HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 07 02 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
JULY 2, 1981
Meeting of the Board of Adjustment was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Vice-
Chairman Al Davis. Davis gave the invocation. Weiss led in the pledge of
Ellen Weiss, present
Al Davis, present
Charles Chute, present
Richard Kessler, present
Tom Binford, absent
Jacqueline Koch,
City Planner
The Vice-Chairman informed the audience this meeting is a continuation of a
meeting conducted on June 18, 1981 for a variance in C-l zoning for a convenient
store with gasoline pumping facilities. He stated it was continued at that time
because they did not have sufficient votes to approve or deny at that particular
time, and for the convenience of the audience and the applicant and in the
interest of due process, we continued to this evening in hopes the other board
member would be in attendance, but stated they had learned the other board
member would not be in attendance so we will proceed in the fashion we normally
do in such a hearing.
Chute moved to approve the minutes of June 18, 1981. Seconded by Kessler.
Davis asked that the minutes reflect those persons sworn in. Vote: All aye.
Motion carried.
The City Planner pointed out the location and recommended approval. Kessler
stated he would file a potential conflict of interest.
Mr. Bill Jacobs, 404 S. Edgemon Avenue, was sworn in and spoke in favor of the
exception. He stated he opposed restraining trade and that he is in favor of
free enterprise - he feels every business should have an opportunity to make it
or break it.
Mr. Charles Lee, 648 Pearl Rd., was sworn in and spoke against the request.
Mr. Lee stated he is Vice-President for conservation of the Florida Audubon
Society and spoke on the adverse environmental impact that the placement of a
convenient store at that location might have upon the property he owns as well
as the other property along Pearl Road that backs up into the wetland area
the applicant is proposing to encroach upon. He stated the nature of the
property is that of a wetland hydric hammock location - the property is
covered with cypress and other indicator species that indicate from time to
time during the year this property goes underwater. Mr. Lee stated the
underground gas tank will probably be placed below the water table a large
portion of the year. The homes on the north side of Pearl Rd. are the homes
j that back up to this hydric swamp location and the water level in this area
~ virtually backs up against the backyards of 22 homes along the street. He
made mention of the water invading the backyards in times of heavy rainfall.
Mr. Lee stated if a convenient store with gasoline is placed on a fill pad,
any spillage of gasoline would raise the potential of gasoline being spilled
over the edges of the parking lot into the wetland area around the station.
Board' of Adjustment Meeting
July 2, 1981
Page Two.
He stated in his oplnlon this would present a public safety problem and that any
occupation of the swamp with additional fill material is going to change the
hydrology of the area - the water in the swamp will not have as much space to be
in during times of rainfall and the result will be higher water levels which will
be forced on the adjacent 22 propertyowners.
The City Planner stated the development of the land is under the purview of the
Site Plan Review Board and that it would not be approvable by the City Engineer
to develop in such a manner that it would cause any adverse effect upon any of
the propertyowners. The Planner stated according to the floodprone map this
location is not designated as floodprone or swamp. Kessler questioned the date
of the map. The Planner stated the study was dated March 16, 1981. Weiss
questioned if Mr. Lee was suggesting no type of business go in on this location.
Mr. Lee stated that buildings for instance, could be elevated on pilings as well
as a number of other things that could be done to reduce the impact on the area.
He stated,he felt they could come up with an acceptable use but did not feel a
convenient store with gasoline pumps was an acceptable use.
Mrs. Leanne Grove, 626 Alton Road, President of Sugartree Station Homeowners'
Association was sworn in and spoke against the request. She presented a packet
of information to each boardmember. Mrs. Grove challenged the theory of
competition and cited a portion of the Orange County Growth Management Policy,
published in 1980. She presented figures involving the traffic generated at
this location and cited sections in the Land Use Plan. One-hundred and ninety
letters from surrounding propertyowners opposing the request were presented to
the Board. Chute stated anyone could take information out of context. Mrs.
Grove stated she did not feel they are anymore against free enterprise than
the City Council was when they voted Ordinance 229 and Ordinance 230 which is
the anti-nudity ordinance and the adult entertainment ordinance. She stated
these type of establishments come under free enterprise but the people of the
City said we don't want these type of establishments and the Council voted to
insure we would not have it. She stated she is not against free enterprise
but believes in controlled growth.
The City Planner stated the property is already zoned commercial and presented
traffic figures.
Mr. Alexatos was reminded he was still under oath and proceeded to comment on the
information presented by Mrs. Grove. He stated as far as competition he feels
if you don't want to buy at a store - don't buy at it. Mr. Alexatos stated there
will be a 500' buffer between the store and the first house. As far as the swamp,
there are cypress (about 100 X 100') that have been studied - the survey prepared
by Universal Engineering - only in the first 150' facing 434 there is 100 X 100'
section that is low. The area looks low because the area was raised almost 2
feet. He stated he has been all through the property with a muck probe and the
only thing he was able to find other than in the 100' section is about 6" to one
foot of deleterious- the rest is sand. He stated as far as the tanks are
concerned they had cars hit gasoline tanks in the mid-city and it had been
contained. The Chair entertained a motion to approve.
Chute moved to approve the exception with the stipulation that the building be
a premium construction and be cempatible with the remainder of the construction
along 434. Seconded by Weiss.
Board of Adjustment Mee~ing
July 2, 1981
Page Three.
Davis stated he could not find cause to vote for this request in view of the
people in opposition to this request. He stated he does not feel this is
restraining competition but that it is their responsibility to listen to
the peoples wishes as to what they want and stated he could see a possible
traffic hazard at this particular location as well as the kids posing a
problem by hanging around such an establishment.
Kessler stated the Shop N Go presently in Winter Springs is not maintained
and that they have shown the City no respect.
Vote on the motion: Chute, aye; Kessler, no; Weiss, aye; Davis, no.
The Chairman stated in view of the fact there was not an affirmative majority
vote for the issue, the Chair declares the exception not be granted.
Discussion. Davis stated he talked with the attorney today and Mayor Piland
and was informed if there was not a majority vote in favor of a motion - then
it is declined. Discussion. The Board questioned whether a meeting should
have been held. The City Planner stated she had been previously informed
that a tie vote is a no vote - to be continued until there is an odd number
of people to break the tie.
Davis informed Mr. Alexatos of his right to appeal to City Council. Mr.
Alexatos stated this was his intention. Discussion.
Kessler moved to adjourn. Seconded by Davis. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
July 7, 1981
The City Attorney has advised the City Planner this request is to be reagendaed
and the public notified of this request to be continued on July 16, 1981 at
7:30 p.m. (Due to the tie vote, this is considered unfinished business).
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Braddock,
Recording Secretary.