HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 09 14 Regular Item B
September 14. 1998
REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division reguests the
Commission to review the role of the Commerce and Industry Board.
The purpose of this Board Item is to request the Commission review the role of the
Commerce and Industry Board.
The provisions of Sec. 2-70 which state: "There is hereby created the City of Winter
Springs Commerce and Industry Development Board hereinafter referred to in this
division as board. The purpose of the board shall be to recommend plans and work
toward attracting clean, nonpolluting commercial business to the City that are compatible
with a high quality of life, culture and environment.
The provisions of Sec. 20-73 which state: "The board shall have no authority to
contractually, legally or otherwise bind the City. The Board shall recommend to the City
Commission all programs it deems necessary to effectuate its purposes. The City
Commission shall review the recommendations and vote to approve or disapprove or
approve with recommendations and shall vote to fund or not to fund the
SEPTEMBER 14, 1998
Page 2
. The City Manager will attend the September 9th meeting of the Commerce and Industry
It is recommended the City Commission review the information and provide direction to
staff the Commission deems appropriate.
1. Letter to Mel Glickman, Chairman of the commerce and Industry Board, from the
City Manager.
2. Sections of the City Code pertaining to the Commerce and Industry Board.
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
September 2, 1998
Mr. Mel Glickman, Chairman
Commerce & Industry Development Board
703 Aberdeen Court
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Dear Mr. Glickman:
Your letter of August 27 is acknowledged. I plan to attend the September 9 meeting of
the Commerce and Industry Board to discuss the ideas mentioned in your letter.
The Commission plans to discuss the future role of the Commerce & Industry Board
under Regular Agenda Item "B" scheduled for September 14, at 6:30 P.M. This should
be a matter of discussion at your next meeting.
onald W. McLemore, City Manager
cc: Commerce & Industry
Development Board Members
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(d) If the person cited fails to pay the civil pen-
alty within the time allowed, or fails to appear in
court to contest the citation, he shall be deemed to
have waived his right to contest the citation and
judgment may be entered against the person for
an amount up to the maximum civil penalty not
to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00).
(e) Any person who willfully refuses to sign or
accept a citation issued by a code enforcement of-
ficer or refuses to provide the information reo
quired in the citation shall be in violation of this
section and shall be prosecuted as a Inisdemeanor
of the second degree, punishable as provided in ~
775.082 or ~ 775.083 of the Florida Statutes.
(Ord. No. 547, ~ I(~ 2-66h), 11-22-93)
Sec. 2-69.6. Citation contents.
The citation issued by the code enforcement of-
ficer shall be in a form prescribed by the city and
shall contain:
(1) The date and time of issuance.
(2) The name and address of the person to
whom the citation is issued.
(3) The date and time the civil infraction was
(4) The facts constituting reasonable cause.
(5) The number or section of the code or ordi.
nance violated.
(6) The name and authority of the code enforce-
ment officer.
(7) The procedure for the person to follow in
order to pay the civif penalty or to contest
the citation.
(8) The applicable civil penalty if the person
elects not to contest the citation.
(9) The applicable civil penalty if the person
elects to contest the citation.
(10) A conspicuous statement that if the person
fails to pay the civil penalty within the time
allowed, or fails to appear in court to con-
test the citation, he shall be deemed to have
waived his right to contest the citation and
that, in such case, judgment may be en-
Supp. N.. I:!
S 2.70
tered against the person for an amount up
to the maximum civil penalty.
(Ord. No. 547, ~ I(~ 2-66i), 11.22-93)
Sec. 2.69.7. Disposition of citations and civil
(a) Mter issuing a citation to an alleged vio-
lator, the code enforcement officer shall:
(1) Deposit the original citation and one (1) copy
of the citation with the clerk of the circuit
(2) Provide the alleged violator with one (1)
(3) Deposit one (1) copy with city clerk; and
(4) Retain one (1) copy in the code enforcement
officer's department me.
(b) All civil penalties received by the county
court from violators of city codes or ordinances
shall be paid into the general fund of the city in
the penalty and fine account. All court costs shall
be retained by the clerk of the circuit court.
(Ord. No. 547, ~ I(~ 2-66j), 11-22-93)
Sec. 2-69.8. Provisions supplemental.
It is the legislative intent of this subdivision to
provide an additional and supplemental means of
obtaining compliance with city codes and ordi.
nances. Nothing contained in this subdivision shall
prohibit the city from enforcing its codes or ordi-
nances by any other means.
(Ord. No. 547, 9 1(9 2-66k), 11-22-93)
Sec. 2-70. Created.
There is hereby created The City of Winter
Springs Commerce and Industry Development
Board hereinafter referred to in this division as
board. The purpose of the board shall be to rec.
ommend plans and work toward attracting clean,
nonpolluting commercial businesses to the city
that are compatible with a high quality of life,
culture and environment.
(Ord. No. 424, ~ 1, 7-11-88)
'c. 2-71. Membership; terms; removal.
The board shall be comprised of seven (7) memo
rs. Five (5) members to be appointed by the city
ffimission with the incumbent mayor and the
;y manager serving as ex officio members of the
,ard. Each board member shall serve a three-
,ar term and may be removed at any time by a
ajority vote of the city commission. The city com-
ission shall strive to appoint persons from the
'ivate business sector in Winter Springs or busi-
~ss persons residing within the city.
lrd. No. 424, ~ 2, 7-11-88)
ec. 2-72. Reimbursement for expenses.
Each board member except the mayor and the
ty manager shall be reimbursed from the city
'easury to cover the expenditures naturally and
ecessarily incurr~d in the performance of their
uties of office and the reimbursement for ex-
enses shall be established by resolution.
)rd. No. 424, 9 3, 7-11-88)
:ec. 2-73. Powers and duties.
The board shall have no authority to contractu-
.ny, legally or otherwise bind the city. The board
hall recommend to the city commission all pro-
;rams it deems necessary to effectuate its pur-
loses. The city commission shall review the rec-
mmendations and vote to approve or disapprove
ir approve with recommendations and shall vote
o fund or not to fund the recommendations.
Ord. No. 424, ~ 4, 7-11-88)
;ecs. 2-74-2-75. Reserved.
;ec. 2-76. Created.
There is hereby created "The Beautification of
VVinter Springs Board" (hereinafter referred to as
.Ord. No. 459, ~ 1, 5-22-89)
*Editor's note-Ord. 459, ~ 1, adopted May 22, 1989, did
:lot specify manner of codification; hence, inclusion h'erein as
Div. 4, ~~ 2.76-2.80, has been at the discretion of the editor.
Cross references-Building regulations generally, Ch, 6;
fences, walls and hedges, ~ 6.186 et seq.; land development,
Ch. 9; signs and advertising, Ch. 16; streets, sidewalks and
ather public places, Ch. 17; zoning, Ch, 20.
Supp. No. 12
Sec. 2-77. Composition; appointment ofmem-
BOWS shall consist of seven (7) members, five
(5) members to be appointed by the city commis-
sion and two (2) members to be appointed by the
(Ord. No. 459, S 2, 5-22-89)
Sec. 2.78. Terms; organization; meetings.
The members of BOWS shall be appointed for a
term of three (3) years; three (3) of the initial
BOWS members shall be appointed for a term of
three (3) years, two (2) of the initial BOWS mem-
bers shall be appointed for terms of two (2) years,
and two (2) of the initial BOWS members shall be
appointed for the term of one (1) year, thereafter
the terms shall be three (3) years. Immediately
upon appointment, the members of the Beautifi-
cation of Winter Springs Board shall meet and
organize and shall elect from among the member.
ship a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secre-
tary, whose terms of office shall be for the period
of one (1) year or until their successors are elected