HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 01 08 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD JANUARY 8, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING 1. Call to Order Chairperson Dickinson called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.rn. in the conference room, Municipal Building. 2. Roll Call Also present Darline Cook, present Russ Robbins, present Dawna Ferguson, present Carol Morrison, present Ethel Beecher, present John Herbert, present Marilyn Dickinson, present Alan Hill, P.W. Operations Supervisor 3. Approval of the December 3. 1996 Special Meetin2 Minutes The minutes of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board special meeting of December 3, 1996 were approved as distributed. Approval of the December 11. 1996 Re2ular Meetin2 Minutes The minutes of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board regular meeting of December 11, 1996 were approved as distributed. 4. Election of Chairperson Motion by Beecher, and seconded by Robbins. Motion carried to elect Carol Morrison for Chairperson of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board. 5. Election of Vice-Chairperson Motion by Morrison, and seconded by Robbins. Motion carried to elect Ethel Beecher for Vice- Chairperson of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board. 6. Update on Parks Brochure Tabled until the February meeting. 7. Si2na2e Hill displayed a replica of a city sign. There was discussion about the colors and language for the signs. Also mentioned was the city needing a motto which could be placed on the signs. There are twelve city limit signs throughout the city, and the size of these signs need to remain uniform. Secondary signs can be MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD JANUARY 8,1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE20F2 added. Hill will bring several designs of signs to the next meeting. Hill asked the members to think about the idea of painting murals or such on bridges. The paintings will be covered with a sacrificial coating. The members want to make this an agenda item in the future. 8. Letter of Recommendation to the City Manae:er ree:ardine: a Holidav Event Dickinson distributed a draft which will be sent to the city manager concerning the holiday event and new ideas for the next holiday event. Discussion ensued. During his brief visit, City Manager, Ron McLemore, suggested that the board build on what they started at the last holiday event. The need for a beautification plan for the pond in the Central Winds Park was briefly discussed. The holiday event topic can be brought before the Commission as an informational agenda item. Dickinson said she and Morrison would get the letter prepared. Hill displayed landscaping blueprints of the State Road 434 medians and retention ponds. He explained that Public Works is getting ready to submit for a grant, and they need support. He distributed a copy of a letter which the board could submit to show their support. FDOT's rules are that if there is no curbing, there can't be trees three inches in diameter or larger. One reason is future expansion. It has yet to be determined who will maintain the medians and ponds. Hill explained the different types of landscape which will be planted in the medians and by the ponds. He added, this landscape theme is to get the city started, there will be more and changing landscaping. Ferguson stated, for the record, that she does not like all of the crape myrtles, but will endorse the plan. ,_. Motion: Accept the plan, and support it. Motion by Robbins. Second by Beecher. All ayes. Motion carried. Morrison asked Jenkins, the secretary, to process the letter of support. 9. Ae:enda Items for the February Meetine: Update on Parks Brochure Signage Letter of Recommendation to the City Manager regarding a Holiday Event 10. Adiournment The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs, Florida