HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 01 11 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes
Beautification of Winter Springs Board
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 1995
1. Call to Order:
Chairperson Fernandez called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
2. Attendance:
William Fernandez, Chairperson, Present
Torn Brown, Absent
Gladys Zahand, Present
Terry Meta, Absent
Carol Morrison, Present
Mary Scott, Present
William Ramsey, Present
John Ketteringham, General Services Director
Don Wilson, Parks Director
3. Consideration of the December 14, 1994 Meetinq Minutes:
Chairperson Fernandez stated since there were no changes or
corrections to the minutes of December 14, 1994, they will be
accepted as submitted.
4. Amendments to the B.O.W.S. Board By-Laws:
Chairperson Fernandez suggested going through the By-Laws article
by article and change whatever the Board felt necessary.
Mr. Ramsey explained that in Article I they refer to the
Beautification of Winter Springs Board as BOWS in the beginning,
but in other articl es, it is referred to as. . . "the Board". He fel t
the By-Laws should be consistent. The Board's consensus was to
continue with the abbreviation, "BOWS".
Chairperson Fernandez explained that this article patterns the City
Ordinance in existence, and he didn't have a problem with it, but
asked the Board for their input.
Mrs. Zahand said we have already prepared a Master Plan.
Mr. Ramsey suggested rewording it to read. .."the BOWS to
periodically review the Master Plan.. .". The Board concurred.
Mr. Ketteringham asked if the By-Laws were in the Ordinance Code.
Chai rperson Fernandez expl ained that they are not part of the
Ordinance. We are not sure who prepared the By-Laws, or where they
came from, which is why we are reviewing them now.
Beautification of Winter Springs Board
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 1995
Page 2
Chairperson Fernandez explained that this particular article is set
by Ordinance. It was the Board's consensus to have Article III
remain as is with the exception of adding the following verbiage at
the end of (a).. ."for a three year term ending the second week in
Chairperson Fernandez explained that the Board is not to be dealing
with the beautification of the interior of buildings, but the
natural beautification (outside areas). It was the consensus of
the Board to have Article IV read in part. . . "study the entire field
of the natural beautification of the City."
Chairperson Fernandez pointed out that in Article V (a) is somewhat
repetitive of the statue or the By-Laws itself which is in Article
IV (e).
Brief discussion with regard to the frequency of meetings the Board
would prefer.
The Board agreed to bring down the first sentence from Article IV
(e), and making it the first sentence in Article V (a). After much
discussion, Article V (a) was established to read as follows:
(a) The BOWS shall conduct such meetings as may be
necessary to properly perform its duties. The BOWS
shall meet on the second Wednesday of each month at
7 P.M. at City Hall unless the members are notified
of a different date and time. Board members shall
notify the recording secretary in advance if they
are unable to attend.
The Board added the following verbiage under Article VI:
(d) Officers shall serve a one (1) year term beginning
with their election at the August meeting.
Beautification of winter Springs Board
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 1995
Page 3
After some discussion, the following change was made to Article
VIII (a) to read as follows:
(a) By-Laws may be amended by a majority of the members, four
out of seven of the BOWS.
After some discussion, the following change was made to Article
VIII (b) to read as follows:
(b) Notice of the proposed amendment shall be gi.ven in writing
to all members fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date.
The Board discussed the I ength of terms for Board members, and
officers, i.e., years, date of expiration.
5. Report from Gladys Zahand on Michael Gandy's Fence Proiect:
Mrs. Zahand said she spoke with Michael Gandy who informed her that
he had met with Don LeBlanc and the Building supervisor. The plans
are state certified and he waiting for an answer from Florida Power
for utilization of the property where the project will be erected.
The project is to be erected on Casselberry property, five feet
from the City of Winter Springs borderline.
Mrs. Zahand said that Mr. Gandy obtained permission from the City
of Casselberry and they are aware that there will be Winter Springs
logo's on the structure only. It will be located on the south side
of state Road 434, in the vicinity of the golf course where the
power lines are located.
Mr. Gandy will be making more projects and will present them to the
BOWS Board in the future.
6. Discussion of the BOWS Board Goals for "1995":
Chairperson Fernandez stated that one of his goals is currently
underway which is to complete the BOWS Board By-Laws.
Chairperson Fernandez asked all the Board members what goals they
wanted to see accomplished in 1995.
Beautification of Winter Springs Board
Meeting Minutes
January II, 1995
Page 4
Mary Scott felt the major project for 1995 will be the 434
Corridor, and should be on top of the list.
Chairperson Fernandez asked Mr. Ketteringham if he could offer any
insight on whether or not the BOWS could assist the County in any
fashion on the Tuscawilla Road widening.
Mr. Ketteringham explained that the project is pretty far down the
line, it's on a design phase. He stated that there were meetings
coming up in the near future for the public , and he would be sure
the members received notices of these meetings.
Mr. Ramsey said he would like to see the BOWS do more with the City
Parks. For exampl e, "Trotwood Park" is somewhat of an eyesore.
It's average, there is a pavilion, and about a week ago, spotted a
picnic table in the water.
Mr. Wilson, the Parks Director explained that Trotwood Park needs
total renovation. You will find that any park will need renovated
every twelve (12) to fourteen (14) years maximum.
Chairperson Fernandez asked Mr. Wilson if there was any way that
the BOWS could help or assist in the planning phase.
Mr. Wilson said the BOWS can help in conducting possibly some
public meetings with residents and let them know we are putting
together a phase program for that park. Mr. Wi I son expl ained,
again, we would have to stress to the public, that doesn't
necessari I y mean it's going to get funded. Once the funds are
available however, at least we will have a plan to go by.
Carol Morrison agreed with everyone else in that, the 434 Corridor.
the parks, and the parks brochure are very necessary. She said she
is very anxious to get started because the BOWS Board hasn't done
much in the past.
Mr. Ramsey presented the suggestion of a "Adopt A Road" project
like along 17-92. Even though it's County roads where we are, we
could do something along the lines of beautification.
Brief discussion concern~ng "Adopt A Road" project and what it
might entail.
Beautification of Winter Springs Board
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 1995
Page 5
Mr. Ramsey explained that perhaps periodically, we can get an
article in the Winter Springs Bulletin about the various Boards in
the City aside from the article's pertaining to the BOWS Board.
He felt most of the people in the City don't even realize that we
Gladys Zahand stated that her main interest at the present is
working wi th Mr. wi Ison on the Parks Brochure. She feel s there
should be a brochure to offer the people before the summer
programs. The children will be out of school and families want to
know what is available.
Discussion of name tags or pins for the BOWS Board members.
7. Old Business:
Joint meetinq with the ~~~~mmission reqardi~b~
responsibilities and duties of the BOWS BQ.<:!rd
Chairperson Fernandez said it was his understanding from the
December meeting that the Board had al ready met wi th the Ci ty
Commission some time in 1994. r'm not sure they would appreciate
another meeting of the joint board; however, I bel ieve Carol
Morrison suggested perhaps waiting until Terry Meta was present to
re-address the issue.
Carol Morrison said she felt it redundant, because we know what our
responsibilities are. The remaining Board members concurred.
Parks Brochure:
Chairperson Fernandez explained that they were given the "go ahead"
to work with Mr. Wilson on the development of the Parks Brochure.
He asked Mr. Wilson how the Board could assist in this project.
Mr. Wilson said what he would like to do in the next six weeks is
to bring back an inventory, exactly what we have. He also wants
to confirm the acreage of some of the parks so we have a core to
work from, and then we can add to whatever as far as space on the
Chairperson Fernandez said since we don't meet again for four
weeks, this means that you would be meeting with us again in eight
weeks. Mr. Wilson answered, yes, I have a budget to prepare in the
Beautification of Winter Springs Board
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 1995
Page 6
Mr. Wilson informed the Board that he would be present for the
second meeting of the BOWS Board in March.
certificate of~reciatiorr
Chairperson Fernandez said that he was present at the City
Commission meeting where they passed a resolution for a certificate
of appreciation for Mr. Torcaso and for Jean Jacobs.
434 Visioning__?rocess
Chairperson Fernandez asked Mr. Ketteringham at what stage is this
process and if there was anything the Board could do presently.
Mr. Ketteringham told the Board that is was still dead in t.he
8. New Business: None presented.
9. Adiournment:
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
~{fjp( ~~~Jd~
shi~l~A. Frankhouser,
Admin~strative Secretary
Prepared February 2, 1995
FEBRUARY 8, 1995.
This document is a summary of the Beautification of Winter Springs
Board. The audi otapes of a 11 meetings are mainta ined in the
permanent records of the City of Winter Springs.