HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 01 07 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
, .
T9~se minutes were
~~nded and approved
on.February 4, 1982.
JANUARY 7, 1982
The Board of Adjustment Meeting was called to order by Chairman Ellen Weiss.
The pledge of allegiance was led by Bill Jacobs.
Roll Call:
Al Davis, present
Ellen Weiss, present
Bill Jacobs, present
Harry Reid, present
Ted Holz, present
City Officials:
Jacqueline Koch,
City Planner
Weiss stated she would like to make an addition to page
She noted Mrs. Una Brown was sworn in. Jacobs moved to
December 3, 1981. Seconded by Weiss. Vote: All aye.
3, the second paragraph.
approve the minutes of
Motion carried.
Weiss moved to add an eighth item to the agenda - to discuss whether the Board
should adopt Roberts Rules of Order - Revised. Seconded by Davis. Vote: All
aye. Motion carried.
The City Planner stated Mr. Binford's property is located on the north side of
S.R. 419. Ms. Koch stated we have had several precedents to this. She asked
whether Mr. Binford was applying for the conditional use for the entirety of
the property or the frontage south of the railroad tracks. Ms. Koch stated the
application includes the entire property. The Chairman asked for the staff's
opinion and the City Planner stated she felt this was appropriate and stated
it might even be preferable as far as blending in with the neighborhood.
Mr. Tom Binford, 409 Sheoah Blvd., Winter Springs, was sworn in and stated his
request is for a conditional use with maximum density of 16 units per acre for
condominiums. Weiss asked if this request was for the entire property. Mr.
Binford stated his request applied to the area from the railroad tracks to
S.R. 419. Discussion. There was no one to speak for or against the request.
Jacobs moved to approve the request of Chemical Enterprises, Inc. as submitted.
Seconded by Reid. Reid stated he felt it would not be in their authority to
approve or disapprove this because under C-2 they do not allow for any
conditional uses - they do allow everything that is permitted under C-l however
this is not allowed under C-l unless it would be a conditional use however
the conditional use under e:"'l' restricts approval to within that classification
and that he felt the ordinance would have to state that they would have the
authority to rule on this specifically or to allow it as a conditional use
otherwise he felt it would have to go to Planning and Zoning or submission
under 44.2Ll<5)to make application to rezone the property. The City Planner
stated our commercial zones are paramedal - C-2 includes C-l - any procedure
allowed in C-l is included as well in C-2 and we have had a precedent. One of
the multi-family projects was on C-2 property - the Mosswood Apts. on south
Moss Road. That has been built under conditional use in zone C~2 which is
identical to this request. Reid stated he felt two wrongs do not make a right.
He stated if they were giving them the authority to do so they would have
said so in the ordinance and that it should be changed or get some type of
opinion. Mr. Binford stated he would prefer the Board render a decision and
that if they did not feel comfortable with the request to deny it rather than
tabling the request because he would suffer a financial hardship. There was
discussion as to the term; use. Davis offered an amendment to the motion
Board of Adjustment Meeting
January 7, 1982
Page Two.
that it not exceed 10 units per acre. Mr. Jacobs would not agree to amend
his motion. Davis moved to amend the motion to limit the density to ten units
per acre. Seconded by Reid. Vote on the motion: Holz no' Davis yes
" , ,
Weiss, no; Jacobs, no; Reid, aye; motion failed. Discussion. Reid moved to
table the request until a legal opinion is rendered. Seconded by Davis.
Vote: Holz, no; Davis, aye; Weiss, no; Jacobs, no; Reid, aye; motion failed.
Roll was called to vote on the motion made by Jacobs to approve the request
of Chemical Enterprises, Inc. as presented, which was seconded by Reid.
Vote: Holz, aye; Davis, no; Weiss, aye; Jacobs, aye; Reid, no; motion carried.
The Board stated they would appreciate the City Planner checking into Mr. Reid's
concerns regarding their authority.
The City Planner pointed out the location and stated the request is to construct
agrdcery store with sale of gasoline zoned C-L She stated C-l zoning ordinance
lists 26 automatically allowed uses. The two proposed businesses do not fall
on that list. Item 18 allows that an~;other retail store or business in the
judgment of the Board of Adjustment is consistent with those included may be
approved. The City Planner stated under Section 44.21 the Board of Adjustment
may also grant special exceptions. She stated that when the application was
processed there was some question as to whether this was a special exception.
She stated for the record under our law this is called a special exception and
is being processed as such. Weiss read Section 44.21.1B and asked the City
Planner i~ she had a specific recommendation from the City Staff. The Planner
stated she did not have a recommendation from the City Staff, however the most
recent policy established by the City Commission was to oppose such an approval.
Attorney ITackT. Brj,dges" 209 N. Oak Avenue, Sanford, FL, was -sworn-in and stated
he was present to represent the applicant. Attorney'Bri,o.ges. ste,tedhetn,ought .
the maj ori ty of the Board had heard the previous presentation of his cli.ent
and that the Board had approved it and upon appeal to the City COmmission it
was reversed. He stated the record should reflect they are here again to
start the procedure again. Attorney Bridges stated the application that is .
before them is checkmarked as a special exception which was done under protest
and that he does not consider this application to be a special exception.
He stated he felt this was a permitted use within a C-l district under Section
44.47(18). Attorney Bridges stated in reviewing the zoning code and ordinances,
he found some problems in that under Section 18 it has a catchall provision
wherein this Board is given total discretion to grant or deny based upon the
spirit and intent of Sections 44.01. thrbugh44.90~' Attorney Bridges said
he found those to be vague and that they do promulgate such guidelines as
the Supreme Court of the State of Florida requires in the approval of condi-
tonal uses. He stated he suggests this is a permitted use under our zoning
code - it is not a conditional use and most assuredly it is not a special
exception as the law defines those terms. Mr. Michael Alexatos, 106 Autumn
Drive, Longwood, was sworn in and spoke for his request. Mr. Alexatos stated
the building would be .40 X 60 and that it would not be a general type
of Shop N' Go that is now constructed. Mr. Alexatos stated it would be a
premium type store. He stated they did not feel this location would create
a traffic problem. Regarding the sale of gasoline presenting a hazard Mr.
Alexatos said he felt the representative from Citgo made a detailed presentation
regarding the safety features that are associated with underground gasoline
BO:l.r(:~ of Ad,jlrtment Meeting
.ranuary '{, 1982
Page Three.
tanks. Mr. Alexatos stated one of the concerns was that it would prohibit a
clear view of 434. He said there is not a ,clear view at the present time be-
cause of the trees. Mr. Alexatos stated this would actually open. it up so that
you would have a better view and be far safer as far as traffic was concerned.
Mr. Alexatos said as far as the children hanging around the store neither he
nor the Shop N' Go people could control other peoples' children. He stated
he felt it was mainly emotional. Weiss asked since the applicaion merely
requests a grocery store with the sale of gaSOline is it assumed it will be a
Shop N' Go if it is approved. Mr. Alexatos stated it would be. Davis asked
what his concept of a premium Shop N' Go was. Mr. Alexatos stated the drawings
have not been completed however the decor would be similar to the surrounding
offices and stores they intend to put on that property. Mr. Alexatos stated
the store would not look like the one on 434. Mr. Reid asked if the station
would be self-serve and whether it would face 434. Mr. Alexatos stated he
believed it would be self-serve and that it would face 434. He stated at the
present time he did not think there would be a driveway going onto Hayes Road
only 434. Mr. Alexatos stated Celery Avenue provides an adequate buffer. They
have no plans to use Celery Avenue at this time. Discussion. The Chairman
asked if there was anyone in the audience to speak for the request. She then
heard from people in the audience speaking against the request. Mrs. Leanne _
Grove, 626 Alton Rd., was sworn in and stated her concern over the traffic
was at the intersection of Hayes and 434. She said. according to the Building
Dept. of the City of Winter Springs there are 283 Single-Family Residences in
Sections 8, 9, 2 & 2A of North Orlando Ranches.' Mrs. Grove stated this inter-
section is the only feasible ingress/egress to this area for these homes.
According to the ITE Manual a single-family dwelling generates 11.0 trip ends
on an average, so if these two figures are multiplied you come up with 3,113.
According to ITE a convenient store (using a range open 15-16 hours) averages'
332.6 trip ends. When adding this figure to 3,113 you come up with 3,445.6
autos per 24 hour period. Mrs. Grove stated this was the way she was instructed
to figure the traffic impact according to the Seminole Planning Council. She
stated she realized this was an average. The City Planner stated the total
presented reppesents 1/3 the capacity of that road. The capacity of a two-lane
road is 9,135. Jacobs stated he did not see where this convenient store
would increase the traffic in view of the fact if someone needs an item they
are going to go across 434 regardless of whether they frequent this particular
store. Mrs. Grove stated the store would bring in more traffic at this inter-
section not necessarily generated from Sections 8, 9, 2 & 2A. Mrs. Grove
submitted Items A through F for the new board members to review. This is
the same information that was submitted previously. Mrs. Grove made mention
of the road that has been cut through from Hayes Road all the way to Shore Rd.
Jacobs reminded Mrs. Grove there are other permitted uses which may generate
more traffic than a convenient store. Mrs. Grove stated she did not feel this
Board has the power to overrule something the elected Officials (Council)
have established. Weiss reminded Mrs. Grove this was a new application. Mrs.
Grove stated they have determined a convenient store in that particular area
is not in the best interest of the health, safety and welflare of the citizens
of Winter Springs and that he felt that should be remembered. Mr. Frank
Bracht, 613 Pearl Rd., was worn in and stated he owns property on Wade St.
Mr. Bracht stated his conce n was over the traffic it will generate and stated
he has a hard time getting ut of Hayes Road now. He stated he did not feel
it fiwin with the characte of the neighborhood. Mrs. Sondra Ribakoff,
Board of Adjustment Meeting
. January 7, 1982
Page Four.
618 Alton Rd., was sworn in and questioned the need for the store. Mrs.
Ribakoff stated 434 is the main road and all you see are convenient stores.
She stated it is a shame to ruin a nice City. Mrs. Ribakoff reminded the
Board they have to power to control whether the City is full of convenient
stores or not. Mr. William Poe, 639 Marlin Rd., was sworn in and stated he
feels there are enough convenient stores in the City. Mr. Poe also stated
he understood the charter of the Board to maintain the decorum of the City
and asked that they please do so by not making it a strip that looks like
one business mile after mile. Ms. Mary Lownes, 329 San Miguel, was sworn in
and stated many cities all across the United Stated arespehding billions of
dollars trying to tear down the hearts of their cities. She stated she felt
we have a terrific opportunity to build a beautiful city. Mr. Howard Enright,
Hacienda Village, was sworn in and stated he has lived here five years and
that he has seen the traffic increase and more accidents happening and that he
felt they should take into consideration the safety of the senior citizens
and the children. Mr. Robert Schreck, 635 Marlin Road, was sworn in and
stated there is no place in Winter Springs where he cannot coast to a gas
station if he runs out of gas. Mr. Schreck also mentioned the house on the
corner of 434 and Hayes Road which hinders the view onto 434. Ms. Helen
Fody, 606 Pearl Rd., was sworn in and stated she is opposed to the request.
Mrs. Marcia Bracht, 613 Pearl Rd., was sworn in and stated she is the President
of the Sugartree Station Homeowners Assn. She stated she was present to
represent the association and that she felt they showed the Board and the
Council back in June that they are greatly opposed to this. Mrs. Bracht
said when she moved here six years ago there were t~o convenient stores in
that area which was alright, when there were three convenient stores in
the City they still did not oppose it, but now you can go approximately
~miles starting at the Food Barn and going to Cumberland Farms and we have
five plus the Fairway Market - she stated she believes enough is enough.
Mrs. Bracht stated they do not wish to fill this City with convenient stores.
She stated they wished to bring in industry and professional people and that
maybe these people will stay away if they continue to spring up gas stations
and convenient stores. The Chairman corrected the number of convenient stores
within the city limits and stated according to the City Planner there are
actually three convenient stores. Mr. Charlie Kaley, 395 Hacienda Village,
was sworn in and spoke for the residents in Phase I of Hacienda Village.
Mr. Kaley is the President of Hacienda Village Homeowners Association and
stated he felt that spot would be a nuisance for noise because Phase I is
along Hayes Road. Mrs. Marta Garam,2948 Starwood Drive, Maitland, was sworn
in and stated she is an existing businessperson and that she is opposed to
the convenient store. Mrs. Garam asked if there was not some discussion
regarding an amendment which would prevent a convenient store within less
than a mile from one another. The Board stated there was a recommendation
made to that affect. Mrs. Garam stated the area is already saturated with
convenient stores. She is the owner of North Orlando Foods. . ~w. Helen Powell,
Hacienda Village, was sworn in and stated she did not feel we need anymore
convenient stores. Mr. Bud Powell, Hacienda Village, was sworn in and stated
he was concerned as to the hardship to the present businessowners. Ms. Diane
Brown, 604 Pearl Rd., was sworn in and stated her property backs up to the
woods and that she is opposed to the convenient store. Davis asked for her
reasons opposing the convenient store. Ms. Brown stated if it is open 24
hours there will be noise, children running through the yards. The City Planner
pointed out the surrounding property and its zoning. Following a five minute
recess, the Chairman called the meeting of the Board of Adjustment back to order.
BoariJ of Ad511stment Mee~ing
January 7, 7982
Page Five.
Attorney Bridges stated under the law the question of need is not material
or relevant to this Board or any political public Board in this State on this
type of proceeding. Attorney Bridges stated legally this has no bearing.
He also stated in reference to Mrs. GtQve~traffic studies, he felt she should
have done it in Winter Springs instead of Columbus, but stated he noted the
comment of our staff member that this road will accommodate 9,000 plus vehicles
per day and taking her projection to their imaginary horribles you are only a
third capacity as to this one corner. Attorney Bridges stated if this Board
is going to in its deliberations make a part of the record the ITE Study, he
suggested they also make a part of the mental deliberations the recommendations
promulgated by our own staff. He also suggested the study might be very good
for Columbus, but we are having to look at Winter Springs and Hayes Drive and
434 and the trip ends and the trip outs.
The City Planner stated she felt it was appropriate to have concern over Hayes
Road. She stated Hayes Road is the only road in this area which goes all the
way to 434. The number of trips produced by the neighborhood and the conflicting
commercial in this situation is not nearly important as it is in this area where
that is the only way out. That road will carry 9,135 cars two lanes without
turn lanes. The City Planner is referring to Hayes Road. She stated the large
blue area is a 190 acre planned unit development that will add 5,000 trips per
day and even being conservative and allocating only 1/3 to Hayes Road, you can
see it is going to have a tremendous impact on Hayes Road. The Planner stated
there will be additional development in the Ranchlands and made mention of the
area on the east side that will impact Hayes Road that is now undeveloped.
The City Planner stated she felt the need to opt for a very low traffic
generating development on that site. She stated it is true that there may
be some automatic uses that are greater traffic producers but stated the
average shopping center would produce 60. trips per day for the same square
footage for 1,000'feet. She stated a convenient store open 24 hours per day
produces 577 which is 9 timeS as much. A professional office of the same size
would produce 12.3 per day. Ms. Koch stated her analysis at this particular
site would be that we have the choice between approving a type of business that
is knownto be a high volume traffic generator and remaining in:thesituation
where we mayor we may not have an automatically allowed use developed on that
site wich would equal or surpass that. She stated she did not feel a convenient
store would be desirablea:t that COl!'neI' dUe t:o tihetrnffi,c.
Davis stated in view of the application being for a convenient store and in
view of the reason for a convenient store being convenient to the people it
will serve in the area and due to the fact there are a number of people
indicating that it would bot be a convenience to them that it would supposedly
serve he stated he cannot see where it would be in the best interest of Winter
Springs and for the health, safety and welfare from the testimony he has
heard from the citzens and stated he would therefore make a motion to deny
the applicant the special exception to put a convenient store with gasoline
sales at this particular location and based on the City Planner's vievsof
the traffic patterns that can be created and the hazards that can be created
there. Seconded by Reid.
Reid stated he felt it might create a hardship to the adjacent residential
propertyowners and that it would create a hazard and threat to the safety,
health and welfare of the community to increase traffic through that inter-
section and noted the number of children in the area. He also mentioned the
Board of Adjustment Meetin,::
Januar;' 'T, 1982
Page Six.
fact that convenient stores do attract children hanging around and that the
traffic would be hazardous to the retired people living in the area. He stated
he does not feel it complies with the character of the neighborhood. He said
he did not believe the use is in harmony with the intent of the zoning ordinances
of the City of Winter Springs. Holz stated he agreed with these comments.
Vote on the motion: Davis, aye; Weiss, no; Jacobs, no; Reid, aye; Holz, aye;
motion carried. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal.
The Chairman stated the same procedure would be followed and that it falls under
the special exception which was read previously and that the same statements
apply to this request. The City Planner pointed out the location. The Chairman
asked the City Planner if the staff had an opinion. Ms. Koch stated no, but
that she would like to point out that the previous remarks do not hold true
of this site. She stated that separation of rQadways of this location is
approximately 200 feet apart as opposed to in this case 2/3 of a mile and xhe
same problem doesn't exist. Jacobs asked if this was a Citgo. Mr. Alexatos
stated it would be. He also stated it would be identical to the one on Lake
Brantley Rd. and 434. The Chairman asked if this would be self-service and
whether there would be a mechanic on duty. Mr. Alexatos stated he believed it
would be self~serve and there would be no mechanic. Mr. Alexatos stated he
thought there would be 8 dual pumps. Mr. Alexatos stated the primary business
is the sale of gasoline. He. also stated there would be three entrances and
three exits. There is a hedge buffer planned for the back. There was no one
in the audience to speak for the request. Ms. Mary Ellen Lownes was reminded
she was still under oath and stated as she recalled from the last presentation
Mr. Alexatos sai.d the employees that were going to be in this establishment
was one young girl in a convenient store, that they were told it would be
a 24-hour operation. She stated they were also told there would be one young
man in the filling station. She reminded the Board they have a saloon in
Fairway Market and that at one of the last meetings one of the representatives
from the Police Department remarked that this particular type of operation
may bring some police problems into our area. She stated there is not too
good of an element around the saloon at late hours. She stated that she is
afraid that if they have a 24-hour operation just up the highway they are
going to go from one to another and that it is not too good of an element to
have in a neighborhood for small children that attend an eIementary school
that is just a few blocks away. Ms. Lownes also stated she would like to
know if this gentleman would like all those tanks that contain those
hundreds of gallons of gasoline under the ground less than 50 feet away from
his house. The Chairman stated Mr. Larsen, the representative from Citgo,
explained there are safety valves that prevent leakage. Ms. Lownes $,t~ted.
she is also concerned about the noise and the pollution frOm the trucks and
traffic and that this is also on the same side' of the school. She als,o
stated she did not feel weneeft this establishment. Ms. Lownes $aid she
lives in Indian Ridge Patio Homes and that the residents up against the fence
are having problems with noise and pollution. She sta,ted they have a board.,..
wall which does nothing to improve the situatiqn. She stated now that
Fairway is in there the residents cannot get anything done about the problem.
Board of Adjustment Meeting
January" 1982
Page Seven.
Ms. Lownes said she hated to see this forced on someone else in Winter Springs.
She stated according to the master plan they can say no and asked that they
think about it for Winter Springs' sake. Mr. Howard Enright, 149 Hacienda
Village, was reminded he was still under oath and stated he was opposed to the
request. Mr. William Poe stated he was against the request for the reasons
stated above. Mrs. Leanne Grove stated this particular site obviously does
not create an undue traffic hazard, however, she stated she,d.s concerned with
the number of convenient stores and the fact that our Police Department's
capabilities will be further taxed. She made mention of the woman mugged in
Winter Springs on the 20th at the Handy Way and stated she felt we do not need
to encourage anymore growth that will promote this type of situation. Mrs. Grove
stated she finds this incompatible with the Comprehensive Use Plan, especially
the part where it says; "attract a variety of businesses," and als.o she stated
the City Commission of \.Jinter Springs established a ',precedent and said it was
not in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare to have a convenient
store at this location and that she felt the Board should deny this request
and let Mr. Alexatos argue it out with the Commissioners, Mrs. Marta Garam
stated she is opposed to this request because it would create undue hardship
on her business. She mentioned the burglaries involved and the cars starting
up all hours of the night. Mrs. Sondra Ri bakoff stated the children hanging
around the convenient stores are not Winter Springs children but kids who have
access to cars. Mrs. Ribakoff stated these 24-hour operations encourage
drugs and vandali.sm to the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Ed Lownes spoke
against the request. Ms. Hellen powell stated she was opposed to the request.
Attorney Bridges said he understands the people do not want this here and that
this is not sufficient legal justification.
"Davis stated in view of the citizens' opposition he felt this request should
be denied. Davis moved to deny the applicant the special exception to build a
service station as applied for. Seconded by Reid.' Davis stated he felt
this requ?st was nbt :in the best interest bfthecitizens . arid "their safety
and health of the City in view of their objections to it. He stated it is
their City. Weiss stated she didnbt feel this was consistent with the
character of the neighborhood. She said she did'not see the place for a
8 dual pump gas station within a residential community. Vote on the motion:
Davis, aye; Weiss, aye; Jacobs, no; Reid, aye; Holz, aye; motion carried.
The Chairman reminded the applicant of the appeal process.
Weiss stated presently the City Commission follows Roberts Rules of Order/Revised.
At a December Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board they also voted to follow
the same rules. According :to. the Attorney we have the right to determine what
we wish to follow. Jacobs moved to adopt Roberts Rules of Order/Revised.
Seconded by Reid. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
The Chairman stated we will need to elect a Vice-Chairman. It was agreed to
agenda this item for the next meeting.
Board of Adjustment Meeting
January 7, 1982
Page Eight.
Weiss informed the Board Members they are being appealed by Mr. Frank Carter
and that the Public Hearing will be January 12th. Also Mr. Samuel Meitin
is appealing and the Public Hearing will be January 26th. The Chairman also
reminded the Board of the ordinance under consideration by the Commission and
noted the back page in which they are requesting that if a member of this
committee fails to attend three meetings within 12 months that they are
automatically off the Board of Adjustment and also their request that no action
by our Board should be valid or binding unless it is adopted by an affirmative
vote of three and that three will be the number for our quorum.
Davis moved that the City furnish each member a copy of Roberts Rules of Order/
Revised. Seconded by Reid. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Recording Secreta~.