibilities.
· On October 21, 1998, the City received a letter from the County stating that Staff was
reviewing the material submitted. The transmittal letter included revisions to the
proposed InterlocaI Agreement.
. The City Staff reviewed the revised InterJocal Agreement and suggested minor changes
in a meeting with County Staff of November 25, 1998.
· County Staff presented an Interlocal Agreement to the County Commission for their
review and approval on December 8, 1998.
· The City Commission tabled consideration of the Interlocal Agreement on December 14,
1998, January 11, 1999, January 24, 1999, February 8, 1999 and on February 22, 1999.
. The Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Greenways and Trails
conditioned the Town Center Greenspace and Trails $4,800,000 acquisition project on
the formal approval by the Governor and Cabinet of the realigned Trail.
. The Interlocal Agreement, if approved, obligates the City, in perpetuity, to design, build
and maintain the relocated portions of the Trail within the Town Center.
. Once the Interlocal Agreement is approved by both parties, the application to relocate the
Trail will be submitted to the State Office of Greenways and Trails. After review by
affected state agencies, the surplus/exchange of land for the relocated Trails will be
placed on the agenda for final action by the Governor and Cabinet.
The City plans to apply for State and Federal grants to assist in the construction of the relocated
trail. It is anticipated that maintenance funds will be obtained from a special maintenance
assessment district.
Staff recommends that the City Commission table the "Interlocal Agreement" between the City
of Winter Springs and Seminole County for the design, construction and maintenance of the
relocated sections of the Cross Seminole Trail within the City of Winter Springs Town Center.