HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 04 05 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
April 5, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7: 00 P . [Vi.
Harry Reid, Vice-Chairman, Present
Jffines Greene, Chairman, Absent
Richard Tiffany, Present
Terri Donnelly, Present
Tim Johnson, Absent
D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator
~J2!.'O"9:J of Minutes of January 4, 1990: __
Tiffany moved to approve the minutes of January 4, 1990. Seconded by Reid.
Vote: Donnelly: aye; Johnson: absent; Reid: aye; Greene: absent; Tiffany: aye.
Motion carried.
Request of Excelsior Properties, Inc., for a Variance to Section 20-237(a) of
the Code to Reduce the Front Yard Setback from Fifteen (15) Feet to Five (5)
Feet. The Property is Located at 125 Excelsior Parkway, Lot 6. The Zoning is
.9-LlNeighb;>rh.QQ9 COllun~rcial Distric~.wn.__. _ _
LeBlanc stated that the Board has received the packet of information on this
request. Mr. Munizzi is requesting the front yard setback for his property
located in C-1 (Neighborhood Conunercial District) zoning be reduced from the
fifteen foot setback to five feet to add parking in the Excelsior Business Park
and is Lot 6.
Reid questioned the location of this property. LeBlanc stated that this is
next to the office buildings that Mr. Munizzi has and next to the quadraplexes
on Corey Lane.
LeBlanc stated that the proposed building is more than fifteen feet from the
LeBlanc stated that Mr. Munizzi is present for any questions.
Mr. Munizzi stated that the request is to add parking in the front of the
building on Excelsior Parkway, which is a private road with a cul-de-sac. He
stated that the Building will be built for the Visiting Nurse Association who
contracted with them to build this building for their area headquarters. This
will be a two story building. Their standard plan requires more parking spaces
which exceeds the City1s Code for parking. The City Code requires seventeen
spaces for parking and the Visiting Nurse Association standard plan requires
twenty-two. This is why the request for a variance. There will be hedges and
landscaping within the five foot setback.
Reid asked is Lot 7 could be used for addi tional parking. Munizzi stated that
Lot 7 is a parking lot for the two existing buildings.
Munizzi stated that there is fencing all around the business park and does not
affect the neighbors.
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