HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 10 05 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
October 5, 1989
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.
Harry Reid, Vice-Chairman, Absent
James Greene, Chairman, Present
Richard Tiffany, Present
Terri Donnelly, Absent
Tim Johnson, Present
D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator
L. Kozlov, City Engineer
~~oval of Minutes of Sept~nber 7, 1989:
Greene asked the Board if there were any questions, carunents or corrections to
the minutes. There were no questions, comments or corrections. The minutes
stand approved as distributed.
Request of ABC Liquors, Inc., for a Variance to Section 9-241(d) , to Allow a
Retention/Detention Pond Bottom Elevation to be Less Than One ( 1) Foot ( 12
inches) Above the Seasonal High Ground Water Elevation. The Property is Zoned
C-1 (Neighborhood Co~nercial District) and is Located at 901 W. State Road 434
~!i Corner of SR 43_Lang Belle Avenue) : _
LeBlanc stated that the Board has received the packet of information regarding
this request. A public notice was advertised in the Seminole Sentinel
advertising this request. Also, property owners within 150 feet of the
property were notified.
LeBlanc stated that the City Engineer is present for any questions and Steve
Helle, project engineer, James Johnson, director of construction and
n~inte~~e, for ABC Liquor are present for any questions.
Helle stated that the owner intends to build an ABC Liquor Store. The
developer plans to move and enlarge the driveway onto Belle Avenue. The
retention pond to the rear of the site one reason is to keep the intersection
away fran Belle Avenue. Where we propose the retention pond is on the up hill
side. To make the hydraulics work, the retention pond will have to be dug
fairly deep. The bottom of the pond is approximately 1 to 1 1/2 feet above the
expected wet season high water table. With no provisions made the retention
pond would be wet a good part of the year. To accommodate that we will put
underdrains around the up hill side of the pond. There underdrains will have
two purposes; one is to drain off the percolated water which comes from rain
fall which will go into SR 434 stormwater system. The second purpose is to
control groundwater in the vicinity of the retention pond to be below the
bottom of the pond.
Helle stated that this system is typical of most systems in the area. We have
designed this pond in accordance with the St. John' Water Management criteria.
Helle stated that the St. John's Water River Management District has approved
Board of Mjustment
October 5, 1989
Page 2
the plan and the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) has verbally
approved the plan.
Greene asked hOW" deep is the bottom of the pond from the paving of Belle
Avenue. Helle stated that the bottom of the pond would be eight feet below the
Johnson asked what is the reason for putting the pond in this location. Helle
stated that traffic flow thru, with putting the entrance on the other side it
would be too close to the intersection of Belle Avenue and SR 434.
Johnson asked if the pond was put in the front, how deep would it be. Helle
stated that if the pond was in the front the depth would be from three to five
Greene asked how high the wall will be around the retention pond above grade.
Helle stated that the bottom of the wall will range from three feet to five and
one-half feet.
Greene asked about the abutting property. Helle stated that behind the
property is vacant and to the western side of the property is an existing
carunercial building.
Kozlov stated that the City has an ordinance is a tighter refinement of the
Water Management requirements. A previous engineer for this site had designed
the pond in the front and it did not use underdrains. Mr. Helle has taken over
and redesigned the pond.
Kozlov stated that the design does not meet the Code because of the one foot
pond bottom, other that it meets the code requirements. He stated that ponds
such as this in Winter Springs has an adverse effect because of the high water
table in the City.
Greene asked about clean outs of the underdrains. Helle stated that there will
be clean-outs at every bend. A new requirement of the Water Management
District is that on all underdrain systems designed a registered engineer has
to visually inspect the construction of the underdrains. Every year these
underdrains must be inspected and certified to say that the underdrains work.
Kozlov stated that there is an opportunity to design this pond to the City
Tiffany moved to deny the proposal. Seconded by Johnson. Vote: Johnson: aye;
Greene: aye; Tiffany: aye. Motion approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 7: 30 P.M.
Respectfully Subnitted,
, h/J11W\~b;~
~;q.i~pkins, Recording
Board of {l tstment