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Board of Adjustment
Meeting Minutes
October 05, 1995
Call to Order:
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Greene at 7:00 P.M.
James Greene, Chairperson, Present
Elizabeth Harrow, Present
Greg Smith, Present
Frank Adams, Present
AI Becker, Absent
Donald R. LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist
Consideration of the September 07. 1995 Meetin!!: Minutes:
Chairperson Green asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes? Mr.
Adams pointed out two typographical errors; the word except should be, accept on pages
one and four.
Chairperson Greene tabled the approval of the September 07, 1995 for lack of Board
members who attended the September 07, 1995 meeting.
ill. Request of Frank J. and Carmen A. Collazo for a variance to Section 6-190 of the
Code of Ordinances to allow a fence to be !!:reater than four (4) feet in hei2ht.
namelv seven (7) feet. The property is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) and
is located at 913 Arabian Avenue:
Chairperson Green explained how the meeting will proceed. Staffwill make a presentation,
someone will speak for the applicant, and I will then ask for public comment for and against the
variance. I will then close public session, accept a motion, and the Board will have discussion.
Weare not here to discuss whether the Collazos' may build a fence. Weare here to discuss
whether the fence can be over four (4) feet high.
Mr. LeBlanc said he sent his package to the Board, and property owners within (150) feet of the
variance property were notified by certified mail. The City did not receive any replies because of
the certified notices sent, but said, by the presence of all the people here this evening, it seems all
the replies are here.
Board of Adjustment
Meeting Minutes - October 05, 1995
Page 2
Mr. LeBlanc said Mr. Doug Hammond, an authorized agent for Mr. and Mrs. Collazo made this
claim. The claim is, there are two fences in the immediate area that exceed the height restriction,
850 Dyson and 840 Dyson. They are about one mile away from the subject property.
He went on to explain that the home at 840 Dyson received a variance from the height restriction
on December 01, 1988. It also had a petition signed by the neighbors stating there was no
objection. I could not find any records of when the fence at 850 Dyson was built, or if it had a
variance. The area is heavily treed where the two fences are. There is one similar fence in the
immediate neighborhood, and that property is 620 Morgan Street. It appears to meet all the Code
requirements, (on a windshield survey) and the fence is on the front of the property line only.
There is hedge row on the side property lines.
Mr. LeBlanc sent the Board members photos of the fences at 840 and 850 Dyson. He also sent a
notarized authorization for Mr. Hammond to act as a representative for Mr. and Mrs. Collazo.
Mr. Douglas J. Hammond - 123 Triplet Lake Drive, Casselberry, Florida. Mr. Hammond, a
I"'"'"' representative for Mr. and Mrs. Collazo said the applicants used the fences at 840 and 850 Dyson
as an example for design of their fence. This is the reason I took photographs of the fences.
Later, when we tried to get the fence permitted, we discovered the City Code was four (4) feet.
However, we knew the fences were over four (4) feet. When we measured the fences, they were
about six (6) feet.
Chairperson Green asked Mr. Hammond ifhe had reviewed the fence site plan submitted to the
Architectural Review Board (ARB) for Tuscawilla?
Mr. Hammond said he did, and the ARB approved it. The ARB of Tuscawilla was unaware of
any height restrictions fences. Mr. Hammond stated that Mr. Childs said if that is City Code, then
you must follow their Code. The ARB of Tuscawilla had no objections to violating their setback
Mr. Hammond said that Mr. Childs approved the site plan that the Board of Adjustment has in
their possession, and is currently in the City permitting office. It is however, subject to the
variance. Presently, in plan review, there should be two stamped copies of the site plan and fence
design as approved by Mr. Childs.
Chairperson Greene asked Mr. Hammond if he was aware ofthe fact that the site plan as
I"'"'"' submitted, also violates Section 6.191 of the City Codes?
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Meeting Minutes - October 05,1995
Page 3
Mr. Hammond said he was not aware of that, only the height restriction.
Chairperson Greene read from Section 6.191 that states, ". . . to avoid the obstruction of clear
vision around or through corners on corner lots, no fence, wall or hedge shall be erected,
planted or grown with twenty-five (25) feet of the intersecting property line corner, adjacent to
the street intersection corners. "
Mr. Hammond said he was informed of the information by phone, but never given any
particulars. Either way, it must go through plan review. I would assume that through plan
review, they would have instructed me to make the necessary revisions. I believe it was Mr.
LeBlanc who pointed that out to me when he informed me of the height restrictions.
Chairperson Greene asked Mr. Hammond if there was any particular reason the Collazos' felt
they needed a fence?
Mr. Hammond did not know the reason, but speculated it was for security reasons. He was
chosen by them [Collazos'] to be the designer, and to represent them through the entire process as
the Collazos' were out of the country.
Mr. Smith asked if any flexibility existed in providing the proper distance at the comer of
Stallion? Mr. Hammond said yes, whatever the Board would recommend. The Collazo's main
concern is the height. They would like to have the fence higher than four (4) feet, I am assuming
for security reasons.
Chairperson Greene asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak in favor of the
Mr. Smith (first name sounds like, Les) - 623 Stallion Court, Winter Springs, FL - Mr.
Smith said he lives just behind Mr. Collazo's property. He felt that six (6) feet should be the
maximum. Personally he would accept up to a six (6) foot high fence.
Chairperson Greene reminded everyone they are to decide whether a fence can be built higher
than four (4) feet. Keep in mind that the fence is in front of the front building line. I am surprised
at the ARB having approved the fence. It violates all the standards I have known in Tuscawilla,
and I served on the Board ten years ago.
Chairperson Greene asked if there was anyone who wanted to speak against the fence?
Mr. Jack Yoder and Mrs. Phyllis Yoder - 914 Arabian Avenue, Winter Springs, FL-
"..... Mr. Yoder said they live directly across from the proposed structure at 913 Arabian Avenue. The
area is built with a theme of openness, and that is how it has been maintained over the years.
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Meeting Minutes - October 05,1995
Page 6
Chairperson Greene said he thinks this is a serious question as far as getting the clarification of
the ARB. The ARB has far more stringent requirements than the City Code about what can be
built, how close to the street, and height restrictions.
Mr. Smith moved that the property owner be allowed to proceed with a wall height of no higher
than six (6) feet for that portion.
Motion dies for a lack of a second.
Chairperson Greene said he will accept another motion.
Mr. Adams moved that the Board deny the variance request. Based on my observation and,
public input, the majority is against this, and they are the neighbors.
Seconded by Mr. Smith.
I"'" Chairperson Greene wanted to forewarn the Board members that denying this request does not
deny them the right to build a fence, it just denies them the right to build a fence any higher than
four (4) feet for that portion of the fence that is in front of the front building line. I guess we
cannot put any restrictions on the denial, requiring him to get approval of the ARB or spoken
Elizabeth Harrow, aye
Greg Smith, aye
Frank Adams, aye
Chairperson James Greene, aye
Motion Carried
IV. Adiournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Board of Adjustment
Meeting Minutes - October 05,1995
Page 7
Submitted by, :?-/ / / _______
/ S~rle~ ~rankhouser
Administrative Secretary
Prepared November 09, 1995
James Greene, Chairperson