HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 06 18 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
JUNE 18, 1981
Meeting of the Board of Adjustment was called to order at 7: 33 p.m. by Vice-
Chairman Al Iavis. The pledge of allegiance was led by Charles Chute. The
invocation was given by Al Iavis.
City Officials:
Jacqueline Koch,
City Planner
Ellen Weiss, present
Al :cavis, present
Charles Chute, present
Tom Binford, absent
Richard Kessler, present
Councilman Maureen Boyd
Chute IIDved to approve the minutes of May 21, 1981. Seconded by Kessler.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
The City Planner pointed out the property and stated it had recently been rezoned
C-l. Mr. Kessler stated he would like to file a potential Conflict of Interest.
Mr. Michael Alexatos, agent for the applicant, was sworn in and spoke for his
request. He has a contract for 150 front feet on 434, the corner of Hayes Road
and 434, from a Shop and Go. There is already going to be constructed a Southern
Bell building up in the northeast corner which will leave approximately 230 feet
on 434 where he can put something else in there - at the present time he is
negotiating with a doctor for an office.
Chute questioned whether this would be a standard Shop and Go and if he could
give them a description. Mr. Alexatos stated they were going to do something
a little different than what we already have here. He stated he had talked with
the people and they plan to do sorrething on the order of what's up in Sweetwater
Oaks. Mr. Alexatos stated that is what he is trying to get them to put in there.
Chute asked if he had any assurances that this is what they will do. Mr.
Alexatos stated he has no assurances at the present time. Iavis asked what type
of operation is in Sweetwater Oaks that he intends to follow. Mr. Alexatos
stated they have a Shop and Go that does not look like a Shop and Go or a
convenience store and follows the decor of the whole area. Kessler asked whether
the contract for sale with Shop and Go is pending on this approval. Mr. Alexatos
stated it was.
The City Planner stated the City has considered the question of convenient stores
with the sale of gasoline three times previously in the last couple years. Each
time the ultimate decision was reached on the basis of whether or not the City
wanted to limit cornpeti tion. In each case the convenient store was approved on
the theory that the greater the competition the IIDre likely the better stores
would survive and the less desirable ones would go out of business and that the
increase in competition should be a price advantage to the shopper. The Planner
stated that under paragraph 18 - it solely requires that the Board find this
type of business consistent with the other 25 or 26 listed uses. She stated
she finds it difficult to find that this is not consistent with the other uses.
The Planner stated she would recommend approval but would like to point out
that after listening to Mr. Alexatos' comment about the type of building -
Section 44. 21, paragraph (1) b. allows the Board to grant special exceptions
Board of Adjustrrent Meeting
June 18, 1981
Page Two.
with appropriate and reasonable safeguards. She stated in the interest of
maintaining the type of development that we have had on 434 in the last 2 or 3
years, she did not think it would be inappropriate for the Board to approve
the special exception on the condition that the type of architecture and
materials be coordinated with the type they now have on 434. In other words the
Board could require the premium grade Shop and Go Store rather than one similar
to the one on Devon. The suggestion is that it be similar to the businesses
you see along 434 that are natural materials with earthtones that blend in
rather than be an eyesore such as a red building. She stated this commitment
was received from 7 -Eleven which is going to build on the corner of Moss Road
and 434 and in the Sales Contract the seller of the land was able to have written
in that they would construct a premium type 7-Eleven Store - stucco with cedar
roof, rather than the typical red roof, which would be consistent with the type
of architecture and type of aesthetic appearance we are trying to develop along
Iavis asked what legal ramifications could evolve if it is not already deeded
or in the contract for sale which would ultimately be in the deed, if it were
approved based on your recommendation for the applicant and the developer says
well, that applied to the applicant, that doesn't apply to me. The Planner
reported that the person applying to them is the current owner of the property
and your approval and conditions are on Mr. Alexatos. It would be incumbent
upon him to see that he had fulfilled your conditions.
Mr. Alexatos stated that although the contract had already been signed, he had
no qualms about going back and asking them to put that in the contract. He
stated all of the buildings on 434 with the exception of the veterinarian
building and the shopping center - that was all property owned by one of the
trusts that he controlled and in every single instance they knew what was going
on before they sold the property. In many instances they would not sell the
property because they did not want another typical Shop and Go coming in. They
have assured me that they will do something nice down there - a premium type
of store. He did state that since the contract had been signed he could not
stand there and say that he would be able to get this.
Chute asked whether it would be incumbent upon the Building Dept. to see that
those stipulations if made, were followed? The Planner stated that conditions
could be enforced at the Site Plan Review.
Weiss stated that according to the code book, the zoning for C-l is for
selected low traffic generating uses. Would this be considered a low traffic
generating use on that corner? The Planner stated she did not feel you would
call it low no IIDre than you would call a Fairway or two restaurants low.
Weiss stated inasmuch as they are asking to grant a special exception and the
C-l zoning does state that the frontages are especially adaptable to selected
low traffic generating uses - that is why she is questioning it. The City
Planner stated that compared to something like a drive-in restaurant it is low.
The size of the store itself meets all the limits for the number of people
that are going to be coming during the peak hours. She stated in other
instances it is high as compared to a doctor's office. She said it was all
according to how you define low.
Board of Adjustment Meeting
June 18, 1981
Page Three.
D3vis asked if this is in keeping with the Comprehensive Use Plan that is
already approved for Winter Springs? The City Planner stated the plan does
not address specific types of businesses. It does propose 434 be what is
called strict-zoned commercial and this rezoning was consistent with that
plan, providing the commercial use is consistent.
There was no one in the audience to speak for the request.
Mr. Michael DePasquale, 616 Alton Road, Vice-President of the Sugartree
Station Homeowners' Association was sworn in and submitted to the Board. 42
letters from Winter Springs homeowners opposing the request. He stated that
Hayes Road is the only access from the homes to 434. Due to traffic probelms
there already, it is difficult to get in and out of the neighborhood
especially during peak traffic hours. Mr. DePasquale stated they feel the
location of the convenient store with gasoline pumps would compound the
traffic problems. He stated convenient stores and their resulting constant
autoIlDti ve traffic would be contrary to the purpose of the C-l zoning for
the light traffic patterns. He feels hazards could be created by blocking
the view of traffic coming up 419 by the gasoline pumps. The traffic off
Wade Avenue across the street puts a reasonable aIlDunt of traffic onto 434.
He stated he felt this would present a hazardous condition to an already
congested area.
Chute questioned if the main obj ection is the potential obstruction to
your access into yourhome area? Mr. DePasquale said it was. He stated the
cars that are parked around the gas p~s could possibly be a hazard. Mr.
DePasquale stated he felt we have enough of these type of establishrrents
and mentioned the one within 150' which is a grocery store with gas pumps.
Mr. Bill Braddock, 636 Pearl Rd. was present to speak against the request.
He questioned how many gallons of gas the applicant is planning on storing.
Mr. Alexatos reported he had no idea. Mr. Braddock stated his concern over
a potential fire hazard since this is a heavily-wooded residential area.
He stated his concern for the environment and asked if anyone knew of
the life span of the tanks since they do eventually leak.
Chute stated he knew all tanks leak, but the question is how much and that
it is not in the interest of the builder to put tanks in that are leaking.
Chute stated as far as protecting the environment, it is not their respon-
sibility with regard to whether the tanks leak or not. He stated their
concern is the exception to the C-l zoning.
Mr. Braddock mentioned his concern over people hanging around convenient stores
which seems to be a problem in this area. He stated this can be seen just
about any night and would require additional police protection.
Weiss questioned whether they have the right to ask for access to the Shop
and Go only in one location rather than for example since it is on the corner
of Hayes and 434, would it possibly ease the traffic pattern if the access
was only on Hayes or 434 instead of cars coming out of both places and
creating a problem. The City Planner explained this was getting over into
the purview of the Site Plan Review Board.
There was discussion on Celery Avenue. Mr. Hat Hattaway, 8 Coral Way, was
Board of Adjustment Meet:L~
June 18, 1981
Page Four.
sworn in and stated he had seen the 21 acres along Celery Avenue in multiple
listing. There was discussion on the proposed uses for the property along
Celery Avenue.
Ms. Karen Holtyn, 622 Alton Road, was sworn in and spoke against the request.
She stated there are a good number of children in that neighborhood and felt
the traffic problem would be compounded by an additional convenient store.
Councilman Maureen Boyd was present and stated she felt the concept of a
back entrance should be addressed and that sorrething should be done to prevent
a situation existing such as the one at Handy Way where they have made their
own entrance through the back lot.
Chute questioned whether a study had been made to see what the future would
hold for the grocery store. He stated the density of convenient stores in
that area seems to be getting thick.
Iavis stated it is within the jurisdiction of this Board to grant this
exception under Chapter 44 of our zoning laws, however it is also incumbent
upon the Board to make certain the granting of such an exception is in the
health, safety and welfare of the residents of this City.
Kessler moved to deny the request by Mr. Alexatos, as Trustee, to grant the
exception. Seconded by Davis.
Iavis stated he feels we have an abundance of convenient stores in our
particular area. He stated with both the Cumberland Farms on one side and
the Shop and Go on the other side of the corner he could see some possible
traffic congestion. Also in view of the opposition from the surrounding
neighbors, he did not see where it would be in the best interest, safety
and welfare of the citizens.
Weiss stated if it is deemed that this store would not succeed, the citizens
of Winter Springs would not frequent it and therefore it would fold. Weiss
questioned whether they would be denying free enterprise by not allowing
this request. Kessler stated the issue is whether or not to allow a special
exception. The City Planner stated the City Attorney advised the motion
should contain a reason for denying a request.
Kessler withdrew his IIDtion. Davis withdrew his second. Kessler moved to
deny the request based on the fact of the traffic pattern that could prevail
and again for the protection and safety of the citizens of Winter Springs.
Seconded by Iavis.
Mr. Alexatos stated he would like for the Board to consider that there are
other uses that can be put in there that would notcome before the Board.
He stated there are businesses that would generate alot more traffic than
this particular business, for instance under C-l - a bar.
Vote: Weiss, no; Iavis, aye; Chute, no; Kessler, aye. This is considered
No Vote per the City Attorney.
Chute IIDved to grant the request for a special exception to construct a
grocery store with sale of gasoline in zone C-l on the southeast corner of
Hayes Road and S.R. 434. Seconded by Weiss.
Board of Adjustment Meetil.~
June 18, 1981
Page Five
Weiss stated that she feels if there is a traffic problem this will be taken
care of by the Site Plan Review and that they would set the entrance and
exit. Kessler stated this would not control the number of cars going in and
out of there. Chute stated this property is zoned C-l and there is going to
be some commercial use made of this property - it is not going to sit there.
He stated a convenient store might be preferable over somethingelse.
Councilman Boyd stated she felt the people realized something is going to be
built there. She said she felt their concern was why do we have to have
sorrething that is going to be open till rnj dnight as opposed to something
that closes at 5 that would generate a lot less traffic and less hangout,
such as a doctor's office or a card shop. She stated she did not think
the residents expected the developer to sit on his land and that he should
give them enough credit to know they are not against the development of the
Mr. DePasquale stated the people elect a form of government to represent them.
They elect a City Commission, they appoint a Zoning Board and a Board of
Adj ustrrent to oversee the quality of life and the type of development that
they want put into the boundaries of their City. He stated he felt it is
their responsibility to see that the kind of developments put in our City
are compatible with the residents. Chute reminded Mr. DePasquale that they
are there to represent the whole City. Mr. DePasquale stated the people
in the Highlands, for instance, would not be the ones doing their shopping
Mrs. Sandra Rib ako ff , 618 Alton Road, was sworn in and spoke against the
request. She mentioned her concern for the trees and stated the City seems
to be turning into a concrete City.
Ms. Karen Holtyn, Alton Road, questioned the City plan and stated it seems to
be putting up one convenience store after another.
Mr. Alexatos stated no one is going to put in gas tanks that leak. Regarding
the children - he always knew where his were and feels this is not his
problem - but the parent's problem. He said some of the trees would have to
go due to that fact that they are too tall and do not have a good base.
Vote on the motion: Davis, no; Chute, aye; Kessler, no; Weiss, aye. No Vote.
Chute IIDved to table the request till the next regular meeting or a special
rreeting. Seconded by Kessler. Vote: All aye. After discussion, the Chair
declared the Board continue the request until the July 2nd meeting at 7: 30 p.m.
This Board. will be sitting until July 10, 1981 according to the City Planner.
Weiss asked that the invocation be silent or non-denominational in the future.eTo be discussed at a later meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8 :55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
f)fi 0}Ra~
.) J an Braddock,
Recording Secretary.