HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 04 10 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING APRIL 10, 2002 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Ethel Beecher called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., Wednesday, April 10, 2002 in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Ethel Beecher, present Vice Chairperson Dart Helgeson, present Board Member Alice Bard, present Board Member Dawna Ferguson, present Board Member Richard Grogan, present Board Member Carol Morrison, absent Board Member William Poe, present The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. II. CONSENT CONSENT A. Approval Of The March 13, 2002 Regular Meeting Minutes. Chairperson Beecher asked for a "Motion to approve the Minutes". "SO MOVED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED AS DOCUMENTED. .:. .:. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 10,2002 PAGE2 OF 7 III. REGULAR REGULAR B. Median Landscaping Discussion With Mr. Alan Hill, Superintendent, Public Works Department. Board Member Dawna Ferguson distributed a copy of her written Findings to Mr. Alan Hill, Superintendent, Public Works Department, and spoke of her landscaping concerns throughout the City, such that "All islands are on the decline, dry, weedy", ant infestations prevalent, and the trees and plants are not being cut back. Mr. Hill informed the Board, "They [Contractor] were given a letter, sent out a letter today to shape up or ship out." Mr. Hill also advised, "If I don't see an improvement they are going to lose, they were threatened with the possibility of losing one (1) or more of the contracts." The Board and Mr. Hill discussed the Landscape/I-Iardscape Maintenance Coordinator position, duties, and responsibilities. In regards to photographing the medians each month, Chairperson Beecher stated, "Dawna [Board Member Ferguson] has volunteered to do it herself for three (3) months or six (6) months or whatever because she feels that there'd be more continuity. If she goes out this month and she sees all these things, then she passes it along to someone else they may not see what she saw and won't know if there has been any improvement or decline. So she thinks it would be better for one (1) person to do it and I agree. I think that's great. If she wants to do that and when she is going to be out of town - and she can't do it then another Board Member - then we can start over at the top of the list again. So would somebody put that in the form of a Motion?" "SO MOVED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. BOARD MEMBER POE FURTHER STATED, "DONNA [BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON] BE APPOINTED AS THE ISLAND MONITOR FOR THE NEXT THREE (3) MONTHS." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 10,2002 PAGE30F7 REGULAR D. Partnership Program Discussion. City Staff and Board Members discussed the process following the Board's approval of a Partnership Program Application. REGULAR A. Arbor Day Discussion With Mr. Mike Mingea, Environmental Inspector/City Forester, Code Enforcement Division, Community Development Department. Discussion commenced regarding the April 27, 2002 Arbor Day "Tree Give A way" to be held at the Winter Springs' Fire Stations 24 and 26, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Members of the Board discussed printing "Reasons to Prune", "Proper Palm Maintenance", "Correct Tools", and "Proper Tree Maintenance" brochures from posters published from the Florida Urban Forestry Council; the costs associated with printing; and the total number of brochures that should be printed. The consensus of the Board was to produce two (2) black and white, double sided brochures; one (1) with "Proper Tree Maintenance" and "Proper Palm Maintenance", the other with "Correct Tools" and "Reasons To Prune", MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. "MADAME CHAIR, I MOVE THAT WE PAIR THEM IN THE ORDER OF PRIORITY, OF PROPER TREE MAINTENANCE BACKED BY PROPER PALM MAINTENANCE. THE SECOND BY THE - CORRECT TOOL, REVERSE SIDE REASONS TO PRUNE." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Tape I/Side B CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 10,2002 PAGE 4 OF 7 MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT ONCE MR. POE RECEIVES THE MASTERS FROM THE PERSON WITH THE TREE COUNCIL, THAT ONCE HE COLLABORATES WITH ETHEL [CHAIRPERSON BEECHER] ON IT AND IT MEETS THEIR APPROVAL, THA T THERE BE A PURCHASE ORDER, BLANKET OR OTHERWISE WHICH AUTHORIZES 2,000 COPIES TO BE MADE, A DOLLAR AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWO-HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00), 1,000 OF EACH, 2,000 TOTAL." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion developed on the City Code of Ordinances, pertaining to the Section on Arbor. REGULAR C. Bird Sanctuary Sign Discussion. Tape 2/Side B In regards to reproducing the City's Bird Sanctuary sign, Chairperson Beecher suggested, "How about since Alan [Hill] did such a good job the last time we did signs, why don't we let him do a mock up of two (2) - and then let him come back." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON. DISCUSSION. BOARD MEMBER POE ADDED, "I MOVE THAT WE PROVIDE ALL THAT INFORMA TION TO MR. HILL. MR. HILL BRING BACK TO US TWO (2) MOCK UP SAMPLES FROM THE INFORMATION THAT HE HAS A V AILABLE TO HIM AND WE'LL DECIDE AT THAT POINT IN TIME WHAT SIGN WE'LL PRESENT TO THE CITY COMMISSION." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 10,2002 PAGE50F7 VOTE: BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. .:..:. AGENDA NOTE: THE BOARD AGREED TO DISCUSS REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "D" AGAIN. .:..:. III. REGULAR REGULAR D. Partnership Program Discussion. The application submitted by the Complete Wellness Medical Center and providing for an extension due to remodeling was discussed next. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. "I MOVE WE EXTEND IT UNTIL AUGUST 31sT. THAT THE MONIES BE AVAILABLE AND TO BE EXPENDED BY THAT TIME." MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. Vice Chairperson Helgeson said, "How about if I write him a response letter that says all work from site submittal to final expenditure, all work must be completed by August 15th so that the funds could be...." Board Member Alice Bard stated, "... Prior to August 31 st." Vice Chairperson Helgeson stated, "Well see, now prior to August 31 st is August 30th. 1 don't want to have to bring in a...." Board Member Bard said, "... No, what I am saying is he needs to get it in at least two (2) weeks earlier so that those funds can be disbursed to him prior to.. .." Board Member William Poe said, "... August 15th is fine." Vice Chairperson Helgeson stated, "August 15th, do we want to do...." Board Member Bard stated, "... Yes." Vice Chairperson Helgeson asked, "Would you like me to write - ?" "SO MOVED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. DISCUSSION. Board Member Richard Grogan advised the Board that he wished to abstain from this V ote because he "May ask for the same consideration." BOARD MEMBERPOE STATED, "I WITHDRAW THE MOTION TO MAKE IT EASIER." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 10,2002 PAGE 6 OF 7 MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER GROGAN. "I MAKE A MOTION TO EXTEND THE DEADLINE - FOR DISBURSEMENT OF THE - UNTIL AUGUST 15TH." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER POE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER GROGAN : ABSTAINED MOTION CARRIED. The Board suggested that Vice Chairperson Helgeson's letter to The Complete WeIIness Medical Center include their request for a landscape plan. Mr. Hill reviewed the application submitted by Richard's Barber Style Shop. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. "I MOVE THAT WE APPROVE MR. GROGAN'S APPLICATION." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: ABSTAINED BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Mingea departed the Meeting at 9: 15 p.m. IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS · Median Landscaping Discussion With Mr. Alan Hill, Superintendent, Public Works Department. · Review Of Two (2) Bird Sanctuary Signs With Mr. Alan Hill, Superintendent, Public Works Department. . Partnership Program Update. . Viewing Of The City's Promotional Video. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 10,2002 PAGE70F7 V. REPORTS None. VI. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Beecher adjourned the Meeting at 9: 15 p.m. HOL Y ERSTORFF ANT TO THE CITY CLERK \BOARDS\BEAUTI FI\aIlI\MINUTES\2002\041 002 REGULAR. doc NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the May 8, 2002 Beautilication of Winter Springs Board Meeting.