HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 08 05 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes ,-.., ,~ " '1 ~" BOARD O);i' AL\JUS'I'MENT l'm'WIES CITY QF WINTER SPRINGS . AUGUST 5> 1982 Meetirlg .of the Board of Adjustment was called to order by Chairman Ellen Weiss. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bill Jacobs. There was a ITPment of silent prayer. ROU, CAIL: CITY OFFICIAlS: Harry Reid, present Ted Holz, absent Bill Jacobs, present AI D:lvis, present Ellen Weiss, present Jacqueline Koch City Planner Chairman, Ellen Weiss wanted the following noted for the record that Ted Holz had notified her in advance of his absence of vacation out...of-town. APPROVAL OF :mNUIES OF JULY 1, 1982: With additions and corrections so noted, Al Davis roved to approve the minutes of July 1, 1982. Seconded by Bill Jacobs. Vote. All aye. lVbtion carried. Ellen Weiss brought to the Board's attention that it was the begining of a new year for the Board and that Chatman and Vice Chairman should be voted upon. Bill Jacobs ITPved that the Board retain the current Chairman and Vice Chairman. Seconded by Ellen Weiss. Discussion. Vote. Harry Reid; no, Ellen Weiss; yes, Bill Jacobs; yes, AI D3.vis; no. lVbtion undecided. Jacobs recoIl1lTEnded that this be postponed until next meeting when all five members would be present. REQUEST OF JON M. HAIL FOR SPECIAL EXCEPr-IONS TO R-3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO AilJJW: (1) PA:RK:rnG WITHIN THE FROm SEIBACK (ON 22.J:tEJ:!Jl"OFTBE'IOrAL 25 FEET) ; (2)REDDCrIONOF PA:RK:rnG SPACES FROrJI 8 TO 6, AND (3) REDUGrION OF THE REAR' SETBACK TO 32 FEET (FROM 35 FEET), ON LOr 10 OF .GARDEN CLUB AP.ARl'MENTS OFF SOUTH MOSS ROAD' IN' ZONE 'C-l WITH CON- DITIONAL USE FDR R- 3 lEVELOPMENT. City Planner, Jacqueline Koch stated that Garden Club Apartments are on S. Moss Road. Garden Drive is the road that has been long platted, but never constructed. Lot 10 front property line is adj oining a 45 foot cul-de-sac. This entire 45 foot area is dedicated as a public right-of-way. Ms. Koch stated that with the 45 foot cul-de-sac being as such it would not be feasible to build a quadraplex with the front and rear set-backs as such. However, it is feasible that at some point in time the 45 foot cul-de-sac will be reIDved, but it is purely speculative as to when at this time. The City Planner made the current builder well aware of this prior to building. Jim Huckeba was present to speak on behalf of Jon M. Hall, and was so sworn jn by the Chairman. Mr. Huckeba stated that jn various conversations with the City Planner they had discussed withdrawing the request to reduce the number of parking spaces (from 8 to 6), but rather than park parallel as the other quadraplexs are, park straight jn from the road. But with the latter, it would require backing out onto the cul-de-sac (road). Ellen Weiss stated this would change the original request. Discussion on the feasibility of parking straight jn on lot 10. The City Planner stated that if the application is altered, it would have to be also approved by the Site Plan Review Board. Currently all this Board can act upon is the dimensions. Discussion. City Planner restated that if they could have some assurance that the cul-de-sac would be reITPved, then she would have no problem with what Mr. Huckeba was proposing. However, as the bUilding would be a permenant structure, please bear in mind these people would always be that close to the road and also not have a front lawn. Mr. Huckeba stated they would have "legally" a front lawn. Ellen Weiss asked if there was anyone in the aucU:ence who wanted to speak in agreement with Mr. Huckeba? Mr. Tom Binford, 409 Sheoah Blvd., Winter Springs was sworn in by f"" "'""' '" ~ · Bo~d of Adj ustment Meeting August 5, 1982 Page 2 Ellen Weiss asked if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak in agreement with Mr. Huckeba? Mr>. Tom Binford, 409 Sheoah Blvd., Winter Springs was sworn in by the Chainnan. Mr>. Binford stated he was not speaking for or against Jon Hall's request, but as neutral authorized agent of the owner and one of the princippls of the property abutting to the north . With the assumption that the property to the north is developed, the property owners would attempt to get Garden Drive develpped and utilize this road as a fourth access route, in addi ti6n to ingress and egress on Fairfax, lVbss Road, and 434. Mr>. Bin.foro stated this would enhance the property value. Mr. Binford stressed his reasoning for being before the Board was to show what might occur, and stated that currently however there are no plans for such development. Discussion. Motion was made by Bill Jacobs to appvoe requirement of having parking area on the front setback 22 of the 25 feet as shown in the applicant. Seconded by Reid. Discussion. Vote. All aye. lVbtion carTied. Bill Jacobs roved that WE! approve the request to reduce the rear set- back requirement from 35 feet to 32 feet, as requested. Seconded by Reid. Discussion. Vote. All aye. lVbtion carried. Jacobs roved to approve the reduction of parking spaces from 8 to 6 as requested. Seconded by Al Davis. Discussion. Vote. All aye. lVbtion carried. REQUEST OF THE GROVE COUNSELING CENTER AND SEMINOLE YOUlliRANCH, mc. A PROPERI'Y OWNER, FDR SPECIAL EXCEPrION m ZONE R-U TO OPERATE A DAY TREATMENT PROGRAM FOR ADOI.SCENTS ON LarS 3, 4, AND 5, ENTzrmIGER F ARN ADDITION NO. 2 ON OLD SANFDRD-OVIEDO ROAD. The City Plarmer stated that the property in question is on the north side of Old Sanford Oviedo Road, by 419 and Wade Street. Mr. Charles Pritchard, Casselberry, was sworn in to speak for Grove Counceling Center and Seminole Youth Ranch. Mr. Pritchard. gave some brief background on the program and the history of the Youth Ranch and Grove Center. Mr. Pritchard explained that the pupil capacity at tJie center to start would be 30. But they hope to increase to 40. They are open Monday thru Friday, all year long. Currenly they would have one one living on the premises, but hope to have security on the premises in the future. None of the students are held overnight, however the Center would like to establish an overnight facility to the Center in the future. The Center is currently asking for just day treatment. Mr. Pri tcharo stated it would be at least six ronths before they could foresee any overnights. The staff-to-student ratio is one to ten. Seminole Youth Programs owns the property, with the Grove having a three year lease. lVbtion by Jacobs to approve the Sepcial Exception in zone R-U to operate a Day Treatment Program for Adolescents. Al Davis seconded the motion. Vote. All aye. Motion carried. Cha.irm3n Ellen Weiss adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:40 p.m. :s;;;?"Z~ She:::~. Zielonka ReCO~ Secretary