HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 11 01 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
NOvember 1, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7: 00 P.M.
Harry Reid, Vice-Chaiman, Present
.James Greene, Chai:nnan, Present
Richard Tiffany, Absent
Terri Dormelly, Present
Tim .Johnscm., Present
D. LeBlanc, Larxi Dev. Coordinator
Approval of Minutes of September 6, 1990:
Greene asked if there were any questions, \AALU'CUts or corrections to the
minutes of September 6, 1990. There were none. The minutes were approved as
presented .
Request of Florida Power Corporation for a Variance to Section 20-164 of the
Code to Allow Four ( 4 ) 230KV Structures am One ( 1) Lightning Mast to be
Allowed to Exceed the Twenty-Five (25) Foot Height Limi tation, During the
Expansion of the SUbstation. The Property is Located Approximately 150 Feed
East of the Intersection of Panama Road am Shore Road am is Zoned R-lAA (One-
Familv Dwellinq District):
LeBlanc stated that the Board has received the package. There are only two
property owners abutting this property am they are the City of Winter Springs
am I. G .A. Holding Canpany, lrepresented by Mr. Tan Binford, am the Board has a
letter from him.
LeBlanc stated that Mr. Lamb is present, representing Florida Power
Corporation, to answer any questions.
Mr. Lamb showed on the drawi.r:gs where the structures will be located.
Greene asked alxn1t the height of the existing structures. Lamb stated that the
existing structures stated that they are basically the same height as the
existing structures maybe a couple feet lower.
Johnson asked the height of the lightning mast. Lamb stated that it is eighty
feet in height.
Reid asked how much property does Florida Power 0Nn in that area. Lamb stated
that Florida Power OWns abJut 11.75 acres. He stated that they plan to build
to the edge of the existing R-o-Vl. Lamb also stated that there is also a 175
foot easement.
Jolmson asked why is it necessary for the height if the ones that are there are
shorter. Lamb stated that they are larger capacity transformers am they have
to be higher.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
NOvember 1, 1990
Page 2
Jolmson asked if there are other alternatives to this request. Lamb stated
that the only other alternative is to build the substation elsewhere am run
additional transfer lines to the existing station.
Reid asked if Florida Power has contacted Mr. Binford regarding the letter that
was sent. to the City. Lamb stated that he did not see the letter.
Greene read the letter fran Binford opposing the request (copy attached) .
Jolmson asked if there would be any affect to hcmes near the substation. Lamb
stated no there would be no effect.
Richard Noble, l~J:Jl esentative of Florida Power, also stated that there would be
no effect to the hcmes in the area.
Jolmson asked what areas would this substation serve. Lamb stated that it
would serve DDStly this area.
Dormelly stated that the letter from Binford that an agreement could be worked
out between the two Property owners am stated that she would feel DDre
canfortable making a decision after the two Property owners had met.
Greene asked if this request was for the total build-out of the Property.
Lamb stated that the request is for the ultimate plan.
LeBlanc stated that the request if for 4 structures am 1 lightning mast. The
request is not for all the project.
Reid stated that he doesn I t have a problem with the request, but has a problem
in that a property owner is against the request am the two should get together
and talk, am suggest that this is postponed so the Property owners could talk
am for Florida Power to amerxl their application to include the total build-out
of the substation.
There was discussion on the request.
Greene stated that the Board has two options one to vote on the application
before us; or to table the meeting.
Reid Jooved to table the reqeust. Second by Dormelly. Vote: Dormelly: aye;
.Jolmson: nay; Reid: aye; Greene: nay. M:>tion failed.
.Johnson Jooved to deny the request. M:>tion died for lack of a secarxl.
There was discussion on the request.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
NOvember 1, 1990
Page 3
Johnson moved to reconvene this meeting until November 29, 1990. Secooded by
Donnelly. Vote: All aye.
Greene recessed the meeting until November 29, 1990.
'!be meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
Respectfully SUbDi tted,
Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary
Board of Adjustment