HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 12 06 Regular .. ~ .~ ,,~ ' ern OP WINTBJl SPRINGS, PLOItlDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WIN1EA SPAINGS. FLORIDA 32708 TIIIphoI_ (305) 327-1100 December 18, 1984 MEMO TO: The Board of Adjustment FROM: Pete Cowell, City Planner RE: Board Minutes, December 6, 1984 Attached please find Florida State Statute 470.025 in regard to cinerator facilities. Please Irealize that no action need have been taken on this issue. Further, due to my misunderstanding of the codl' in thinking only multi-family units were a conditional use~ I neglected to consider single family units in the same manner. Neither will change the actions of the Board in approval of a dwelling unit in a C-) Zone. This is for your enlightenment as well as mine. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. PC/pkl I Ni aading ltatem :t1y, regarding lJ'ation for dia t, or diapoeition I any organizati or indirectly, ..bate in any Ii .ameu, by the mployee; howe e payment of co s agents register ;trants hereunder. gistered person to uman bodies or reo ter or to engage . cense to engage' I or embalminc . human body with. or oral permissi I remove the body purchased for ~ implication that . tions of thia chap- romulgated purau- iiaposers. . luspended regia- or his agent, aaaia. )f fraud, undue in. :, or other form - est.blishmell" ation.- ' ~ice at a direct dia. en registered with a cinerator facili~ \ UotMS 1PIlW'RRAL DIRKCTDiG. EMRALMING. AND DIUCT DI8POSITION CIa. 4'0 ty. The department aha1l establiah by rule ltandarda for luch facilitiea, including, but not limited to, re- quirements for refrigeration and ltorage of dead hu- man bodiea. (2) The pr.ctice of direct diapoeition must be en- glled in at a (ned location. No penon, partnership, corporation, uaociation, or other organization shall open or maintain a place or eatabliahment at which to engage in or conduct or hold himself or itaelf out 81 engaging in direct diapoeition unleu permiaaion has been granted by the department. Any Chance in loca- tion of such facility shall be reported promptly to the department 81 prescribed by rule of the de~ent. (3) An application for a direct diapoeal establish- ment regiatration shall be made on a form fumiahed by the department IlDd shall be accompanied by a fee not to exCeed $100 81 set by the department. (4) A direct diaposal establishment regiatration shall be renewed biennially pursuant to plocedures and upon payment of a fee not to exceed $100 81 set by the department. Hillory.-IS- 1. 5. ch. 79-231; 11_ 2. 3, ch_ 81-318; 11- 13.43. ch. 82-179. ':O;ote_ --Repealed errect"e October 1. 1990. by s_ 2, ch_ 81-318. and scheduled ~..r rt>\lt'\\ pIJr!-\ll::lnt III ~_ 11.t~1 In ad\'ancE' of that dalto. EJpire!' Ortohf'T I 1990. i,;r~;1.1!11 !l'" -':,. rh :-\:2-1";"9. and i~ !'chE'dult'd for rf'\"it'w pur~U8nl to f.. 11 ,tll in .llh;lIl1t' tlllhal dalt'. '470.022 Direct disposition not funeral die rectinl.- The duties, functions, and services per- formed by a direct diaposer regiatrant, 81 provided by this chapter, shall not be deemed to constitute funer- al directing or embalming or the. duties, functions, or services performed by a funeral dfrettor or embalmer as otherwise derIDed and provided by thia chapter. Hialory.-II. 1.1I, ch. 79.231; II. 2, 3, ch. 81.318. 'Nole.-Rtpealtcl effective October I, 1990, by 1.2, ch. 81.318. and ocbedultcl In' rev;'" purluant to.. 11.61 in advance of that date. elude the name of the licensed funeral director who is in charle of that eatabliahment. (4) A funeral eatabliabment licenae aha1l be re- newable biennially purauant to procedures, and upon payment of a fee not to exceed $100, 81 aet by depart- ment rule. (5) If the practice of embalming ia done at a fu. neral establiahment, it aha1l only be practiced by a li- censed embalmer. (6) Each licenled funeral establilhment Ihall have at least one full-time funeral director in charle and shall have a licensed funeral director reasonably available to the public during normal busineu houra for that establiahment. (7) The issuance of a license to operate a funeral eatablishment to a penon or entity who ia not indi- vidually licensed 81 a funeral director doea not entitle the penon to practice funeral direct~ 81 dermed in thia chapter, it being the intent of this chapter that luch practice may be performed only by penons li- censed 81 funeral directors. (8) Each funeral establishment located at a spe- cific address shall be deemed to be a separate entity and shall require separate licensing and compliance with the requirements of this chapter. (9) Every funeral establishment licensed under this chapter shall at all times be subject to inspection by the department or any of its designated represent- atives or agents or local or Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services inspectors. The department shall by rule establiah requirements for inspection of funeral establishments. IUawry.-. I, 5. ch. 79-231;.. 338, ch. 81.268;.. 2, 3, ch. 81-318. 'Note.-Rtpealtcl effective October I, 1990, by I. 2, ch. 81.318, and ochecIuItcI for review pursuant to I. 11.61 ill advance of that clate. 1470.025 Cinerator facility; licenaure.- (1) No person shall conduct, maintain, manage, or operate a cinerator facility unleu a license for such facility has been issued by the department. (2) Application for licensure of cinerator facilities shall be on a form fumiahed and prescribed by the department and shall be accompanied by a license fee of up to $100 81 set by department rule. No li- cense shall be issued unless the cinerator facility has been inspected and approved as meeting all require- ments as set forth by the department, the Depart- ment of Health and Rehabilitative Services, the De- partment of Environmental Regulation, or any local ordinance regulating the same. '470.024 Funeral establishment; licensure.- (3) Licenses shall be renewed biennially in ac- ( 1 ) A funeral establishment shall be a place at a cordance with a schedule established by the depart- specific street address or location and must consist of ment. The annual renewal fee shall be up to $100 as and maintain either a suitable room for storage of set by department rule. d~ad human bodies or a preparation room equipped (4) A change in ownership of a cinerator facility !,Ith necessary ventilation and drainage and contain- shall be promptly reported to the department. lng necessary instruments for embalming dead hu- (5) The board shall adopt rules requiring each fa- man bodies. cility to submit periodic reports to the department (2) No person shall conduct, maintain, manage, which include the names of persons cremated and the or operate a funeral establishment unless an estab- types of containers used. Iishment operating license h81 been issued by the de- (6) No more than one dead human body shall be partment for that funeral establishment. placed in a retort at one time, unleu written permis- (3) Application for a funeral establishment li- sion has been received from the personal representa- ('ense shall be made on forms furnished by the de- tive responsible for each body. Part t h 11 be 'ed b ~ t to B\awrY.-II- I, &. ch. 79-231;.. 2, 3. cb. 81.318. men, s a accompanl y a lee no ex- 'Nole.-Repealed effective October 1,1890. by I. 2, ch. 81-318. and ocheduJecl ('eed $100 as set by department rule, and shall in- for review purluant to.- 11.61 ill advance of that clate. 1217 1470.023 Practice of direct dispolition with- out reliltration.-Any person 81 an individual, 81 a partner in a partnership, or 81 an officer or employee of a corporation, association, or other organization, except for a licensed funeral director 81 defined by this chapter, who, without registration, holds himself out as a direct disposer or engages in direct disposi- tion is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. ii5.084. Hiatory.-II. 1,5, ch_ 79-231; II. 2, 3. ch. 81-318. 'Sole.-Rtpealed effective October 1. 1990, by.. 2, ch. 81-318, and ocheduled tnr ",i... pUrluant W .. 11.61 in advance of that clate.