HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 08 05 Regular NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE is hereby given by the Board of Adjustment of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to consider a request of Florida Residential Communities for a Variance to Section 9-24l)d) of the Code to allow the following: Section 9-24l(d) - to allow Retention/Detention pond bottom elevations to be less than one (1) foot (12 inches) above the seasonal high water elevation. The property where this Variance would occur is located approximately 600 feet south of State Road 419/434, east of Howell Creek and to the north and west of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. The Public Hearing will be held in the Winter Springs City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida, 32708-2799, on December 2, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. Interested parties and citizens, for and against this Variance will be heard at this time. Said Hearing. may be continued until final action is taken. This notice shall be posted in three (3) public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida and published in the "Orlando Sentinel Seminole Extra", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, one time at least fifteen (15) days prior to the aforesaid hearing date. In addition, notice shall be posted in the area to be considered at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Department ADA Coordinator 48 hours in advance of the meetings at (407) 327-1800. Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at these meetings/ hearings, they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based, per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. ~-r~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ~- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Nov. 4, 1993 FAX Letter 420-5011 Orlando Sentinel Legal Advertisements Orlando, FL Dear Sirs: Enclosed please find Notice of Public Hearing for the City of Winter Springs to be published on Sunday, November 14, 1993, in the Seminole Extra legal advertisements for Seminole County. Please send proof of publication and invoice to this office. Thank you. Yours truly, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~-r~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 FAX LETTER: DATE 11/8/93 TO: Orlando Sentinel Legal Advertisements FAX NO.: 420-5011 FROM: Mary Norton, City Clerk NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): 3 REGARDING: Notice of Public Hearing COMMENTS: PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY IF NOT RECEIVED PROPERLY: (407) 327-1800 TRANSMITTING FROM: dex450 The Orlando Sentinel Published Daily $53.20 ~tatt of jflortba } S.S_ COUNTY OF ORANGE in the SEMINOI E was published in said newspaper in the issue; of 111'14 l' 9"3 Court, I NOTlC~~~~:~cs~~:~G NOTlg~OF HERE?~ ~v~r ~r::' Board of AdjUFslot~cfa' that said ~rd of ter Spnngs. ' bl" hearing to Adjustment will hold a rc':idlC Residential consider a request of F 0 a to Secllon ~~~)d\iti~ ~~e a cv:c;:,,~ allow the follOWing~241 (d)-to alloW RetentionlOe- section nd bottom elevations to be tentlon po (1) foot (12 incheS) aboVe less than one ,I eIeVelion the seasonal ~~~~ varianc8 would ~.r.r::'~ted apPdo~fg~~ ':st~ south of Slate Roa north 'and west HoWelISeacreekboa~~~r~ne Railroad. oflhe "11 be held In the The Public Hea~l~ WI East Slate Wlnte spring~C~7er ~p;I~~6s, Florida. Road 434. I DeCember 2.1993 at 32708-2799, on thereafter as pas- 7:00 P.M. or as ~ If!O-dtizens, for sible. Interested ~'. .. '* heard'\ and against thiS v~....,con_ at this time. Sald .... . , Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Beverly C. Sirrm:>ns , who on oath says that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of The Or1ando Sentinel, a dally newspaper published at CASSj:"LBERRY in 'S (M I N OL E County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, bein~ a NOT ICE 0 F PUB l I C H in the matter of DF'.C:F:rvfHFm 2, '993 Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at CASSELBERRY ,insaid SEMINOLE County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said SEMI NOl E County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in CASSt"lBERRY in said SEMINOLE County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper, fJ \ V . C--- . 11../m~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befor me this 16tA day of IDVEMBER ,19~, by Beverly C. S~ns , who is personally known to me and who did ~J~' i ' 1i1& d (SEAL) -#~, ELIZABETH L HADDAD My Commission CC323402 * ~ * ExpifesOct.13.1997 ~. Bonded by HAl ~-If"''' 800.422.1555 tin~ untilfintl ~~'ltlree (3) ThIS notice sNI be ~fI Winter public places. ~ .... "' the SpringS, Florid!! .... '.. a" a "Orlando s.ru"" ~rculetlon In ihe c~,,:~, Florida, one time at lees! fifteen' (15) days prior, ~ ~ aforesaid hearing dates. In 8dditlO to' be . hall be poSle<! in the aree :'~ered atleasl fifteen (15) ~ilYs pr~ oi to the date of the fK.lblic ~. . Persons with disabilitIeS needing ass: lance to partic:Jt" ~~ ~=Jyee ceedtngs ~...~ent ADA Coordinator ~~r;: i~ance of the meetings et (407)327.1800advisad that " they dectde Persons are deClSk>nS made at theS9 to BP,peaI any, they will Mad a re- meetings/heBrl~ings and for. such cord of the pr ~ to insure thet a pur~. they ~ the proceedings is ver~~:;or incIud98 the le8limony and ~v~de'nce upon which the .p~ra:IJ: based. per SectIon 286.0105 0 \ Statutes, Mary T. Norton. City Clerk ~1007 Nov.14,1993 Board of Adjustment Minutes Thursday, August 5, 1993 Board Members; James Greene, Chairman, Present \Vendy Austin, Present AI Becker, Present Frank Adams, Present Greg Smith, Absent The meeting was called to order at 7 P.Nt The Approval of the lVfinutes of February 4. 1993 Adams made a motion to accept the minutes of February 4, 1993 as submitted, seconded by Becker. Vote: all - aye, motion carried. Becker made a motion to add to the agenda the annual election of officers, seconded by Adams. Vote: all-aye, motion carried. Annual Election of Officers Adams made a motion to keep the Chairman, James Greene, in place, seconded by Becker. Vote: all -aye, motion carried. The Chairman will remain. Adams nominated Becker for Vice Chairman, seconded by Austin. Vote; all -aye, motion canied. AI Becker is elected Vice Chairman. Request of Morrison Homes for variances to Section 6-219 (a) and (c) of the Code to construct a swimming pool within ten (10) feet of the rear property line and a screen enclosure within seven (7) feet of the rear property line. The property is located at 1437 Whitehall Boulevard (Georgetowne Unit II) and is zoned Planned Unit DeveloDment. LeBlanc reviewed the package with the Board. He explained that the water's edge from the rear property line should be 10 feet and the screened enclosure should be 7 feet; they don't have these setbacks on this proposal, they are requesting 8 feet to the water's edge and 6 feet to the screened enclosure. Greene said, we are discussing this request in light of what we've done in the past; most cases where we have granted variances of this type, not all cases, but most cases we've been backing up to a greenbelt, or to the golf comse or somewhere they are not goingntowards another neighbor's house. Apparently, right now Georgetowne Unit ill is being developed and we are trying to fioaure out what was going to happen in this area. - - Board of Adjustment Minutes Thursday, August 05, 1993 Page 2 Chris Coleman, General Sales Manager for Momson Homes, came fOlWard for questions from the Board. Discussion ensued regarding the amount of homes that would be anticipated to building pools in this subdivision. Coleman explained that the marketing strategy for this development is the community pool and they are not actively selling pools. Adams reminded the Board that many people come to Florida and want to put a pool on their lot. Coleman pointed out that there would not be a privacy waIl between this lot and one to be built behind it where the pool & screen enclosure would meet the other property, as was built in Georgetowne I by another builder. Adams stated the importance in their decision, since it would set a precedence for this development. Greene brought up the point that with the development of Georgetowne ill, and if the property behind this one builds the same configuration, the screen enclosures would be about 14 feet apart. Adams made a motion to grant the variance to allow this pool to be built within 8 feet and the screened enclosure within 6 feet of the rear property line, seconded by Austin. Vote: Adams, aye; Becker, aye; Austin, aye; and Greene, nay; motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~&~ 13 August 1993 ,.