HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 10 13 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes r--' ~ .. .' Board of Adjul?t~nt M.;l.nutes October 13, 1982 7:30 P.M. Meeting of the Board of Adjustment was called to order by the Cha1r. 'llie Pledge of Allegiance was led by Harry Reid. ROLL CALL: CITY OF,EiWIALS: Ellen Weiss, present Harry Reid, present Ted Holz, absent Louise Poole, present Bill Jacobs, present JacElueline Koch, City Planner The Chair was notified that Mr. Holz was out-of-tmm and would not be attending. APPROVAL OF IVIINUIES OF 'SEPIEMBER '2, 1982: Motion was made by Jacobs to approve the minutes of September 2, 1982. Seconded by Poole. Vote. All aye, IIDtion carried. REQUEST OF JOHN LAUX FOR SPECIAL EXCEPrION TO SECTION 5-126 TO CONSTRUCT A :BENCE lITGHER 'IHAN 4 FEEl' FORWARD OF THE 50 FOOr FROOT SETBACK m ZONE RC-l '(6 ,F(Qr HIQH'EENCE10~ WEST 1/2 OF wr 7, BLOCK C,RANCHES SECTION 1" (241 'TRADE WINDS 'ROAD) ~ " """ "-.,. ""-.,~' , The City Planner stated that both reqaests before' the Boai><f are on adj'o:ii1ii'Jg lots: "'The Laux property is approximately 1. 8 acres. The City Planner noted the reason 1\'W., Laux needs the special exception is for fencing the front 50 foot setback with a fence higher than 4 feet. Beyond the 50 foot setback Mr. Laux could put a fence up to 8 feet in height without any problem. The Planner went on to state that the reason for the requested fence is for security purposes. The Ranches have large lots and neighbors are quite distant in this sparsely populated area. Therefore fences are not as noticeable or unaesthetic in this particular area. John Laux, 241 Trade Winds, came forward and was swom....in by the Chair. The Chair then inquired as to why Mr. Laux wanted the fence on the 50 foot setback. Mr. Laux explained that he wanted it for two reasons: to keep what he has left and for security. He then explained he wanted to keep what game birds he has left because dogs have attacked and killed IlE.l1Y of them. Mr. Laux went on to explain that he wanted the whole property fenced. Discussion then pursued as to why the extra height on the fence. Mr. Laux explained that he has seen IIDSt dogs in this area go over 5 foot fences, and he was confident the extra 2 feet would prevent this. Mr. Laux stated there have been several burglaries at his home, the most recent about ten days ago. Discussion. Mr. Harold Phelps, 240 E. Panama, came forward, was sworn-in and spoke for the special ex- ception of Mr. Laux' s . The point was brought up for discussion by Poole of whether the Board would be setting a precedent if they granted a special exception in this case, Discussion. IVbtion was nade by Reid to grant John Laux~s request with the coment on the reason for such being safety of the residents; would like to keep animals on the property; for appearance sake keep the same size of the fence throughout; for security. Seconded by Jacobs. Vote. All aye, IIDtion carried. REQUEST OF WALTER PARKHURST FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION 'ill SECTION 5-126 TO CONSTRUCT A FENCE HIGHER'IHAN 4 FEEl' FORWARD OF THE 50 FOar FRONT SEIBACK m ZONE RC-l (6 FOor HIGH FENCE) ON EAST 1/2 OF wr 7," BLOCK C, 'RANCHES SECTICN l' (251'TRADE 'WlNDS 'ROADr~ . , Mr. Parkhurst was not present and the City Planner stated that he is heaVily involved with coaching young people and possibly had a conflict with tonight ts meeting. The Planner went on to state that this request is exactly the same as the previous one. This property is , .~ ,-. -.." . ,t, Board of Adjustment lVIinutes October 13, 1982 Page 2 adj oining the Laux' s property, Mr>. Parkhurst's request is for one side of the setback and the front property line to be fenced. Mr. Parkhurst had indicated secur;lty as the need for this request. Question was raised by Poole as to the nature of security in Mr. Parkhurst's request. It was at this time Mr. Harold Phelps (a neighbor), 240 E. Panama, came forward to speak in favor of lVJr. Parkhurst's request. Mr. Phelps stated that Mr>. Parkhurst has had about three break-ins this year. There was no one to speak against this request. Motion was made by Reid to approve this request as asked for in light of the follow:ing reasons: safety of the residents; would like to possibly keep animals on the property; for appearance sake keep the same size fence throughout the property; for.security purposes. Seconded by Jacobs. Vote. All aye, IIDtion carried, The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday" November 4, 1982. Meeting was adj ourned by the Chair. '>.lit