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The current regulation reads as follows;
Section 20-431 Commercial vehicle parking in residential areas.
No person owning, renting or leasing real property in a residentially zoned district or
living thereupon shall cause or allow to be parked on any residential property any vehicle
as defined in Section 20-432 commonly described as follows: (step van), truck,
semitractor,semittrailer, bus or any other type of vehicle with a rated capacity of three
quarters of a ton or more, and which is subject to F.S.Ch. 316, with the exception of those
vehicles specifically exclud~by the exceptions provisions of this section.
Section 20-432 Commercial vehicle-Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, vehicles of the following types and sizes shall be
considered and are hereby declared to be commercial vehicles, subject to the provisions
of Section 20-431 to wit:
(1) Trucks or other vehicles having a rated capacity of more than three-quarters ton,
including trucks or other vehicles used, or designed for use, in transporting or as
a temporary or permanent base, platform or support of equipment, machinery or
power plants of all types.
(2) Trucks or tractors having dual rear whee,ls.
(3) Trailers or semi-trailers having dual rear wheels or either such trailers having an
overall length of more than twelve (12) feet.
(4) Stake body trucks, walk-in vans, or van-type bodies regardless of rated capacity
This ordinance has been in effect since 1968. One option is to make no changes. Staff
feels that for some time this ordinance has not been enforced to any extend due to the fact
that most violations occur on weekends and after hours during the week and that there
was no code enforcement inspector on duty at that time. Recently, we have had an
inspector instructed to enforce the city ordinances on Saturday and Sunday. This resulted
in many violations of this section noted and enforced.
Leaving the regulation as it stands may still create some difficulties.
(a) Using the standard of dual rear wheels to define a commercial vehicle is out-
dated. Many people have large pick-up trucks with dual rear wheels for purposes
of pulling recreational vehicles. This is not a commercial use.
(b) A van-type body on a vehicle is not always a commercial use. This standard is
out-dated as well.
(c) No provision is made for a vehicle clearly used for commercial purpose by the use
of lettering on the vehicle.
(d) Staff feels that most of the concerns voiced at the recent City Commission hearing
would still be a concern with the current regulation. Staff feels that the recent
enforcement of the current regulation is the cause for the outrage by many of our
As attached.
Amending the current ordinance would clarify our definition of a commercial vehicle by
eliminating the out-dated standard of van-type body and dual rear wheels, and by
recognizing that vehicles with commercial lettering are commercial vehicles. Coupled
with a commitment to enforce our regulations weekends as well as weekdays, a more
clearly defined ordinance could achieve the desired goal of protecting the residential
character of our neighborhoods.
Section 20-431 Commercial vehicle oarkine: in residential areas.
No person owning, renting, or leasing real property in a residentially
zoned district or living thereupon shall cause or allow to be parked on any
residential property any commercial vehicle as defined in Section 20-432
commonly desoribed as follows: ( step van), truok, semitraotor,
semitrailer, bus or any other type of vehicle with a rated capaoity of three
quarters of a ton or more, and which is subject to F.g.ch 316, with the
exception of those vehicles specifically excluded by the exceptions
provision of this section.
Sec-20-432 Commercial vehicle - Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, vehicles of the following types and sizes
shall be considered and are hereby declared to be commercial vehicles,
subject to the provisions of Section 20-431 to wit:
(1) Trucks or other vehicles having a rated capacity of more that three-
quarters ton, including trucks or other vehicles used, or designed
for use, in transporting or as a temporary or permanent base,
platform or support of equipment, machinery or power plants of all
(2) Trucks or tractors having dual rear '.\'heels.
(3) Trailers or semi-trailers having dual rear wheels or either such
trailers having an overall length of more than twelve (12) feet.
(4) Stake body trucks, walk-ill vallS, 01 van-type bodies regardless of
rated capacity.
(5) A vehicle designed, equipped or intended for commercial use.
(6) A vehicle upon which has been affixed commercial lettering which
advertises a trade, business, industry or other activity for profit. or
a product, commodity or service.
Some suggestions for additional language changes are;
(1) Adding in Section 20-431 the following; ( underlined)
No person owning, renting, or leasing real property in a residentially zoned
district or living thereupon shall cause or allow to be parked on any residential
zoned property any vehicle as defined in Section 20-432, unless such vehicle is in
the process of loading or unloading or in the normal process of doing business at a
residence and such parking is temporary. ...
(2) Changing the weight standard of % ton to one ton for a definition of a commercial
(3) Making allowances for horse trailers and the like to be parked in residential areas,
as long as they are not used for commercial purposes.
(1) Allowing the parking of one commercial vehicle not to exceed a given weight
class, regardless of commercial lettering, at a residence.
(2) Issuing a permit for the parking of a "company car or truck" and enforcing the
ordinance on weekends as well as weekdays.
(3) Not regulating commercial vehicle parking in residential areas on the weekends
and evenings as has been, until recently, the current practice. Staff recommends
against this.