HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 04 14 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING APRIL 14,2004 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Dawna Ferguson called the Regular Meeting of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board to order at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 14, 2004 in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Dawna Ferguson, present Vice Chairman Richard Grogan, absent Board Member Kathleen Andrews, absent Board Member Alice Bard, present Board Member Ethel Beecher, present Board Member Carol Morrison, arrived at 7:06 p.m. Board Member Lorry Roero, present The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Ferguson. II. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT A. Approval Of The March 10,2004 Regular Meeting Minutes. "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BEECHER. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON FERGUSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE BOARD MEMBER BEECHER: AYE BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion ensued regarding the Village Walk project. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14,2004 PAGE 2 OF 7 Mr. Ned Voska, 1466 Whitehall Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida 32708: commented that the businesses are not being notified regarding the status of the "State Road 434 Beautification - Village Walk project". Mr. Steve Richart, Urban Beautification Coordinator, Public Works Department stated, "If you would like to come by City Hall tomorrow, if you an opportunity, I will be glad to meet with you and we can - go over all that. I can show you the plans and - answer any questions for you on that. " .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, PORTIONS OF THE REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS "A" AND "B" ARE NOT NECESSARIL Y DOCUMENTED AS THEY WERE DISCUSSED DURING THE MEETING..:":. III. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR A. Discussion With Mr. Michael Mingea, City Arborist, Community Development Department Regarding The Final Plans For Arbor Day. Board Member Carol Morrison arrived at 7:06 p.m. Mr. Michael Mingea, ArboristlEnvironmental Inspector, Community Development Department, provided information regarding Arbor Day activities and the City's Arbor Day events scheduled for May 1,2004 at the Town Center. Discussion. With discussion, Mr. Mingea presented an Orlando Sentinel newspaper article regarding size increments of trees and respective fines. Mr. Mingea stated, "If you need any information of Public Record, I am sure that Ms. Franklin [Deputy City Clerk, Debbie Franklin] - would have something available for you or somebody in the City Clerk's office. I can give you what little bit that I know about it, or if you need any additional information, we will try to provide that." In regards to Arbor Day [May 1, 2004] advertising, Mr. Mingea stated, "We [City of Winter Springs] have - hit the front page [Tuscawilla Today]. Mr. Richart has been kind enough to help - orchestrate all of this and provide information to - give them a little outgoing information to the public." Discussion. Discussion ensued regarding the types of trees for giveaway on Arbor Day. Tape I/Side A (With Technical Difficulties) Mr. Mingea indicated that he spoke to Ms. Andrews [Board Member Kathleen Andrews] regarding assistance for Arbor Day and she left him her phone number for anybody to contact. Mr. Mingea stated, "If we do have some of the members here that wish to attend we have plenty - to do." Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTlFICA TlON OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14,2004 PAGE30F7 Tape I/Side B (With Technical Difficulties) REGULAR B. Discuss The Tree Information Guide Brochure. Mr. Richart presented an "Arbor Tree Guide". Mr. Richart asked the Board Members to critique the Guide and give him feedback. With discussion on the Arbor Brochure, Chairperson Ferguson stated, "I think Steven [Richart] did a really good job on it." Mr. Richart replied, "Thank you." Board Member Ethel Beecher requested that Mr. Richart add a "tree name" to a non-referenced picture in the Arbor Brochure. Mr. Richart indicated, "I could do that. Actually, the resolution on that tree is not the greatest. I may try to change it out." Board Member Beecher also commented that it would be helpful to identify the picture of the Brazilian Pepper. Mr. Richart responded, "Okay." Chairperson Ferguson restated, "I think you did an outstanding job." Mr. Richart stated, "Thank you." Chairperson Ferguson asked, "So, [are] you going to bring back to us at the next Meeting, maybe?" Mr. Richart stated, "How about I bring you one when it is printed. I will bring everybody some. In fact, maybe we will bring a hundred (100) in [and] you - can hand them out." Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Good." Chairperson Ferguson requested that the Board Members station at the Arbor Day site be in the shade. Mr. Richart replied, "We will do the best we can." With comments, Mr. Richart requested that the Board Members be at the site no later than 9:00 a.m. and also indicated that there will be "Dignitary Parking" at Publix. Discussion ensued regarding assistance and setup at the Arbor Day site. Board Member Alice Bard stated, "I do not know if I am going to be able to come or not. I am going to be doing this 'Relay for Life' - over at the high school." Discussion ensued regarding more detailed text to the brochure explaining "tree permit" requirements. Mr. Richart asked, "How can we reword that to - number two (2) and three (3)? How could we redo that to make it easier to understand?" Board Member Beecher suggested, "On number two (2), 'regardless if - living or dead, an Arbor Permit is required for removal if over four (4) inches'." Mr. Richart stated, "Okay, we will- tack that on." Mr. Richart indicated he will wordsmith the "Guide" to reflect more information on "tree permits". REGULAR C. Discuss And Finalize The Purpose Statement. Board Members Beecher, Roero, and Ferguson, in this respective order, read aloud their proposed 'Purpose Statement'. Board Member Beecher stated, "I think we will give it to him [Mr. Richart] and then let him wordsmith them." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14,2004 PAGE40F7 REGULAR D. Discuss The Next Phase Of The Master Plan. Discussion ensued regarding a draft of "Florida Friendly Landscape Model Ordinance". Mr. Richart requested that the Board Members, "Read through - and see what you think about it. Maybe you can tell me [at] the next Meeting." Tape 2/Side A Furthermore, Board Member Beecher suggested that informative gardening issues could be placed in the [City] newsletter. Mr. Richart also suggested that the informative issues be placed on the website. REGULAR E. Update On The Town Center. Mr. Richart discussed updates and preliminary pictures of new development of the Town Center. Chairperson Ferguson stated, "You did an outstanding job on the pictures." Mr. Richart replied, "Thank you." Discussion ensued regarding Village Walk and the State Road 434 project. Mr. Richart indicated that pictures on the project are in the [City Hall] lobby and he will bring a full set of the plans to the next Meeting. REGULAR F. Update On The Scroll Work For The City Limit Sign Poles. Mr. Richart indicated that this project was turned over to Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, AS LA, Senior Planner, Community Development Department. Mr. Richart also indicated that, "She is going to let me know when - he can release it." REGULAR G. Update On The City Of Winter Springs Video Tape Including Town Center Footage. Mr. Richart explained that the "Video" was put on hold until the Town Center is further along. Mr. Richart indicated, "I will keep you updated." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICA TION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14,2004 PAGE50F7 REGULAR H. Update On The Revised Plans For The Butterfly Garden. Mr. Richart presented the Butterfly Garden Plan. With discussion, Mr. Richart requested that the Board Members, "Review this - until our next Meeting. Let me know if you agree with all of this. Let me know if there's any changes you want before we go to final on this." On other business related matters, Board Member Beecher indicated that one of the City Commissioners wanted to know if plants and trees could be planted at George Street. Mr. Richart indicated, "We are going to give an "Informational Item" to the [City] Commission - what we are doing, the sixteen (16) trees we are putting in." IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Feedback on Arbor Day, with Mike Mingea. . Review of the Florida Friendly Model Ordinance. . Review of the Village Walk. . Final Review of the Master Purpose Statement. . Look at Moss Road and come back with ideas. . Review and finalization of the Butterfly Garden Plans. V. REPORTS Chairperson Ferguson requested from the City Clerk's Office a Beautification of Winter Springs Board roster for the next Meeting. Chairperson Ferguson discussed the Sunshine Law Seminar and stated, "It was very informative. It was very good. It really was. Does it matter that we are an Advisory Board? Once we leave this room we are not to discuss business. You can talk to Staff all you want, but amongst ourselves, we are not allowed to discuss any City [of Winter Springs] business." VI. ADJOURNMENT "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ADJOURN TONIGHT'S MEETING." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BEECHER. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE BOARD THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Chairperson Ferguson adjourned the Meeting at 8:30 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: ~~~ DEBBIE FRANKLIN . DEPUTY CITY CLERK CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14,2004 PAGE 6 OF 6 NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the Mav 12 .2004 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Meeting.