HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 10 05 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 5, 2006 CALL TO ORDER The Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting of Thursday, October 5, 2006 was called to Order at 7:04 p.m. by Chainnan Thomas Waters in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman Thomas Waters, present Vice Chairman Jack Taylor, present Board Member Howard Casman, present Board Member Linda Collins, present Board Member Kathryn Fairchild, absent After a moment of silence, Vice Chairman Jack Taylor led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 5, 2006 PAGE 2 OF 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 200. Community Development Department Recommends The Board Of Adjustment Hear A Request For A Conditional Use Within The City Of Winter Springs RC-I Zoning District (Residential Rural FLU Designation), To Allow An Approximately 3,080 Square Foot Detached Accessory Structure On Approximately 8.4 Acres At 630 Dunmar Circle. Chairman Waters opened the "Public Input" of this Agenda Item. No one spoke. Chairman Tom Waters closed the "Public Input" of this Agenda Item. Mr. John Baker, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and distributed correspondence to the Advisory Board Members. Mr. Baker said, "Staff will consult with the City Attorney as to whether or not 'Unity of Title' is needed for the property. Because it appears to possibly be two (2) pieces of land that may need to be joined as one (1). And we just need a legal opinion on that. But, we do believe he meets the Criteria for the Conditional Use." Discussion. Dr. Patterson Moseley, 630 Dunmar Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke briefly to the Advisory Board Members regarding his Request for "Conditional Use". Chairman Waters asked, "You are not going to be repairing - in there or opening an auto shop?" Dr. Moseley said, "No, Sir." "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE GRANT THE CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST AS PRESENTED IN [AGENDA] ITEM '200'." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN JACK TAYLOR. SECONDED BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER COLLINS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER CASMAN: AYE CHAIRMAN WATERS: AYE BOARD MEMBER COLLINS: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN TAYLOR: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Waters said, "This will come before the City Commission." Mr. Baker said, "The 23rd [October 2006] of this month." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 5, 2006 PAGE30F5 PUBLIC HEARINGS 201. Community Development Department Presents To The Board Of Adjustment A Request For A Conditional Use To Allow A Seminole County Park At Jetta Point, Pursuant To Sections 20-33. And 20-234. Of The City Code Of Ordinances. Mr. Baker introduced this Agenda Item and presented a letter dated October 3, 2006 from PBS&J to the Advisory Board Members. Mr. Baker said, "They are requesting a Continuance - I would ask that if you continue it, that you continue it to at least the November Meeting." Mr. Baker then said, "If you do decide to continue it, please consider - November 2, [2006]." Ms. Abra Horne, AlCP, Senior Planner 3, PBS&J, 482 South Keller Road, Orlando, Florida: spoke briefly about the Continuance. Chairman Waters indicated that he does work with the County and that there is no "Conflict of Interest". Ms. Home said, "I had asked for a date uncertain because I felt as though after requesting one Continuance I would rather, and coming back to you twice, I would rather not do that again until I knew what the resolution would be." "GRANT A REQUEST FOR A CONTINUANCE TO AN UNSPECIFIED DATE." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN TAYLOR. SECONDED BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER CASMAN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER COLLINS: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN TAYLOR: AYE CHAIRMAN WATERS: AYE BOARD MEMBER CASMAN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 300. Not Used. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 5, 2006 PAGE4 OF 5 Vice Chairman Taylor stated, "Point of Order" and spoke of the Consent Agenda Item. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 400. Office Of The City Clerk Approval Of The September 7, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes. "I MAKE THE MOTION WE APPROVE THE MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 7, 2006." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN TAYLOR. SECONDED BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER CASMAN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN TAYLOR: AYE BOARD MEMBER COLLINS: AYE BOARD MEMBER CASMAN : AYE CHAIRMAN WATERS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 500. Not Used. 600. REPORTS No Reports were given. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Waters said, "Motion to Adjourn." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN T AYLOR. SECONDED. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE BOARD, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Waters adjourned the Meeting at 7:28 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: N L. BROWN PUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: /) ..;;;:7 // .../" t" fC---.c~_.- (v' ,::~ THOMAS WATERS CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the January 4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING ~ OCTOBER 5, 2006 PAGE50F5 ,2007 Regular Board of Adjustment Meeting,