HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 12 06 Regular e ARTICLE I ARTICLE II e ARTICLE III ARTICLE IV e BY-LAWS BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA N~E The name of this Board is the Beautification of Winter Springs Board, hereinafter referred to as BOWS. PURPOSE (a) It is the purpose of the BOWS Board to prepare a Master PLan for the over-all beautification of the City with regard to those areas owned by the City, and recommendations to private owners. (b) This Board shall work with other C1V1C groups and governmental agencies within the environmental limits of the City, such as the following: (1) Approaches to the City. (2) Surrounding County areas which affect the impressions of the visitors and citizens of the area with regard to the City. (c) BOWS shall submit to the City Commission such recommendations as seem warranted, but individuals shall not make recommendations on their own to the City Commission. BOWS shall not concern itself with the day-to-day affairs of normal City functions, but shall, upon request of the City Commission, make specific recommendations. MEMBERSHIP (a) BOWS shall consist of seven (7) members, five (5) members to be appointed by the City Commission and two (2) members to be appointed by the Mayor. (b) Members must be residents of the City of Winter Springs. (c) Vacancies on the BOWS Board will be filled under the provisions of Ordinance 459. (d) Members of the BOWS Board shall be compensated in accordance with Section IV, Item (b) of Ordinance 459. (e) Three unaccountable absences from regular meetings may result in the Board's referring the matter to City Commission for appropriat action up to and including removal of the Board member. Nothing herein shall preclude the City Commission from acting upon this without a referral from the Board. BASIC POLICIES (a) The Beautification of Winter Springs Board is empowered and directed to consider and study the entire field of beautification in the City, and shall advise, counsel, and consult with the City Commission and the City Manager in connection with beautification and preservation of the natural beauty of the City. (b) The BOWS Board shall consider all matters submitted to it by the City Commission or the City Manager, and shall offer suggestions and recommendations on its own initiative in regard to the beautification and cleanliness of City properties. BOWS Board By-Laws e ARTICLE V e ARTICLE VI e Page 2 (c) It shall receive petitions and suggestions from citizens of the City, and shall cooperate with civic groups, garden clubs, governmental agencies, and other organizations regarding beautification conservation of natural beauty, and rel~ted subjects. (d) The City of Winter Springs shall indemnify any Board member acting in good faith. . (e) The Beautification of Winter Springs Board shall conduct such meetings as may be necessary to properly perform its duties and functions and shall establish rules and By-Laws to govern the manner in which its meetings and affairs are conducted. MEETINGS (a) The BOWS Board shall meet monthly at a regular time specified by the Board. (b) Notice of any meeting change must be given seven days in advance of the new date. (c) Special meetings of the BOWS Board may be called by the chairman, requiring at least 24 hours notice. (d) A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members (4 out of 7). (e) A majority of those present shall carry a motion, but in no case shall less than three like votes prevail. DUTIES OF OFFICERS (a) Chairman 1. Shall preside at all meetings 2. Shall ascertain that the duties of all officers are carried out as prescribed by the By-Laws. 3. Shall counsel and assist all officers and committees in their pursuits. 4. Shall maintain direct liaison between the BOWS Board and the City Commission, the City Manager and his staff. 5. Shall appoint committees and define their scopes; shall oversee and coordinate the duties, functions and responsibilities of all committees. 6. Present recommendations of the BOWS Board to the City Commissioners. (b) Vice-Chairman 1. Shall aid the Chairman 2. Shall perform as Chairman Pro-Tern in the Chairman's absence or inability to perform. Shall oversee and coordinate the duties, functions, and responsibilities of all committees at the Chairman's request. BOWS Board By-Laws Page 3 e (c) Secretary 1. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of any meetings in the absence of a Secretary provided by the City. 2. Shall have charge of all Official Records 3. Shall prepare such special correspondence and reports as requested by the Chairman. ARTICLE VII PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Roberts Rules of Order Revised, shall govern in all cases in which they are not in conflict with these By-Laws. ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS (a) By-Laws may be amended by a majority of the members, four out of seven of the BOWS Board, and subject to the approval of the Commission. (b) Notice of the proposed amendment shall be given in writing to all members one month prior to the meeting date. e - e e r-- - -, RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE BOWS BOARD TO THE CITY COMMISSION 1. The BOWS Board requests that the City of Winter Springs please install irrigation, and do some landscape planting along the Public Works wall. 2. The BOWS Board wishes to advise the Commission that it is in full support of mandatory trash pickup. 3. The Board would like for the City Commission to send a letter to the Principal of Keeth Elementary School asking that the retention pond be mowed and maintained. 4. The BOWS Board requests that the City Commission write a letter to the Principal of the Winter Springs Elementary School, with a copy to their PTA President and to Mr. Ken Bovio, Director of Elementary Schools of Seminole County, stating that the BOWS Board would appreciate the initiation of some general landscaping projects, and allow the BOWS Board to supply its services if requested. 5. The undergrowth in the pond at Georgetown has been brought to the attention of the BOWS Board. The Board would like to know if anything can be done about it. They would like to see the condition at that site improved.