HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 07 16 Regular .y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: hti'l,(~ (b.. G-- Atfe\ \ Name: "'~)\ .~ Address: 'LO~- ()'\cc~~1n\vcl ~~e\ \J\~V~~V'\~~l1 ~'~10t July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: tJ!j r Name: Address: & S' ~ ..~LtVL-~ (/~.Ph. r July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establish:nent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and ~ess for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind ani vote against the special exception. sincerely, e21- .ill/) [)(}. .r/ Name.- F v Name: Address: ~0/ 5) ft)ev'c(~e'lC July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustm.ents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisJ:ment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: l~/~ A nQ,~. 'X/c1--fJ 2 A/. /" --- ~'GM . '~' .-, I) / /~c' j.l; t () j / ~~fl-'JZ- / 1 .. +:- C' ,;fil.// e''/L,{,tA./ ~j2 /2. Name: Address: July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~hY ~~:lrk (;. c-- . I --rr Name: '~/-;(;i0 :"(-7 ~+ r )c:lRak ~ f 0 kf<"S " Mdress: 0.23 ,:;'!/PyC'^.et't"Y .~, July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishnent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I mpe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. sincerely, /' -Jii ..,-- ,/ '" ,.i '.. ~-'1/"-' .,/,' Name1V?~-{ j( ~ ~ /. -" ..A~6... 7h...___ 1 ' Name: (r, Ii C'; Address: t:e;:2. ,/ ~,,-~...{g --i)AJ>CeO ~" ,~--,/. July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. sincerely, Name: "/:;:)~,.l{ //71/ ~/I r Name: Address: r:;~ /) / ~-. (.... / (...-, /;7 /.) " /' ^t:. r < ,,/ . \ JF ~_ ..._") _~"-~,-.., ,'___j-p, _ ",'" ;Fl!..-- __,_ r~._-t: . i/ ' r '-../ '. I>',' ./ il....~ /"~I f / /'}___,~7 -----~."----_.....--_.".._------~._-~.,.._- ..- July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisrment of this type will create ha.zardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and. e:.;rress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and. North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and. the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and. vote against the special exception. Sincerely, " , ~ \ .~ / ; . r--. - Name:} ~ CcYfUVt. ~ ( ! / . Name: / Bit' Address: Ci;20c.~ "j/V1e-U ~J-(/L Jf1~ July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Spr...i..DgS I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e;Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North orlariio Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ?/iJ4 NaIre: /1a~ . l~~~ // Name;/ '~~~ ~ ~ 5<5::0; Jilz- Address: t J?{ ,..; A aAA! 1? ..n ~ July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that v.ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nane: Cfll W,~~ Name: Address: Q 7 ,/7 Cc :2) IlJ _~,{LTLrL CEd! ' ILlt~WL ~rU~1 ,- '".....;"..~.--._-..-.."'~..._._-~-.--_..-..,..~ ..""'.....-".....--.-.. ~.~..__..-- July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access arrl e;;ress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind arrl vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~ 0 i Name. ( \ '.t f '--bA,( /'/ { {<( ,,( t\ / :J 0' R L. (-'\ (, ,1/ Name: /"pJ1n1 r/',L'1l {<..' ~J,L.,-.. (,~.. Address: 0 7 q ,0-eueJvf),~:.' ? J? .... !SIt . JUly 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North. Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: Address: , -1 0?J :2 I Si~/~/~/ &~ JL~~/Yj July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\QUId provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel tt1at an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, cLi;;; ~~~ Name: Name: [Q.t'&SL f ,{ ). 1j.{ If) {p 7 '7 S I J vf.:;7ZC;2{;::EK- Dei.' Address: July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Address: July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that a.G"igh~OCery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 34 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishnent of this type will creat.G.zard~~ Wffic pattern~ an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. ~1 c?~-{d~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ;fJ,4u:/h14 tr'v'I- jza~ t'A.,/ Wt~'nJ ~ k (-:f~ ~ aI,(~/kU.(~,(j~ ~~ ~L'M~ Cj2I~~ t/t!~ IO/~ Sincerely, ~ . .. / ~~~~J~~-~;=~~ &1~ d.ht:t ~ur-' Name:7jd4r; ~ .~~ ~~/~ Name: r:f~ ~ 4:a ~t!d//~ tJi/d ;;, / ~. . - tUtI. "L l'ddress, ~ U4/htP/f~d ffu4t~ ~V'/~ RV~~c4 ~ d(luh:v~-///:r ~he,.-~ ~0t..; ~.~. ;:;<</ J~ /1fP ~ M/ fY'I ~x;/. c?tJ-l J)tdU ~6!u.~ ;p~ July 2, 1981 :soard of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: (~,x,C f\u! ~ Name: .~~L'!J .~{ R..1Y_ Address: ;;XJ& Jj~~~ ) ~c( . July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that v.uuld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S. R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name'-4~ f~. Name, C-;r ~u.:'~ fhV!..-/-d' // Address: ~,1-:S SI-k ter R D W'NTii:( jf~ IN,J J j 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Sprin:Js This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Sprin:Js I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Sprin:Js along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishnent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I Wpe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs arrl the citizens of Winter Springs in mind arrl vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name : Name: (:~A/?; b3~ ~S/)t) OeN( -- Address: rJ LhrJ I? c1. July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranc:hes Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: C~~}r ~"\\ ~~~, Name: (j)~ )J/ .h4- / 7\..::Idress.. (' ()>~ ,-1 ~. '.:.. . . ~ " ~ \ "----. H-i' '-., ..J" '",:,.:.c:~ ~""...,/ \ '\ July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ,-TO' ,.lr\. / N-r;-ff/Z&J-i- Y ../ ',' Q 0 . Ii 1.1(/, Name ~/ ! >>f}JAJ.-M-Q ~ r ~ /Lo (, aet;;~ ~?J ",' '// J " Address: "h 44 ' ,~ ' ? "" July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislYnent of this type will create hazardous traffic pa.tterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind arrl vote against the special exception. Sincerely, /~ '/~ . Name;' ~ ~-A-z~) ./ hldress: bY (, ~ ~,(JJiuL~ ~ Name: July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislTnent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, <::- ~( Name':- -~~{ L..J.fl.'\ - ' /-' / ( I / V" _ /~ /Y/J?c/Y' / ,__ -<-", z.. , . ,/ Name: .~. ) /' ,- / I ..~' . /(r / /. ,.)./ kldress: t.y 6 /-:-) ..f. (./ /l/d;/ July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opp:>sed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requestai by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in t.."1e best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create ha.zardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, g I' b ", '1 " I ..' ,,/(.. . -t J I . (1v",/tI 1'/,1, .. jqA~'':)J;r Name: Name: Address: 0 'I f I I A L-ro~ /d/ . July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishnent of this type will create hazardous traffic pa.tterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nrone~\~ ~ C' Nane:~ ",lku"L). 0 rfA'.0- Address: (y~(p (lL To /..J ~6Ab J .I 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed. to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexbtos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gaso],ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I tope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ~(~ O\J\-)V) ~ I Name: Address: J j 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Sprin:Js This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Sprin:Js I am opposed to the granti.n:J of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislInent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access am. egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety am. welfare of the City of Winter Springs am. the citizens of Winter Springs in mind am. vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: ~ Address: J 1 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gaso],ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisl'ment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nane: --;:;- /~ ~~ Name: _ ~ Address: 0dl ~e(. July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisl:ment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. sincerely, Name: ~~&A S, ')~rry Nwe: J~~~t 'I- J!l::: / Mdress: tc I ~ () t t&~ R/' July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, Name: . /' Name: 'l Mdress: '\ \ , '-c- ('. " \ / C'i._- I") (.....') '''\ \:-\) -s~)-'~)~ () e~~"" \'--Ie (0 July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \<.QuId provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous - traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, Name: ,CC-"c \--) Name: Mdress: July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a sPecial exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, J<9"-\.~ t- h LlLA~tT~ Ct-\.CJLcu.:>A Name: Name: ~ Mdress: Z. 0 CD R.A L W f-\ '-/ July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ou1d provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, Name: ~(;~ 4' If 0 S c~/CT .1::f4( 4-0rJ d:Er CDf2AC iJr+{ W(Nf~(2 ~~(2'S '~, / Ccr :; ,:} 7 c.) (~ Name: Mdress: July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\QUId provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, ~![L Name: Name: Mdress: II G~! (V~ \)lUrut ~ July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a ~oc~ ~tore :w~~~:J.,:~~~~al:)()line. ~$'~" 'f~l Jh?tn: 'g~ . sJzbr' wit)'iin,/th' ~o/J&i~,,6f : ~ Jl~ . n c6i;/ 4Vis'~ 1jkJ;:it ..in~"Of. tl1e/;ftilf. w . $l?rrngs, a J,6";esJ,Clents: i . (( ! I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a" I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the sPecial exception. sincerely, Name: .IC~~ Mdress: July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments city of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a" I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, /' ~/ll!j Name:'7TLt.u1A.J .~) Name: Mdress: {; J;J- !a~/i!ci l{) ~~k '- Srp ~ 5 J 1c,f July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, Name:A1~~~ ~t~ Name:0U&~~ ~\M~eJq Mdress: ~\\ AL~ V\ ~~." July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\QUId provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception" Sincerely, Name: flh T;1l1/) f ~ UIJvl~ . / Name: /7 Mdress: b ,...( 0 II~ 41 J~ ibJr ' / July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, :North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: 'D~CR ~ Name~~~~~~ L, Mdress: ~ D <1. A \~O~ 'R d w,~l'eR. SPrt I . ------------""_. - -----_."_._---------~-"-_.--------------_._------_.. July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434. as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nane: \Q~4~ Name: CcH ~Rd2. ~~' Mdress: -_.~~.~.._- .,,-- -..-.-...- - -----_._,._._---------------~_.._-----_.._--~._--~.__.~..---,.---..-.-......-.....--'". July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health I safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: }t, ;Z.-> July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisrment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. sincerely, Name:~7 ,& ~ Name: Mdress: t/;:I.. L/AJ.-4A'.A~-'~ ~ , !N~ ,,;.? .1.1 ' ;':,.; / I , fJ /'/ '~ .. lJI 7 1 ~ CITy of i' "_ Ii' ~;.'." t; ":' :"l ,") . :n.f,'cs DJi~(:~ ~ 4": llii l'-\., 1"0'4 n At. L;;J \.~) ~";~,'t J, t ....,.y---- ~ ~y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~~ Name:G?Z . ~ Name: Mdress: 00.==5 a?~C"/~'y .8A?r/~..d~ ~ ~y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisIInent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: JJ?m ~~~ Name: Mdress: Y0~~ .. ..y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a sPecial exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety a.rrl welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind a.rrl vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ljJ~d~,-,c, {J v1~-j () Name: hldress: ,2 c & II,,{ 1<, > Jt " If >J 6-.. July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, N&re,,~uIoJ ~ Name: Mdress: b 3, ( .([) ~ Ir/ --- July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisl'ment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: . ( j ~r\ 'U CA~~~ 'v r~0 ~" Name: Mdress: [., 5"3 ~f ~ R-cJ,- 10G~~~~'vv-Q,O I. f:-{~~ ":;? -, '., . \.\ 0- - i () <.J / D\'" 6 July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ~.s~ , Name: Mdress: b ~2 Oat (~ I), f July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name:~~~~ Name:- 1?:kr+ --r S +: Ilw,( II l\ddress: (p:;" 4 iJ ~ Kd. July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\QUId provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: @.~. vi f3 J1),l' / 'i /' 04. ~^~t- Name: Mdress: /) } (' I " ~ July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ..k4-<LfL. .;y/r~ Name: Pddress: &</<1 AA~ ;2cL July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: 4~ 'J '~ Name: ,J:i;.k~~ ~ Mdress: 6-cZ% tJ(7~~/;7 ~/ , July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: Mdress: (pZO D>LfJ/ltN ~p,. tJ,~7i1' S~//JfS' July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special excephon to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety arrl welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, ~e:~~ W Name: ,'') (\ ) " ~.,~ ('<oJ",-___ X d)+ (tf'::'l.J../;~ .(/,,- ) tt I (;. /-t /i'ry\ ~d Mdress: July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety arrl welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ~ ~~ Name: Mdress: ~3+ ~~" c9r~u ~ July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\QUId provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eight,."'1 grocery store within the city l:imits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name~~,t,,J\, ~~. Ik ,,^-Q /)Q Name: ~~ Mdress: \.0 \ C) O:.9Jx~y",,~ \rJ'S'f~b- 0~' July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as re:;uested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 anc1 2a. I oc'pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, o.)~ ..-r;- Name: ! tf.d....- / ~ Name: Mdress: '02 $~ xV _y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a sPecial exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety am welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: [}c~ rh ~/'--> LCDf<.tL(Si\.) Name: j)AVlf) tvl LEAn-tf:te.. Mdress: ;t I <0 \-tel ,d~i L....., Wt",~r SF''''''j < Flon~Uc. ^_~___"N_"__'W_"'__ ._-~-,--,-,..._._._--_._.,_.".,-^--'---_._..- .. .y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: LJftU//oI A"C- ~ -4 Name: Mdress: 02/~ /J!oC.e//t./(,/1/Ld L~ , M.vkL #~05., .y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: ~; ~ 6. ~j1 Mdress: 2/~ tr\~~ o{a-e- LU~^,-, .s~~ )-2JJ~CJ- 3;<7tJ"i! .. ,y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a sPecial exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety arrl welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind arrl vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ~ ~~~ Name: Mdress: :::...u~ \\'V~~~.~ ~. .y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a sPecial exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access arrl egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 arrl 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ~EL L~ 6MLA ~~ ~ <-1) LiS,-..) Name: Mdress: '7..-[ I Moc..~/\.)c\~i,(:b ~F, 31-.- ?- Z/l ~I ... y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety ani welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: J01JtL4 f7MIvv-- Name: Mdress: 211 W\(}~lM&\~ lA- .y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ.,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: et./~r/s A. IV/ 00 Rc Name~~\o. ,~ Mdress: ;20 cr Jv\ () c.- K 1 ~G. 13 \ i<J) \.... t.) " 3;;l[ -O~:2-7 .. ! 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisl1nent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety am welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind. and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, /' ' // I NamEJi , --- Li< :; ~i-<1_L5th1-,vi Name: i -fttrC:t:--t ~)~: ~)~ '/ //- "--7 Mdress: ;5'0 $" ::xr-; ;V €. ~ (0 It fj t /', /'7' .' P' .",;:-/:? /J /. -;7 ~- "\ Q /'1/ / A ~,.:: -) I 't~ i /\ 6; 5 .....'> 'L / CI '--" ,y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the grant:in;J of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. ani S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alex6tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislInent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 ani 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety ani welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind ani vote against the special eKception. Sincerely, Name: \~'h~ ~~c;.\~~~ <3 ClQ)( () ~ ~. "SVLJ! J.J ~ ~()() \~<;cz ~\ \ \~u, r, ~.s:._ ~2708 Name: Mdress: .y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Sprin3's This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Sprin:Js I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gaso],ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, o > ~ ' ~ /?f::7 4;... Name: l y:' ~ t: ," /p <C- ~~ Name: a , Mdress: J f7 (;/ .If..~, C R~, W,".v'~'C- S//r'~ J ..2r,.~ .y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposoo to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access curl e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, :North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety curl welfare of the City of Winter Springs curl the citizens of Winter Springs in mind arrl vote against the special exception. Sincerely, .c~ ~ Name: ~-: ~ ~_ ./ ~/ 1>>. ~"l v/ ,/.f- /c..,.---.---c.r . '~,--'~sX Name: ( L--- Mdress: A -.;t \ 9 ~ Q(""'',-lf'.-r'\ -w.....r^-- <J"~ 0 ~ .y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Sprin:Js I am opposai to the grantirx3' of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an estab1islntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I tope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, . , /~~) --, ..;: /.} /Y, -IT<~,. / ~ /t{ //./., / ' t -} \ /.' / /, X F ./' ; . / / Name:, UWJ~) &'i{j/;(J('() ~ - ('-/ / Name: L~7 -'" ~L'p' / ~~~-e.,pt.. () //J'- - d /. -P r .~/ Mdress: {() CO. h-?<. .0-' "J.( *,-' - y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am oppose:!. to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alex6tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisl'ment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, 'Y1 ' / -; '-' / .-.L. Name: J)//Z/:J X:J/)tl4~ 4,AJCUlY Name: ~}$P/t c~ iJ/J~ Mdress: a"l 3 S-~v e .s ;f1~ y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opI:x>sa:i to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an estab1islment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special eKception. Sincerely, /~\ // //< /1 ~:N/ /{.-~ rl-rl / 1 /;JjC~ . ~ / /--7V// Name: If' fLL t< /1iJ-t171-. J[ . , II \, Mdress: _ ~ "1 -J :::;:Z::;;(L/) dr:::~j' ./) ~, U/ d.-i/"U/j' --0/-u.~r7..:J r!~11iM- . I .y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ~' ~./f1.~ft / L. y >>U7fj" ~ () Name: 12 ~J..:) 1\..:J..:J-ess: ....-~ J::: C., ...,~ II ~h /1 ~ .t-s.u..u. ~ _ ~ ~ -1U...ft.(ll-}'r""",-.- L/\) ~l'..:t:L ~-I..L-'a-' I t- L ~'? ~) L> & i 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislInent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e;1ress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nare~~'b~Q illz ~:~, Name: C~ e jQ J3~ ~ Mdress: -""30 .:r Y-te-k S (J ~ G (}J~~ ~ .y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter SprID:1s This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter SprID:1S I am opposed. to the grantin:] of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. am S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that \\OUld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access am e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, am North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter SprID:1S and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: G---C?AL U~a/ ~-d~ ~~...e&v~ Name: Address: /05 ~.LJ/; Q~4~~./ ~-d/ .y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Sprin;s I am opposEd to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexbtos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an estab1ishnent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I h:>pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name:fl~~/ 04~ N<ore: cZ'jV-.A;" , /?~+~~ Address:c{/7 E ~~~~ ~ y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Sprin]s I am oPPOSal to the grantin;:J of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael AlexbtoS, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an estab1islntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs ani the citizens of Winter Springs in mind ani vote against the special exception. Name: -r~CAQCU~~~<J l=;~. Name: ~/( / Mdress: .. y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Sprin3's I am Oppose:i to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an estab1islTnent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Sprin3's and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: 2)~ij l1t-~ ~) (j }--I-- /) Name~>t'-~~J >n, / YLr-4~~---- Mdress: ,,0-7 /) ~~,~J!<JJ jJ h ~ i 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter SpriLgs I am Opposai to the gran"ti.n3' of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: - ... 1 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter SprinJs I am opposai to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, 1. ~ ~ ~dcl> t( {atv 1 ~a;t. 7 JL Name:A1dmd (psi 7 m d.e f?oc;lf- '. j fl1 . v -) '-''l /,) (' Mdress: <.}t?O . 4./t /a#?J2.41-Ltl.- ~" . lA/ ',,) . ... 1 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Sprin:Js I am opposaJ. to the grantin:J of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that \\Olild provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety ard welfare of the City of Winter Sprin:Js and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, /7 ,F) / / L t/ Name: (1'44'~ ~~ / v /Z I ' (.) / (f-/'v ~r:.d~ ,,--<.~,-t>.,..-t Name: Mdress: ") L:/!f C7'-- j , W:: f/rit !//) d ;1/11,1 ;' ;7//1; IflI1 :Sft//'Jt/S RD. J~LlJ. .y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Sprin:Js I am opposErl to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gaso],ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~/ Name: g~ /roU!//;~ Name:~~ B (1 ~T E /{//:f/rJ () ~ Mdress: /0' E ~ J>#~/j~'1)d /21\ y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Sprin}s '~ This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs W am opposa1 to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexotos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. ~, do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. f ~~ also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the ma.in access am e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. 1-. 00pe that :you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs am the citizens of Winter Sprin}s in mind am vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name:&J'!!:7~ ~ Name: 1!! tV(@ft t ;l.U~/rJw441 rJ)-V () (j Mdress: dc20 reew-/C7~~ :hJr ~~t'ec/ ~j4' ~,3270.1 July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: fJ u:-/--:J;f# .7lA, d-- #If jJ I~s i-}a:.J) ~ L) \ :( - ,Sp'J~) Name: Mdress: July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ,k~ f'( -1 tlc,J , J Name: U tLl; ILJJ . II Mdress: tiP /Jla./0; ~ /~ .,. L. 0-0 ,k"J C'ir ( (N)LS,c t ( /~c/ Lt./' S-' July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you ti'.a t as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I 00 not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, /1 D jJ Name: . fft./ll c.2 oJ/'M (Y'--. Name: J~' t~~ ~ W Mdress: ~ I '1 A,~~ Z6~ {(~'/I0tu rJ~) ,+ / 6- J~ly 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind ani vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ,7/(,~, ~;1,..-L t: r.-/-zt.,,"-,<-- ~ (}!. Narre: 'lJ)'1 i) I'4<fA 0 r:~ y Mdress: (; 'i/ 7ft tV~iA. Ill. '1~~;7je J~y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. . I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orland.o Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, " \~ Name: \~)~" V ~ C- , Name: Mdress: Co ~ \;1 ill\ ~ l ,(.4- QrJ, . " f. '\J~) ~~'>\2 c \.~-'6'J <0 '? f, \3 ,3C~)'/I/ / l,' '........i . July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of .Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, \, . 1\ * Name: ~ ~ ~ D.<--\ Name: Mdress: ~ h .~ <<\ (~-- YL,.. ~ .. l~ ~ Sfy ~ ere ~L7 ~ J\1ly 2, 1981 Boa'-:-d of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, r ~. ~ f ,,/) / ' /l/7A c;J1f ~ //Adie~L/ Name: Name: /7''', 'I Mdress: C:;,/ _I///;llt/J/ 'vfr/' .---ztLt'/l:& ~ ;;if Jt1lY 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 am 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety an:i welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: fJJL. s. r7A/'~~ Name: Mdress: (~'l i q /l1 0( r ) I'V? X cJ ~ lU i<f11~ (' Sf' {-:;1 'j ~' July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, =e:/Jl{J- kJ..~ Name: Mdress: G <("7 Vl \ t~ t.:- L J 1\.) L \....J i 1\ -re.,\ " -,) (~": I J"S .,.~ July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustmer:cs City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that would provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, N<une: ~LJ~I Name: ,- Mdress: .).) 7 //OiJ"' 1(// t~"f .f, J\l1y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that would provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~/;~ ' . " ~./:: Name: v: : .*~ Name: Mdress: 2'$0 T//f,.s- .f..c/ jlY/n j.p- i:'~ July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ---\1) . Name. Name: kJrlress:~.s tv . July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous , traffic :patterns in an area that serves as the main access arrl e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Or1arrlo Ranches section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, !?p- Mdress: July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~ Name:~c(;l> wI. /VI fI~d Name: GdLc{ CL>~ Mdress: fo&( ~~f\ ~r lJ~w fp~ July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, Name~f ~~/1f Name~< E ~/ lIdrlress: 6 24- ~.R:.c ~ July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi:..'1in the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, Name: X ~_/ U ?{. (2---17 Name: Mdress: 6/7 c:drJ-/l/{/1'l ~jl, LuW':tzf7c/ S//J, July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishnent of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: /'('CW/.J /1) J:j~ Name: Mdress: t /7 &~" .J'qly 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, /'"'' July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~ite ri ' II \ Name ,... .' >~ Name: Mdress: ioN 77~ RdJ- ~ wA-r.L~r ~;. July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ou1d provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety ar:rl welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: 1~~ ~ . r Name: Mdress: lots '~~~'h ~\ . , ~ ~ LJUA:U\ ~~~'-"'(f \-1 ~ July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a ci':izen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\QU1d provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Sprin~<s along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8" North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I 00pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, N~ J!, lu ! Name: Mdress: t/2 ~ e{ W~rr - '_."--"~-""~""------'--~--~'--,-,----------,-- ------_.~----'----..,.~.......;,"".-." July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter S-?rings along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, NOrth Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: t4"~/ a~~~ Name: Mdress: &0 P,.bJP-?1 ~. -#v,/d. tv 4~~U1'~ t<?~ir, JUly 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery stare within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs arrl the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ,. ,'" ~,h-cJ~' J ~ ;J ~4Ye~L>. Name: 4# t~ l.sc/v /71/ /Z?/?~' ~ ~. ...-:;1 --":='-,' . ~-~ -L:; 1 cr J~, Mdress: t,,(/ L .:: c-b4 --~" J~y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, :North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and :North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~4".dAX.' rY ~...~,e Name: Mdress: b {J '7 ~ /:0/ {L/ ~J ~ s.2 70<:1' July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w::>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery :.tore within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety ani welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, Narre, ~tJe t\o6 HN Name: l'ddress: bOd BClI-1ITfl to {1JTEi2- Srr< IJJ6S\ \='L' July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name9t1~ . ~ljO~~ Name: ~/$ ,~d~l?/ hldress: tJd;p ~'H:; iL U I July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishnent of this tyPe will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs ani the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, tft Mdress: J~y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~~~ N~ :', A _ Name: Mdress: 0::2- (~c~~ ~ ! J\l1y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patt.erns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the sPecial exception. Sincerely, Name:ffiL/v- 'h~ 1 Name: Pdlress: c'o1S~/:?j) (u /~, J~y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and voteaagainst the special exception. Sincerely, Name: .~ Name: Mdress: July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orla.nd.o Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: fit (~ h~ (j" Name: J Mdress: 608 J1JIL-~JSlf /20;-?() tv I ).J i6/Z S p/Z/ Nb 5 , J~y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: hldress: Ifi/ ~ _ yjZe- ~.s' / d Wilt/V.. s,~(jJ/p ) Y.c., ?d.lor J~y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ou1d provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous , traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: (~~ 1/ ~ L{-;CJ Name: Mdress: $Ji d~~ (:Y. W~ -1~.,-'r I Jl.l1Y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special g.,ception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Sp:ings along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishnent of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, "... . ~.~ Name:( C~ -I _ .'_. Name: Mdress: G3 r) ~ <)?~ I / c;!; ~ L ~cl i () tf 1 fc.,/ ~;-:> .,-/ "\j'S' /::-; 3,.L 7 0 e~ J~y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am oppoSe:l to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ou1d provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of t,,"ris tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 an::1 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Mdress:p;3 g~ M. U)~ ~)~L July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and ti:;2 citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, i ~. , I GJ~ u-- ~ Name: Name: ~-, \"""" 0( '1 f' \ c'---, ..", " Mdress: b~::, . ~' .~k .\& Ju,ly 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~;::C( )L~~<>-- Name: Mdress: {)gd y~ ~~ C{/, ~J s', ;J-dr~ c?~?M J\l1y 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ou1d provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: Mdress: July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments city of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that w:>uld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 arrl 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ", /1 /7 ff Il ~.. ~t..-LXe<:1 . r 1Lg-~4-~ Name: hldress: ? 3J'k'J!F /If, J :, t{);.~ +71 r<<:3L?Cl Jw.y 2, 1981 BoarG: of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the SPecial exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ou1d provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishm~mt of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access arrl e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, :North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name:;;1-.4..# (/~~ / /2 I .. ,I Name:, vi. '~1 , Mdress: bL Y ;)dJLl J2.i. - t/ JtUy 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, 'I,i?/l /; Q / Name: '-~ c; - F--' NaIre: (l~ .b~~ l'ddress: /,,0' ~Af"'k,f< ,J~; .. _y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislntent of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety arrl welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: 7);, 6~i ~;c2. Mdress: July 2, 1981 Board of Mjustments Ci ty of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this tyPe will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and e:Jress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety am welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: iO~dC}-i~ ))~"1J ~ 'tf;}( ~hvr # JJ ~, Name: Mdress: ~ _y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoJ,ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city liroi ts of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: R# c:./?7~ tiV' Name: /~~P# ~ /?? "" d~-: I ,Ill- ' . V' Mdress: //IJ /tdCJ:..J#51f]"I/L.}) ~. wpt/-;;:;;e 5/,~ /J1/~5./ P/4. 32 ?&p" .. ..J 2, 1981 Board of Adjusbnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, /// Name:~"./}'ldc,-, Cr.' ~;, )1(71 Name: ~~I D- ~ Address: 7u,,-:::? /l / h-.; 0 ,j) ,; \l< [A./'LA-<--f/G /) +,(](( ~ J, 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislInent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nane: r~' 2 ~~ Name: Address: 705 ~ ~ W~ ~a / 7-~( 3 J-7 Do -. .. _y 2, 1981 Board of Adjusbnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception.O Sincerely, Name: fJrA/ #~ ~ Nane7J?~ ~/ Jlddress: ..7/1 ~ ~. .. ..y 2, 1981 Board of Adjusbnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ..~ .,jJ2_^--~0~c Nam~. /~- ,r;::;) ..,( 0 , '- ' J- . ~--'-~ Name: ::9- ( () Address: (.j ........-..- .....\-- t' (}.___,J. , r: .....-C"), Q~d d?QJ .. .y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: rc~~ JOb ,;f~~ j!:., Address: ... .y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: '-. / // .(! L1d-~ 1 ' 7~ Name:~,"\CW>NNl_ c.. \~~~;r-> lddress: c<t11 7rk4 ~~ .y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents Ci ty of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: lddress: O? 17 V!.ot~ j~ .y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nane: a t i ()~a -t ~ Name: Address: 21b 7f(f)( i dav, ';;!fa AL (-1Ji )( I~~ c!?/~ f./. 3..2 70'8 .y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, lddress: 7- / 'f ff4 ~~ U/.s .y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents Ci ty of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: lddress: d ~ r JJ>;; rl4f ,!/J' ~(~~,e o/~/Nf.$/ ~i-~ .y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: pC Address: y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: Address: ~/ '3 ~ /~.-vI.R .. ~y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of winter Springs . . ~ . /_ / J (fr3 IT clAJ(j a-Sf--t "6 nJM1../ltJr,,f/h1 viuSEc-+c-oy-...; ) This is to advise you that as a C'itizQI1 OteW;D.l~ ~ings I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to -1 z~~g on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Address: ~o JloUd :1:. I{)ffl-h~ ~75 ... _y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: tRWtVt-/J ~ R- . ~ K ~ t.j c.L- ~-- _dhJ0 Address: ~7 II~ i,v, UJ~/~ ~ Pk. ~2-?"'5? ..~y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: //~/~ Name: ;--- Address: // 7 ~c./.o/QY L/t/, pe///l/f>C stZ:::r / J 1 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gaso],ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislInent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, :J Nane: CZ1~ G~il^f .1/ Name: lddress: 191 Wd 4 (-:;f (UL .:; 1 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do oot feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislInent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Address: J'/ t ~/~ /!,/h/ (,/17v'r::: , , J j 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislInent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access arrl egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special eKception. Sincerely, Nane:~11 W~-JL. Nane: ? c>J;:,..A-~ lddress: / 10-10 111, . LA}~ ~k' - Lo."I..}('. ... .y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~~ Name: bu~ ~~\v~~ Name: Address: f I 0 (+0 L~ cL, - i i t LV ,(;f(fl~l 37-7~ . ... y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisl:1nent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, g Il, Name: Name: Address: lOG tfoL( OI1~ LrJIf}~ / July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. O,., I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I oope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ~~~--- (Li TA L6fz.. G Ly l' (J i'-A/ZL f20 Name: Address: '- ..ly 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: /{v 7l(};#as 11 !I/o rl/tr.S- ~Idd % J)1~,,<f.-- I lddress: lOb LilJa f<d. Wfo1/<V' ~'fJSI f(<l .. ..ly 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S. R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nane: !iL/IJ/J; l10f) I Name: Address: 1/3 L ( ,; () /l tJ E. _ .ly 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~/ Name Name: Address: / I )' {, (;fa ;(0 c( L ~ ..ly 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments _ . City of Winter Sprin;Js (.J::!-.:. -U4-W ~ ~cI ~ ) This is to advise you that as a~ af W3:1.~ Cpring~ I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store wi thin the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: Address: d-.O J-I tcf c'\ RJ( ... .i 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisl'tnent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: Address: .j .i 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposen to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that would provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, _:ff:::-b- J?~ Nane:~d tiP 01.UJJ1AJ 1'<ldress: /Jd- ~. ~~. N~' .. ~y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: (\C~\ \\ . \~y~ Name: ~t.>X"~ ~. ~~~ lddress: dt!'J /~~ /f~ .. ...Ly 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: Address: .. ..Ly 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents Ci ty of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, N~~Y~~ Name: lddress: /u/ ~~c1'~_/ ~~. ..) .I 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishnent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ~~~ Name: Address: / / I~ , . ... .1 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\OUld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislInent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, O (- [z Nane: fa-~~ ", < ~--, Q, . Nwe: [Y:~ if ;f. ~~) Jlildress: /J Y ~~"I/1'.~ ){{. ... .I 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gaso],ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisl'Inent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ::~ Address: /028 ~~~L~ C/ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I h:>pe that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: /11 elr k.s }0;A' 7/ / Name: Address: 0dq j)o~~" ~/. 1v'..'J4:/ef <yrCA~ , C7 July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: rdiv Name: lddress:'C;=~ f J:>~~ /1(, ~L_Y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Name: II j I\J~ 3J.-108 Name: Address: ~ ..y 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of winter springs This is to advise you that as a cit;izen of Winter springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S .R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Address: $SJ1()1 / .. ~y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sirvoerely, a J ~ Name: O. V;q.Jt!C €' ,J- 4,u1'l-- ttOOrf,c.e-' Name: Address: C\ I? rvl(')ct'~+'.o L". (gJ,,~~f,'~ .. ~y 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nane: ~ Y \!?t.j/1td- Name: lddress: cY /3 rrl Oc.fA~ .&ftL J ~1 ~. ... .i 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\OUld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: "", oV ~, Name: '--- / J //, L /Gtr A!--4'~ ) Address: 3d i (;\cv~ (l..~,-r;L RJ ... ;/ 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisl'ment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs ani the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: 77Uo. z/ eA/l-{....()-vL.- ~..<-tt~/ / ~ / / ........ <::::,:"'-.. ~--- Nane: 1:/P~ . ~ P e- Address: (.3:;Zt) :t~~j;f~~ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisfment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~: Jl~ ~ Name: ~ ~~:.P-{t A-/' /;~&~7,_ Address: 0()~' P ~ f~ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, N~13.cWkh//~ Address: /-2, 25..2708 July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs ani the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: ./~ /7CL~~~ Name: Address: M:t I?d~/ h~ ~n 0, ,j~/'/;;L q..5 / I' / July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous . traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~_. n J fl. "/r-:-- Name: ~/J-(j ~-f1 (/ LV 0::::::0 I ~ Nane: 1.?~, 5 7;;cu ~/) lddress: (0 (, (~A,L 6(d c.-C,)/-?-t l;hJ ,rYP)A'~r V u July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisrment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Ij 1 // Name; 3/11/ p?:' J /f0~1-/ Name: 7 ./'J Address: b()7 ;i'd~I!/ hI: .///,i' ~) ~~/.-+f:./'eJ~~ [~::.c.~tLL 2../ ;!-t>. I' ~. <.- i./ I t. July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, () rE~?- uJ (//::"(LC; ;) plJ.--/-J() z:y(~) \./ Address: July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name:~~ j('--3/1.L(J U Name: ~-) J -~~ Address: 1~/('1 I-L..L-L<.I /C (J2?/ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nwe: JJ!?voL'Jb.i~! J/eu~( Name: lddress: 6< ! .dovzl f0L July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: C ~':....L. {{. C~ Q1. ~ ~ 2 , Nane:~pL I ~ ~ lddress: C. 1(" f W1~~ w~ - . -:t~. I July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name'>>-L4~ / Name: ~~fV0~ ' f v 6/8 ~y/ 4f!tJw~ ~";;J .# I Address: July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, ~. fi/4 Name: Name: Address: P Z3 p~p~ 0D~ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: Name: Address: 6:z 7 &tJJfL- /3;/ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, A ;hJ ~ Q~ / Name: 11 f .rY 1'(.Ac/~ , r - \... ~ Name: h ~7 J:ed tfJ c4 Address: cJ S ~LL..L' ~ 0+--"" , v ) July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, fttk? f?cj N<me+f(~~J ~ -< . '1 I' IJ /7 Address: 6 /)Cff~/~e f~. 1<, Name: July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: V~ a;Ik. Name: Address: b <-{ 3 j1~~ J!&. , July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establisrment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nane:if~) //J ~ ~dAJ Name: Address: C;-'/~ j~ vB, kjuta)~~/~ , July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Na1re'#~ ~ Name: ~. &#n ~->O Address: ~ iO '/JUr-L /f ~ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, .rL fJ--ti Nane: {. I ~~ ? ~~ It lddress: czJ 01Vu J /v~ f Name: July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ou1d provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Name: CZff9L ~ :I! ~ ) /) /.. I( . LU~_ L-z:r.f...-..L-.l..A/o-{: '------- Name: Address: ~~II?J ~ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents Ci ty of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a c~tizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 43'%, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth groce.....ry store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. sincerely, N<nne:~~' ~ Name: Mdress: ~~6... ~~f''- 7~~ ~. "->-..),~~-- ,,~ r:... <, ~\ P- ~, ~ 1- '\C) ~ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, (' Name: Name: Address: 22 "i. W v.:~ s'F'~J ~\ ~ i .. <i .... \ {) July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishnent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Nillne: -,J ~n a LC. -/},~ Z;; , - Name: Addp~ss : ( " (.1 _. '-. " \~ / -' \..../\ '>L \ :' ( ;' J ' \...A) \- 7\ July 2, 1981 Board of AdjusUnents City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\Ould pro'V Lde for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S. R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I hope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of winter Springs and the citizens of winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, Narre, ~#/ ~#;// Name: lddress: u2) R ./?L U- ~ J _ 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-1 zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexc.tos, that \\Ould provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasol,.ine. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establislInent of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access arrl egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlarrlo Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. Sincerely, 17I~QoJk) Name: Name: Address: July 2, 1981 Board of Adjustments City of Winter Springs This is to advise you that as a citizen of Winter Springs I am opposed to the granting of a special exception to C-l zoning on the southeast corner of Hayes Rd. and S.R. 434, as requested by Michael Alexatos, that \\OUld provide for a grocery store with the sale of gasoline. I do not feel that an eighth grocery store within the city limits of Winter Springs along S.R. 434 is in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, or its residents. I also feel that an establishment of this type will create hazardous traffic patterns in an area that serves as the main access and egress for North Orlando Ranches Section 8, North Orlando Ranches Section 9, and North Orlando Ranches Section 2 and 2a. I rope that you will keep the health, safety and welfare of the City of Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs in mind and vote against the special exception. , Sincerely, Name: lddress: t1:i:!~~ad We the undersigned residents of Algiers Avenue in Winter Springs, Florida do hereby support the request for variance by Dr. Charles Martin to allow the construction of a Chiropractic Clinic to within 18 feet of the north property line of lot 5 block 29, North Orlando eighth addition, as recorded in plat book 14, page 19, public records of Seminole County Florida. DATE NAME ADDRESS ~\~I ~II i ..-, I L- '7/1,1/ ~I 'f/-(U4~~ I ". iJ-- (" .A....jL-,..J'.// I' J~G~ ,.~::,t."'''':9'''''-' " /,. 1l1-V- ,2; "fJHJ:) :;~{ --t r;t'l..1J 1d../1 h.t..L- r 1....- S' /tt.Gt Ei?s' H " /,;;1./--51 ") I~ u:; (I"'" .2_ 5 , l I, . I the undersigned do hereby support the variance described above conditional on the relocation of a magnolia tree in the northeast corner of said property to a location of my selection on my property adjacent to the north. Costs associated to be borne equally by Dr. Charles Martin and myself. DATE NAME ADDRESS 1)1 , , l&:jJ ~r7 r'1'.d-<N. {ZL,.hv'JNLr;f" v v Above condition agreed to: \ (\r ~ f\ 1\ ~ ~ \,.h:"t,)>l Wt:~~ Dr. Charles Martin