HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 07 09 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes ; .., I) ~ BOARD OP ADJUS'l.'MlWl' MINUTES July 9, 1981 'lbtMBet1ng .. called to order at 1:00 P.M. HmSENT iIEftE.: James Greene, OhainBD, l"l'esSlt Harry Reid, PrBsm1: I..-'me GroVe, Vice a.1l'1Rl, Absent Ric::tJard ._ler, E"reslllt AI Girda, PI allnt CITY OFFICIAL: D. LeBlanc,LarKl Dev'. Ooordinator .AIxJrcMll of Minutes of Sgecial Meeting of May 21, 1981: Girda moved to ~ them1nutes of the Special Meeting of May 21, 1981. SeocI1ded by Kesel_. Vote: Greene: aye; Reid: aye; Grove: 8b8ent; Kessler: aye; Girda: aye. MDtien carried. Request of Mr. Harold RathbJrn for a Var.i8nce to Sectien '".33 (2) to reduce the rear yard setback at 613 Silver creek Drive, Zcmed R-lA, fraB 1:N!nty-five (25) teet to ten (lO)I.t. 'lbis property is Lot 12, Block D, North Ol'l8ndo Rmches Sectien 2A, Plat Book 12, Page 40: LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that the garage Mr. RathbJrn is b1ilding has the ~i$Aioos' aproval to bJ11d this to store his 32 ft. M:>tor HaDe. Harold RathbJrn NIB there to speak ~ his request. Rathbarn. stated that if he em build the garage within the setbKk to the right side of the rear of his property he wculdn' t have to cut dcHl arFf trees. Holly Horton ... 1:be1w to apeakegainst the request. Sbe stated that she wou.14 like to .. the woods protected at the rear of her property am. Rathbum's property. She stated that her _jor ocmcem is that no JK)1'8 trees are out <bel. There lt88 discussion about if there are 8Dl trees on the property noN that ta1ld need to c:aIII! dcMn. to bW.ld the garage. Rathburn stated that the 81Wl Mwre he ta1ld lilaIt to build is IlCM cleared and has no trees. Reid DICM!d to awr<Mt the variance under the CODdition that no JlDre trees are cut daMn and to plant 5 trees, 6 ft. in height to crate a further bl1tfer bIIbind the garage en the property line, and these trees are to be planted before ~ of the garage. Seco.rded bV Kessler. Vote: Girda: aye; Greene: aye; Kessler: 8.'l}It; .Reid: aye. M:>ticm carried. ftIqu8st of Ms. Barbara A. ClUrstensen and Mr. 3_ H. Newlen ~ a Variance to sectian '".33 (3) to reduce the side yard setb8ck .in Foxmoor Bast, Zcmed R-lAA, frea btmty (20) teet to ten (10) feet. i'a1a8oOr BBst will be a Partial Replat of North OrIamo ftanches Secticm3, Plat Book 12, Page 34 (8OI1t:b and east side of Edaemcn Avenue betueen BahaIIIIa Road and SUnset Drive): LeBlanc stated to the Board that he was just inf01"lll8d by the applicant Mr. 3_ ...,lan that the request be brought forth at a later date. , t, I r"\ ~ Board of Adjustll81t Minut8S July 9, 1981 Page 2 There was discussion em the 1W:;lUIISt to hear the variance NqU8St on a later date. 'l'be Board decided to vote en tl1bether to hear the reqoest at this. .ti18e. Vote: Reid: aye; G1l'da: ayw; Greene: nay; Kessler: aye; Grave: absent. Greene stated that the Board has heard thisitm previc:Jusly, and the Board bas gcttell the Ci tv Attorney's .opiniem that this it8D doe8n' t ccnrti tute a rezon.tng cd the Beard can bear 'the NqU8St _ a Var.um.oe for all 34 lots at one time. Reid asked LeBlanc again if the applicant just tB'ltedto rescbedule the .-eting 8Dd not withdrew the request. LeBlanc stated that yes the applicant just wanted to rescbedule the request . Green asked if there .. anyale present to speak for the request.. There.NiIS no one putsent to speak for the request . Greene asIa!d if there NilS anyooe present to speak against the request. Gary Weber, Chirs Williams, Mildred ElI-oiu&tb and Sally Mings spoke against the request . 'lbere .... discussion on the request . LeBlanc stated that the final plat for the prqlerty has been ~. Reid moved to deny the request with the City Attorney's opinion fraa the last meeting, 44.21 (c) there are 6 lessons to find to grant a variance, and out of tb:3se 6 reasons there are not 8Dl to quality and _ JllJSt find all to grant a variance, this is self inflicted. There are other remedies available to the applicant, they can BBke the lots bigger, this request is not in harmony to the neighborhood. Seconded by Kessler. Vote: Greene: nay; Girda.: aye; Kessler: aye; Reid: ayw. Motion carried. Greene stated that Section 44.22 (1) Appeals for Decisioos of the Board of Adjustment that any person, or persons, jointly or severally ,aggrieved by any dllcision of the Board of Adjustment may, wi thin thirty (30) days after the filing of any decision in the office of the Board of Adjustmlmt, bat not thereafter, apply to the City COUncil for adlDinistrative relief. Aftera hearing before the City Council an aggritMld party may, wi thin thirty (30) days after the decisien of the City COUncil, file an appeal with a court of CXIIIp8tent jurisdiction over the subject attar. '!he IIIfJIIti.ng was adjourned at 1: 55 P.M. Respectfully SUbDitted Margo Hqitins, Recording Secretary Board of Adjuatment