HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 02 12 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD FEBRUARY 12, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING 1. Call to Order Chairperson Morrison called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the conference room, Municipal Building. 2. Roll Call Also present Darline Cook, absent (7:08) Ethel Beecher, present John Herbert, present Marilyn Dickinson, present Russ Robbins, present Carol Morrison, Chairperson, present Dawna Ferguson, absent Alan Hill, Public Works Operations Supervisor Brook Seall, Parks and Recreation Director Leslie Walsh, Recreation Assistant 3. Approval of the Januarv 8. 1997 ReS!ular MedinS! Minutes The minutes ofthe Beautification of Winter Springs Board regular meeting of January 8, 1997 were approved as distributed. Cook arrived. 4. Update on Parks Brochure Walsh circulated the draft of the parks brochure, and described the changes made to it. Herbert volunteered to review the final draft. Chairperson Morrison asked the members to look back at previous minutes for notes on distribution of the brochures. Robbins mentioned that there are 940 homes in Oak Forest, but no playground. He suggest that ten percent of new residential developments be dedicated to park area. Discussion. Robbins and Cook are to research the subject. 5. SiS!naS!e Beecher read the motto's from the surrounding cities. She came up with a few of her own for Winter Springs: A Garden City, Green City, Home for all Seasons, City of Beauty, City of Progress, User Friendly, Citizen Friendly, City of Pride, and Civic Minded Community. Robbins offered Responsibility and Pride. Morrison shared her ideas: City on the Move, A Progressive City, A Lovely Place to Live. Hill displayed a rectangular sign and a round sign. The round sign is the city's logo. Robbins suggested a Leaving Winter Springs sign. Discussion of colors, cost and slogans. Dickinson said that the city should comply with the codes on all signs. The members of the board agreed that they liked the round sign the best. Supplemental signs can always be added at a later date. Motion: The four foot circular, logo sign be presented to the City Commission as the B.O.W.S. Board's recommendation. Motion by Dickinson. Second by Herbert. All ayes. Motion carried. Hill said he would bring in a full color, full scale model of the round sign to the next meeting. Robbins mentioned buying the signs in bulk to get a better price. MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD FEBRUARY 12, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE20F2 6. Letter of Recommendation to the City manae:er ree:ardine: a Holidav Event Dickinson read the letter after she distributed copies to the members. Discussion of landscaping around the pond by the post office, and the pond at Central Winds Park. The request for the S.R. 434 median beautification grant has been submitted, and it will take about a month to find out if it has been awarded. Discussion of which location (the pond by the post office or the pond at Central Winds Park) is to be further expanded upon at the next holiday event. Hill mentioned having the holiday event after the annual parade. Beecher said that she would like to see decorations around city hall in the future. Dickinson is to fax the letter over to Deputy City Clerk so it can be put on city letterhead. Beecher said she has many questions regarding the board's role in the five year plan, and requested that the five year plan become an agenda item in the next couple of months. Hill said that he would get with Kip Lockcuff, P.W.fUtility Director to find out what the original intent was for the five year plan. Beecher said she would contact Tom Grimms, Community Development Coordinator, to find out why the board is not being informed of the S.R. 434 Corridor meetings. Hill said that he will begin corresponding with Chairperson Morrison so she is better informed before the meeting. 7. Ae:enda Items for the March Meetine: 1) Update of Parks Brochure 2) Signage 3) Planned Recreation in New Residential Development Areas 4) Briefly Discuss Five Year Plan 5) Review Goals 6) Arbor Day 8. Adiournment Chairperson Morrison adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk