HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 02 08 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes - 13ealltJtiC!auon of ".hnter St)r~n(ls Hoarrl Meeti ng Minut.es February 8, 19q5 1. Q<!ll _tou Qrc1pr: Ch8.Jrperson F'prn2mdp7, (,8i Ip('i the mppt'ng 1'0 order at 7:00 P.M. 2 . l\ttp~n~d<!Dr::~l-"':. Wil1'am Fernandez, ChRJrperson. Pyesent Gladys Zahand, Presen~ Carol Morrlson. Prespnt Terry Meta. Present Mary Scott Wjlliam Ramsey, Present Tom Brown, Present ::. . CQJ1):~U1~r:<'lttQJ"I_()_f rhp .Jan1}~rYn!J., J 995Me.~tlJ)gn Mj n1}t~s' Chalrperson Fernanne7 recPluinq no additions or corrections to the January 11, 1995 meeting minutes, approved the minutes as submitted. - 4. Presentat,ion_-LrollLRobert .J0.n9-Q!l Gre_~nways; Update, and a 15 minute video. Chairperson Fernandez introduced Robert King and King was present to glve an update on the Greenways and present a 15 minute vldeo. ~ails to Trails explained that Mr. Ralls to Trails, Mr. King explained there was a lot of new things evolving over the past five years. The Governor's Greenway Commission has completed the task that they have been working on for two years. Mr. King said he discovered that there lS no one in the City of Winter Springs actively pursuing obtaining information for the BOWS Board. Mr. King report ed that there 1. s a "Rai 1 s to Trai 1 s" State Conference which will be held on Thursday, February 9th and Friday, February lOth in winter Park. The "Rail to Trails" is a National and some places, an International conservancy, a management mechanism for conversion of abandoned railroad beds to public uses. Mr. King di scussed hi s first exposure to "Rai 1 s to Trai 1 s" . At this time, Mr. King presented the video tape which was supplied by the state Greenways I Program, and explained what the state Greenways were all about. THE VIDEO - "THE STAAJLGREENWAYS" WAS .~gpROXIMJt'I':~a..Xn.:LQ_ MJJ'!!JTES LO!'!g -- Mr. King discussed "Rails to Trails" and the involvement of the CSX railroad bed. Beautification of Winter Springs Board Meeting Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 2 Mr. King explained that the rallroad right-of-way was going to be available very soon, and wanted the Board to have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor. He sald that in the absence of a local group, it would inevitably be influenced by other people. He expl ained the informati on had been presented to the Ci ty' s elected officials on different occasions and was not well received in that they wanted more and more information about the specific financial dealings of the people involved. Mr. King said the information on the general organization was sent to them, but the specific details had not been sufficient for them to move forward with it, and so it has been a waiting game for a year. - Mr. Ramsey said he very much appreciated Mr. Kings' presentation and it was of much interest; however, he was not clear as to where the BOWS Board fi t into the picture. Mr. Ramsey fel tit was a matter for the City Commissioners', perhaps even before them, a planning and zoning situation, and not something that would fall under the BOWS jurisdiction. Mr. King explained that his main objective was to insure that all the Boards and involved parties in the City had the opportunity to learn of the information and know what was going on. Chairperson Fernandez explained that one of the responsibilities of the BOWS Board was to make recommendations to the City Commission for consideration. They are then passed through various Cl. ty departments, and ultimately, the City Commission funds them or not. As far as the railroad bed is concerned, the Clty is informed as to when it becomes available for bid, effort to put forth a bid each Chairperson Fernandez expl ained for keeps getting put off. and the Ci ty has made every time they were notified. reasons unknown to him, it Chairperson Fernandez explained that the Board can make a recommendation to the Commission to make every effort possible to establish "Greenways" and "Rails to Trails" and maybe give BOWS a specific commission to get more involved, but without direction from the Commission, the best they can do is let them know they are in favor of it and recommend it. Beautification of Winter Springs Board Meeting Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 3 Mr. King reported that there would be a "Rails to Trails" State Conference on Thursday, February 9, 1995 and Friday, February 10. Mr. King said he would be able to get one representative from the City of Winter Springs in the conference for free, but realized it was short notice. He said the application, received it. City of winter Springs should have recelved an but didn't know who or what department might have Mr. LeBlanc stated that to his knowledge, the City did not recelve an application. Mr. LeBlanc discussed briefly the abandonment of the CSx railroad and contacts with Mr. Rosenberger with regard to same. 5. Review Q_LJJle revi~~d draft ~1_ the BOWS BY::_l>~ws-"_ Because Mr. Brown and Mrs. Meta were not present at the previous meeting, Chairperson Fernandez brought them up-to-date with regard to the BOWS By-Laws and the action that has been taken thus far. Chairperson Fernandez explained that the BOWS Board must have a copy of the draft of By-Laws fourteen days before the By-Laws can be voted on. Because the adoption of the By-Laws will not be voted on until the March 8 meeting, Mr. Brown and Mrs. Meta will have a chance to review them. Brief discussion of the terms of Board members. Chairperson Fernandez stated the BOWS By-Laws would be put on the March 8, 1995 agenda for adoption as there was no further discussion, changes or comments to the BOWS By-Laws. 6. Report from Gladys~<!hand on the Winte_r~il!9s Bull etin publication dates and BOWS pins. Mrs. Zahand reported that the cost of the pins from the "House of Trophies" would be _Ll?----'-OO each. She didn't feel the Commissioners' would pay for them, but we could lnqulre as to whether they would or not. Chai rperson Fernandez asked the Bo'3 rd 1 t they f e It 1 t was an appropriate expenditure of City funds andior personal funds, and It they want to have slmilar plns or ldentification. <.,"'......._~ -"',.,...,~,""....~,,~"._.-.... ,-,_",,~--~,_-----'--~'---""'~'~-~-~"'~-_._""" Beautification of Winter Springs Board Meeting Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 4 Mr. Brown volunteered to take care of the cost of the pins for the Board. Pu:bl ications in Wint~r_QJrrj.ng)LJ1ull etin Mrs. Zahand spoke with Ken Haines who handles publlcatlons and informed Mrs. Zahand that the Board had the next two weeks in order to get an article put in the bulletin. The Board discussed what information might be publ ished in the bulletin. Mr. Brown stated they could start with who the members are on the Board, the purpose of the BOWS Board and list the BOWS goals for 1995. It was the Boards' consensus to publish the information suggested by Mr. Brown. 7. Old Business: - ~~~scawilla Road Wideni~~ Chairperson Fernandez said he attended the joint meeting between Seminole County and the City of Winter Springs Commissioners. He was very impressed with the public servants, especially the City Commissioners, as they fought for the residents of "Oak Forest" with regard to getting a wall. Chairperson Fernandez discussed section (4) and other information pertaining to the widening of Tuscawilla, i.e., bike paths, cost, irrigation, etc. Mr. LeBlanc stated that on Tuesday night, February 14, 1995, the County Commissioners will make final approval on that type road in Phase (4); it's called Phase (4) of the Tuscawilla Road Widening Project which runs from Winter Springs Boulevard to State Road 434. Chairperson Fernandez asked Mr. LeBlanc if he thought Oak Fores~ would be getting a wall. Mr. LeBlanc said he didn't think lt was going to happen. b) Grants: Mrs. Meta moved to put Seconded by Ms. Morrison. the subJect Vote: Al 1 of "Grants" on the agenda. Aye; motion carried. - Beautiflcation of Winter Springs Board Me.~ting Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 5 Mrs. Meta felt that helping to get grants was the only functlon worthwhile on the BOWS Board because of the two roads. She stated she didn't know much about Tuscawi 11 a Road, but wi t.h regard to state Road 434, there were several grants obtainable through the Highway Beautification Council at the same time when the road is being built. Mrs. Meta continues to recelve information from Tallahassee concernlng this matter. Chairperson Fernandez suggested appointing Mrs. Meta as the person responsible for obtaining grants. Mrs. Meta said she would like to, but understood that the City was responsible for this issue. Mrs. Meta was concerned wlth deadllnes and didn't want any passed because no one knew what was gOlng on. -. Chairperson Fernandez sald that Mr. Ketteringham advIsed us that the "Visioning Process" was dead ln the water. Mr. LeBlanc stated the flrm ot Berryman and Henlgar wlll be the consultants present at the meetln9 Tuesday eveulug who will have the "Visionlng Process" c;ontract for stat.e Road 434. He could not be specific on how much work or when the work would start because it was still up in the air. Chairperson Fernandez asked Mr. LeBlanc if he knew whether or not the City would pursue any grants for beautification if available. Mr. LeBlanc said he could not answer at this time due to the lack of personnel and time limits. D1Scussion in reference to wrlting a letter to the City Manager ror permlsslon to allow the BOWS Board to proceed wi th obtaining grants. Mr. Brown moved to make a recommendatlon to the city to allow the BOWS Board to pursue grants. Seconded by Mrs. Meta. Vote: All Aye; motion carried. ,- Beautification of Winter Springs Board Meeting Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 6 8. New Business~ ~L_P pea k e r s B llS_E:~ }LJ2:LL e c t:QLY . J__Q I_13grr1i nQ l~ Co U!tty:. Chairperson Fernandez reported that he had dlscovered a "Speakers Bureau Directory" for Seminole County WhICh he gave to the Board secretary, Mary Scott. He suggested that perhaps for future meetings they could invlte Mr. Frank Van Pelts with Seminole County who is quite knowledgeable on bike paths and trails, etc. Discussion as to what items to place on the next meeting agenda. ,"'-" During a brief discussion with regard to "F\rbor Day" Chairperson Fernandez suggested that the Board make a recommendation to the City Commission that they pass a resolution adopting a particular day as the City's F\rbor Day if they have not done so already. 9. Adiournment: The meetlng was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, c;/~ Shirley F\. Frankhouser, F\dministrative Secretary Prepared February 2', 1995 THE NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE B.O.W.S. BOARD WILL BE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1995 F\T 7:00 P.M. This document is a summary of the Beautification of winter Springs Board. The audiotapes of all meetings are maintained in the permanent records of the City of Winter Springs.