HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 11 23 Regular Item E
Public Hearin
Re ula r
November 23. 1998
REQUEST: Community Development Department, Land Development Division, requesting
that the Commission take from the table the Kash n'Karry/Courtney Springs
Apartments preliminary engineering/final development plan, to discuss items to be
included in a proposed Development Agreement and to define the conditions
under which the Commission is willing to approve the preliminary engineering and
final development plan.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda item is to have the Commission take this item off the
table and continue discussion and to take action on the preliminary engineering/
final development plan.
FINDINGS: The Commission, at their meeting of November 9, 1998, tabled Regular Agenda
Item E providing for action on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Board as it relates to the Kash n'Karry/Courtney Springs Apartments preliminary
engineering/final development plan and to discuss items to be included in a
proposed Development Agreement.
This action was taken as a result of unresolved variance requests to be included in
the proposed Development Agreement.
The Commission remove the item from the table for discussion and action relative
to the terms and conditions under which the Commission will approve the
preliminary engineering and final development plan and related Development
November 23, 1998
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November 9, 1998 - Agenda Item E (without attachments)
Public Hearing
Regula r xx
November 9. 1998
MGR. ~ /Dep~~
REQUEST: Community Development Department, Land Development Division, presents to
the Commission the Planning and Zoning Board recommendation as it relates to
the Kash n'Karry and the Courtney Springs Apartments preliminary engineering/
final development plan. At this time it is also requested that the Commission
discuss items that will be in a proposed Development Agreement as it relates to these
projects prior to formal presentation of the agreement on November 23, 1998.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to present to the Commission the
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board as it relates to the Kash
n'Karry and Courtney Springs Apartments preliminary engineering/final
development plan. These two (2) projects are located to the east of Creek's Run
subdivision, south ofSR 434, west of Vista willa Drive and north of Howell Creek
. Reserve subdivision. This agenda item will also present to the Commission items
to be discussed as it relates to /1 proposed Development Agreements for these
projects. .
Section 20-355(10)
Planning and zoning board review: The planning and zoning board shall review the final
development plan and the staff recommendations. The board shall then either recommend
approval, approval with modifications, or denial of the plan to the city, stating their
reasons for such action.
Section 20-357. Final development plan.
The fInal development plan, which may include all or a part of the preliminary
development plan, shall consist of properly identified exhibits and supporting materials,
and shall include the following:
November 9, 1998
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( 1) Identification of the present owners and developers of all land included in the
(2) Identification of all consultants involved in the preparation of the final development
(3) A location map indicating the relationship between the area proposed for final
development, the remainder of the area within the approved preliminary development
plan, and the surrounding area.
(4) Boundary survey, legal description, and gross acreage of the area submitted for
final approval.
(5) A preliminary subdivision plan (preliminary plat), if the applicant proposes to create
three (3) or more parcels.
(6) A plot plan with scaled dimensions including, but not limited to the following:
a. The name, location, right-of-way width, and width of pavement of proposed
streets, easements, pedestrian ways, bicycle paths, and watercourses.
b. The name, location, width and design of existing streets, including abutting
arterials within two hundred (200) feet of the subject property.
c. The locations, dimensions and uses of all buildings and structures, including
proposed property lines, utility plants and permanent signs.
d. Open and covered off-street parking areas, including landscaping and external
lighting systems.
e. Distance of dwelling units from vehicular accessways and parking areas.
f Wall, fencing or landscaping between private and common areas, along streets and
highways, drainage ways, railroads, and the perimeters of the development.
g. Refuse storage areas and method of solid waste disposal.
h. Areas to be conveyed or dedicated and improved for roadways, parks,
playgrounds, school sites, utilities, and other similar public or semipublic uses.
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i. The number and type of permanent or transient dwelling units; the floor area ration
of commercial and/or industrial uses; density by number of dwelling units per gross
residential building type; minimum setbacks and building separations; maximum lot
coverage; minimum floor elevation; and height of structures.
(7) A general landscaping and tree planting plan indicating areas of vegetation to be
preserved and the proposed method of preservation, in addition to proposed irrigation
systems and landscaping materials.
(8) Design elevations and/or renderings of all proposed buildings or structures.
(9) Total acreage and types of open space and recreation.
(10) Specific recreational facilities and improvements.
(11) Preliminary engineering plans for roads, water, fire protection, sanitary sewer, and
stormwater management systems including. existing ground surfaces and proposed
elevations; typical cross-sections of proposed grading; streets and sidewalks; canals and
waterways; and proposed types of pavement. All plans must be approved by the City
(12) Covenants, conditions, restrictions, agreements and grants which govern the use,
maintenance and continued protection of buildings, structures, landscaping, common open
space, recreational areas and facilities within the development. Such documents shall
indicate to the satisfaction of the city council an acceptable method of ensuring that all
obligations and improvements designated in the final development plan can and shall be
completed. Bonds or an escrow account may be necessary in order to satisfy this
a. The covenants, conditions, restrictions, agreements or grants which govern the
use, maintenance, and continued protection of buildings, structures, landscaping,
common open spaces, recreational areas and facilities within the development shall
specifically include a detailed outline of the following:
I. Uses;
2. Building height limitations;
3. Building area limitations;
4. Front, rear and side yard setbacks;
5. Lot area coverage;
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6. Minimum living area;
7. Any other restrictions pertaining to buildings or building placement.
Examples of such restrictions are "no garage entrance shall be located on
the front street side of dwellings" or "all appurtenant buildings, swimming
pools, screen enclosures, or other additions shall be at the rear of and
within the encompassed by a rearward extension of the sidelines of primary
dwelling; "
8. Off-street parking requirements, both enclosed and open, and
authorized locations for same.
A developer or owner of a planned unit development, as a condition to
received approval ofPUD zoning or approval of a preliminary final
development plan shall agree as a condition thereof that these covenants,
conditions, restrictions, agreements or grants shall be enforceable by the
city and that the city shall be a proper party plaintiff to enforce the same in
law or equity in any court of competent jurisdiction. In addition, no
permits shall be issued for buildings in a planned unit development that
does not conform with the requirements above.
b. In currently approved planned unit developments, the requirements of
subsection (12)a. above which are contained in currently listed or subsequently
revised covenants, conditions, restrictions, agreements or grants shall be
enforceable by the city in law or equity in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(13) All exhibits must indicate the title, name, graphic scale, and date of submittal and
any subsequent revisions.
(14) In order to protect the public interest, the planning and zoning board and/or city
commission may request any additional information deemed necessary for the decision-
making process. Submittal of this additional information could result in the denial of the
July 18, 1998
- Pre-application Meeting with Staff
August 10, 1998
- Conceptual Plan presented to Commission
November 9, 1998
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August 24, 1998
- Preliminary EngineeringlFinal Development Plan submitted
September IS, 1998 - Staff Preliminary Meeting
October 21, 1998
- Telephone Poll of Staff conducted and Staff recommended that
the project be forwarded to the P&Z Board for their
Presentation to the P&Z Board and the Board recommended that
the project be favorably forwarded to the Commission for
October 28, 1998
FINDINGS: The Staffhas determined that the preliminary engineering plans meet the
requirements to proceed to the final engineering submittals contingent upon the
comments listed in the City Engineer Letter to Joe Kolb dated October 20, 1998
being addressed.
The applicant has requested some variances on both sites and these are to be
addressed as per the Land Development Coordinator Memo dated October 12,
The City Attorney has determined (see Guthrie Memo dated September 10, 1998)
that apartments are a valid use on this site.
There will not be an association or covenants with this project.
The Planning and Zoning Board, at their meeting of October 28, 1998,
recommended that the project be favorably forwarded to the Commission for their
action, contingent on the engineering concerns being addressed during final
a) Developer desires:
1) Kash n'Karry, in addition to the two (2) authorized multi-tenant signs, is seeking a
variance for one (1) additional single tenant sign to be located on the northwest corner of the
November 9, 1998
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2) Kash n'Karry is seeking a height variance for the three (3) single tenant signs - one (1)
located on the northwest corner of the property, one (I) to be located on the future out
parcell, and one (I) to be located on out parcel 2. The out parcels signs are not to be
erected at this time, only when development on the parcels occur. The request is for the signs
to be 8' 9" in height. The new development corridor standards only allows a height of 8' 0".
Note: The actual copy space requested is far below what is permitted.
3) Kash n'Karry is seeking a height variance for all store front, building mounted signs to
exceed a height of 14' (corridor standards) to be consistent with the building height. The
request for the primary sign is from 25' 6" at base to 33' 6" at top. The mounting for the
liquor store and the eastern most retail store is from 19' 6" at base to 21' 6" at top. The
mounting for the smaller stores is from 16' 6" at base to 18' 6" at top. E~..,t-
4) Courtney Springs is seeking a reduction of the parking space size for 154 spaces from
10' X 20" (corridor standards) to 9' X 20' for compact cars.
5) Courtney Springs is seeking a variance for the entry wall to be of concrete block and
stucco rather than brick, decorative or split-faced concrete block. The applicant desires this
to match the decor of the apartment buildings.
6) Courtney Springs is seeking a variance for the use of 12' Wax Myrtle trees, or other fast
growing trees, be allowed along the rear boundary of the property rather than canopy trees
(corridor standards) along the rear of the property. Approximately twenty two (22) of these
trees would be planted. Corridor design standards only require a canopy tree every 75'.
This action would allow a sight barrier between the subdivision and the apartments to grow
much quicker than the corridor design standards.
7) The owner is requesting that the City acquire ownership of the FDOT retention pond.
b) In consideration of the developer requests, the City desires the following:
1) a 6' masonry wall between the projects and the residential area on that property not
located in the wetlands;
2) Kash n'Karry designate Out Parcel 2 as office use only;
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3) that the owner of the property designate two (2) sites for the Tuscawilla PUD entry signs,
one (1) on each side of Vistawilla Drive;
4) provided the City acquires ownership of the FDOT pond, the owner will provide:
a) payment for any City costs resulting from the acquisition of the FDOT pond;
b) enhanced landscaping around the pond, approved by the City;
c) that the entire SR 434 side of the pond have a decorative fence consistent with
that approved for the SR 434 frontage for the apartments and secured black vinyl
fences on the other 3 sides of the pond;
d) a lighted fountain in the pond;V\o ~~~ ",\-~
e) in perpetuity maintenance agreement for landscaping, fencing and operations
of the fountain, relative to the pond, provided by the owner; and,
f) $1,000,000 insurance coverage for liability.
5) Developer to pay 50% of the cost of under grounding of electric utility lines and poles
on SR 434 to the western edge of the FDOT pond ($31,825.50).
Note: On August 13, 1998, the City received a letter from Florida Power Corporation
providing an estimate of approximately $238,000.00 to underground the electric
utilities in front of the proposed apartments and FDOT pond. On October 9, 1998,
Florida Power provided a letter establishing the cost to be $54,651.00. The developer
represents that the reduced cost resulted from pricing he was able to obtain by
combining the Courtney Springs Apartments with larger project in Orlando. The
owner, at the City's request, had already spent $9,000.00 to underground electrical
utilities in front ofKash n/Karry bringing the total outlay to $63,651.00. The City
Manager is proposing that the City and the owner split the cost 50/50.
The Planning and Zoning Board recommended that the project be favorably
forwarded to the City Commission for action contingent on the engineering
concerns being addressed during final engineering. Further, the Staff recommends
that final engineering not be presented to the Commission until such time that
November 9, 1998
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the proposed development agreement is finalized and has the required two (2)
public hearings per Florida Statutes, 163.3225.
October 28, 1998 - Verbatim Transcript ofP&Z Meeting
October 20, 1998 - City Engineer Memo to Land Development Coordinator
October 20, 1998 - City Engineer Letter to Joe Kolb
October 12, 1998 - Land Development Coordinator Memo for Record
October 9, 1998 - City Engineer Letter to Joe Kolk
September 24, 1998 - Public WorkslUtility Director Memo to Land Development
September 14, 1998 - Comprehensive Planning Coordinator Memo to Land Development
September 14, 1998 - Code Enforcement Specialist Memo to Land Development
September 11, 1998 - Glenn Tolleson Memo to Land Development Coordinator
September 10, 1998 - City Attorney Memo to Mayor and City Commission
August 3 I, 1998
- Building Official Memo to Land Development Coordinator
August 31, 1998
- Fire Chief Memo to Land Development Coordinator
August 10, 1998
- City Commission Meeting Minutes
- Kash n'Karry Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
- Kash n'Karry Listed Species Report
- Courtney Springs Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
November 9, 1998
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- Courtney Springs Listed Species Report
- Undergrounding of Electric Utilities Correspondence
a) Florida Power Corporation Letter dated August 13, 1998
b) Florida Power Corporation Work Authorization Form
c) Florida Power Corporation Letter dated October 9, 1998
d) Florida Power Corporation Letter dated October 9, 1998
e) Sullivan Properties Letter dated November 2, 1998
- S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan, New Development Area
- Ordinance 489, Tuscawilla Settlement Agreement
- Engineering/Landscape Plans
- Lighting Plans
- Kash n'Karry Master Signage Plan