HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 08 08 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICA TION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 8, 2001 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Ethel Beecher called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., Wednesday, August 8, 2001 in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Roll Call Chairperson Ethel Beecher, present Vice Chairperson Dart Helgeson, present Board Member Alice Bard, absent Board Member Dawna Ferguson, present Board Member Richard Grogan, present Board Member Carol Morrison, present Board Member William Poe, present II. CONSENT CONSENT A. Approval Of The July 11,2001 Regular Meeting Minutes. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. "I MOVE - THAT THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER MORRISON : AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTlFICA TlON OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING -AUGUST 8, 2001 PAGE 2 OF 5 III. REGULAR REGULAR A. Elections. Board Member William Poe asked if Chairperson Ethel Beecher would like to be nominated for another term. Chairperson Beecher stated to the affirmative. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. "THA T BEING THE CASE, I PLACE YOUR NAME IN NOMINATION FOR THE PRESIDENCY FOR THIS UPCOMING YEAR." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON. DISCUSSION. AMENDMENT TO THE ORIGINAL MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON. "HOW ABOUT IF WE HAVE OUR EXISTING OFFICERS CARRY OVER - IF DART IS WILLING - FOR ANOTHER YEAR." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER POE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON : AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE BOARD MEMBER MORRISON : AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR B. Median Plant Replacement. Discussion ensued in regards to the Charles Street median. The Board directed Mr. Alan Hill, Public Works Department, Superintendent to plant "Fountain Grass" around the tree; to add "Mexican Heather" around the grass; sod the ends; and apply mulch in the median. The Board agreed that the northern most median on Edgemon Avenue needed cleaning up and mulching. At the center median everything should be removed, with the addition of "Red Fountain Grass" and "Mexican Heather". Tape I/Sidc B In regards to the southern most median, the consensus of the Board was to add more "African Iris's" around the Oak tree and that more "Variegated and Dark Green Liriope" should be added. Also, all three (3) medians should be treated for ant infestation. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAlJTlFICA TlON OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING -AUGUST 8, 2001 PAGE 3 OF 5 The Board directed that the Murphy Road medians require new sod and a treatment for ant infestation. It was also recommended to remove and replace the "Crepe Myrtle" at the Murphy Road and Moss Road South median; fill and trim the "Azaleas"; fill existing materials; raise the trees; add mulch; and fertilize. In regards to the Moss Road medians, it was decided to add more solid "Yellow Lantana", "Liriope", "Coonties", and "Society Garlic"; to remove the small "Crepe Myrtle"; fertilize; and treat for ants. At the southern most median, the Board made the suggestion to add more "Yellow Lantana"; sod at both ends and fertilize; and treat for ant infestation. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER MORRISON. "I MAKE THE MOTION THAT WE ALLOW ALAN HILL TO PURCHASE WHA T IS REQUIRED AND DISCUSSED FOR OUR BOARD." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON. DISCUSSION. BOARD MEMBER MORRISON ADDED, "FROM OUR BUDGET" AND "AS RECOMMENDED BY THE BOARD." VOTE: BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON : AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE BOARD MEMBER MORRISON: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Hill stated, "We will have it done for you by the next Meeting." Discussion followed. Tape 2/Side A REGULAR C. FY 2002 Budget. Chairperson Beecher spoke of the City Commission approving the rollover of unused monies from the FYOOIO 1 Budget to the FYO 1/02 Budget. The Board requested a detailed list of expenditures from the FY 2001 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Budget from the Finance Department. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING -AUGUST 8, 2001 PAGE 4 OF 5 REGULAR D. Partnership Program. Discussion ensued regarding the lack of response to the Partnership Program and the possibility of having a Board Member speak to Business Owners personally. Discussion. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. "I MOVE THAT MR. GROGAN HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THIS BOARD WITH REGARD TO THE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARDMEMBERMORRISON: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE BOARD MEMBER GROGAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERGUSON: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON HELGESON: AYE CHAIRPERSON BEECHER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR E. Bird Sanctuary. Discussion. .:..:. AGENDA NOTE: THE BOARD DECIDED TO ADD THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM ON THIS MEETING'S AGENDA. .:..:. ADD-ON REGULAR F. Discussion On Southern Pine Beetle With Mr. Michael Mingea, Code Enforcement Division, Arborist. Mr. Michael Mingea, Arborist, Code Enforcement Division distributed to the Board Members a document explaining the Southern Pine Beetle epidemic. He also asked for a recommendation from the Board regarding funding for extracting dead trees. The Board stated that the funding should come from the City's General Fund and agreed to address their recommendation at the next Regular Meeting. Board Member Richard Grogan spoke of needing a reference in the City's Arbor Ordinance addressing a "Threat to life and property". The Board requested Ms. Jimmette Cook, Code Enforcement Division Manager attend the next Regular Meeting. Discussion. Tape 3/Side A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING -AUGUST 8, 2001 PAGE 5 OF 5 IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Median Landscaping With Mr. Alan Hill, Public Works Department, Superintendent. . City Arbor Ordinance. . Bird Sanctuary. . Partnership Program. V. REPORTS Board Member Dawna Ferguson distributed a copy of the technical specifications for the Landscape Maintenance Services Contract Bid; stated that she had advised Commissioner David W. McLeod of the request for beautification of Panama Road as addressed at the July }l, 2001 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Meeting; and thanked Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager for the letter he sent to the Boards and Committees about the Board Appreciation Dinner. The Board Members requested a copy of the City's Code of Ordinances to take home. Chairperson Beecher spoke of tabling the issue of the City Flag design. VI. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Beecher asked the Board for a Motion to adjoum. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. "SO MOVED." SECONDED. DISCUSSION. THE BOARD AGREED TO THE MOTION BY CONSENSUS. MOTION CARRIED. Docs\ Word\BOARDS\BEAUTIFllalll\MINUTES\200 I \08080 I REGULAR. doc NOTE: These minutes were approved at the September 12,2001 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Meeting.