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The Orlando Sentinel
Publis$hed Daily
Notice IS hereby given by the Board of
Adjustment of the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, that said Board of Ad-
justment will hold a public hearing t.o
conSider a request of Spring Land In-
vestments, LId., for Variances to Section
9-241 (d) and 9-346 of the Code to al-
low the following:
1. Section 9-241 (d)-to all Retention-
/Detention pond bottom elevations to be
less than one ,(1) foot (12 inches) above
the seasonal high water elevation and'
.2. Section 9-346-to allow an approved
Site Plan to be valid for a period of
~reater thanone (1) year.
he properties where these Variances
would occur is located to the south of
State Road 419/434, abutting Wagner's
Curve, to. the immediate noth of the
Winter Springs U.S. Post Office.
The Public Hearin\l will be held in the
Winter Springs City Hall, 1126 East
State Road 434, Winter Springs Florida
32708-2799, on April 2, 1992' at 7:00
i p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Interested parties and citizens, for and
a\lalnst these variances, will be heard at
thiS time. Said hearing may be contin-
ued until final action is taken.
ThiS notice shall be posted in three (3)
pubhc places within the City of Winter
~prlngs, Florldeand publiShed in the
Orlando Sentinel Seminole Extra" a
newspaper of general circulation in the
City of Winter Springs, Florida. one time
at least fifteen (15) days prior to the
aforesaid hearing date. In addition no-
tice shall be posted in the area to be
considered at least fifteen (15) days pri-
or to the date of public hearing.
~T.~ I
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SLS3B6l~ . MaH5;-tll!l2 I
~tate of jflortba } 5.5.
Before the undersilffiJ~~.Rri~asJffi8ally appeared
, who on oath says
that he/she is the Legal AdvertisinJLRew~sentative of The Orlando Sentinel, a dally
ne'yvs(:laper p,':lblished at CASS'E:Lo t:RRY in
S EM I NO Lt:. . . County, Florida;
that the attached copy of advertisement, being a PUBL Ie H EAR I N GNOT I
in the SP1 INGLE Court,
was published in said newspaper in the issue; of 03/15/92
Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at
(ASS ELB ERR Y , in said
S EM INO LE County, Florida,
an.d thaUh.e s,Qidcnewspaper has heretofore been continuously publishe? in
said SE M I N at '- County, Flonda,
each WeE;1k Dqy p.nQ has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post
office in l.A S~ Ett> ERRY in said
S EM INO LE County, Florida,
for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached
copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid
nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate,
commission or refund for th rpose of securi.ng this a ertisement for
publication in the said ne paper. ~
Nopmi R Lurero
:Notary PIlIiII<-. "\f<lff' (j' Florida
j1y ("nmml~.i()t1 p~-r,fr", Augult 28,1994
Commission # CC042971
.-..----..........--r--.-- .
March ~, 1992
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M,
James Greene, Chairman, Present
Harry Reid, Vice-Chairman, Present
Frank Adams, Present
Al Becker, Absent
John Heninger, Present
D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coord.
L. T. Kozlov, City Engineer
Approval of Minutes of November 1. 1991
Adams motioned to approve the Amended Minutes of November 1, 1992.
Seconded by Reid. Vote: all aye. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes of February 6. 1992
Reid motioned to approve the Minutes of February 6, 1992. Seconded by
Adams. Vote: all aye. Motion carried.
Request of SALA, Inc. for a Conditional Use to Section 20-234 of the Code to
allow multiple-family residential units within a Neighborhood Commercial
District (c-l). Property is located at intersection of State Road 419 and
Sherry Avenue.
LeBlanc explained that this is a request for SALA, Inc. to a conditional use
of Sec. 20-234 of the Code allowing for multi-family units within the C-l
commercially zoned area along S.R. 419, between Moss and Sherry. This will
consist of four quadruplex units and half of another unit. SALA, Inc.
presented this to the Board of Adjustment in the past and was granted
condi tional use.
Adams asked about the conditions outlined in the previous Board of
Adjustment meeting of January 3, 1991. LeBlanc explained that those
conditions were for patio homes. These are quadruplexes, similar to those
built in DeerSong. Since SALA, Inc. has achieved success, they have decided
to continue building quads and this would be an extension; another 22
quads. However, to build multi-family in a commercially zoned area, a
condi tional use is required.
Reid questioned the density. LeBlanc stated there are 4 acres, 18 units,
and the density would be 4.~ units per acre.
sabeti stated that the setback requirements for R-3 zoning were being met.
, ~~'''''"..,~,.
Board of AdJust.ent Minutes
March 5, 1992
LeBlanc mentioned a telephone call he received today from a lady on David
Street. She wanted to know if this was the same type of construction that
was going on in DeerSong. He told her that it was, according to Mr. Sabeti.
She said she much preferred to see that than a convenience store or
something like that there.
Adams motioned, that on the basis of earlier approval of this variance and
the similarities; to grant the variance as requested. Seconded by Heninger.
Vote: Greene, aye; Reid, no; Adams, aye; Heninger, aye. Motion carried.
Request of Sullivan Materials, Inc. for Variance to Section 9-24Ud) of the
Code to allow retention/detention pond bottom elevations to be less than
one (1) foot above the seasonal hiah water elevation.
Greene outlined the purpose of the Board of AdjustDlent. The Boar~ of
Adjustment is not here to discuss whether or not the borrow pits can be
built. According to City Code, the decision of whether or not to permit
building borrow pits goes before the City Commission. Nor is the Board of
Adjustment to discuss how deep, wide, how much dirt is taken out, how the
dirt goes anywhere, how it is to be landscaped, or who is going to maintain
it. The Board is dealing with the hypothetical question which is, if the
borrow pits are approved by the Commission, and in the future they decide
to develop this property, can these pits/ponds be used as part of the
stormwater management system to receive this rainwater, as opposed to
having to build dry stormwater retention areas.
The City of Winter Springs' Code states that the bottom of retention pond
levels must be 1 foot above the water line, which means that they will be
dry at times when there is no rain. To build a wet bottom pond for
retention, a variance to the City Code is required from the Board of
Greene suggested that public discussion should be lJ.Jlited to whether or not
these ponds should be used for stormwater management and retention areas
understormwater management.
LeBlanc stated that since the application was made, the developer has
consented to a 4:1 slope eliminating the need for a variance for slopes less
that 2:1, and it also eliminates the need for a fence. Therefore, the only
variance Sullivan Materials is requesting is to allow retention/detention
pond bottom elevations to be less than one (1) foot above the seasonal high
water elevation.
David Brown. attorney with Broad and Cassel representing Sullivan Materials,
stated they were now in compliance with the Code with the exception of
requesting wet bottom vs dry bottom ponds. He introduced the engineer for
Sullivan Materials, George Garrett, who would discuss the technical aspects.
, 4
Board of Adjustment Minutes
March 5, 1992
George Garrett, engineer-of-record, with Regional Engineers, Planners, &
Surveyors, representing Sullivan Materials discussed pond design. The
future development concept is to use these ponds for detention storage.
The developments will have retention ponds for water quality to ensure that
.the ponds will remain. The ponds were designed from a level standpoint
using standard penetration boring tests to establish seasonal high water
level, normal water level and seasonal low water. Each lake will have
. approximately 1 1/2 foot vertical clearance from the normal water level to
the top of the bank. The City Engineer was asked for his comments.
Kozlov stated he had no comments. as Mr. Garrett has satisfied the technical
requirements for a wet bottom pond and that it met the City's requirements.
Mr. Moti Khemlani, representing Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association requested
definition of the words: retention pond, detention pond and lake. Kozlov
defined detention pond as a basin to accommodate water, similar to a river
with a dam, which is used to detain water and control the flow of water out
of the pond into the natural environment (runoff rate). A Retention pond
is to control pollution, which is mandated by the St. Johns River Water
Management 4 District (SJRWMD). One of the design requirements is that the
retention portion of the retention/detention pond accommodate an additional
volume to accept a runoff of the first 1/2 inch of runoff from the
impervious areas that usually have a variety of pollutants such as greases,
oils, pesticides, etc. The purpose is to retain the water with the pollutants
and contain it. The City has adopted the SJRWMD's formula to determine how
much water to retain for pollution purposes. The City Code has no
definition pf lakes. Kozlov offered the definition of lakes/ponds as bodies
of water.
Greene asked if plans submitted to the City must also be reviewed by the
SJRWMD. Kozlov stated that ~his was correct, and that a permit must be
obtained from the SJRWMD to continue with the proj~ct.
Mr. Khemlani questioned whether the SJRWMD permits a lake to be used as
storage of stormwater. Kozlov said that according to the SJRWMD, the
developer can use this body of water for detention purposes only. The
retention aspects of the design is to be in the future. They will design a
separate pond for retention only, to take care of the pollutants. Garrett
confirmed that their design is for detention use only.
The following persons (spelling questionable) spoke against the borrow pits:
Mr. Jerry Alcott, Chelsea Woods; and Dr. Robert Frilen, Tuscawilla Pines.
Discussion and questions followed by Ms. Ethel Charalavan, Winter Springs
Boulevard; Mr. Ted Boger, Mr. John Starzinsky, Chelsea Woods; Mr. Joe Bozik;
and Mr. Alex Brown, Chelsea Woods.
Board discussion followed. Greene asked if a variance is granted, will it
expire in six months. LeBlanc stated that the variance would not, as this
was presented beforehand for future planning. If the borrow pits are
. ,
Board of Adjust.ent Minutes
March 5, 1992
was presented beforehand for future planning. If the borrow pits are
approved by the Commission, this variance would then become part of It.
Also, they would not have to come back before this Board again unless their
retention ponds were wet. It they were dry, there would be no reason to
come before the Board.
Adams pointed out that the City Code uses the term retention/detention
ponds, and the variance requested refers to a detention pond. Reid asked
if there was an example of just a detention pond, in or outside the City.
Garrett engineered one at the quadrangle at University Blvd and Alafaya
Trail. The lakes were borrow pits and now are detention ponds.
D!scussion followed regarding the retention/detention pond ordinance.
Heninger motioned to grant the variance, removing the word retention, with
the condition that the Commission grant approval for the construction of
the lakes as they are proposed and approved by the Commission and for no
other use. Seconded by Adams. Vote: all ayes. Motion granted.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Gramarosa, Recording Secretary
Board of Adjustment