HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 01 05 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes City of winter Springs Florida Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes January 5, 1995 1. Call to order: Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Greene. 2. Attendance: James Greene, Chairperson, Present Greg Smith, Present Wendy Austin, Present Al Becker, Absent Frank Adams, Absent Donald R. LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist 3. Consideration of the November 3, 1994 Meetinq Minutes: Chai rperson Greene asked for any questions, addi tions or corrections to the minutes. None submitted; minutes approved as submitted. _. 4. Request by H. Sabeti for Conditional Use for multiple-family residential units to be allowed in a Neiqhborhood Commercial District per Section 20-234 of the City Code. Mr. LeBI anc stated this particul ar case was re-advertised on December 22, 1994, and letters remailed to the same homeowners because the December 1, 1994 meeting was canceled due to lack of a quorum. Mr. LeBlanc explained this particular piece of property is a small parcel that remains at the corner of Moss and S.R. 419. The entire project except for that area on the corner is multiple-family and Mr. Sabeti is requesting that the commercial portion of this property be allowed to have conditional use to finish his housing project. Mr. LeBlanc explained back in March of 1992 the Board of Adjustment approved the same conditional use for the property at the intersection of Sherry and S.R. 419. Mr. Sabeti stated that the concerns of the homeowners was that it is commercial property, and would prefer that Mr. Sabeti complete his construction of homes rather than have an unwanted commercial business on the property. Mr. Smith asked what the parking space requirements were, and if they were being met. Mr. LeBlanc explained that the requirements were being met. ____,,,......,,,.,..-..,',,...-".,,-."-....,~'''...,,~~~,.,.~.~.-..,~_,~~_.____.__~_.....u.~._...""."...._.._.._ City of Winter Springs Florida Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Page 2 Mr. Smith moved to approve for condtional use. Austin. Vote: All Aye; motion carried. Seconded by Ms. Chairperson Greene stated the request by Mr. Sabeti for conditional use for multiple-family residential units to be allowed in the neighborhood commercial district, per Section 20-234 of the City Code is hereby granted. 5. Adiournment: Meeting of the Board of Adjustment adjourned at 8:10 P.M. ............, Shirl y A. Frankhouser, Administrative Secretary Prepared January 10, 1995 This document is a summary of the Board of Adjustment actions at this meeting. The audiotapes of all meeting are maintained in the permanent records of the City of winter Springs.