HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 08 11 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 2004 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Dawna Ferguson called the Regular Meeting of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board to order at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 11, 2004 in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Dawna Ferguson, present Vice Chairman Richard Grogan, arrived 7:01 p.m. Board Member Kathleen Andrews, present Board Member Alice Bard, absent Board Member Ethel Beecher, present Board Member Carol Morrison, present Board Member Lorry Roero, present The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Ferguson. Mr. Steven Richart, Urban Beautification Coordinator, Public Works Department, requested to give a "Holiday Decorations" slide presentation. II. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT A. Approval Of The July 14, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes. "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BEECHER. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN GROGAN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER ANDREWS: AYE BOARD MEMBER BEECHER: AYE BOARD MEMBER MORRISON : AYE BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE CHAIRPERSON FERGUSON : AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 11,2004 PAGE20F8 Mr. Richart gave a slide presentation on the Holiday decorations in the City of Winter Springs that was also shown at the City Commission Meeting on Monday, August 9, 2004. Board Member Ethel Beecher commented that, "If you ever do that over or you show it to anybody else, I would like to see the trees in front of City Hall because they are just so spectacular when they are all lit up." Mr. Richart stated, "What they [City Commission] decided to do at the Commission Meeting - they said that they want to go ahead this year, since we do not have a place to plant it yet, we were going to get a live tree and bring it in and either cut it off - at the base where the root ball is supposed to be and then actually use that and just throw it away or bring in a live tree temporarily. Then next year - we can permanently plant it." In regards to the slide presentation, Board Member Beecher stated, "Thank you - that is nice because it gives us the inventory of all of the 'Fall' decorations." Mr. Richart responded, "Thanks to Dawna [Chairperson Ferguson] she provided me with a lot of information and we scanned through all of the records and now we can keep our inventory current from this point on." Board Member Beecher complimented Chairperson Ferguson. III. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR A. Discussion Of Decorative Pot Pricing For City Hall. With discussion, Chairperson Ferguson offered, "My suggestion would be - if we really want to pursue this - if anybody gets the opportunity to go out and do some looking this next month and bring some information back to the next Meeting." Mr. Richart mentioned the new Budget year which begins October 1, 2004. Board Member Beecher stated, "I did go out to Buck Creek [Nursery]. He told me that he had catalogs." Mr. Richart stated, "That would be fine too if we could get some catalogs. I could run by there this weekend and have him do that." Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Let us take a Vote. All those in Favor of purchasing these pots that we have been quoted on - all those in Favor raise your hand." None of the Board Members raised their hand. Chairperson Ferguson stated, "I need a Motion, please, on the floor, to go ahead with the proposal that Steven [Richart] has in regards to the pots that we chose from 'W ausau Tile' ." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICA nON OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 11,2004 PAGE 3 OF 8 "MOTION AS SAID." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN GROGAN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ANDREWS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER ANDREWS: AYE BOARD MEMBER BEECHER: AYE CHAIRPERSON FERGUSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER MORRISON: AYE BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN GROGAN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Board Member Beecher asked Mr. Richart, "How long does it take Steve [Richart]?" Mr. Richart stated, "Four (4) to six (6) weeks." In addition, Mr. Richart stated, "What I can do is - a graphic representation like I did the Town Center. And, look at what the pots would look like with certain things in it." Board Member Beecher added, "We talked about adding something in lieu of Plumbago." Discussion. REGULAR B. Arbor Day Discussion. Mr. Mike Mingea, City ArboristlEnvironmental Inspector, Community Development Department, presented this Agenda Item. Mr. Mingea stated, "If the City is going to have something to do with the actual Ceremony and have something to do with some form of a 'tree', I would feel - better if this particular Board and the City Arborist - be involved - at least in - the evening of the ceremony." Chairperson Ferguson stated, "I think most people would do it even if they were not on the BOWS [Beautification of Winter Springs] Board." Mr. Richart stated, "I believe Chris Carson [Parks and Recreation Department] is heading that up if we could get with him and let him know where we are going with that. I know he is in charge of getting that done." With discussion regarding the tree that Mr. Bob Opsahl, Member-Eyewitness News Team, donated to Winter Park for Christmas Ceremonies, Board Member Beecher stated, "I'll see if! can call over there and see if! can find out what kind of a tree it is." Board Member Carol Morrison noted previous Christmas Holiday decorations. Chairperson Ferguson complimented Mr. Alan Hill, Public Works Superintendent, for his assistance at a previous Christmas Holiday event. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 11,2004 PAGE 4 OF 8 Discussion. Board Member Kathleen Andrews proposed "Bat Houses" as a discussion for the next Agenda. Mr. Mingea handed out flyers labeled "FYI Tree Facts" and stated, "Try to get back to this at a future date." Discussion. Tape I/Side B Noted discussion ensued regarding the City Arborist meeting with Elementary Schools to make the children more aware of "Arbor Day". Discussion also included having a Poster Board Contest with a prize at the Arbor Day event. Discussion ensued regarding having a class on the "Proper Way to Plant" at the Arbor Day event. With discussion on a shelter for the Arbor Day Volunteers, Board Member Beecher requested, "We have to have some kind of tent or shelter." Mr. Richart stated, "We will get some tents." Discussion ensued regarding coordinating with the Elementary Schools and Police Explorers to tie into the Arbor Day event. Vice Chairman Richard Grogan stated, "I will possibly go see what - events [are] going on; if they have a schedule of events - by our next Meeting." In addition, Vice Chairman Grogan stated, "Let's see if I can go next Monday." Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Just Elementary, just keep Winter Springs." Chairperson Ferguson named the Elementary Schools, "Highlands, Winter Springs, Layer, Keeth and then Rainbow if we - choose that one." Board Member Beecher stated, "We need to - decide on a date, and a time, and a location and then we can fill in with all the activities. One thing is we - need to start earlier." Board Member Andrews stated, "The sheet that we give about each tree, it would - be - nicer if they were put together on a pad where we could just rip one off and hand it to them." Board Member Andrews also stated, "We could go around to different printers and see if we can get a good deal. I wouldn't mind doing that." Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTWICA T10N OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 11,2004 PAGE50F8 Chairperson Ferguson stated, "If we change our location from being off that hot asphalt, out in the wide open sun, underneath some shade on some grassy area, I am not opposed to staying the way it has always been." Board Member Beecher stated, "I would prefer it to be around Arbor Day." Board Andrews stated, "I would too." Chairperson Ferguson asked, "Is that the consensus?" Vice Chairman Grogan stated, "That is fine." No Board Members objected. Chairperson Ferguson summarized, "So, it is going - to stay at the Town Center in a shady, comfortable area." In addition, Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Then we are going to continue to do it the last Friday, I mean, the first Saturday after the last Friday in April." Vice Chairman Grogan nodded yes. Chairperson Ferguson also stated, "Continue in April? We are going to stay at the Town Center, different location, right?" Board Member Beecher nodded in agreement. Mr. Mingea stated, "Good." No Board Members objected. In regards to the PTA (Parent, Teacher Association) Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Are we going to look at the PTA's (Parent, Teacher Association)? Are we going to try and do something? Does everybody think that is a good idea to bring the kids in?" Mr. Mingea stated, "I am going to look for contests and come up with some prize limits and come up with some financial amounts; four (4) things that we would purchase that would be gifts of tree related - nature. Give maybe one grand prize that is the dedicated planting; a plaque or something. I am for all those ideas." Discussion ensued regarding advertising through the Winter Springs Voice and Sanford Herald. Board Member Beecher suggested "Face Painting" for the children at the event. Chairperson Ferguson stated, "That is a very good idea." Board Member Andrews stated, "We have a lady in the Highlands who paints faces." Board Member Lorry Roero asked, "How about a slogan? We could start now and let it be out there, but leading up to Arbor Day?" With discussion on slogans, Board Member Roero stated, "'Trees Equal Oxygen/Oxygen Equals Life'. 'Plant A Tree Today', or 'Save A Tree And Live'." Mr. Richart stated, "How about 'Trees For Life'?" Board Member Roero stated, "'Trees To Live'." Mr. Mingea stated, "We will try to come up with a couple of - things we could - put up on a screen next time - or the time thereafter because I may be gone the middle of September [2004] and you [Mr. Richart] could show them a couple of logos." Vice Chairman Grogan stated, "What if we had a bumper sticker that just says - 'Winter Springs Tree City USA'." Discussion. Mr. Richart mentioned that, "We won the 'Growth Award' last year." Tape 2/Side A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST II, 2004 PAGE60F8 Discussion ensued regarding blooming trees for "Arbor Day Giveaway". Vice Chairman Grogan stated, "So far we have gotten down to this; same time, same place [Town Center] and blooming trees." Vice Chairman Grogan asked of Mr. Mingea, "You give us a suggestion of five (5) - trees." Discussion ensued regarding the Tabebulia tree. Mr. Mingea suggested, "You have - the Plum which is the native Plum; either Flatwoods or Chickasaw. That is a white bloomer." Mr. Mingea also suggested, "Red Bud." In addition, Mr. Mingea stated, "If you are looking for survivable - you mentioned - the Holly, but which Holly were you considering?" Board Member Beecher stated, "East Palatka." Mr. Mingea stated, "East Pal atka is having a - problem currently with some disease issues. I would be reluctant to promote." Mr. Mingea suggested, "Sometimes the Japanese Plum is available." Furthermore, Mr. Mingea added for consideration, "Evergreen, nice - fruit; stays relatively small. It can grow in limited shade or full sun or small spaces." As a final suggestion, Mr. Mingea stated, "I believe we could get a reasonable amount of the Red Buckeyes, probably fifty (50) or more." Mr. Richart stated, "I think we should have those." With discussion, Mr. Richart stated, "So, if you had the Red Buckeye, the Plums..." Chairperson Ferguson stated, "No Oaks - no Sycamores, and no Maples. Let's try it." No Board Members objected. Mr. Mingea stated, "Put out the theme on the 'Bloom'." Board Member Andrews stated, "I had a lot of requests for Magnolias." Mr. Mingea stated, "I don't object to Magnolias. Are you looking at Magnolia as small, medium, or large?" Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Let's go dwarf on that." Chairperson Ferguson stated, "We have the Town Center. Same place, different location. We have all five (5) trees. We have some ideas as to bringing in the public to participate." Vice Chairman Grogan stated, "PTA (Parent, Teacher Association), Explorers." Board Member Beecher asked, "What are the five (5) trees that we have?" In response, Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Redbud, Tabebulia, Chickasaw Plum, Japanese Plum." Mr. Mingea stated, "As a maybe - put Red Buckeyes, and Dwarf (Magnolia). Twenty footers (20')." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST II, 2004 PAGE70F8 Then, Mr. Mingea noted, "If I had to pick - I would favor a smaller growing - Magnolia than a Japanese Plum." Furthermore, Mr. Mingea stated, "But, I would still favor Magnolia." Chairperson Ferguson asked Mr. Mingea, "Can you contract these out?" Furthermore, Mr. Mingea stated, "Phone ahead and get - some commitment. Get- certain sizes, dimensions." Mr. Mingea stated, "I can do that part, not a problem." With discussion, Mr. Mingea stated, "It gives us a little variability. This is our range we can pick from. These five (5), six (6), or seven (7) items." Mr. Richart stated, "What we need to do - is have some larger posters that we can show off what they (trees) are going to look like." Mr. Richart stated, "This is a good list. We need to have a representation of what it is going to look like." Chairperson Ferguson said, "Exactly, I agree." Board Member Morrison stated, "So, we need have it by the tree." Mr. Richart asked, "Can we get the Nursery to do them when they grow them?" Mr. Mingea, "There could be someone contracted." Mr. Richart stated, "I did not like the sign in." Mr. Richart also stated, "How do we do it to where it flows?" Mr. Richart stated, "They (City of Winter Springs' residents) could bring their bill. We could stamp it when they get their tree." With discussion regarding the water bill, Mr. Mingea stated, "We could advertise it in the water bill when it goes out month after month, 'Bring Your Receipt'." Discussion ensued regarding costs for trees. Vice Chairman Grogan stated, "Again - about the picture, if we - could have a picture that is three by four (3 x 4) of that tree on a stake sitting behind about one hundred and fifty (150) of them." Mr. Mingea stated, "You could get some of this - from the Forestry Department and maybe even from the University of Florida. If we can get permission to reproduce, you could probably get them printed out, but it may cost a few bucks." Vice Chairman Grogan stated, "Make sure that we have a large colored - [sign] for each tree that we have." Board Member Morrison suggested to, "Put it [sign] in a PVC tube." Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Good idea." Mr. Richart stated, "Maybe a month before [Arbor Day] we can have the trees on the Website where they can read about each tree." Vice Chairman Grogan stated, "Another thing is going to the Homeowner Associations and telling them about this." Vice Chairman Grogan asked, "Is there a master list of the [Homeowner] Associations?" Mr. Mingea stated, "There is a Police Officer and she - coordinates with each and all those throughout the City." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST II, 2004 PAGE80F8 Discussion ensued regarding sending letters to notify the Homeowner Associations about Arbor Day. Mr. Mingea asked, "If somebody wanted to inquire at the Police Department." Vice Chairman Grogan stated, "I will do that." Chairperson Ferguson said to Mr. Mingea, "Would you like to come back next month?" Mr. Mingea spoke of previous plans for September. Chairperson Ferguson then asked, "How about coming in October [2004]?" Mr. Mingea stated, "Wonderful." IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Discussion on "Bat Houses". . Finalize the plants and a presentation on arrangements to fit into the decorative pots. . Discussion on Arbor Day and participation by other organizations. . Update on George Street. V. REPORTS Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Don't - forget about dinner (Advisory Board/Committee Appreciation Dinner) Saturday night; seven o'clock." VI. ADJOURNMENT With consensus of the Committee, Chairperson Ferguson adjourned the Meeting at 9:07 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: ~ DEBBIE FRANKLIN DEPUTY CITY CLERK Note from the Deputy City Clerk: After the October 13, 2004 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Meeting had concluded, there was discussion regarding the Motioned corrections to the August 11, 2004 Minutes, it was determined that the Minutes did not need to be changed. NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the October 13 .2004 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Meeting.