HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 02 09 Regular F~y 28, 1994 To: ~n Boaltd Mem6eM ChaiJtman Jean J acoM T eMy Meta Glady~ Zahand J ac.kitl- A~ ClVtOl ~on RfW. S~y SIWlA.ey FlI,Q,nkJto~eA To: Mayolt John BuM CO~neA John FeJlMng CO~neA Cindy Genrudl CO~neA John LangeMotti CO~neA David McLeod CO~neA John T ()ItC.(U)O City Atto'Ut€,y FlI,Q,nk K'WppemacheJt City ManageA John GO()OJtuJtk City CleIlk Ma/r,y NOIttOn Deputy City CleIlk MaAgo Ho~ Fwm: CaIU E. Stephe,~, JIt. Sul>ject: ReMgnatlon Vwm ~n ~ Winte!t Sp1ting~ Boaltd to ac.c.ommodate appointrn.e.nt to P.f.ann.ing 8 Zoning Boaltd. AU conceAne.d p~: T~ ~ -Ug~ my IteMgnation Vwm the ~n ~ WinteIt. SpUng~ Boaltd ~ ~ F~y 28, 1994. I luwe en,foyed the ptinikge ~ ~ewing the city in the capacity ~ a B.O.W.S. Boaltd rn.emI>eA Mnce. the Boaltd'~ 6egirming in 1989 and w.f.6h to thank tluy"e who welte ~po~ (,oJt my appointment and continuance in that poMtion: ~ MayOIt Leann G!tO()e, 6<YuneA MayOlt PkU KUtUeI.>. and MayOlt John BuM. I cdl.>o WtM to thank thcY.>e dedicattuJ, mem6eM who now ~ewe on the Boaltd: ChaVunan Jean J~, TeMy Meta, Glady~ Zahand, JaclW!- A~, and Cawi ~on. TheiIt ~ ~u.td I>e appteciated and I WtM them much ~ucceM in theiIt ~ gocdl.>. T~ IteMgnatlon it.> oM,eMut to accommodate my appointment to the Pianning g Zoning Boaltd ~ Winte!t Splting~. I ~ I can ~ ~e the city in that capacity at th.i.I.> time-. ~y, ME'~~A_ v CaII.-l E. Ste.~. JIt.