HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 06 12 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Brown at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers,
Winter Springs Municipal Building.
2. Roll Call
Staff. present
Tom Brown, Chairperson, present
Marilyn Dickinson, present
Dawna Ferguson, absent
John Herbert, present
Sarah Watson, absent
Carol Morrison, present
Russ Robbins, absent
Alan Hill, P.W. Operations Supervisor
3. Approval of the Mav 8. 1996 Minutes
The Chair asked for any errors or corrections to the minutes of the May 8, 1996 meeting. Jenkins,
recording secretary, said she spelled Dawna's name incorrectly. Chairperson Brown stated the
corrected minutes will stand approved as read.
4. Mission Statement
Chairperson Brown asked Dickinson if she put the Mission Statement on the Agenda. Dickinson said
no, but it was talked about at the last meeting; the City Manager suggested the BOWS Board have
a Mission Statement, and discuss the 5 year plan. Chairperson Brown said to look for a copy of the
Board's By-Laws to see how they are chartered in supporting the City Planner and the City as a
supportive group, not under direction of the Commission. He said that the board has a lot of good
meat now as a committee that can work for and with the city employees instead of being a good will
organization. Chairperson Brown suggested each member give their view for the BOWS Board's
Mission Statement. He said he feels the beautification of the city is one of their major missions under
the direction and guidance of the employees; same as with the 5 year plan which we are reviewing
to give our input to the city. He sees the BOWS Board members as strong, supportive citizens of
Winter Springs devoting their time to support and bring back the residents views to the City.
Morrison read the four BOWS Board goals of 1995: 1) 434 Visioning; 2) Renovation of City Parks;
3) Parks Brochure; 4) Christmas Contest, Decorations.
Herbert said that when he started with the Board, his impression was that the BOWS Board would
mainly deal with landscaping of the various right of ways, and he asked this thought be added to what
the other members have stated. Hill added, the Beautification Program addresses the project names,
what the mission statement are for the projects, and the revenues the city has or will be available for
the projects. The city has an on-going right of way enhancement program now, but we're looking for
the board's input. Dickinson said she drove down the S.R.434 near Walgreens, and she noticed that
the area between the road and the sidewalk is fairly wide and asked if there is plans to put trees there.
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Chairperson Brown said he would like to finish up the Mission Statement agenda item; the right of
way areas would be covered during the 5 year plan discussion.
Morrison mentioned that she would like to see the board take an interest in having a goal for
neighborhoods that don't have homeowners associations. Chairperson Brown said that when we start
through the next item (5 year plan) that is where we will look for Hill's guidance. He said that maybe
Hill will say to the board: How about going out and taking a look at it, and giving us a one page
report on what you feel will be the thing to do. Then the city can evaluate it because of the
budgeting. Hill said that one reason he has come to the BOWS Board is the Arbor Day giveaway to
get the involvement of the residents in the community through the BOWS Board and find out where
the trees are needed most.
Dickinson said that part of the mission to her is to beautify the parks and neighborhoods.
Chairperson Brown said the verbiage of the mission statement will be cleaned up at the next meeting,
and the mission statement will be presented to the city in sort of a vision of what the members see
themselves doing.
5. BOWS Board--5 Year Plan Discussion
Chairperson Brown said that the board doesn't have input in the finances of the Beautification
Program. He asked Hill where he recommended the Board start. Hill said that at the last meeting
Signature entrances were talked about. Dickinson asked how many entrances there were into the
city. Hill said there are about 13 entrances. Dickinson suggested having major signs for the entrances
at Tuskawilla and each end of S.R. 434.
Chairperson Brown said his idea would be to get into the guidelines that would be set up by the
people who control S.R. 434, and follow the same pattern. He feels signs can be at car level, eye
level. He said he gets tired of seeing "Welcome..."; just have a sign reading "City of Winter Springs,
Florida" .
Hill said the signage for S.R. 434 will need DOT's approval, so he suggested enhancing the signs that
the city has in the meantime (planting flower beds around the signs). Morrison said that three years
ago the BOWS members planted flowers around signs, but it was difficult because they didn't get
enough water, and the flowers would get mowed or run over. Hill said that the county takes care of
Tuskawilla Road, but the city's contractor takes care of other areas. He added that his department
is getting ready to go out for bids in mid-July so now is the time to be thinking of projects.
Chairperson Brown asked if the city makes their own signs. Hill said yes. Chairperson Brown asked
Hill which road they could begin discussing. Hill said, Murphy Road. There is a single post sign:
"Welcome"... right next to unkept private property. Chairperson Brown asked if the sign can be
moved. Hill said one side is Casselberry, and one side is Winter Springs.
Chairperson Brown said he felt the entrance signs would have to be different from the parking, etc.
signs. He suggested using a regular sign, double it in size (more in a horizontal direction), using the
same color, lowering the sign, and have plantings around it. Discussion.
Dickinson said she would like to see the signs for Tuskawilla and S.R 434 fancier. Hill said he would
get the parameters from DOT so the members would know their limitations. Chairperson Brown
used the round brown seal behind the dias in the chambers for an example as using the same sign all
over the city.
Hill said he would get with AI White about Section 7 (Enforcement) in the Beautification Program.
Morrison said she liked Dickinson's and Chairperson Brown's ideas. Hill said he mentioned the
signature entrances because it was brought up at the last meeting and it wasn't part of the 5 year plan.
Chairperson Brown asked each member to put together what they think is major and minor signage,
and come back next month with a major and minor sign.
Herbert said the signs don't have to be the same size, but should be uniform.
Hill asked the members if they found anything in the Beautification Program that they could give
additional information on, or an area that isn't covered in the program. Dickinson asked about
putting trees in the medians on S.R 434. Hill told her that trees can only be planted at the ends of the
medians where there are curbs. Chairperson Brown said that his biggest problem with road
improvements is the openings in the center of the roads. He mentioned there are four openings
between Tuskawilla Road and City Hall; maybe there a law of having spaces every so often.
Chairperson Brown said he thought of taking four of the program structures and giving the three
other members (present) one each to analyze. 1) Right of Way Beautification; 2) Parks
Beautification; 3) Public Building Beautification; 4) Tree Enhancement. Discussion. The members
agreed that Herbert would address the Right of Way Beautification section, and Morrison would
address the Parks Beautification section at the next meeting. Chairperson Brown said that it would
be a good idea to get input from people in the city. Chairperson Brown said that he would address
the Public Building Beautification. He designated Dickinson to address the Tree Enhancement
section of the program.
6. Arbor Dav SU22estions
Hill said the members need to put their heads together to come up with the best way to distribute the
trees so the opportunity to purchase the trees isn't lost. Dickinson suggested distributing the trees
to several areas. Hill mentioned distribution by districts. Dickinson continued, plan to have someone
at a specified area in each district from 9 to 12 on the second Saturday morning of September.
Drivers licenses and the phone directory can be used to verify that they live in the city. Hill said he
has received the 4500 "How to Plant a Tree" leaflets from the Department of Agriculture.
Morrison asked Hill ifhe needed decisions tonight. Hill said it would be nice to get a preliminary idea
so he can keep the vendor informed. Dickinson asked how they have been distributed in the past.
Hill said he has been buying and planting the trees in the right of ways. He also gave trees to the
schools as part of the Arbor Day, Tree City USA, and would like to give them more when the schools
open agam.
Dickinson asked if it would be better to give the 1000 trees to the schools. Hill said that the trees
would be distributed to students that don't live in the city.
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Morrison said that she liked the idea of a city-wide giveaway like Dickinson suggested. It was
suggested to publicize the giveaway on the water bill. Hill said that he has prices for 900, 3 gallon
trees, but it can be changed to a larger size and a lesser amount of trees.
Hill asked if there should be restrictions on where to plant the trees. Dickinson said a 3 gallon tree
planted in a right of way will get mowed over. Chairperson Brown said he wants the BOWS Board
to be able to handle the distribution the trees, decide how many trees for each district, get people to
help. He wants the city to deliver the trees and select the sizes.
Motion: The BOWS Board will go with the tree idea, and give Hill all of the help he needs.
Motion by Morrison. Second by Dickinson.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Chairperson Brown said that the BOWS Board will take responsibility of the Arbor Day in
conjunction with the city's direction. There will be 900 trees that will be given out at various
locations in each district. The BOWS Board will be responsible for it. Chairperson Brown said Hill
will make all of the efforts he can to have it put on the water bilI. He added, it hasn't been decided
where the tree distributions will be yet, but the board can get ads in the HOA papers. Hill said that
he will get it moving.
7. Unfinished Business
Chairperson Brown asked Jenkins, the recording secretary, if the Parks brochure is out of the hands
of the BOWS Board. She said the last she heard was what was in the minutes of the last meeting.
Jenkins said that Don Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director asked her to distribute a June 24, 1996
Commission agenda item regarding a "Tree Lighting Ceremony" in conjunction with the annual
Christmas Parade. The members looked over the agenda item. Jenkins said Wilson asked that a
couple of members be selected to work with him and the Civic Association. Morrison and
Chairperson Brown volunteered to work with them. Chairperson Brown added, all of the members
are willing to work on this project.
Motion: The BOWS Board will accept this agenda item, and a few members will be at the June 24,
1996 Commission Meeting.
Motion by Morrison. Second by Herbert.
All ayes. Motion passed.
Jenkins told Morrison that she needed to contact Wilson. Chairperson Brown said that he will contact
the absent members regarding this project.
8. New Business
No Comments
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9. Aeenda Items for Julv Meetine
a) Finalization of the Mission Statement
b) Major and Minor Signage
c) Right of Way Beautification
d) Parks Beautification
10. Adjournment
Motion: Adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Motion by Chairperson Brown. Second by Herbert.
All ayes. Motion carried.