HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 07 13 Consent Item K
Consent X
Public Hearings
July 13. 1998
Regular Meeting
Mgr. I Dept.
City Clerk's Office
G. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 11, 1998
H. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 8, 1998
1. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 15, 1998
J. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 19, 1998
K. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 22, 1998
L. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 23, 1998
M. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 29, 1998
JUNE 22,1998
The Regular Meeting ofthe City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 6:30
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Attorney Robert Guthrie, present (6:34 p.m.)
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr.,absent
Commissioner David McLeod, present
Mayor Partyka explained for the record that Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. was on vacation,
and would not return until July 6, 1998.
Members of a local Winter Springs Boy Scout Troop were invited by Mayor Partyka to lead the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Partyka announced the agenda changes: the Commission will hear Consent Agenda Item C
and D; in addition to Informational Agenda Item B.
Mayor Partyka stated that the minutes were still being typed, but would be available for the next
Commission Meeting.
Jacqueline Lein, 1173 Winged Foot Circle East: spoke on problems that she had regarding the
Tuscawilla Beautification District, and with special emphasis on the related "lighting" issue.
Attorney Robert Guthrie arrived at 6:34 p.m.
Mayor Partyka asked Manager McLemore to comment about any changes that might have been made
to this document. Manager McLemore explained that there have been no changes to this issue, and
that nothing is inconsistent with what is reflected on the public record.
Bill Bridges, 1635 White Dove Drive: spoke on fiscal problems associated with the Tuscawilla
Beautification District and related fiscal issues; and asked that the Commissioners provide the fiscal
oversight and responsibility.
City Manager
A. Requesting City Commission authorization to award a bid for the removal and disposal
of the old communication tower behind City Hall. PURPOSE: for the City Commission
to authorize the award of a bid for the removal and disposal of the old communication
tower behind City Hall.
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June 22, 1998
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City Manager
B. Requesting the Commission to approve a sub-lease between A.P.T., Inc. (Aerial) and
Sprint to locate a second communication installation on the Communication Tower
located at City Hall. PURPOSE: for the Commission to approve a sub-lease between
A.P.T. and Sprint on the Communication Tower located at City Hall.
Community Development Department/Land Development Division
C. Requesting Commission approval for the recordation of the plat and covenants for Stone
Gable Subdivision. PURPOSE: to request that the Commission approve the recordation
of the plat and covenants for Stone Gable Subdivision. This subdivision is located on the
south side of SR 434 and to the west of Winding Hollow Boulevard.
City Manager
D. Requesting the City Commission authorize the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement
establishing the U.S. Highway 17/92 Corridor Redevelopment Planning Agency.
PURPOSE: to request the Commission to authorize the Mayor to execute an Interlocal
Agreement between the county and the participating cities establishing the U.S. Highway
17/92 Corridor Redevelopment Planning Agency including the Bylaws of the proposed
U.S. 17/92 Redevelopment Planning Agency.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the Consent Agenda excluding Items C,
and D. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
Discussion on Consent Item C.
Commissioner Gennell asked if a representative for the Developer was in attendance? As there was
none, Mayor Partyka asked if Staff could answer any concerns that Commissioner Gennell may have,
which dealt with the developer not providing a reserve fund. This concern was addressed by Mr.
Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator who referenced Article V, Section 1.3 of page 12.
While referring to this article, Commissioner Gennell asked if the builder pays dues on the lots? Mr.
LeBlanc said he would check on that. Commissioner Gennell stated that since Mr. LeBlanc felt that
the lot fees were taken care of, she had no other concerns.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake added his comments regarding this project, saying for the record,
"This property was previously zoned commercial, in our very valuable 434 Corridor. A developer
comes in and utilizes what I think is a loop hole in our Zoning Ordinances to turn it into a PUD, so
that they can then utilize another loophole, and build fifty foot wide residential lots on this formerly
valuable commercial property. Some of our neighboring communities are currently having
difficulties with fifty foot lots. In fact, if you take a look at our building code, fifty foot lots are not
allowed in any zoning classification; sixty foot is the minimum width, unless you use a PUD
designation. And still to this day, I cannot support this type of development in our City. It's very
short-sighted, and it's going to end up costing our tax payers in the long run".
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June 22, 1998
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Commissioner David McLeod made a Motion to approve Consent Agenda Item C. Seconded
by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Manager McLemore explained that restrictions and
requirements have been placed on the developer, and that he felt that this would turn out to be
a very successful project for the City. Attorney Guthrie then mentioned some of the legal
ramifications if this project was turned down now. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Blake: nay. Motion
Discussion on Consent Item D.
Commissioner McLeod voiced his concern with the City's involvement in this plan, "for the
duration", and wanted to know how many City of Winter Springs properties were in this specific area
of the CRA. Kevin Fall, Principal Planner with Seminole County addressed some of the
Commission's concerns, and said that he was unsure of the total number of parcels, but that the
taxable value of those parcels represented about 2Y2% of the total value of the CRA. There was
further discussion on the actual amount of taxes, and the length of time/duration for this agreement.
Mr. Fall explained that "What this interlocal does tonight, is set up a strategy and a framework for
which you have a voting member on the Board, which approves all expenditures ofTIF funds".
Commissioner Gennell asked Mr. Fall about the "Redevelopment Planning Agency" (RPA) and
there was discussion as to voting privileges for members of this committee.
Manager McLemore mentioned that he knew that the City of Winter Springs and Seminole County
would of course work together on this issue, and also on our upcoming Town Center.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Consent Agenda Item D. Seconded.
Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka welcomed several students and a teacher from Lyman High School who were in the
audience tonight, and were working on a school project.
Commissioner Gennell mentioned that that she had 17-92 CRA bumper stickers, and passed some
Fire Department
A. Requesting that the City Commission review information on the participation at the
Geneva brush fire. PURPOSE: to inform the City Commission of the personnel and
equipment utilized at the Geneva brush fire.
Parks And Recreation Department
B. Requesting Commission review the following information in response to Commissions
direction to notify them of our recreation program planning schedule for the Fiscal year
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June 22, 1998
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1998-1999 with specific notification of the exact date for public announcement of
summer programming. PURPOSE: to notify Commission of the program planning
schedule for 1999 and compare our 1998 program to that of other recreation planning
Parks And Recreation Department
C. Requesting Commission review the process included in the engineering design program
for local parks redevelopment for provision of service to special populations.
PURPOSE: to answer the Commissions query as to whether or how such planning is to
be accomplished.
Police Department
D. Providing the Commission with information in response to issues raised concerning (1)
arrests for trespassing, (2) vehicle traffic from Alton Road to Winding Hollow Blvd., and
(3) speeding complaints on Eagle's nest Circle. PURPOSE: to provide the Commission
with information in response to issues raised under Commissioner Martinez's seat at the
June 8, 1998 meeting regarding cut through trespassing incidents from Northern Way to
the Oviedo Marketplace Mall and procedures for arresting violators; vehicle traffic
cutting through the undeveloped area from east Alton Road to Winding Hollow Blvd;
and speeding complaints in the area of Eagle's Nest Circle.
Community Development DepartmentlPlanning Division
E. Informing the Commission that Dover, Kohl & Partners is preparing a "prescriptive
graphic code" for the Town Center, as per Step II of their contract. PURPOSE: to
inform the Commission of the status of Step II, the "prescriptive graphic code" for the
Town Center currently being prepared by Dover, Kohl and Partners.
City Attorney
F. Requesting the Commission to review responses to Commissioner issues, relating to
floodplain, floodway and wetland management issues. PURPOSE: to respond to certain
specific and general inquiries from City Commissioners relating to how projects are
reviewed for floodplain, floodway and wetland ordinance and comprehensive plan
Community Development Department/Building Division
G. Informing the City Commission of its response to the Commissions directive to tie down
inspection for new and existing mobile homes. PURPOSE: to inform the Commission
that the Building Division has formulated a procedure to assist citizens in existing mobile
homes to obtain a professional inspection of the tie downs for their homes.
Police Department
H. Updating the City Commission on Truck Traffic in the Tuscawilla Area. PURPOSE: to
provide the City Commission with data concerning the traffic situation as it relates to
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June 22, 1998
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truck traffic in the Tuscawilla area. THIS ITEM POSTPONED UNTIL THE JUL Y
13, 1998 MEETING.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve the Informational Agenda, excluding
Item B. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Discussion on Informational Item B.
Commissioner Gennell spoke about the chart on Attachment A, and how she felt that we should
utilize the Civic Center for crafts, which would greatly benefit the youth of our community; in
addition to utilizing the Civic Center for more activities, thanjust weddings - and that the playground
equipment could also be better utilized. Commissioner Blake agreed with Commissioner Gennell
and felt that the playground equipment cold be used for area youths, and he wholeheartedly agreed
that this facility should be better utilized. Commissioner Blake also questioned some of the data that
had been provided to the Commission with this Agenda Item. Mr. Brook Seall, Parks and Recreation
Department Director explained that the information he submitted, was given to him by the referenced
Commissioner McLeod questioned a price tag of$3 million dollars for a pool at Central Winds Park.
There was further discussion as to where such a pool would be built, and when - and there was
considerable discussion as to the actual land that this pool could be built on. Manager McLemore
explained about grant monies that had been applied for, and he was not sure if there was even
enough public support for this type of a venture. He suggested that a survey should be done to
determine if this project was needed by our community.
Commissioner McLeod felt that such a pool should be of a more basic and functional design and
should simply be there to serve the children ofthis community - he also felt that this pool should be
planned for property that the City did own. Commissioner Blake also asked how long it would take
to complete such a survey; who was putting it together; and when would it be completed.
Mayor Partyka asked Manager McLemore ifhe could arrange more data regarding the "swimming
pool" issue, and present it to the Commission at the next meeting. Manager McLemore agreed, and
Commissioner McLeod said that would be fine with him.
Commissioner Gennell also spoke on the swimming pool issue, and suggested that property (that the
City did already own) such as the property across from the Civic Center, or behind the Police Station
- could be used by the City to build such a swimming pool, as opposed to building it at the "mega-
park" complex. There was further discussion about making the location of a City swimming pool
available especially for lower income residents. Manager McLemore spoke about a memo to Dr.
Hagerty, and the involvement with the school system.
There was discussion between Commissioner Blake and Mr. Seall about which school classrooms
were requested to be used for the crafts program. Mr. SeaU also added that they were putting
together an in-depth survey to be completed by area youth, and that perhaps they could include
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June 22, 1998
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questions regarding the community's preference for a community swimming pool - if the
Commission so desired. Manager McLemore suggested a workshop to provide the Commission with
more information on this subject.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve Informational Agenda Item B.
Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
A. Requesting the City Commission hold a public hearing for second reading and approve
Ordinance 703, to annex a 1.279 acre parcel. PURPOSE: to request the Commission
hold a public hearing for second reading and approve Ordinance 703 to annex a 1.279
acre parcel, located on the south side of Orange A venue west of Tuskawilla Road at the
northwest comer of the Tuscawilla Trace Subdivision.
Mayor Partyka asked Attorney Robert Guthrie to read this item by title only. Mayor Partyka opened
the Public Input portion, and as there was none, the Public Input portion was closed.
Commissioner McLeod made a Motion to approve and adopt Ordinance 703. Seconded by
Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Utility Department
A. Requesting direction relative to Fluoridation ofthe Potable Water Supply. PURPOSE:
for the City Commission to direct staff on whether it is their desire to have a fluoridated
potable water supply.
Manager McLemore began the discussion with three (3) proposed alternatives: (1) do nothing (2)
direct the staff to begin working on a proposal, based upon your recommendation or (3) take it to a
referendum, for the public's preference.
Manager McLemore was asked for his recommendation, based on his experience. Manager
McLemore stated as a personal preference, he would recommend it; however, he felt that this really
was a "community issue" and a "policy issue" - and that it was up to how the Commission and the
community felt.
There was further discussion about this issue, and it was decided that Staff would bring in some
experts to address the Commission on the subject of fluoridation, and that these authorities would
present the pros and cons regarding this issue. Commissioner Blake asked for more data on this
issue, as to what the standards are, and what the costs would be (especially if grants were involved),
Manager McLemore suggested setting up a symposium-type of workshop to further discuss this
matter. The Commission then asked that NEW information be provided, and that it should not be
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June 22, 1998
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Staff generated. Commissioner Gennell suggested that experts could be invited to attend a "light"
Commission agenda, or a workshop, if necessary, to present the pros and cons relative to this issue.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve Regular Agenda Item A, and that we
continue with the current practice, and we continue on until we have further information
presented to us, and if someone wants to bring more information forward, that's worthwhile
listening to. Seconded. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
City Manager
B. Requesting the Commission to review a proposed ordinance section dealing with the
establishment of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Advisory Committee and
provide direction it deems appropriate. PURPOSE: for the Commission to provide the
language it desires for Government Services Group to include in the Tuscawilla
Assessment District documents relative to the Advisory Committee.
Manager McLemore asked for direction from the Commission, as to setting up this advisory
Commissioner McLeod asked that this committee be put together through Commissioners, and not
the Mayor, with one nomination per Commissioner only; that the term of office be for three years;
rules and procedures be kept, as per applicable law; and no more than three meetings to be missed in
one year, by each member.
Commissioner Blake concurred with what Commissioner McLeod had stated, however, he added
that the Commission should set the rules and procedures that this Committee would comply with, or
by Ordinance or Resolution of the Commission.
Manager McLemore stated that this Board would of course have to comply with Sunshine Law
regulations, which would involve minutes being taken. He added that the Commission could
approve their By-Laws, but he did not know if the Commission usually was this involved in the
establishment of rules and procedures for advisory boards.
Commissioner Blake stated that originally he had asked for a seven member committee, but that he
now felt that a five member board was the right number. In terms of voting, Commissioner Blake
stated that each member should be able to vote.
Commissioner Miller also agreed with what Commissioner McLeod had stated, but added that he
preferred a four year term, which he felt would be more in line with what this board was to
Manager McLemore asked if the Commission felt they were in agreement with a quarterly meeting
schedule. Commissioner Gennell agreed, and said that this board should meet at least quarterly.
Commissioner Gennell also agreed with the establishment of a five-member committee; that each
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June 22, 1998
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member should have a vote; and she supported a four-year term of office. Commissioner Gennell
felt that there should be a liaison, and to designate whom that person is. Manager McLemore stated
that he should be the contact person.
There was further discussion about meetings being properly noticed in accordance with the Sunshine
Law, and that meetings be held (and recorded) at City Hall. Commissioner Gennell asked where the
concept of four-year terms came from, and Manager McLemore stated that this was something that
he had suggested. Commissioner Gennell felt that the term of office should be more than two years,
and that three or four-year terms were both acceptable.
Mayor Partyka summarized the previous comments stated by the Commission, and it was agreed that
the following criteria should be adhered to:
. A five (5) person committee that is appointed by Commissioner Seats I through V
. Each of the five (5) board members should be allowed to vote
. Three (3) year terms
. Compliance with basic rules and procedures
. Liaison with the City Manager
. The Board to meet at least on a quarterly basis
. Removal of officers, if three (3) meetings are missed, within a year
. All meetings should be officially noticed, (in compliance with the Sunshine Law)
. Minutes are to be taken as the official record, (in compliance with the Sunshine Law)
. Meeting to be held at City Hall
There was further discussion on staggered terms. Commissioner Blake stated "The problem with a 4
year term, is that there could conceivably be a situation where a Commissioner who serves is unable
to actually appoint somebody to the Board, because as Commissioner's term is only three years".
Commissioner McLeod commented by saying "Commissioner Miller - the reason I felt three years,
and by the same, follow the same footprint as the seat, even though you're maybe elected into the, in
November, you take office, in what, December... this appointment may not come back around for
you until July or October, of that same first year as yours, I mean, I don't think the day that you first
took your seat, that you had an appointment ofB.O.W.S. Board, a P&Z Board, and several of the
Boards. I mean, it's not that we wipe the slate clean that day, everything is staggered throughout the
year, so again, I would like to ask for the three year". Commissioner Blake then said that "All of our
other Boards run on three year systems, and if we have one board that's outside of that, I think it's
just going to be even more confusing - it just makes a lot of sense to do it the same way; unless, we
want to change Commissioner's terms to 3 years, then we could do this, and talk about the other
ones" .
Mayor Partyka asked for a conclusion to this by a show of hands, and asked who wanted three year
terms? Asking the Commissioners that were in attendance, to raise their hands - it was agreed that
the consensus of the Commission was agreeable to three-year terms.
Manager McLemore told the Commission that he would re-write it tomorrow with this direction.
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June 22, 1998
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Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to direct the City Manager to come back to us with
the Advisory Committee Language, including the updates that we have just discussed, as
stipulated. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
City Manager - ADD-ON
C. Requesting the City Commission to adopt a resolution declaring a State of Emergency in
the City of Winter Springs and adopting Emergency Order 98-1 prohibiting open burning
and the sale and use of fireworks except at publicly approved firework's displays.
PURPOSE: for the Mayor and Commission to authorize enhanced fire safety measures
related to the current drought conditions.
Manager McLemore initially addressed this issue, and asked that the Commission approve the
Resolution and Emergency Order 98-1. There was discussion as to the seriously dangerous area
conditions, and what should be done to protect the citizens' safety, health, and welfare.
Attorney Guthrie said that he thought that the Resolution should be done first, as it supports the
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Resolution 848. Seconded by Commissioner
Miller. Discussion. Commissioner Gennell asked that signs (dealing with no smoking) be posted in
the Park. Commissioner McLeod asked that Resolution Number 848 be read into the record, as "It
gives a little bit of history to everybody". The motion was amended by Commissioner Blake to read
Resolution 848 into the record. Seconded. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Guthrie read Resolution-Number 848 (see attached) for,the record. Discussion followed
regarding Emergency Order 98-1. Attorney Guthrie spoke of the misdemeanor types of sanctions.
He further stated that it should be filed with the Seminole Clerk of the Court, and that it should also
be noticed in the newspaper. Attorney Guthrie spoke on when this order should again be reviewed,
and what the order involved - "We are prohibiting open burning, and discarding oflighted cigarette
butts outdoors. We're prohibiting the sale and use of fireworks in the City of Winter Springs, except
for certain statutory authorized sales by licensed pyrotechnical sale manufacturers; and the publicly
sanctioned and approved activity, approved by our Fire Chief; open fires and smoking are prohibited
in City Parks and Preserves. There's a severability provision if any part of this is found to violate
law, the rest goes forward. And we reserve the right, of course to modify or terminate this order at a
later stage, and we provide that it will remain in effect during the 1998 forest and brush fire
emergency situation. And we provide that a copy shall be filed with the Seminole County Clerk of
the Court, as required by Chapter 252 of the Florida Statutes. So I wanted to make those items a
matter of record".
Commissioner Gennell spoke about the problem of fires starting with glass bottles, and the City's
Litter Law was mentioned as a way to deal with discarded materials. Commissioner Gennell hoped
that the City's Code Enforcement and Police Departments could continue to assist in enforcing this
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June 22, 1998
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Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to adopt Emergency Order Number 98-1.
Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod asked how the
residents would be notified. Manager McLemore stated that the City's newspaper (to be
published on Friday) would cover this issue. Attorney Guthrie said that it could be noticed in'
the local newspaper, similar to an Emergency Ordinance. There was much concern that City
residents should be made aware ofthis issue. Manager McLemore elaborated about an actual
grass fire that quickly involved a house, just prior to tonight's meeting. Mayor Partyka
mentioned that Will Wellons of the Orlando Sentinel was in the audience, and that we would
certainly appreciate his assistance. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
City Manager - ADD-ON
D. Requesting the City Commission to adopt a policy relative to the adjustment of water
bills involving leaks on private property. PURPOSE: to normalize the City's policy on
adjusting water bills in conditions where a leak is experienced on private property.
Manager McLemore spoke on this and he said that he was asking for "A direction from this
Commission, in order to deal with the public in a way that you determine is fair".
Commissioner McLeod announced and thanked Will Wellons of the Orlando Sentinel for his
immediate action in contacting his newspaper, which Will Wellons did during this discussion.
Mr. Rob Ori, a consultant with Public Resources Management Group, Inc. (225 South Swoop
Avenue, Suite 211, Maitland, Florida 32751) was introduced and spoke on this issue. Mr. Ori spoke
on certain situations involving "abnormal use", proof of leaks, repeat offenders, and typical
situations that could arise, in addition to possible favorable "credit" options. There was further
discussion about reviewing previous usage records for normal use, and permitting a certain amount
of credits, in a particular period of time.
Commissioner Miller asked about the extent of such leaks, and was this considered to be a crisis
situation. Manager McLemore said that when it happens to someone, it is a crisis. He then said that
on the average, there are probably about three or four leaks per month, within the City.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the policy dealing with water leaks, with
the stipulation of once in a year - the motion was amended to include the provision of no more
than twice in ten years. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Mayor Partyka
spoke on the state of older plumbing and related problems. There was discussion as to the
length oftime that such records were retained by the City. Commissioner Blake suggested that
a "field" be used for dates of related forgiveness, and there was discussion as to the length of
time that security deposits are retained. Vote: Commissioner Miller: nay; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
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June 22, 1998
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Attorney Guthrie requested a five-minute recess, which began at 8: 15 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:20 p.m.
A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
Attorney Guthrie handed out a position paper which detailed information pertaining to Advisory
Board appointments, how appointments were made, and related terms of service. Attorney Guthrie
read each of the conclusions that was documented in this Memorandum.
Attorney Guthrie also spoke on a proposed Special Meeting and Executive Session, beginning at
2:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 23, 1998. He further explained who would be attending, and other
particulars related to this meeting. There was considerable discussion as to who would or would not
attend this meeting, and other concerns as they related to this lawsuit.
Commissioner Gennell made a Motion to have the City Attorney announce the Special
Meeting, with the provision that the Mayor would not attend. Seconded by Commissioner
McLeod. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
There was a Motion to call the vote. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka brought up information regarding the legality ofthis motion. Attorney Guthrie then
restated the particulars as to whom would be attending this meeting, and other related information
that is to be posted. Commissioner McLeod then voiced his concern with not allowing the Mayor to
attend this meeting. There was additional discussion.
Because of this concern, another Motion to reconsider this motion was made. Seconded.
Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
Motion was restated by Commissioner Gennell to include what the City Attorney originally
specified. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Guthrie then restated the details of this Special Meeting.
B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
Legal Update With Bruce Blackwell
Manager McLemore asked that he be allowed to speak last, as Mr. Blackwell had not yet arrived.
(See last section of the minutes for comments from Manager McLemore).
C. Commission Seat II - Michael S. Blake
Commissioner Blake asked about a sign. Manager McLemore said he would check a memo, and get
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June 22, 1998
Page 12
back with him about this.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Board of Adjustments - the term of Board Member Thomas
Wixted expires July 1, 1998
No action.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Code Enforcement Board - the term of Board Member Bob Gray
expires July 1, 1998.
Mr. Robert Gray was not reappointed.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Planning & Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency - the term of
Board Member Gene Lein expires July 1, 1998. Mr. March Clinch was nominated for this seat.
Motion by Commissioner Gennell. Seconded. Discussion. V ote: all aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Blake mentioned that Mr. Clinch is currently on the Code Enforcement Board, and
that he would be resigning from that position tomorrow, which would then free up another position
on the Code Enforcement Board.
On the subject of the Code Enforcement Board, Mayor Partyka brought up the name of Mr. Paul
Finnegan as a nominee for the Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Blake said that he would
nominate Mr. Paul Finnegan, (to replace Mr. Robert Gray, on the Code Enforcement Board).
Motion by Commissioner Miller. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: all
aye. Motion passes.
D. Commission Seat III - Edward Martinez, Jr.
No report (On vacation).
E. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
There was discussion about the nomination ofMr. Chuck Holzman to the Code Enforcement Board.
Motion by Commissioner Gennell. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: all
aye. Motion passes. Commissioner Gennell asked that Mr. Holzman be able to serve either a
full term or the second longest term that may be available.
Also on the subject of the Code Enforcement Board, Mayor Partyka said that he had spoken with Ms.
Lurene Lyzen, and he elaborated that because she had already served several terms, he could not
reappoint her - however, Ms. Lyzen stated that she was still interested in continuing to serve the City.
Commissioner Gennell discussed establishing a Resolution or Ordinance to clarify the Code
Enforcement Board status, and to assign a Commission seat to each Board opening. The Commission
decided to think about this matter.
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June 22, 1998
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Commissioner Gennell suggested re-instituting a previous practice of honoring the Advisory Board
Members with a Recognition Dinner, and requested that the Mayor consider this. Mayor Partyka
said that he definitely agreed, and that he would discuss this with Manager McLemore, and would
bring back his answer to the next Commission Meeting.
F. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
Appointment/Reappointment to the Beautification of Winter Springs Board - the term of Board
Member Dawna Ferguson expires July I, 1998. Ms. Ferguson was renominated to this seat.
Motion by Commissioner Blake. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: all
aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner McLeod asked about the title and purpose wording associated with Agenda Items,
which is often duplicated information. There was much discussion about this. Manager McLemore
agreed that this would be changed.
Commissioner McLeod congratulated the City's Fire Department on their recent response, to a fire at
a location near his home.
G. Commission Seat I - Robert S. Miller
Appointment to the Commerce & Industry Development Board to replace Board Member Bill
Hatfield, who resigned. Ms. Jennifer Booton was nominated for this seat. Motion by
Commissioner Blake. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion
Commissioner Miller then asked about the "abandoned" status of the A-I Auto Parts store. Attorney
Guthrie mentioned that we could continue to enforce any excessive overgrowth. Commissioner
Miller also wanted to know who cut the lawn, and Manager McLemore said that he would check into
this - as, if the City had performed the work, then we were in fact providing a service.
(Commissioner Blake added that that the property next door also needed attention - in fact, several
nearby properties needed attention, and he would like this checked out).
Commissioner Miller also asked about the West Side ofSheoah Boulevard, regarding re-sodding and
the watering of this area; and that some other areas also need watering. Manager McLemore spoke
about his prior direction from the Commission, regarding the resodding of "problem" areas.
H. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka
Appointment to the South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority-
for "Alternate". Mr. Roy Prince was nominated to this seat, by Mayor Partyka. Motion by
Commissioner Blake. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: all aye.
Motion passes.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Code Enforcement Board - the term of Board Member Lurene
Regular Meeting City Commission
June 22, 1998
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Lyzen expires July 1, 1998.
As per an earlier conversation, Ms. Lyzen was not reappointed.
Appointment to the Code Enforcement Board - to replace Board Member Jim De Gore, who
No action.
Mayor Partyka suggested changing the times that have been pre-arranged for the Special Budget
Meetings, from 3:00 p.m. to the normal 6:30 p.m. Several Commissioners suggested staying with
the already designated time of 3:00 p.m.
B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
Manager McLemore asked for approval to continue the services of Mr. Bruce Blackwell. The
Commission agreed that they would prefer more updates from Mr. Blackwell - and that perhaps he
could make it to the Special Meeting arranged for tomorrow, or any of the other upcoming special
In other business, Manager McLemore spoke about recent meetings with developers regarding
potential interest in the new Town Center; that there was a lot of activity on this project, and that he
was very optimistic about the potential progress of such an effort. In fact, with the consensus of the
Commission, Manager McLemore said that he would like to employ the services of a Real Estate
Development Consultant (for the fee of about four to five thousand dollars); and this was agreed to
by the Commission.
Manager McLemore also discussed the positive progress with a preliminary proposal that dealt with
the conversion of rental units into ownership units, within the City. There was discussion as to how
many actual owners there are, and when such a proposal may be ready to be submitted to the
Commission for their review.
In other business, Commissioner McLeod stated that "He just wanted everybody to be aware of, (in a
letter I received today from our Attorney's), a Motion to strike affidavits, by our Mayor. Last
comment now, is asking for monies to be refunded for his Attorney's, and fees to the Plaintiffs
counsel. Ijust wanted to put it on the record".
There was also brief discussion as to what Commissioner Blake had earlier asked of the City
Manager, but no immediate action was required.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Regular Meeting City Commission
June 22, 1998
Page 15
Respectfully Submitted,
Andrea Lorenzo- Luaces
Deputy City Clerk