HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 01 11 Consent Item A
REQUEST: The Information Services Department is asking the City Commission
for permission to purchase phase one of a new Computer Aided
Dispatch and Records Management software package for the Police
Department as approved in the FY 1999 budget.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request permission from the City
Commission to purchase a new Computer Aided Dispatch and Records
Management software package for the Police Department. We can obtain
this software by piggy-backing off of the New Smyrna Beach, FL,
contract, which was finalized by their purchase order signed on 12/18/97.
. The Police Department is currently running a CAD/RMS software
package called Police Trak that was purchased in June 1990. It is a DOS-
based package and is not totally compatible with the
Windows95/Windows NT Server environment in which it now runs. It
has had considerable down time because of this incompatibility.
. The old software, Police Trak, is not year 2000 compliant.
. Query and reporting capabilities is extremely limited and not user-
· The future need to have other application modules such as mug-shot
capturing and mobile computing from police cars is a must and the new
software will allow us to add this capability at a later date if we wish.
These are add-on items which are to be purchased at a later date.
. The package we are asking to purchase is the base package (phase one for
this year). We wish to have this up and running for a few months and
then add the FCIC/NCIC interface switch package and then the mugshot
capture station package later this fiscal year as phases two & three.
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Agenda Item-Police Department CADIRMS software
January 11, 1999
The total amount of this phase one software is $95,100. Funding is available
from proceeds of the Capital Improvement Loan initiated in FY 1998 and carried
over to FY 1999 budget. The money for this software, along with additional
modules, was approved in FY 1999 budget.
We recommend that the commission approve the purchase of the software.
see attached letter from OSSI
letter from OSSI
Agenda Item for Police Dept aSSI software purchase phase I 1998-1999
Jan-06-99 04:34P
61/06/1999 15:12 1~1~~~4~~'~
OSSI Open Software Solutions, Inc.
The New Vino.-In $QfI-e II Ocrl BrancA Dn".. $.,{t4 /I. ~.rbo..." Nonll em,IiIta 27401
qJJea (Jj6J 194.J996 -F. (3J~) 2H.JS'f'
6 January. 1999
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Mary Watson
Winter: Springs Police Department
300 Moss Road. North
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Dear Ms. Wilson:
Thank. you for spending time With me on the phone concerning Winter Spring's
Computer Aided Dispatching and Records Management Project We, at OSSI, are vet)'
excited ,about devoloping a partnership with your agency.
M you are aware, we have twice scheduled tcrltative implementation dates based on
our understanding that a purchase order was be:in.s prepared. We regret that both
previous dates had to be postponed. We hope that you can understand that due to a
number of agencies being under me Y2K cnm.ch. we have to schedule our re$oun:es
based 011 a first come, flm serve basis. We very mllCh wish Winter Springs Police
Department to be at the front of that list. I'm sure you want the same.
Further. a commitment by the city now would allow us to schedule some
implementation efforts to be timed with Casselberry's projoct. This could result in
savings to both agencies sinc;e travel coat would be reduced. It could also act the stage
for both cities to work togGther to share data as a 1Uture enhancement of the sysrem, if
you both so desired. This could greatly enhance crime p~on and assist in solving
criminal activity.
Our Project Mmasers have provided a tentative date ofFebNary 2, 1999 for your
planning eession and Febnwy 3 and 4 for Geo-File traiDing. The following is a
tentative sehedulD:
Implementation Planning Session:
Application Insta1lation:
Geo-File Training:
CAD User And Administrative Training:
RMS User And Administrative TrainiDS:
February 1, 1999
February 1. 1999
February 3, 1999
March 15, 1999
March 29,1999
Live Dates for RMS, CAD:
April 6. 1999
Please keep in mind those dateS are baied on receipt of the purchase order. These dates
are subject to. change based on deeisiolU at the Implemenwion and Planning Sossion.
It is nonnaI to have your schedule shift to do unforeseen circumstanCes during the
Jan-06-99 04:34P
61/66/1~9~ l~;l~ 1~1~~~4~~t~
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M$, Mary Watson
61anuary, 1999
entire process. To avoid problems with personnol scheduling for both you and us, We
will maintain a woxking c:a1endar that is a fluid document.
Although you c:an have both CAD and RMS go live at the same time, we strongly
recommend you prepare CAD fint and Ibm RMS to facilitato your efforts. Ifthere are
any questions before that time regarding this infotmation. please COTltact me at (336)
294-3996 in Greensboro, NC,
Sinc:c:rcl y,
t": .
Robert Linville