HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 02 02 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
February 2, 1989
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M.
Harry Reid, Vice-Chairman, Absent
James Greene, Chairman, Present
Nick Bozic, Present
Terri Donnelly, Present
John Nystrom, Present
D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator
Approval of the Minutes of January 5, 1989:
Bozic moved to approve the minutes of January 5, 1989. Seconded by Donnelly.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Greene stated that the Board would hear item 6 first as the representative for
item 5 was not present as of yet.
Greene stated he had a general comment of the requests before the Board
tonight; that the two cases this evening are both regarding pools, he stated
that these are cases of extremely poor planning on the part of the builders,
with planning for building from setback to setback and now need a variance to
permit a pool.
Request of Homebuilder's Association of Mid-Florida for a Variance to Section
5. 145 (a) and ( c), to Allow a SWimming Pool to be Buil t Wi thin Three ( 3) Feet
of the Rear Property Line, at 1586 Eagle Nest Circle, Glen Eagle in Tuscawilla,
the Property is Zoned Planned Unit Develo}:Jl1ent:
LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that the Board has received all the
information regarding the request. He stated that Charlie Clayton, the builder
of the home, is present to answer any questions.
Charlie Clayton, home builder, spoke for the request. He stated that this is a
Showcase Home and was originally planed for a pool and a cabana house, with a 7
1/2 foot setback. He stated that he wasn't aware that the Homeowner1s
Association could not grant a variance. He spoke with LeBlanc and the Building
Official, GB Archer, and found out it was necessary to come before the Board of
Adjustment for a variance to build the pool.
Greene asked about the 2 foot by 2 foot columns on the drawings. Clayton
stated that these columns will remain. Ralph Smith, designer of the home and
pool, is present to answer any questions.
Smith stated that this area is designed to be part of the house with a spa,
pool and cabana. There will be a barbeque sunken into the slab, the spa will
be raised and the pool will be up to the columns. There will be a screen
Ellen Newald, vice-president of American Pioneer Savings Bank, and Chairman of
the Showcase Homes, spoke for the request.
Board of Adjustment Minures
February 2, 1989
Page 2
Greene asked if the builder was aware of over-building the lot.
Clayton stated that this is a special home for the Showcase Home, and in this
case the building is making a powerful statement.
Green stated that the lots on either side of this Showcase Home may come in and
ask for a variance for this same reason.
Chuck Thompson, General Manager of Tuscawilla, stated that in terms of over-
building on this lot, he doesn't feel that this lot is over-built. He stated
that the lots in that area are premium lots in the whole area. The house
creates the value of Tuscawilla. He stated that the pool is an important part
of this Showcase Home.
Thompson stated that just because the Board gives a variance on this pool, does
not mean that he would grant a variance for other pools in the area adjacent to
this home.
Donnelly asked about a buffer between the home and the golf course. Thompson
stated that there is a forty foot buffer between the lot line and the golf
course's cart path.
Sara-Jo Rushe spoke on the request. She stated that she feels this will effect
the value of all the homes along the golf course.
Bozic moved to deny the request of the Homebuilders Association of Mid-Florida.
Motion died for lack of a second.
Donnelly moved to accept the request of the Homebuilder's Association of Mid-
Florida. Seconded by Bozic.
Discussion on the motion.
Nystrom stated that he is not happy about a builder coming in for a variance.
He stated that it would be much better if the homeowner came in to ask for a
Donnelly stated that she is concerned about the encroachment of other property
Bozic stated that this is poor planning for the whole project. He stated that
he noticed many trees are being cut down. Thompson stated that any trees that
are cut down will be replaced.
Clayton stated that the planners for this home was not aware that a variance
was needed and stated that they were not aware of the City Code for the rear
setback line.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
February 2, 1989
Page 3
Thanpson stated that he will take pains that no other home in Glen Eagle will
have to come in for a variance for the rear setback.
Vote on the motion. All aye. Motion carried.
Request of Killerarn Construction and Real Estate, Inc., for a Variance to
Section 5.145 (a) and (c), to Allow a Swinuning Pool to be Built Nearer Than Ten
(10) Feet and a Screen Enclosure for the Pool to be Built Nearer Than Seven (7)
Feet to. the Rear Property Line at 902 Kim Court (Woodstream Replat, Lot 2 I Plat
Book 40, Page 39), the Property is Zoned Planned. Unit Development:
LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that the Board received all the
material on this project and Mr. Don Korby, developer, is present for any
Korby stated that this project is zoned single-family. He stated that the
setbacks for this project are 7 1/2 feet for the side and rear. He stated that
he was not aware of the guidelines by the City. He stated that there are two
corner lots in this subdivision, this particular lot and another, the rest of
the pro j ect I s setbacks are twenty foot rear setback and 7 1/2 foot side
Korby stated that on this request the pool is on the side, and will be
compatible to the area. He stated that there will be a three foot wall with a
screen enclosure coming from the wall.
Greene asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
Sara-Jo Rushe, Jim Ameron, President of the Homeowner's Association, Fred
Forbes, Dan Holensebeck, spoke on the request.
Korby stated that this home is equal to any heme along the golf course. He
also stated that the pool will not be seen from the road and he will leave the
trees along the side of the property.
Bozic moved to approve the request of Killerarn Construction and Real Estate I
Inc. I for a three foot setback. Seconded by Donnelly. Vote: Bozic: aye;
Donnely: aye; Greene: aye; Reid: absent; Nystrom: nay. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
Respectfully SUbmitted,
Marg~pkins, Recording
Board of Adjustment