HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 02 22 Regular Item B
Public Hearing
Regular X
February 22. 1999
Mgr. 1 t.
Authorizatio - -
REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Commission table a first
reading of Ordinance 707 adopting the proposed Town Center District boundary
and Town Center District Code scheduled for February 22, 1999 to March 8,
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request the Commission table a first reading
of Ordinance 707 to consider adopting the proposed Town Center District
boundary and Town Center District Code. The Code would function as the
zoning regulations for this new zoning district in the City.
The provisions of 163.3167(lI)F.S, which states "Each local government is
encouraged to articulate a vision of the future physical appearance and qualities
of its community as a component of its local comprehensive plan, The vision
should be developed through a collaborative planning process with meaningful
public participation and shall be adopted by the governing body of the
jurisdiction. "
Policy 3c. under Objective A of the traffic Circulation Element of the City's
Comprehensive Plan which calls for the creation of a "Town Center" to serve as a
primary civic, business and service focus for the City".
In 1995, the City Commission approved the preparation ofa S.R. 434 Corridor
Vision Plan that would include a "Town Center".
FEBRUARY 22, 1999
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· The City Commi~sion at its June 9, 1997 meeting adopted Ordinance 661 creating
a "Town Center"l Overlay Zoning District. (Ordinance 707 would replace
Ordinance 661). .
· The City Commission at its September 8, 1997 meeting adopted Ordinance 676
instituting the Town Center Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design
Guidelines), The Schrimsher land holdings were excluded pending the execution
of a development agreement. (Ordinance 707 would replace Ordinance 676).
· On January 12, 1'998, the City Commission voted to authorize the City Manager to
enter into a contract with Dover, Kohl & Partners to prepare a Town Center
Concept Plan ana a design code to implement the plan,
· Letters were sent to the various property owners within the proposed Town
Center District bbundary inviting them to attend the various workshops and
presentations to the Commission. Notices were sent to the Orlando Sentinel
notifying the public about the various workshops and presentations to the
· Various.public workshops and presentations with the City Commission were held
in February and March, 1998, On February 11th, Dover, Kohl & Partners
conducted a "Kick Oft" presentation at City Hall, followed by two workshops
"Preliminary Concepts" on February 17th and "Work in Progress" on February 20111.
On March 23rd, Bover, Kohl & Partners presented the Final Concept Plan for the
Town Center to the Commission" The Commission approved the concept plan
and directed the consultants to proceed with Step II of the contract, which was to
prepare a "prescriptive graphic code", The major property owners and many
residents were in attendance at these functions.
· City staff has reviewed several drafts of the prescriptive graphic code known as the
"Town Center District Code" and has recommended certain changes.
· In October, Dover, Kohl & Partners presented their final draft of the Town Center
District Code to tity Staff incorporating the City staff's requested changes.
· At its November' 4, 1998 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Board recommended the
City Commission approve the Town Center District Code with the suggestion that
"permitted uses" be defined and the Commission give consideration to the property
owners request for additional time.
FEBRUARY 22, 1999 I
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· The City Commission at its November 9, 1998 meeting, tabled consideration of the first
reading of Ordinance 70r to consider adopting the proposed Town Center District
boundary and Town Center District Code until the December 14, 1998 meeting, The
Commission tabled consideration of the first reading of Ordinance 707, December 14,
1998, January 11, 1999,iJanuary 25, 1999 and on February 8, 1999 to allow the
consultant and staff to meet with property owners to discuss proposed changes.
Workshops to discuss t~e suggested changes were held January 13, 1999 and February 11,
1999. I .
· The proposed Town Ce~ter requires a large scale comprehensive plan amendment change
to the Future Land Use Map redesignating certain areas "Town Center", The filing
deadline for the large sdle comprehensive plan amendment was February 3, 1999, 5:00
p.m. and is in progress,
The City is paying for v~rious consultant services related to the development and
implementation of a Town Center Concept Plan from the Community Development
Department budget. I
At its December 2, 1998 meetin~, the Planning & Zoning Board adopted the following motion:
I (Bill Fernandez) make a motion that we recommend approval of these Town Center District
Design Codes to the City Commission, based on the findings that our local government should
articulated a vision of the future, physical appearance and quality in this community that we have
received meaningful public participation at various meetings that we do need to have an identified
town center. I will further indicate or add to that that just as the town center overlay zoning
district regulations of Septembe~ 8th, 1997, Ordinance 676, was made inapplicable to the
Schrimsher property until such time as a development agreement was developed that in this
particular case that I would recommend that the City Commission make this town center district
code inapplicable to the Schrimsher property as well as to the gentleman's property in the
descriptions here, the Spring Land Investment, Ltd" and Jessup Shores, Ltd. EuroAmernican
Investors Group represented by!Sunbelt Investors Group, Mr, A.C. Leerdam, that it be
inapplicable until such time as a !developer' s agreement is negotiated with those parties and or the
to t , II!
FEBRUARY 22, 1999 I
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property is purchased by a master developer. I would note for the record, that since we are acting
in our capacity as the Local PlaJning Agency on a broad scale as opposed to one single parcel,
that we do not need to make the detailed findings of fact that are required when we are dealing
with a very small parcel of property. Although I have included in my motion general findings of
fact, including the presentation of all those who have come forward and spoken this evening
including Mr. Schrimsher and Mr. Leerdam and as well as Mr. Michael Grindstaff, that's my
motion. Seconded by Roseanne Karr. Vote: all aye,
Staff recommends the Commission table consideration of the first reading of Ordinance 707 for
the Town Center District Code hntil the meeting of March 8, 1999 to allow staff to discuss the
, I
proposed Code wIth the affecte<;l property owners,
· Town Center District Code. (revised January 27, 1999)
I .
· Ordinance 707