HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 06 02 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING SUMMARY JUNE 2, 1994 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Greene. 2. Attendance: James Greene, Chairman, Present Wendy Austin, Present Al Becker, Present Frank Adams, Present Greg Smith, Present Carl D. Gosline, Community Dev. Coord. 3. Consideration of the Mav 5, 1994 Meetinq Summary: Chairman Greene asked for any questions, additions or corrections. Mr. Becker moved to approve the meeting summary of May 5, 1994, it was seconded by Mr. Smith. Vote was unanimous, motion carried. 4. Request of McDonald's Corporation - 94-VAR-3 for a variance to Section 9.241 Cd) to allow a wet bottom stormwater pond. A. Discussion: Carl Gosline explained that the reason for the variance for a wet bottom pond is that the current City Code does not allow wet bottom detention ponds. Kamran Khosravani, an engineer from Conkl in, Porter & Holmes, Engineering Inc. representing McDonal d's Corporation, stated that the detention pond does meet the requirements set up by the st Johns Water Management District, and the pond will be fenced. Mr. Smith asked if the company took into account the right-of-way setback, and the future widening of state. Road 434, and the future expansion to Brantley Avenue. Mr. Khosravani answered, yes. B. Staff Recommendation: The staff recommends approval of the request to allow construction of a wet bottom retention pond for McDonald's Restaurant located at the southeast corner of Brantley Avenue and State Road 434. Mr. Adams stated that there has been some concern with fences around these ponds, and asked why some ponds have fences and some do not. Mr. Khosravani said that it depended on when the property was constructed and if the Water Management District was requiring a stormwater retention constructed. Mr. Khosravani also stated that the purpose of fencing was due to liability. Mr. Khosravani assured the Board that there will be landscaping around the fencing. / .-. ~ BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING SUMMARY JUNE 2, 1994 Page 2 There was discussion with regard to putting a condition on the variance wi th regard to the 1 andscaping. Mr. Gos line expl ained that the Site Plan Review Board would address this matter in detail. C. Board Action: Mr. Smi th made a motion to approve the variance based on the findings in Staff Report 94-VAR-3. It was seconded by Mr. Becker. Chairman Greene asked for discussion. Mr. Adams made a motion to amend the original motion to put a condition of landscaping on the variance for aesthetic purposeso Chairman Greene asked for a second to the amended motion. The amendment died for lack of a second. The vote on the original motion is as follows: Mr. Adams, Nay; Mr. Smith, Aye; Mr. Greene, Aye. Motion carried. Ms. Austin, Aye; Aye; Mr. Becker, 5. Other Business: A. Appointment of Representative to the LDC Technical RevieR Committee After some discussion, Chairman Greene and Mr. Smith volunteered to review the Land Development Code and submit their comments. 6. Adiournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M. R SP~ctful~~~ Shirley A. Frankhouser, Adminis rative Secretary This document is a summary of the Board of Adjustment ac~~ons at this meeting. Anyone wishing to obtain more detailed information may contact Shirl ey Frankhouser to arrange to 1 isten to the audiotapes during normal business hours. -