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377 Maitland Avenue · Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 . Telephone (305) 831-4039
October 15,1981
Florida Land Company
P.O. Box 44
Winter Park, Florida
It has come to my attention that Florida Land Company is
planning a land spreading program for effluent on Site Number 16
in the city of Winter Springs.
Maronda Homes owns and is developing the Ranchlands Sec-
tion 10. Our property is in close proximity to your proposed op-
eration. Based on independent investigation of the type of program
you are proposing, we have no objection to your plans.
muel L. Katanich
Vice President
~I 'CI
~ --- Request being presented to Board of A~justment on Thursday at
7:30 P.M. in City Hall, N. Edgemon Ave.
This sewerage spraying facility will directly affect Ranchlands,
and we should express the following concerns:
1. How can land under litiRat~~Jawsuitl be d~velo~ed
for any purpose? The 40 acres is part of Florida. La.n.d Co.' s
305 acres ....x which is under litigation by the City and the
Citizens' Rights Committee. The sewerage facility will give
Florida Land afoot in the door to fully develop the 305 acres
with as m~ houses per acre as it wants once the litigation
is settled. (North Orlando Water & Severage Corp. is a sub-
sidiary of Florida Land Co.)
2. How much odor will result from s~rayinR seweraRe on
40 acres of land? The facility is similar to a lawn sprinkling
system with sewerage being sprayed on top of the ground. Hopefully
it will seep down into the ground, be purified, and then run into
nature's underground water system called the acquifier.
3. Could this seweraRe facility pose a health hazard?
The City Engineer states that while bacteria are killed by this
sewerage treatment process, he is not sure that viruses will be
killed. (V~ruses cause colds, hepatitus-inf1ammation of the
liver-, etc.)
North Orlando Water & ,Sewerage Corp.ls request to use 40 acres
on Shore Road for a sewerage spraying facility.
End with statement that you are encouraging everyone to come to
the meeting so they can hear the pros and cons of the issue and
then make up their own minds about it. Also say that the Board
of Adjustment does not have the final say-so. If the citizens
or North Orlando Utilities are displeased with the Board's
action, then they/illet~edt~S~8 the City Council for finai
am.y flltsTdmo Cda. 8tt.h.. ~
The proposed 40 acres, for the sewerage spraying facility, isalomg Shore _337-S.t. oS-
Road, which if looking directly at the Hinter Springs Baptist Church, isoh t~e
right side lis one road over from Hayes Road. .
PI.SJJIJ1 ot1tJnrb 1hw.sdGtlS Jm5.tUtiMJ. WL
C01l!Gb lJf-. (dau1n. wiNd)..
MSMbers,Board of AdjustMent
Ci t,y Hall
Winter SprinGs,Fla.
Dear Fellow MeMbers,
The North Orlando Water and Sewer Corp.(NOWASCO) has
reQuested conditional use in zone R-1A/R-1AA for a
land spreadinG operation of secondary sewaGe effluent.The
city attourney has ruled that it is within the Jurisdict-
ion of this board to hear and decide on this application
as per article 44.30 of the city code.The decision
reached by this board on the NOWASCO application will
be extreMely iMPortant to the future develoPMent of the
city as well as to the health and welfare of the citizen-
NOWASCO representatives presented data in support of
the application at the Oct.l public hearinG.The followinG
inforMation is deeeMed pertinent. (l)The state DER has
Granted NOWASCQ a perMit to conduct the reouested land
spreadinG operation.(Z)NOWASCQ presentlY conducts a
land spreadinG operation at the BiG Cypress Golf Course.-
(3)NOWASCO's capability to process sewaGe and dispose
of effluent is a very iMPortant factor in the future
Growth and develOPMent of the city of Winter SprinGS.
Capacity Data
Present DER PerMit
Theoretical COMMitMents
Land Spread(BiG Cypress)
Future Land Spread(site 16)
Future DER PerMit(sites 3 & 16)
750,000 GPD
The DER office in Tallahassee has provided the board
with a copy of chspt.17-6 FAC reGardinG waste treatMent
reQUireMents.It has also.provided 8a copY~of the DER
bulletin concerned with waste water facilites.Copies
of these alonG with a copy of the DER perMit Granted
to NOWASCO has been provided to each MeMoer.This inforMa-
tior"~t~~~;:f.1,,, us to better understand 'the issues before
thE- board.
neT 91981
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The hearinG on NOWASCQ's reQuest was continued until!
Oct.15 in order to allow represetatives o~ the IGA . .
HoldinG Corp.tiM~ to prepare data in opposition to the
Art 44.30 of the cit~ code states that, 'The board of
adjustMent of the City of Winter SprinGs,Fla. Must
a~ter public hearinGs ~ind that the use or uses are cons-
istant with the General zoninG plan and with the public
Y reCOGnize that the above is short,i~ not sweet. The
objective of this is to provide a short SUMMation of
the data alreadY presented and is not intended to introd-
uce an opinion or preference on MY part.Please excuse
the typinG etc. but MY. secretary left Me e years aGo.
Char 1 es L. Ch,_,te
Capt.C.L.Chute U.S.N.(Ret)
1218 Swan st.
Winter SprinGS Fla.
,. . !
(305) B34-8866
october 13, 1981
Jacqueline Koch, City Planner
City of Winter Springs, Florida
400 N. Edgemon Avenue
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Board of Adjustment Jurisdiction
Dear Ms. Koch:
You had requested that I review the jurisdiction of the Board
of Adjustment to determine whether the Board is the appropriate
body to review the application for a conditional use of land
that had been submitted by North Orlando Water and Sewer Cor-
poration. The question hinges upon whether the use contemplated
by Nort!:1 Orlando is one of the condit-ional uses within the zon-
ing category of this land.
I think it is without question that the Board of Adjustment has
jurisdiction to act on t~is application. The language of Sec-
tion 44.30, Winter Springs Code, dealing with conditional uses,
specifies that a "public utility and service structure" can be
a conditional use of land within Article R-1AA and R-1A Zoning.
The provisions of Section 44.30 (~) give to the Board of Adjust-
ment of the City of. Winter Springs the jurisdiction to determine
whether such a conditional use may be granted within this classi-
fication. In determining that the Board of Adjustment has juris-
diction to act upon this requested conditional use, I 'note that
North Orlando Water and Sewer Corporation is a public utility
and that requested use of this land, to p~rrnit the spray irra-
gat ion of secondary effluent would contemplate the erection of
a structure, within the meaning of Section 44.24 (56), Winter
Springs Code. '
In deterreining that the Board of Adjustment has the jurisdiction
to rule on this conditional use, I express no opinion on the
merits of this application. The Board of Adjustment should, in
considering the merits of the requested conditional use, -
consider and specifically rule upon the quidelines set '.forth '-in
Section 44.30 (1)-(5), Winter Springs Code. I hope these thoughts
will be of assistance to you and the Chairman of the Board of Ad-
-"1-<'> fJ~'
Sinc;;.pe,~ y-;y " iJ, - ",
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C:i.t~d Counc:i,l
Cit\:l Hall
Winter SprinGs, a.
~~~?:7 0 8
Dear Council MeMber,
The board of adjustMent on Oct.15,1981 denied the reGuest
of the North Orlando Water and Sewer Corp.(NOWASCO) for
establishMent of an effluent disposal site in an area zoned
R-1A.This reGuest was for a conditional use in a R-1A/R-1AA
ONE FAMILY DISTRICTCCit\:l Code Q4.30Cb)).AttachMent Cl) is
a COP\:l of the cit\:l attourney's rulinG that this reGuest
was within the Jurisdiction of the board of adJustMent.
The board of adjustMent held over 5 1/Z hours of public
hearinGs on the NOWASCO reGuest.The Florida DER was contacted
reGardinG other uses of secondar\:l staGe effluent in resident-
ial areas within the state.Chapter 17-6 Florida AdMinistrative
Code which is the pertinent law concerninG waste water treat-
Ment was obtained and studied by the board.The latest DER
bulletin concerninG an aMMended 17-6 was also studied bY
thf';> bo;~r d.
The board of adjustMent voted 4-1 aGainst the NOWASCO reaues-
t.The reasons stated b\:l the board MeMbers for the no vote
weT'e as follow~..
Cl) The conditional use reauested was not consistent with
the General zoninG plan and with the public interest as
reGuired b\:l the Cit\:l Code section 44.30Cl).CZ)The reauest
did not show an iMMediate need on the part of NOWASCO and
the site selection was based on convenience to NOWASCO.(3)Po-
tential health probleMS are possible because of returninG
secondary staGe effluent to a residential area without advan-
ced treatMent.(4)The city has no control over the effluent
disposal site once the conditional use is Granted.(5)Potential
loss in propert\:l values to surroundinG propertw owners
once it becoMes widely known that an effluent disposal
site f.;>}.~if:;ts.
It was also a Matter of concern to the 80A that the DER
bulletin concerninG an aMMended 17-6 definitely states
that effluent used to irriGate areas accesible to the public
Must be treated beyond secondary levels.AlthouGh NOWASCO
representatives testified that the state has still not adapted
the aMMended 17-6 the board was of the opinion that this
reGUireMent to further treat secondary staGe effluent before
returninG it to the public will beCOMe law in the near
future and should be a reGUireMent in Winter SprinGs now.
The board MeMber votinG for approval of the NOWASCO reauest
was of the opinion that there are several effluent spreadinG
operations in the cit\:l at presentCTuscawilla & 8iG Cwpress
Golf courses)that have not caused an\:l probleMS or reduced
PT'tlPert~d values.
This letter is beinG sent to YOU in order that YOU know
SOMe of the backGround on the board of adjustMent decision.lt
is hoped that it will help \:lOU Make a decision on the NOWASCO
appeal of the board's decision.
Sincerl\:l Ytll..lrS
Char 1 es L. Chut~~
1203 Hinter Springs Bouleva.rd
Hinter Springs, Florida. 32708
November 10, 1981'-'
f,' .~.
Co~~ssioner Martin Trencher
'Hinter SpringsCi ty Hall
400 Horth Edgemon
'Hinter Springs, Florida 32708
De:il.r Hr. Trencher:
Tonight, at the City Council It3eting, you stated that the Eoard of
Adjustment has rtnot done its homework". I feal that you had no right to
make such a statement at a public meeting. For your informa.tion,. the Eoa.rd
f!pent many hours hearing testimonies, stud3ing the zoning regulations, and
discussing the question of whether or not the spraying of secondary effluent.
in a residentiu area "will not create a haz2.rd or threat to the'- hea.l.th,
safety and welfare of the neighborhood" and "will generally comply 'With. the
character of the neighbOrhood". In addition, we sought to determine whether
or not "the use is in hannol'\Y 'With the intent of the zoning ordinances of
the City of Winter Springs".
It 'Ha.s not our role, as a Board of Adjustment, to provide you with statis-'
tics dealing with health, or to search out an alternate site for the spray-
ing of effluent. You eXpected of us an action that should have been und.er-
taken by the applicant. Our role, as a Foard, 'Was merely to either allow
or dsl'\1 the conditional use in zones R-iA and R-1AA, to operate a public
utility facill ty on 40 acres, beginning ~P?roxtmately :300 feet northeast.
of the intersection of Shore Road and Bahama Road. __.
. ~. .
If you do not feel tha.t the Foard is doing its job, ".as your statement
suegests. perhaps you would wish to replace those of us v}ho do~ot
necessarily share your vi<3Ws. If not, I believe that a public apology
is in order.
Sincerely ,
Kllen B. 'Heiss
~'''; il?~- ~ n\\1~~'lill,
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. . .
NOV t t '98'
ow of WitHER S?RlNGS
LAW OFFICES ~~~ r;;:::l.
'JI1'-" I~ I~- , ,,'
JONES, MORRISON & STAL..~4o\KERI P. A ~'(I!j I,::;? ~ U1Jlf,W',
400 MAITLAND AVENUE y..;;. t. . ~:..;) .!.
November 17,
NDV 1 8198105) e34~8866
a981 .' '
Mary T. Norton, City Clerk
City of Winter Springs
400 N. Edgemon Avenue
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: voting by Commissioners and abstentions
Dear Us. Norton:
I have had a number of inquiries from members of the Commission
and from administrative boards of the City concerning the ability
of. officers and Commissioners to abstain from voting on an issue
before the Board or Commission. I have conducted a through re-
view of the statutory and case law of the State of Florida and
have conducted a survey of the common law on this point and can
conclude that there is no provision requiring a Commissioner or
member of a Board to vote on any particular issue.
At common law, without statutory modification, a person affected
by the outcome of a vote could not cast a vote. There was no
general requirement that a member vote. His presence at a meet-
ing goes to help establish the quorum for the meeting, but once
a quorum is established, the general rule is that an issue is
decided by" a majority of the members voting at the meeting.
These COIDIDon law provisions have been modified in many jurisdic-
tions. Some jurisdictions provide that those present but not
voting are regarded as having voted affirmatively or as acquiesc-
ing in what was done. Other jurisdictions have dealt with this
issue by specifying a number of votes that must affirmatively be
cast. Our own Charter provides similar measure when it requires
affirmative votes of three Commissioners to adopt any issue. Of
course, a jurisdiction could provide that abstentions not be a-
The most recent Florida legislative word on this point is contain-
ed within Florida Statutes ~112.3l43 (Fla. 1979), dealing with
voting conflicts of interest (copy attached). This statute sets
forth the procedure that is required when a person desires to vote
for an issue in which he has a conflict. It does not mandate
that he vote. I see nothing in this law which would change the
common law, as modified by our Charter and Code. In short, the
Mary T. Norton, City Clerk
November 17, 1981
Page 2
requirement for measures before the City Commission is that
three affirmative votes are required for passage. I~ the other
two votes are against passage or are abstentions, it 'would not,
matter. If a quorum of three was present and one abstained,
no measure could pass at that meeting unless the other two Com-
missioners produced a tie vote which could be broken by the
Mayor's vote (Charter S4.0S).
Other Boards such as the Planning and Zoning Board and the Board
of Adjustment require three members for a quorum but the Code
does not specify the number of affirmative votes that are re-
quired to approve any measure. In this case, a number of ab-
stentions could result in the measure being passed by a minority
in number of the Board, so long as the measure achieved C:t major-
ity vote of the voting members present at a meeting at which a
. quorum was present.
I hope these comments will be of some assistance to you, the
various Boards and the City Commission. I am not unaware that
the general view held by the members of the Commission is to
the contrary in regard to abstentions from voting. I simply
find no support for any requirement that the Board or Commission
member vote on a particular measure.
Sin?l/J ;i~
cc: Troy J.
Piland, Mayor
Rozansky, City Manager
Ma~or Tro~ Piland
Cih~ Hall
Winter SprinGs,Fla.
Dear Mayor Piland, . .
There have be€~n Many charGes and cOI.inter-charGes concerninG
the City Council's decision to uphold the appeal o~ The North
Orlando Water and Sewer Corp. o~ the board o~ adjustMent decision
not to allow an e~~luent spreadinG operation at site 16.It
is not the intent of this letter to dispute the council's decision
but to establish the leGal relationship between the council
and the BOA.
It is the opinion of the chairMan and the undersiGned that
when the council is discussinG an appeal o~ a BOA decision
that the council is actinG as an appeal board ~r if YOU Mayan
appelate court.The city code is Quite explicite in defininG
the duties and responsibilities o~ the BOA.There is no article
in the code that reQuires the BOA to present evidence supportinG
it's decision to the council.An appelate court or board of appeal
is expected to review the evidence developed by the lower court
or board and to develop new evidence prior to arrivinG at a deci-
sion.It is inCUMbent on the person Dr persons MakinG the appeal
to present whatever evidence is available to overturn the lower
bor.:h:J's decision.
The BOA has been charGed by Trencher and by silent assent the
city council of not doinG it's hOMework.This is not true especia-
lly in this Matter.The stateMent Made in a public hearinG has
caused daMaGe to the credibility of the city GOVernMent of Winter
SprinGs.I believe as chairMan of the BOA that it is inCUMbent
on the council to reQuest in advance if a briefinG is desired
by the council on a BOA decision.I also believe that if the
council is not satisfied with the work of the BOA that the Mature
thinG to do i-.s to no-l:,ify the MeMbers throl;..IGh -I:.he chairMan by
letter and not be~ore the public and Media.
The b(Jsrd o~ adJus'I:.Ment is cOMPosed of volunteel's that devote
aconsiderable aMount of their tiMe and efforts to assist in
local GovernMent.I aGain believe as chairMan that it is the resp-
onsibility of the city council to outline what it wants and
not to chanGe the rules in the Middle of the GaMe.If the relatio-
nship between the BOA and cDuncil is not as outlined in this
letter then please advise the BOA by letter Just what the relati-
onship is and what are the Ground rules.
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harles L.Chute
CC:Mbrs City Council
Mbrs Board o~ AdjustMent