HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 12 14 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes
Beautification of Winter Springs Board
Meeting Minutes
December 14, 1994
s::all ~. Order ~..
Chairperson Fernandez called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
William Fernandez, Chairperson, Present
Tom Brown, Absent
Gladys Zahand, Present
Terry Meta, Absent
Carol Morrison, Present
Mary Scott, Absent
William Ramsey, Present
John Govoruhk, City Manager
John Ketteringham, General Services Director
Don Wilson, Parks Director
Consideration of the October 12, 1994 meeting minutes:
Mr. Ramsey moved to approve the minutes as submitted; Seconded
by Mrs. Zahand. Vote: All Aye, motion carried.
4. Discussion of the B.O.W.S. Board By-laws:
Chairperson Fernandez stated that the By-laws apparently had been
drafted quite some time ago. He suggested the Board review the By-
laws, and be prepared to submit suggestions and changes they felt
necessary. Chairperson Fernandez stated as an example, he felt it
was not necessarily essential for the B.O.W.S. Board to meet every
Mrs. Zahand moved to reexamine and amend the By-laws. Seconded by
Carol Morrison. Vote: All Aye; motion carried.
5. Discussion of a ioint meE!ting with the City conunission with
regard to the duties and responsibilities of the B.p.W.S.
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Chai rperson Fernandez asked the Board members if it would be
agreeabl e to hold a joint meeting wi th the Ci ty Commission to
discuss the viability of the B.O.W.S. Board. The Board members
present were in agreement concernlng the need to meet with the City
Commission; however, suggested postponing the decision until all
board members are present.
6. Old Business:
Certificate of Appreciation~
Chairperson Fernandez suggested a Certificate of Appreciation be
presented to former Chairperson Jacobs for her years of service.
This should be presented to her by the City Manager, City
Commissioners, or the B.O.W.S. Board.
Beautification of Winter Springs Board
Meeting Minutes
December 14, 1994
Page 2
Because the B.O.W.S. Board suggested creating a resolution with
regard tO,a certificate for Jean Jacobs, Mr. Govoruhk explained to
the Board, the City Commission is the only Board that can create
and pass resolutions. Mr. Govoruhk suggested submitting a letter
of recommendation to his office, and he would see that the
commissioners would receive it, and that it get placed on the
Park~ Br<Lchure:
The Board discussed developing a "Parks Brochure" with the help of
Mr. Wilson, Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Winter
Springs. Chairperson Fernandez stated the Board write a letter of
recommendation to Mr. Wilson with regard to working with the Parks
Department on the development of a "Parks Brochure".
Fence proiect by Michae~-9~~dy:
Mrs. Zahand said an official meeting on June 8, 1994 was never held
for the 1 ack of a quorum; however, they asked Michael Gandy to
present his fence project to Jean Jacobs and hersel f who were
present. Mr. Gandy's project was to build a fence which would hold
the logo's of various clubs such as the Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club,
etc., and would be placed at the entrance of the City. Mrs. Zahand
agreed to do a follow up, and contact the Gandy's concerning the
fence project.
7. New Business:
SeRe 434 Visioninq Process:
Chairperson Fernandez asked Mr. Ketteringham about the progress if
any, with the S.R. 434 Visioning project. Mr. Ketteringham said we
have just started, and thus far there has been no significant
progress made. We have been in touch wi th CSX rai 1 road on the
abandonment of the right-of-way for their tracks, but that is in
the future. Mr. Ketteringham said CSX will put out for public bid.
At that time, we can submit a bid, but depending on the amount of
money they want, there is no guarantee we will get the bid. Mr.
Ketteringham stated that the B.O.W.S. Board, along with the other
boards, will have an instrumental roll in the "Visioning Process".
Certificate of Appreciation:
Chai rperson Fernandez asked the recording secretary to wri te a
letter of recommendation regarding a certificate of appreciation
to be awarded to former Chairperson Jean Jacobs for her service to
the board.
Seat Terms :.
Mrs. Zahand asked for information on the month and year on which
her seat on the board would expire, and the Commissioner who
appoints to that particular seat. The recording secretary made
note to find this information for her.
Beautification of Winter Springs Board
Meeting Minutes
December 14, 1994
Page 3
8. Adiournment:
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M.
Submi t t ed",
/! j ....
Shi rl( y A. Frankhouser,
Admin1strative Secretary
Prepared January 6, 1994
JANUARY 11, 1995 - 7:00 P.M.
This document is a summary of the Beautification of Winter Springs
Board. The audiotapes of all meetings are maintained in the
permanent records of the City of Winter Springs.