HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 09 14 Regular Item C
September 14, 1998
REQUEST: Utility Department Recommending Authorization to Lift the Emergency
Water Restrictions.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request the lifting of the Emergency Water
Restrictions imposed June 24, 1998 and recommending water use guidelines to be
incorporated into a future resolution.
Emergency water restrictions were imposed on June 24, 1998 to ensure the
availability of the potable and reclaimed water supplies. Drought conditions no longer
exist and the emergency water restrictions are no longer needed. However, irrigation
usage regulations are still needed to promote water conservation.
The St. Johns River Water Management District has adopted within the water
conservation rule restrictions which prohIbit irrigation from lOAM to 4 PM. Additional
local restrictions are needed to prohibit daily watering. This will reduce the peak demands
on both the reclaimed and p.otable water systems which will reduce the long term need for
capital improvements. There are currently no City regulations in place addressing
irrigation water usage during "normal" weather conditions.
September 14, 1998
Regular Agenda Item C
Page 2
1. Lift the Emergency Water Restrictions imposed on June 24, 1998.
2. Return with a resolution which provides irrigation restrictions for time of day,
assigns odd/even days for watering based on address, includes provisions for
new landscaping and allows the City Manager to impose defined Emergency
Water Restrictions when needed.
1. Emergency Water Restrictions of June 24, 1998
2. SJRWMD Guidelines
Attachment No. 1
To: Mayor and Commission
From: Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager ~
Date: June 24, 1998
Re: Emergency Water Restrictions
Due to the dangerously low potable water conditions that have occurred in the
last 24 hours in conjunction with on going low levels of reclaimed water resulting
from extensive irrigation of lawns throughout the City, I am as of 3:00 P.M. this
date initiating the following Mandatory Water Restrictions as follows:
1. Even Number Addresses - Effective 8:00 P.M. this date all even numbered
street addresses in the City shall utilize potable and or recycled water for lawn
irrigation purposes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, between the hours of
8:00 P.M. - 6:00 AM.
2. Odd numbered Address - Effective 8:00 P.M. this date all odd numbered
street addresses in the City shall utilize potable and/or recycled water for lawn
irrigation purposes on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday between the hours of
8:00 P.M. - 6:00 A.M,
3. Sundays - No lawn irrigation or washing of vehicles is permitted on Sunday's.
Lawn irrigation on authorized days is to be limited to not more that 20 minutes
per zone.
Winter SprinQs HiQh School - Consistent with measures taken at Central Winds
Park, irrigation water at Winter Springs High School will be provided through
Lake Jesup rather than City reclaimed water.
Golf Courses- City Reclaimed Water supplied to the golf courses will be supplied
at minimum levels provided for in existing contracts.
Additional emergency measures will be invoked at golf courses if necessary.
The most critical potable water shortage is in the Tuscawilla area. Due to the
fact that there is no reclaimed water distribution systems in the Tuscawilla area to
help offset the need for potable water for irrigation.
The most critical reclaimed water shortage is on the west side due to a demand
for reclaimed water in excess of system capacity.
The predominant locations of reclaimed water usage are in Winding Hollow,
Highland Village and Highland Lakes. For this reason those areas are being
provided with notices by police officers this afternoon.
WaWc, COK4PJWatloli lipi
.(j Fix drips and leah i.n fau.ce:t~, pipes, .
and toilets. . .
(j Toke shorter $ho.wers.
. .
(j Don't leave water tunnin9.whil~
brushing teeth, washing face,or shaving.. :.
(j Operate 'automat'ic dishwashetsa'nd'
: clothes washers .only .when they are.
fully loaded,
(j Install low-flow fixtures on showerheads
and toilets.
. Outdoors: .
~ Use the prindples of'xeriS:cape™ wh.eri.
landscaping your home or business. .
. Xeriscape .infon;naticin.is available at the
SJRWMbor'through your local countY,..
extension. agent. ..
, (j Wo.sh or' rinse vehicles on a poro~s
surface so the water will soak into th.e
.. ground rather them: become runoff:., :.
(j. Don't leave y,Tater -running freelyw!1He. ,.
soaping or rinsing vehiCles:. . ..
~ Use, a hose equipped with 9n automatic
shutoff nozzle, . ..
(j Sweep-'don't:hose down ~.your drive-
way or side;.vGlk. .
. .
(j C'onsider using a water-saving.fi,lter on
you,r swimming pool. .
The SJRWMD includes' Duval, Clay, NqsSQu,
St. Johns, Flagler, Voll;l~ia, Seminole, Iridian River.
.a.ndHrevard counties, dnd pbrtionsof Baker,. .
.: ,Bradford,:Putnam, Alachup, Marion, Lake, ,. . .
. Orange,. Polk, Osceola andOkeechobe.e counties: :
, ....
For Il1oreinformatibn conc~rning water.
. .restrictions, call the SJRWMD, between 8, a,m.
,. .and 5:30 p:m.Moriday tl;1rough Friday.at
1~800-2~2-0904 ' .
servation TipsI
. S.t.lohnsRiver.WaterManagem.~nt District
. . . .
Wk-!J ~H4PJu1~ ~~? ' ., .'
. Do~ t uJ~ gP%p.fA?,jg'~/ 'COiiHt? .
Florida's public water supply,
is dependent an undergraund
aquifers that hav.e callected water
for- millians: af years. Fickle weather
, ,cycles with abundantrainfoUawed
by draught cannot replace the mil"
lions of gall(m~ afwater that are used daily.
. by a growir:tgpopulation:Although Florida'
receive.s an avemge of 55 inc.hes,afrain, per
year! abaut 65% ,af that e.vaBorates. Onl>:-a .
. telatively,sn:lQlI'percentageof tatal r.ainfall
replenishes the ~round .and.suI'fq.ce .
water sup.plies~ It'S up t() aU af us to.
'con~erve now -: and for the' future.
Wluj'~ w~I~,~a1iJr,?:. .
. Under Florida law, water management....
dis~ricts may Impase wqter use 'restrictians..'
, as canditions warrant - usually during,
times af diau'ght or other water
WkotU,:~ W~ .coH4PJWati~~ Ru4?,.
The St. Johns River. Water Mal').agement
District (SJRWMD) was the first diStrict ,in
,Florida to adopt the rille, requiring. the. wise
. an,d efficient use of water. an'a year~rau.nd
basis. The rule is simple, easy to: fallaw,
and applies to. everyone,.includ~n:g .' .
homeawnersj b\ls~nesses, farmers, gro~ers,:
, plarit nurseries, ipdustries and golf caun;es.
'.' .' .
WkuCllMtI uJriJ1;f1?
Water oniy wpen.yo~r plQnt~needit;
before 10 ~.m. Q.n.dafter 4 p;m;,. any
,da~ .
However, watering durin.g thas€.l1qurs will
be permitted; ifyau'ie using:
, '.low-valUl:ne armicro-irrigatian methods'
su'ch,.as.soa.ker hases, drip. irrigatian, .
. mtcr6jets or'.a. hand-held.ho,se with
'automatic shutaffnozzle; .
, reclaimed wat~r (pravided signs '
. indiCating such use are displayed an
,:.your praperty).... '.
, (Some Cities o.nd tawns have' adopted their
.. own lacal :water use. ordi~.9nces. R~sidents
. ~n thase areas should follaw whatever
. restrIctions,are striCt~st.L ..
:. . CfMfI I h~ ~~l'AIlfJ1id IuJII(, ~~?
Uydu feel yau cannat; camply with, the rule,
you must apply:fat q. generalpermit,iSsuea
by the District. The permi~ fee is $~O. . .
This. peimii. is simil.ar to,VarIances issued.
durin.ga ~ater shartage~(Note: all. .
. variances previausly -issued during .a. water
shortage are vaid.)
Wkotluq;p~.l/ I V'lofoa ~
'W~ COH4eMri/2o~, Rdk? .
.T~e rule is flexible enaugh that everyone
: should be able to c'amply with the
designated haurs. However,SJRWMD staff
may issu.e.cansent orders (citatians) to.
. vioiotars, with penalties af $50 (residential)
. . '" ..
. and $100 (commercial) f~r first~time,
'violatians. PenaltieS. increase far secand
.' offenses~ Law ,enf()rcem~nt afficers mayalsa .
,enforce:the rule by issuings~cand-degree. .
miscfe~eahor citatians to violatars: .
. .
: WktirrJ,JU% iuuP~cap~? .
Wate,ring.wHh a sprinkler lsqllawed atony
, time af day far:, :.' '.
'one 30-day periacl for laridscape; . .
. gardens, ~gricu1tural crops or nursery
. stack, to. allow far plant establishment;
, 'arid
"one 60-day periad farnewly.seeded ar
. ~prigged golfcaurses, pravided irrigation
is limited to. th.e amount' necessary for
plant estClblishment.
. .
,. . Watering in.. af insectiCides, pesficides,
.. herbicides, fun'gicides. and fertilizers is .
allo~ed any' time within 24 hours af
applicatian. Chemigation and.fertigation
... are allowed. at any time af day one till!e
per.weekand any time during the narmal
.4 p.m. to 10 a.m. irrigatian hours.
. W~ C/U(; I wad ~_ rxa?' . .
There a(e .na restrictians an car washing,
butple~se f~llaw ~ater-canserving
medsureswhen possible. Rememb.er .ta use
. an autamatic shut aff on your hase! .
. h.lI(,g~ot uJ~ t1J.~ trR41ldf4d?
No., but .water conServatian practices
a.re encouraged.
. C~lwad II(,!J ckg? Frlll1(,!J pool?
ftrR4If1JW ~II(,!J /u;t1J.~? ..
Yes! But use camman sense, and canserve
water wheneve(passible. . Dan't waste it:-,
. . . TU/U(; ItO/1!
W. oJ!J 'uJ~ !Jora p!a4 KUd r;t
~~(PM /. 0 0,.11(,. aJUi a/Wr, 4 p .11(,. I (JA(,!JM,!J! .
~ . --.... """", I j/. ~
"''11/11\\ IiI \., \'1' ,,;, 'I' .,,\Ii,lliI' , " :":".v>- \., . '0.'tr(I"II"I'" /
\\'\\JII\\\~'\!\" ql~~I':!i,tt..It."I\I\r"ll .:~ :ljl;liJIII!:~~J'IT:II'I'"
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. i i ,\,'P1111 I, \\ 1,'/111,1\11.\ I)' .11.\' \ I \ 11.1",11 "I,,'ll ,11,,1,,;,/ If .
'I ~ \ I " \ , \ '1' t', , il'. .