HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 02 08 Regular Item D
Public Hearing
Regular X
February 8~ 1999
Mgr. / Dept.
Authorization -
The Community Development Department- Code Enforcement Division
requests the City Commission consider amending the City Codes that deal
with commercial vehicle parking; fence and wall maintenance and garage
sales in mobile home park districts.
The purpose of this agenda item is to request the City Commission amend
the City Codes that deal with commercial vehicle parking; fence
maintenance and garage sales in mobile home park districts.
APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Section 20-431 of the Code of the City of
Winter Springs prohibits the parking of commercial vehicles in residential
areas. Section 20-432 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs defines
which vehicles are considered commercial yehicles. Currently, there is no
regulation addressing the maintenance of fences and walls and there is no
regulation against the overnight parking of trucks, trailers and their cabs in
commercial areas. Section 20-315 of the Code of the City of Winter
Springs currently prohibits the sale of used merchandise in mobile home
parks unless such sale is incidental to the sale of the mobile home.
CONSIDERATIONS: In order to preserve the character of residential neighborhoods, many
cities such as Orlando, Boca Raton, Naples and Casselberry prohibit
commercial vehicles from parking in residential areas. If the changes are
desired by the Commission the proposed regulations should read;
Section 9-272 Off-street parking of commercial vehicles.
Except for the temporary parking of vehicles making deliveries or picking
up materials, no overnight parking of tractor trailers, semitrailers and/or
Page 2
their cabs shall be permitted on any off-street parking facility within the
Section 6-188 Maintenance
All fences and walls shall be maintained in good condition as a continuing
structure without missing sections.
Section 20-431 Commercial vehicle parkin!! in residential areas.
No person owning, renting, or leasing real property in a residentially
zoned district or living thereupon shall cause or allow to be parked on any
residential property any commercial vehicle as defined in Section 20-432
commonly desoribed as follO\vs: ( step van), truok, semitraotor,
semitrailer, bus or any other type of vehiole with a rated capaoity of three
quarters of a ton or more, and which is subject to F.8.eh 316, with the
exception of those vehicles specifically excluded by the exceptions
provision of this section.
Sec-20-432 Commercial vehicle - Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, vehicles of the following types and sizes
shall be considered and are hereby declared to be commercial vehicles,
subject to the provisions of Section 20-431 to wit:
(1) Trucks or other vehicles having a rated capacity of more that three-
quarters ton, including trucks or other vehicles used, or designed
for use, in transporting or as a temporary or permanent base,
platform or support of equipment, machinery or power plants of all
(2) Trucks or tractors having dual rear \vheels.
(3) Trailers or semi-trailers having dual rear wheels or either such
trailers having an oyeralllength of more than twelve (12) feet.
(4) Stake body trucks, walk-in MHS, 01 van-type bodies Iegaldless of
ratcd capacity.
(5) A vehicle designed, equipped or intended for commercial use.
(6) A vehicle upon which has been affixed commercial lettering which
advertises a trade, business, industry or other activity for profit or
a product commodity or service.
Sec. 20-315 Prohibited uses in mobile home districts.
'FEBRUARY 8, 1999
Page 3
The permissible uses enumerated in sections 20-313 and 20-314 shall not
be construed to include, either as a principal or accessory use, any of the
following, which are listed for emphasis:
(1) Any service station, service or repair garage.
(2) No seoondhand or used merohandise,shall be offered for sale,
displayed or stored on the premises exoept as incidental to the bona
fide sale of a mobile home.
(remainder of section 20-315 to remain as is)
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the
amendments and instruct the City Attorney to draft the appropriate
language to amend current legislation.
1) Section 20-431 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs.
2) Section 20-432 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs.
3) Section 20-315 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs.
is placed. Such models shall be set up in
strict accordance with one (1) of the options
herein described; only one (1) option is per-
missible in a single park.
a. Model homes owned by the park in which
they are located may be placed on any
valid building sites, as depicted on the
approved development plan for the park,
so long as the homes are permanently
installed and have all the appurtenances
required by this Code for a residence
that is to be occupied. The only excep-
tion is that utilities, although installed,
do not have to be activated. The intent
of this requirement is that any models
located on sites remaining within a par-
tially occupied area of the park shall
in every way meet the standards of the
homes which are already in use as
b. A model home center may be developed
on a site of no more than one (1) acre of
land with specified boundaries within
R-T property that is developed or de-
veloping with an active manufactured
home park. Both the location and the
conceptual plan of this center, as well
as its engineering, must be approved
by the site plan review board. The plan
must provide a site of at least four thou-
sand (4,000) square feet of land for each
model home. The models, although not
permanently installed, must meet all
safety requirements of the applicable
jurisdictions. Also, they must have all
visual exterior amenities necessary for
a home in the residential area of the
park. Adequate parking for visitors to
the center shall be provided so as to
cause no nuisances to residents of the
park. It is the intent of this paragraph
that the model home center shall ap-
pear similar to the remainder of the
park, excepting that permanent, non-
reusable auxiliary installations are not
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.70.3, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 51, ~ 4,
8-3-70; Ord. No. 374, ~ 1,4-13-87)
~ 20-315
Sec. 20-314. Special accessory uses.
A mobile home park providing space for forty
(40) or more mobile homes may have retail stores
and personal service shops for the care or treat-
ment of the occupants or their clothing, subject to
the following limitations and requirements:
(1) Such uses are wholly conducted within a
completely enclosed building.
(2) There are no signs or displays visible from
any street, indicating such uses.
(3) Such uses are conducted for the convenience
of occupants of the mobile home park and
not normally made available to other persons.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.70.4, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 51, ~ 5,
Sec. 20-315. Prohibited uses.
The permissible uses enumerated in sections
20-313 and 20-314 shall not be construed to in-
clude, either as a principal or accessory use, any
of the following, which are listed for emphasis:
(1) Any service station, service or repair garage.
(2) No secondhand or used merchandise shall
be offered for sale, displayed or stored on
the premises except as incidental to the
bona fide sale of a mobile home.
(3) Dwelling units or living quarters except in
a mobile home or as an accessory use.
(4) Occupancy of a site by a mobile home for
living quarters except on a rental basis.
(5) A separate utility building on any mobile
home site, except for a demountable, code.
approved storage closet.
(6) No cooking or sanitary facilities shall be
installed or maintained on any mobile home
site in any building or structure other than
in the mobile home_
(7) Storage or parking of mobile homes except
when a mobile home is located on a site
preparatory to occupancy or between peri-
ods of occupancy.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.70.5, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 51, ~ 6,
8-3-70; Ord. No. 374, ~ 1,4.13.87)
~ 20-388
above, has not been completed within twelve (12)
months from the date of city commission approval.
(1) A time extension of up to twelve (12) months
may be granted, upon a showing of good
cause, if requested by the applicant and
approved by the city commission. The de-
. termination of good cause shall be in the
sole and absolute discretion of the city
(2) If after an extension granted hereunder,
Rubstantial development has not been com.
pleted, both the master plan and the final
subdivision plan shall be automatically de-
clared null and void, provided however this
shall not affect the zoning density of plats
recorded thereunder.
(d) Any zoning density which has been assigned
pursuant to a master or final subdivision plan
under this article, which plan subsequently is
declared null and void shall not be affected.
(Ord. No. 367, ~ 2, Art. XIV, Part B, ~ 44.85.12,
Sec. 20-389. Appeal.
(a) A decision by the planning and zoning board
may be appealed to the city commission. The city
commission shall not modify or reverse a decision
of the planning and zoning board without first
holding an advertised public hearing on the appeal.
(b) A decision of the city commission may be
appealed to the appropriate circuit court of the
COrd. No. 367, ~ 2, Art. XIV, Part B, ~ 44.85.13,
Sees. 20-390-20-410. Reserved.
Sec. 20-411. Trailers.
No house trailers will be permitted in residen-
tial zone areas except for residential zones specif-
ically providing for mobile homes. Campers, camp
trailers and boats and trailers.will be permitted if
kept in a garage, carport, rear yard or side yard
not fronting on any street, providing no one occu-
pies them.
(Ord. No. 44, 9 44.74, ~-8-68)
Sec. 20-412. Trailer uses.
Trailers may be kept only in areas designated
as trailer parks, except as designated in section
20-432. A temporary permit may be obtained from
the city commission for use in commercial, rural
and residential (areas).
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.75, 1-8-68)
Sec. 20-413. Animals.
No one shall keep the following animals in R-l,
R-IA and R-IAA residential zone areas: Horses,
cows, pigs, chickens, geese, goats or any other
fowl or livestock, other than household pets.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.77, 1-8-68)
Sec. 20-414. Exceptions.
Horses and ponies may be permitted in R-IAA
areas provided at least one (1) acre of land is
available for each animal.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.78, 1-8-68)
Sec. 20-415. Kennels.
More than two (2) adult dogs or cats, over six (6)
months of age, per household, shall be deemed a
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.79, 1-8-68)
Sec. 20-416. Kennel zoning.
Kennels will be allowed in C-2 commercial and
R-D zoned areas.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.80, 1-8-68)
Sees. 20-417-20-430. Reserved.
Sec. 20-431. Parking, storage or maintenance
of certain vehicles prohibited in
residentially zoned districts.
In order to protect and promote the public health,
safety and welfare, and among other purposes, to
provide light, safety from fire, safety from other
damages and to protect property owners from cer-
tain general nuisances associated with the un-
regulated parking, storage or maintenance of cer-
tain vehicles, the parking, storage or maintenance
of certain vehicles as herein specified in the areas
herein specified are prohibited except as herein
(1) Prohibitions:
a. No person owning, renting or leasing
real property in a residentially zoned
district or living thereupon shall cause
or allow to be parked on any residen-
tial property any vehicle commonly de-
scribed as follows: (step-van), truck, semi-
tractor, semitrailer, bus or any other,
type of vehicle with a rated capacity of
three-quarters of a ton or more, and
which is subject to regulation by F.S.
ch. 316, with the exception of those
vehicles specifically excluded by the ex-
ceptions provision of this section.
b. No person owning, renting, leasing or
otherwise being in control of the use of
any lot, parcel or piece of real property
located in a residentially zoned district
or living thereupon shall cause or allow
any vehicles as enumerated in (1)a. above
to be parked, stored or maintained upon
such property.
c. No recreational vehicles shall be occu-
pied as temporary living quarters while
such recreational vehicle is parked or
stored within a residentially zoned dis-
trict in the city. No recreational vehi-
cle parked or stored in the city shall
have its wheels removed except for re-
pair or maintenance.
d. No recreational vehicle shall be parked
in such a way that it shall obstruct the
view of traffic or impede the vision of
vehicular traffic.
e. No more than one (1) recreational ve-
hicle shall be parked on an owner's
property at anyone (1) time.
f. No recreational vehicle in excess of
twenty-eight (28) feet in length in over-
all measurements shall be parked or
stored in a residentially zoned district
~ 20-431
without a permit issued by the city
commission and renewed annually by
such commission. In the case of a truck
camper, the length measurement will
include truck and camper.
g. No boat trailer, with or without a boat
thereon, may be parked on property in
residential districts, unless such boat
trailer does not exceed twenty-three (23)
feet in overall length, is in a state of
good repair, is being maintained in a
neat and orderly condition and is owned
EY_the owner of th~'p'!,.qpez1;y upon which
it is parked. . -
h. It shaUllea violation of this chapter to
park any vehicle enumerated in (l)a.
above or to park any recreational ve-
hicle within the right-of-way of any city
street, alley, lane, way, drive or other
thoroughfare overnight.
(2) Exceptions. The parking, storage or main-
tenance of certain vehicles will be permit-
ted in residentially zoned districts .as ex-
ceptions to (l)a. through (1)h. above as follows:
a. Recreational vehicles may be occupied
during parking or storage if a permit
has been issued in accordance with sec-
tion 20-412.
b. A combination of boat trailer with boat
and a recreational vehicle is permissi-
ble as an exception to (1}e. above.
c. Any person owning, renting, leasing
or otherwise being in control of the use
of any lot, parcel or piece of real prop-
erty located in a residentially zoned
district and contiguous to the parcel
upon which that person's residence is
located may use such contiguous lot as
if it were a separate piece of owner's
property for the parki ng of vehicles sub-
ject to the restrictions set forth in this
section. Provided, however, that no ve-
hicle owned, operated or under the di-
rect control by other than the person
owning, renting, leasing or otherwise
being in control of the use of such lot,
parcel or piece of real property shall be
parked thereupon.
d. Commercial vehicles as described in f. Overnight A period commencing at 7:00
section 20-431 shall be allowed on pub- p.m. on one (1) day and terminating at
lic streets or within privately owned 7:00 a.m. on the day immediately fol.
driveways or on residential property lowing or any period therein contained
for the limited and temporary purpose of more than seven (7) hours.
of loading or unloading goods or mate. g. Owner's property. The property of own-
rials for the property owner upon whose ers of the parked or stored vehicle. This
property or adjacent to whose property section only applies to property in res-
the commercial vehicle is parked. identially zoned districts.
h. Recreational vehicle. Camping trailer,
(3) Definitions. As used in this section, the fol- truck camper, motor home, house trailer
lowing words are to be interpreted as hav- or other such vehicle designed or mod-
ing their commonly accepted meanings as ified to provide temporary living qual"
well as the following specific definitions. If tel'S or designed or modified to facili-
the two (2) definitions are in conflict, the tate recreation, camping or travel by
definition provided herein is to prevail: accommodating the needs for temporary
a. Boat trailer. A trailer designed to carry 1. Residentially zoned districts. Any res-
a boat is a boat trailer with or without idential district as identified in sections
a boat thereon. If with a boat, then 20-101, 20-121, 20-141, 20-161, 20-181,
both boat and trailer will be measured. and 20-206. Such districts to include
b. Camping trailer. A vehicular portable but not be limited to: R-U, R-1AAA,
structure mounted on wheels, con- R-C1, R-1AA, R-1A. R.1 and R-3.
structed with collapsible partial side J. State of good repair. The vehicle must \
walls of fabric, plastic or other materi- . be functional, usable and in such a slate
ai, for folding compactly while being as it may be used without further re-
drawn by another vehicle, and when pair or alteration for the purpose for
unfolded at the site or location provid- which it is intended.
ing temporary living quarters, and the k. Temporary living quarters. Any vehi-
primary design of which is for recre- cIe used on a temporary basis for the
ation, camping or travel use. purpose of eating, sleeping, bathing,
r:. Travel trailer. A vehicular pOltable struc- resting, entertaining or other such ac-
ture built on a chassis designed to be tivities normally associated with res i-
pulled by an automobile or truck and dential property or recreational vehicles.
to be used as a dwelling for recreation, 1. Truck camper. A portable structure, de-
travel or living purposes. The vehicle signed to be loaded onto, or affixed to,
shall be equipped with tanks for stor- the bed or chassis of a tnlck, constructed
age of water and for holding of sewer- to provide temporary living quarters
age and shall have an interior light for recreation, camping or travel use.
system operable from a source of power (4) Penalty.
from within the vehicle.
d. Motor home. A structure, built on and a. It is unlawful for any person to violate
made an integral part of a self-propelled this division or fail to comply with any
motor vehicle chassis primarily designed of its requirements. The judge shall
to provide temporary living quarters consider the costs incurred in enforc-
for recreation, camping or travel use. ing this division in determining the
e. Occupy. To reside in or use as owner, amount of any fine assessed.
tenant or occupant for the purpose of b. The owner or tenant of any building,
eating, sleeping, bathing, entertaining structure, premises or part thereof, and
or such other activities. any other person who commits, partic-
;....... "-
ipates in, assists in, or maintains such
violation may each be found guilty of a
separate offense and suffer the penal-
ties herein provided.
c. Nothing herein contained shall prevent
the city from taking such other lawful
action as is necessary to prevent or
remedy any violation or nuisance.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.81, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 170, ~ 2,
Sec. 20-432. .Commercial vehicles defined.
For the purposes of this chapter, vehicles o,f the
following types and sizes shall be consider.ed and
are hereby declared to be commercial vehicles,
subject to the provisions of section 20-431 to wit:
(1) Trucks or other vehicles having a rated
capacity of more than three-quarters ton;
including trucks or other vehicles used, or
designed for use, in transporting or as a
temporary or permanent base, platform or .
support of equipment, machinery or power
plants of all types..
(2) Trucks or tractors having dual rear wheels: '.
(3) Trailers or semitrailers having dual rear '.
wheels or either such trailers having an
overall length of more than twelve (12) feet. .
(4) Stake body trucks, walk-in vans or van-type
bodies regardless of rated capacity.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.82, 1-8-68)
Sec. 20-433. Storage, repair, etc., of disabled
motor vehicles; approved.
The term "disabled moto'r vehicle" shall refer
to any motor-driven vehicle, regardless of size,
which is incapable of being self-propelled upon
the public streets, including a current motor ve-
hicle license.
(1) Disabled vehicles shall not be permitted in
front yards or side yards; provided, howev-
er, that a reasonable time (not to exceed
forty-eight (48) hours from the time of dis-
ability) shall be permitted for the removal
or servicing of a disabled motor vehicle in
an emergency caused by accident or sud.
den breakdown of the vehicle.
~ 20-433
(2) One (1) disabled motor vehicle may be per-
mitted in the rear yard of a residential,
commercial or industrial lot as an acces-
sory use to the main use of the lot; provid- .
ed, that such vehicle is not located in any
open space required by the zoning laws.
Service and repair work may be performed
on such vehicle, and parts, tools and equip-
ment incidental to such service and repair
thereto may be stored and used. Nothing
contained herein shall be construed as au-
thorizing the disassembJing, tearing down,
or scrapping of a motor vehicle or to permit
one (1) motor vehicle to be sCavenged, stripped
for parts for some use on another vehicle;
provided, however, that a disabled vehicle
shall not be permitted to remain outside of
a building for a period in excess of thirty
(30) days on any lot used for residential
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.85, 1-8-68)
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