HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 07 09 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD JULY 9,1997 - REGULAR MEETING 1. Call to Order The Beautification Of Winter Springs Board meeting was called to order Wednesday, July 9, 1997 at 7:05 p.m. by Chairperson Morrison in the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida). 2. Roll Call Also Present Dawna Ferguson, absent Ethel Beecher, present Dart Helgeson, absent John Herbert, present Marilyn Dickinson, present Carol Morrison, Chairperson, present Darlene Cook, present (7: 10 p.m.) Tom Grimms, Comm. Dev. Coordinator Mike Wadley, S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan Consultant 3. Approval of the June 11. 1997 RellUlar Meetinll Minutes Motion by Beecher, seconded by Dickinson; Chairperson Morrison stated that the minutes stand approved. 4. Review of Streetscape for the S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan Wadley said he chose quality materials from reputable companies. He informed the members that he had color catalogs with a wider variety of styles available for them to look at than what they received in their agenda packet. Dickinson asked what the style of the Town Center is going to be. Wadley said that there is a consistency and uniformity in landscape themes, setbacks, and how sites will be developed, but the Commission has chosen not to regulate the particular architecture. Flavors of traditional, down-home and friendliness have become synonymous in the Town Center area. Discussion included decorative pavement, underground wiring of utility lines/intersection cables, and developing standards for the Schrimscher property. Ferguson momentarily dropped by the meeting, and said she would be at the Arbor Day tree giveaway on Saturday. The Chair said she would call her before Saturday. The members decided on their first and second selections of lighting, benches, and trash receptacles. They also selected two colors for the bike rack. u_ .~~_~-~"--~.~"..."..,.._." -_.,._~-"",...,-~--,.~~,-,- MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD JULY 9,1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE 2 OF 3 Grimms explained that the guidelines are going to be transformed into the zoning regulations for the Town Center overlay district, Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances. Cook told Wadley that she would be glad to make him colored copies on her scanner at work for future meetings. Beecher stated that she goes to a lot of Commission meetings, and said that she wants to feel comfortable if introduced as a B.O.W.S. Board member at a meeting. Motion: Ethel Beecher is authorized to represent the B.O.W.S. Board at various committee meetings; to bring information back to the B.O.W.S. Board from those meetings, and to take information from the B.O.W.S. Board to those meetings under certain circumstances. Motion by Dickinson. Second by Herbert. All ayes. Motion carried. The next Commission workshop meeting for the S.R. Visioning Plan redevelopment area will be Tuesday, July 15, 1997. 5. Sillnatle Beecher stated that the Commission passed the motion on the signs. 6. Arbor Day Chairperson Morrison, Beecher, Ferguson, and Dickinson said they would attend the tree giveaway. 7. Moss Road and Murphy Road Xeriscapintl Tabled until the August meeting. 8. Response to Park/Recreational Facilities and Proposed Residential Developments Memorandum A few comments were made regarding the memo. Renovations of the city parks were also discussed. 9. Name Tatls for Beautification of Winter Sprintls Board Members Chairperson Morrison said she will try to get the name tags before the tree giveaway. Members agreed to reimburse her for the cost. MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD JULY 9,1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE 3 OF 3 10. AJlenda Items for the AUllUst MeetinJl . Signage · Arbor Day . Moss Road and Murphy Road Xeriscaping · Response to Park/Recreational Facilities and Proposed Residential Developments Memorandum 11. Adjournment Chairperson Morrison adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk ....-.