HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 07 13 Consent Item H
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Public Hearings
July 13.1998
Regular Meeting
Mgr. I Dept.
City Clerk's Office
G. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 11, 1998
H. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 8, 1998
1. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 15, 1998
J. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 19, 1998
K. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 22, 1998
L. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 23, 1998
M. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 29, 1998
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1998
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 6:30
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Attorney Robert Guthrie, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner David McLeod, absent
Mayor Partyka announced the agenda changes: the Commission will hear Consent Agenda Items
A, C, and D.
Mayor Partyka told everyone in attendance that it is always great to recognize good things happening
in our City, and to that effect he recognized various Fire Department Personnel- Mayor Partyka read
three letters of Recognition for Fire Department Personnel who were recommended for recognition
by Fire Chief Tim Lallathin. The firefighters that were honored at tonight's meeting were introduced
and their actions were applauded by all. Fire Chief Tim Lallathin and Battalion Chief Dave Myers
spoke briefly on such accomplishments. Pictures were then taken of City Officials and those being
Jacqueline Lein, 1173 Winged Foot Circle East: read an "Open Letter to the Commissioners" that
she wrote regarding objections on the recent "straw ballot" of the Tuscawilla Beautification District,
especially pertaining to costs and expected taxes.
Fire Department
A. Requesting that the City Commission review the information relative to the Range Queen
Stove- Top Fire Stopper. PURPOSE: to inform the City Commission of the information
gathered by the Fire Department to respond to the inquiry by Commissioner Cindy Gennell.
Public Works Department
B. Requesting a Workshop for Traffic Calming Presentation. PURPOSE: to request a
workshop on June 17, 1998 at 1 :00 P.M. for a presentation by Ian Lockwood of the City
of West Palm Beach traffic calming program.
Regular Meeting City Commission
June 8, 1998
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Community Development Department/Land Development Division
C. Requesting approval to extend an existing lease on property located at the entry to
Central Winds Park (a.k.a. Wagner's Curve) and reaffirming the Vested Rights Special Use
Permit expiration date. PURPOSE: to request Commission approval to extend an existing
lease on property located at the entry to Central Winds Park (a.k.a. Wagner's Curve) to July
21, 1999 and reaffirming that the Vested Rights Special Use Permit expiration date is July
21, 1999.
Parks & Recreation Department
D. Advising the Commission that it has been recommended by the City Manager that the
summer recreation program at Sunshine Park be cancelled. PURPOSE: to notify the
Commission of our desire to cancel the summer recreation program at Sunshine Park.
City Attorney
E. Requesting the Commission to adopt Resolution No. 847 acknowledging City's position
that Battle Ridge Plan Amendment Ordinances will not be implemented by the City until
after compliance review by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA).
City Clerk
F. Approval of the minutes of April 13, 1998.
Approval of the minutes of April 27, 1998.
Motion was made by Commissioner Martinez to approve the Consent Agenda minus Items A,
C, D, and F. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka mentioned to Ms. Jacqueline Lein, (who spoke under Public Input), that her letter
would be forwarded to City Manager, Ronald W. McLemore for any appropriate action, if required.
Discussion on Consent Item A.
Commissioner Cindy Gennell asked Fire Chief Tim Lallathin to elaborate on some of the various
aspects of the Range Queen Stove-Top Fire Stopper product. ChiefLallathin said that he would try
to acquire a product video and related brochures, along with at least one device for demonstration
purposes. There was discussion regarding providing this product to those who could not afford it, as
the City of Casselberry had received a $2,500.00 Grant for lower-income residents. Commissioner
Gennell was very interested in making this product information available to our resident, perhaps via
the City's newsletter.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve this Consent Agenda item. Seconded.
Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Discussion on Consent Item C.
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June 8, 1998
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Charles C. Carrington, AICP, Community Development Director initially spoke about various
factors regarding this Agenda Item, including applicable taxes and costs to the City. Mr. Carrington
explained that the purpose of this item is to extend the lease (for one year) for this piece of property,
which is located at the entrance of Central Winds Park. If the extension of the lease is granted, then
it will allow us "To preclude making improvements that would be necessary to provide a similar
entrance on adjacent property". Mayor Partyka stated that this was probably a cost savings measure,
and Manager McLemore added that we were trying to keep this property from being purchased under
a State program. Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. added that since the extension was only for a
year, he did not feel that it would not be a problem.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Consent Agenda Item C. Seconded by
Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Discussion on Consent Item D.
Commissioner Gennell proposed that should a similar Item (as Consent Item D) need to come before
the Commission again, that it be done much earlier in the year. However, in regards to action on this
particular season's program, Commissioner Gennell said that at this point it should be cancelled.
Manager McLemore stated that the City did "make an extensive effort to get the word out on this",
and Mayor Partyka and Commissioner Gennell acknowledged this. Commissioner Blake spoke on
his concern that Staff did not bring any problems that might have arisen to the Commission's
attention, in time to have adjustments to the program made.
Commissioner Gennell made a Motion to approve Item D, and to request that the Staff brings
this back to us, no later than March 1 st, next year. There was discussion as to the appropriate
date. Manager McLemore said that he could not agree to a specific date tonight, but that he
would work with Mr. Brook Seall, Parks and Recreation Director regarding this matter. The
motion was amended by Commissioner Gennell to just" Approve Item "D". Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Discussion on Consent Item F.
There was brief discussion about a section in the minutes. Motion to approve Consent Agenda
Item F was made by Commissioner Blake. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion.
V ote: all aye. Motion passes.
Police Department
A. Updating the City Commission on Truck Traffic in the Tuscawilla Area. PURPOSE: to
provide the City Commission with data concerning the traffic situation as it relates to truck
traffic in the Tuscawilla area. THIS ITEM IS POSTPONED UNTIL THE JUNE 22,
City Manager
B. Requesting that the Commission review the information previously requested from
Regular Meeting City Commission
June 8, 1998
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Information Services regarding the expenditures for Information Services projects and
infrastructure. PURPOSE: to furnish the Commission with information previously
requested regarding Information Services projects and infrastructure expenditures.
No formal presentation was given, but there was brief discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Informational Agenda Item B. Seconded
by Commissioner Miller. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Utility Department
A. Requesting approval of the Second Reading of Ordinance #702, updating the Potable
Water Irrigation Rates. PURPOSE: to authorize the Second Reading of Ordinance #702
which modifies the potable water irrigation rates for large users as well as policies and
procedures relating to billing, payment, and delinquency procedures, deposit and application
fees, and storm water deposit requirements.
Attorney Robert Guthrie read Ordinance 702. Mr. Kip Lockcuff, P.E., Director of the UtilityIPublic
Works Department explained to the Commission that they had been given a "clean" copy of this
As this was a Public Hearing, Mayor Partyka opened the public input portion. There was no public
input, so Mayor Partyka closed the public input portion.
Commissioner Gennell asked about office hours as referenced in the Ordinance. Mr. Lockcuff
explained that he did not include the complete portion of this part of the Ordinance that was being
questioned. Commissioner Gennell questioned the Commission approving an Ordinance, and
Attorney Guthrie agreed that a "Better practice would have been to put that whole subsection A in
there". There was further discussion about providing additional copies of (in this case, a very
lengthy document), along with changes that have already been made. The Commission asked that in
the future, whatever subsection is changed in a particular document, that the complete (revised)
subsection be included in the copies that are distributed to the Commission.
Commissioner Blake made a Motion was made by to approve and adopt Ordinance 702.
Seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
B. Requesting the City Commission approve the First Reading of Ordinance 703, to annex a
1.279 acre parcel. PURPOSE: to request the Commission approve the First Reading of
Ordinance 703 to annex a 1.279 acre parcel, located on the south side of Orange Avenue west
of Tuskawilla Road at the northwest corner of the Tuscawilla Trace Subdivision.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to read by title only. Seconded by Commissioner
Gennell. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
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June 8, 1998
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Attorney Robert Guthrie read this Ordinance by title only. There was a brief introduction to this item
by Mr. Carrington.
As this was a Public Hearing, Mayor Partyka opened the public input portion. There was no public
input, and Mayor Partyka closed the public input portion.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake asked for clearer visual information ofthe property in question, to
be provided in the future, along with a larger copy of the respective plat. There was brief discussion
Motion was made by Commissioner Martinez to approve Public Hearing Item B. Seconded by
Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Finance Department
A. Requesting the City Commission adopt the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Calendar.
PURPOSE: to present to the City Commission the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 proposed Budget
Calendar for adoption and to establish Commission Workshop dates.
Mr. Harry Martin, Finance Director briefly addressed the Commission about setting up the dates for
the upcoming Budget Workshops, in accordance with the TRIM Act. As the Budget presentation is
scheduled for Monday, July 6, 1998, beginning at 6:30 p.m., there was discussion as to which
additional dates should be designated for budget workshops. The Commission decided on the
following dates and times:
Wednesday, July 8, 1998 - 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, July 9, 1998 - 3:00 p.m.
Friday, July 10, 1998 - 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 - 3:00 p.m.
A Motion was made by Commissioner Martinez to approve the Budget Calendar as stated,
with the workshop dates. Seconded. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Parks & Recreation Department
B. Requesting the Commission review information relative to the design for Torcaso Park
and provide staff with any direction it deems appropriate. PURPOSE: to present the
Commission with a report on safety at Torcaso Park and to receive any direction the
Commission deems appropriate.
Manager McLemore first addressed the Commission regarding three main primary issues that Mr.
Bill Starmer with Starmer and Rinaldi, Inc. would further elaborate on in his presentation. Mr.
Starmer, an Architect with Starmer & Rinaldi, Inc. explained to the Commission about the primary
issues of concern that Manager McLemore referred to: 1) the planning process; 2) safety; and 3)
property across the street from the park. Mr. Starmer spoke of water features and safety, and he said
that after careful review, they felt that Torcaso Park had been designed properly, and that they would
not propose any changes. Mr. Starmer identified the nearby properties that might be developed as
future sport facilities, and their proximity to streets in the area. Different types of water features
Regular Meeting City Commission
June 8, 1998
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were discussed, with "barriers" being suggested as a type of safety precaution - however, of course
the best safety precaution noted is that children be properly supervised. Attorney Robert Guthrie
then briefly addressed the issue of the drowning at Torcaso Park, and broached the law enforcement
and legal issues.
Commissioner Robert S. Miller spoke about a "drainage pipe" area that seems to be attracting
children and excessive trash. Mr. Starmer addressed the final plans and showed how such problems
would be address and solved.
Commissioner Miller presented an alternative plan of this area that he had designed, and showed it to
Mr. Starmer and the Commission. His proposed plan suggested what this park might look like in the
year 200 I. His plan showed football and soccer fields, tennis courts, and a baseball diamond added
to part of parcel "B". There was further discussion about adding more team sport facilities such as
baseball diamonds, and especially soccer fields. There was additional discussion as to the popularity
of the game of soccer.
Commissioner Martinez spoke about how he knew that other jurisdictions had Park personnel
assigned (and trained in first aid) to various park facilities. He also addressed the issue of
subsequent liability after an initial accident. Attorney Guthrie also spoke about the liability issue and
"legislative discretion" regarding staffing a park of this size.
Commissioner Blake asked about the current use of parcel "D" as a storage lot, and the possible
future plans for this particular parcel. Manager McLemore spoke about the Capital Improvements
Plan, and there was also discussion regarding relocating the Public Works Department.
Commissioner Blake and Manager McLemore spoke about "super" parks and neighborhood parks.
Commissioner Gennell emphasized her on-going concern with parcel "D" being an "eyesore", and
she would like to have it taken care of, as soon as possible. There was further discussion linking
Torcaso Park and Sunshine Park together, and about adding a picnic pavilion and a B-B-Q grill to
accommodate the neighborhood residents. There was further discussion about additional features
being added; where kiosks will be located in the park, and what purpose they will serve.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the "planned park development" could be completed prior to when
the summer recreation program is planned to commence. Manager McLemore agreed that this was a
Motion was made by Commissioner Miller to update the plan for Torcaso Park, to include
what could be done in the area of the Police Station property (Parcel B), and also Parcel D,
given that Public Works will be moving out of there, assuming in two years-what would you
recommend putting in there? I would like to something before August, as to what he would
include in the final plan. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Manager
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June 8, 1998
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McLemore spoke on his concern with the "future vitality" ofthat neighborhood, and he spoke
further on this subject, regarding re-thinking of the land planning, and the patterns of land
use and traffic, with respect to the neighboring quadraplexes. Manager McLemore stated that
staff was heading in that direction, with an analysis planned for this neighborhood; and that
he would like to receive input from the Commission, before alternative plans for parcel "D"
are made. Vote: Commissioner Blake: nay; Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: nay; Commissioner Martinez: aye. Motion does not pass.
Commissioner Blake asked for a clarification of the motion as to whether the Consultant is to
generate a plan involving the parcels identified as B, D, and G for additional service areas, and
bring those conceptual plans back to the Commission, on a schedule already made; or was the
Consultant to come back to the Commission with their recommendations as to whether or not
those areas are to be utilized as additional service areas. Commissioner's Martinez and
Gennell both addressed a point of order objection dealing with the involvement of the overall
area, including the quadraplexes. The vote was called. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: nay;
Commissioner Miller: nay; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: nay. Motion
does not pass.
Mayor Partyka asked what the Commission now wanted to do.
Commissioner Miller spoke ofthe ongoing problems with the area where the quadraplexes are
located, and reintroduced his previous motion, (the same motion that was not passed, four and
one half minutes ago). Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Commissioner
Martinez concurred with the Manager's complete vision for this area including the Park.
V ote: all aye. Motion passes.
City Manager - ADD-ON
C. Requesting authority to provide the Schrimsher Realty Company with a non-
binding letter of intent relative to Schrimsher's participation in the realignment ofthe
Cross County Trail. PURPOSE: for the Commission to adopt a tentative policy
relative to Schrimsher Realty Company's participation in the realignment ofthe trail.
Manager McLemore briefed the Commission on some of the details of this item, in terms of some of
the ongoing discussions, and that Mr. Schrimsher also desired some comments from the Commission
on this subject. Manager McLemore reiterated that this non-binding letter was required for both
parties, in order to meet State imposed submission requirements, in accordance with the realignment
There was a Motion to approve this non-binding letter of intent by Commissioner Miller.
Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Regular Meeting City Commission
June 8, 1998
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A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
No Report.
B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
Manager McLemore asked the Commission to please attend the Traffic Calming Workshop on June
17, 1998 at 1 :00 p.m. Mayor Partyka asked if there would be additional documentation/materials
provided to the Commission, and Manager McLemore said that he would check into this.
C. Commission Seat I - Robert S. Miller
Appointment AppointmentJReappointment to the Beautification of Winter Springs Board - the term
of Board Member John Herbert expires July 1, 1998. Mr. John Herbert was renominated to this
seat. Motion by Commissioner Blake. Seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion.
Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Appointment to the Commerce & Industry Development Board to replace Board Member Bill
Hatfield, who resigned
No action.
Commissioner Miller spoke about blocking the cut-through between Alton Road and Winding
Commissioner Miller asked about having a City map in the Commission Chambers.
D. Commission Seat II - Michael S. Blake
Commissioner Blake asked Manager McLemore about a similar cut-through situation happening at
Trotwood and Winding Hollow. Manager McLemore explained that they had recently talked with
the developer about a "pocket park" and emergency vehicle access.
Commissioner Blake asked if the City had taken part in the brush fires over the weekend, and that he
would like an update on our participation, if this was the case.
Commissioner Blake then asked about the Code for the Town Center, and what was the status?
Manager McLemore said that they should have an answer in about sixty to ninety days, and that we
were currently somewhere within that time frame. Commissioner Blake then asked about payment to
the consultants. Manager McLemore confirmed that they have not yet been paid for the Code
AppointmentJReappointment to the Board of Adjustments - the term of Board Member Thomas
Wixted expires July 1,1998
Regular Meeting City Commission
June 8, 1998
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No action.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Code Enforcement Board - the term of Board Member Bob Gray
expires July I, 1998
No action.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency - the term of
Board Member Gene Lein expires July 1, 1998
No action.
E. Commission Seat III - Edward Martinez, Jr.
Commissioner Martinez said that he had only received one copy/issue of the City's newsletter. He
also felt that this was an excellent vehicle to notify residents of information pertaining to the City of
Winter Springs. In addition, a resident had asked him why the City doesn't provide Fluoride in our
water supply.
Commissioner Martinez said that a resident at 1602 Eagle Nest Circle, Mr. Michael Bucatti - said
that there is drag racing on that street, and vehicles "flying" by at 60 m.p.h., and would the Police
Department check into this.
Commissioner Martinez commented that a resident was complaining that Sam Smith Park had only
adult exercise equipment and nothing for children, and he suggested that we provide something for
all residents to enjoy.
Commissioner Martinez requested a Commissioner's Districting Map.
Commissioner Martinez asked about a cut through from Northern Way to the Oviedo Marketplace.
He also said that he was not pleased when a Police Officer spoke of not making an arrest - unless
they witnessed the crime. Attorney Guthrie said that he would talk to the Chief about this matter.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Beautification of Winter Springs Board - the term of Board
Member Ethel Beecher expires July 1, 1998. Ms. Beecher was renominated to this seat. Motion by
Commissioner Blake. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion
F. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
Commissioner Gennell asked when the Audio-Visual Equipment would be installed. Manager
McLemore explained that they were waiting for a second screen to be delivered.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the proceeds from the bicycle auction could be used to
purchase bicycle helmets that the Police Department could then distribute. Commissioner
Gennell then made a Motion to put it on the Agenda - That the proceeds from the auction of
Regular Meeting City Commission
June 8, 1998
Page lO
the bicycles, go for the purpose of bicycle helmets, and that the police can give them out at
their discretion. Seconded. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake:
Nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Gennell made a Motion - That the proceeds from the auction ofthe bicycles, go
for the purpose of bicycle helmets, and the Police can give them out at their discretion.
Seconded. Discussion. There was further discussion about general fund expenditures,
involving this item. Vote: Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Gennell wanted to encourage the City Manager - or anyone else, to pass on the date
regarding our City's MPO proposal dealing with 17-92 to approximately Hayes Road. Manager
McLemore stated that he would get the Commission the date of that meeting.
Commissioner Gennell brought up the subject of bike lanes, and gave a brief history of this situation.
Commissioner Gennell then asked ifit was the City's desire to have any changes made to Tuscawilla
Road, and if this was a consideration, then something in writing must be immediately forwarded to
the County. There was further discussion on some of the technical aspects of such an endeavor.
Manager McLemore said that a letter would be faxed or hand delivered tomorrow, regarding adding
bike lanes on or off this street. There was further discussion of this subject.
Commissioner Gennell asked if we were trying to coordinate a two or three party joint agreement
with the County and the City of Oviedo. Mayor Partyka explained that the involved parties were
trying to make progress. Manager McLemore stated that the City has some real issues with the City
of Oviedo, and that he would check on this tomorrow.
Commissioner Gennell mentioned that the City of Ocoee had recently offered their residents
complimentary tie-down inspections with mobile home residents, after the last tornado.
Commissioner Gennell asked the Manager to check into this, and to provide additional information
regarding safety and what we could offer our residents, especially considering the ages of many
residents and mobile homes.
Commissioner Gennell spoke about possible differences in the Commissions' Robert's Rules of
Order books. Mayor Partyka and Commissioner Gennell further discussed this issue.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Board of Adjustments - the term of Board Member Frank
Adams expires July 1, 1998. Mr. Adams was renominated to this seat. Motion by Commissioner
Martinez. Seconded. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Commerce & Industry Development Board - the term of Board
Member Sally McGinnis expires August 1, 1998. Ms. McGinnis was renominated to this seat.
Motion by Commissioner Blake. Seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Vote: all
aye. Motion passes.
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June 8, 1998
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Appointment/Reappointment to the Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency - the term of
Board Member Carl Stephens, Jr. expires July 1, 1998. Mr. Stephens was renominated to this seat.
Motion by Commissioner Blake. Seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Vote: all
aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Gennell nominated Chuck Holzman for a position on the Code Enforcement Board.
There was further discussion about this appointment and others, and Attorney Guthrie said that he
would check into the correct status of all appointments, and would bring this information back to the
Commission. No further action with this proposed appointment was made.
G. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
Appointment/Reappointment to the Beautification of Winter Springs Board - the term of Board
Member Dawna Ferguson expires July 1, 1998
No report.
H. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka
Appointment to the Board of Trustees (Pension Board) to replace Board Member Larry Nadrowski,
who resigned. Bill Dickey was nominated to this seat.. Motion by Commissioner Blake.
Seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Appointment/Reappointment to the Code Enforcement Board - the term of Board Member Lurene
Lyzen expires July 1, 1998
No action.
Appointment to the Code Enforcement Board - to replace Board Member Jim DeGore, who resigned
No action.
In other business, Commissioner Gennell asked Attorney Guthrie about the advertisement of
Executive Sessions, and there was brief discussion.
The meeting adjourned at 9: 17 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Regular Meeting City Commission
June 8, 1998
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Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces
Deputy City Clerk
JUNE 15, 1998
The Special Meeting of June 15, 1998, was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 6:30 p.m.
in the Commission Chambers.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present Robert S. Miller, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, absent Michael S. Blake, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present (6:01 p.m.) Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Attorney Robert Guthrie, present David McLeod, present
Attorney Robert Guthrie announced that he was recommending an Executive Session be scheduled
for Friday, June 19, 1998 at 11 :00 a.m., at City Hall. The attendees would then convene into an
Executive Session, which should last approximately one and one-half hours.
Attorney Guthrie mentioned that the following persons were expected to attend: Deputy Mayor
Cindy Gennell. Commissioner Robert S. Miller, Commissioner Michael S. Blake, Commissioner
Edward Martinez, Jr., Commissioner David McLeod, Attorney Robert Guthrie, Special Counsel
David Cardwell and Greg Johansen, and possibly City Manager Ronald W. McLemore. In addition,
he also mentioned that a Court Reporter would also be present, and that the meeting would be
City Manager Ronald McLemore arrived at 6:31 p.m.
Commissioner Michael Blake added that the June 19th date is fine, but that he needed to leave by
12:40 p.m. at the latest. Mayor Partyka asked Attorney Guthrie ifhe was still comfortable with the
one and one-half hour time frame for this meeting, and he agreed that this time period should be
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to hold a Special Meeting, Friday the 19th at 11:00
in the morning. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
Special Meeting City Commission
June 15. 1998
Mayor Partyka adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:34 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces
Deputy City Clerk
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