HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 03 09 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Regular Minutes B.O.W.S. BOARD MINUTES March 9, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Jacobs. BOARD MEMBERS: Jean Jacobs, Chairman, Present Gladys Zahand, Present Jackie Adams, Present Terry Meta, Present Carol Morrison, Present Mary Scott, Present CITY OFFICIALS: John Govoruhk, City Mgr. Cindy Gennell, Commissioner Kip Lockcuff, Utility Dir. Bill Johnson, Parks & Rec. Approval of Minutes of February 9, 1994: Adams made a motion to approve the Minutes of February 9/ 1994. Seconded by Meta. Vote: All Aye. Motion carried. Jacobs stated the reason for having some of the staff members present this evening was so the Board could get some direction as to where they are going. Jacobs stated that after the Commission Meeting, the B.O.W.S. Board members were somewhat confused as to what they were suppose to be doing. Govoruhk said the only thing that has changed, is the money that was going to the B.O.W.S. Board, is now under Public Works. Any plans that the B.O.W.S. Board will be involved with, will need to first come before the staff. Govoruhk gave an example of Trees and the watering in the Medians; instead of going to the Mayor, it would come to staff, and we would look at it. If the Board needs money and/ or a project approved / then the Board wi 11 go to the Commission. Govoruhk went on to say that if it's a project which involves the planting of trees, flowers, etc. / it would not have to go before the Commission because it's a beautification project. It's going to prevent the Board from having to come up with a plan around the Commission. Jacobs stated that, "we would come up wi th a pI an; research the plan; find out the cost, the possibility of any grants, and work with D.O.T. because we wanted to be prepared to come before the Commission to answer any questions they might have." Jacobs asked Govoruhk if the Board was to continue doing this / and Govoruhk answered yes. Adams contends that the Board was led to believe that they were not suppose to go out and get prices, and they were not to be concerned with the costs. Adams asked how they were to propose anything to the City without knowing the cost?" ,,- There was a discussion has to the proposed Pavilion to be built, and who's responsibility it fell under. --- B.O.W.S. Board Minutes March 9, 1994 Page 2 Adams said that, the Board felt like their hands were tied because every time they thought of something that would improve the City, they were told there won't be any water. So, for the next couple of years, what are we suppose to do? We can't do any planting! Govoruhk said Kip would have to answer that because this is a time when staff will have to get involved. Govoruhk asked Lockcuff how long it would take to get water in the medians for Moss Rd., Murphy Rd., etc. Lockcuff stated that, it's in next years proposed budget. There was discussion as to different projects; type of project, would determine what staff involved. depending on the member would be - Adams stated that she lives in the City, and feels that a lot of the streets are going down hill, but every time the Board tries to improve anything, they hit a brick wall. She felt that the Board has been going around in circles for a year. Adams said, "just tell us where to go, and we'll do it!" Discussion continued concerning the trees. During the discussion, it was brought out that a package regarding the information about the trees, was given to the Commissioners, and City Manager. Govoruhk stated that he never received this package, and asked when it was suppose to have been given out. I t was determined that the package was to have been handed out before the Commission meeting when the B.O.W.S. Board was on the agenda, and the swearing in of the new Commissioners. Commissioner Gennell stated, "that was the meeting where the subject of the trees got pulled off the agenda." There was further discussion concerning the trees, and the responsibility of bringing forth projects to the staff. Meta stated that, perhaps the Commissioners should decide what the B.O.W.S. Board's roll should be; is it to improve certain areas, or just to advise. Commissioner Gennell remarked that the way the Charter reads, the Board is to advise the City, on City owned properties. She asked if that was correct. commissioner Gennell went on to say that she would have to go back to the Charter, and see what the Charter says specifically, in order to answer Terry's question. B.O.W.S. Board Minutes March 9, 1994 Page 3 Commissioner Gennell reiterated what Govoruhk had stated earlier with regard to the project of the trees; that there was a step missing, and that the project got put onto the agenda prematurely. There was discussion as to the steps that the Board should follow before bringing a project before the Commission. Jacobs wanted to make it clear that the Board didn't want approval from the Commission at this point to go ahead wi th the tree project, but give the Board approval to research, and look into their project further. Commissioner Gennell said, "because they are a Board, they should go ahead, and look into it." Lockcuff stated that the Board could then submit their findings to him. Meta had discovered that she left out the attachments of information from Pursley wi th regard to the trees, which were suppose to be with the letters to the Commissioners, City Manager, and the Mayor. Meta apologized, and passed them out to the staff members in attendance. Govoruhk read to the B.O.W.S. Board from Section 2-79 (Duties; expenditures) of the City Code. He also read from Section 2-80 (b). Jacobs stated that when Rozansky was the City Manager, he never wanted to hear our ideas, or be bothered wi th the Board, so we always went to the City Commission, and that is what we have always done. Commissioner Gennell said that, when she was on the B.O.W.S. Board, they also went directly to the Commission. Jacobs stated that at the Commission meeting, she felt that the Board (BOWS) had their hands slapped. She went on to say that they were doing what they had always been doing since she's been on the Board, and she felt very bad about this. Govoruhk said that they should continue doing what they have been doing, but involve everyone that needs to be involved, to make a complete package from start to finish. Adams addressed Govoruhk, and reiterated what he had said about the Board by-passing him; but feels that it is the city that has by- passed the Board. Adams went on to say that the Board is suppose to be beautifying the city, but yet, the Board is never informed B.O.W.S. Board Minutes March 9, 1994 Page 4 about what is going on as far as the water so we can make plans. Adams contends that the Board should be given the information instead of the Board having to ask for it. Govoruhk and Commissioner Gennell did not agree with that. Commissioner Gennell stated that, "as a Commissioner she has a job to do, and in order to properly do my job, I am here tonight. I have to go out, and find out things in order to make a decision." There was some discussion of the businesses along S.R. 434, and their run down condition. Govoruhk asked the Board if they had approached any of the businesses about planting trees, flowers, etc., but Adams pointed out, and it was confirmed by Commissioner Gennell, that the businesses fell under the jurisdiction of the Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Gennell stated that, if a particular business was in violation of something, the Code Enforcement Board would handle it, and if they weren't in violation, the B.O.W.S. Board had no leverage to force them to do anything. Govoruhk stated that the B.O.W.S. Board could approach the Business; tell them who they are, their goal to help beautify the city, and ask them if they would like to be involved by improving the appearance of their business. Zahand said that the businesses were a big disappointment to her, especially around the Christmas Holiday contest. She said none of the businesses along S.R. 434 submitted an entry, (including the city). There was a brief discussion with regard to presenting a monthly plaque to the business who had improved their appearance the most, for that particular month. Commissioner Gennell suggested having a meeting wi th the Ci ty Commission once a year, and provide them with the ideas from the B.O.W.S. Board on what it is they would like to do. The Commission then can inform the Board as to what project might be appropriate for a particular time, or what might be an immediate priority. All of you will have your own agenda that the Commission has encouraged you to proceed with, and proceed through channels. Then when a pro ject comes to the Commission, they wi 11 be aware of what is going on. There was discussion as to the different projects the Board wanted to accomplish, and the different locations for planting of trees, such as parks and medians. There was discussion of getting the businesses involved. B.O.W.S. Board Minutes March 9, 1994 Page 5 There was discussion with regard to the parks in the city, and the Board's role in their improvements. Commissioner Gennell suggested, (using one of the parks for an example) make a list of what the Board thinks the park or parks need, sit down with the City Manager for his suggestions, and then be present when the Budget is being made. Zahand discussed her meeting with Mike Martin from the Forestry Dept., and their conversation with regard to the planting of trees in the city. The B.O.W.S. Board was informed of the trees in containers behind the City Hall Building that could be used. In depth discussion concerning the location, planting, care, etc. of trees for the city. Discussion of reel aimed water, the location of the lines, and future use for the city, and its residents. Brief discussion concerning the money that was taken from the B.O.W.S. Board, and put into Public Works. commissioner Gennell discussed with the Board the long range plan for the expansion of S.R. 434, and the significance of getting the businesses in the city involved. Jacobs addressed the Board's desire to hold a design contest for a new "welcome" sign for the City of winter Springs. Govoruhk agreed with the idea for a sign contest, but asked that the Board obtain recommendations, designs, suggestions, etc., for a new "City Hall" sign for out front. Discussion as to "new" signs for the ci ty, and the various locations where they might be placed. Commissioner Gennell stated that, "in the "Master Plan", once we adopt a sign, all signs will be the same. Discussion regarding the composition of a letter by the B.O.W.S. Board to ci ty businesses; getting them invol ved along wi th the efforts of the B.O.W.S. Board, in the beautification of the City of Winter Springs. Jacobs said that the month of Apri 1, the Board wi 11 transmi t a "Master Plan" for the year. B.O.W.S. Board Minutes March 9, 1994 Page 6 Jacobs asked that the Board go out to the parks, and come up with a feasible plan for trees; look at the businesses, note the name of the businesses that are run down, or look bad, and send them a letter. Govoruhk stated that the letters will have to come from the city. Commissioner Gennell suggested sending letters complimenting the businesses that look great as well. Jacobs stated the Board will compose a letter for the businesses at the next meeting. Meta made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Morrison. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted ~~ Shirley . Frankhouser, Administrative Secretary