HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 07 17 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
JULY 17, 1980
Meeting of the Board of Adjustment was called to order at 7: 33 p.m. by
Cha1nnan Tom Binford. Following silent prayer, the pledge of allegiance
was led by Ellen Weiss.
City Officials:
Tom Binford
Richard Kessler
Ellen Weiss
Sonnie William
Al Davis
Jacqueline Koch,
City Planner
Weiss moved to excuse the absence of Sonnie William on June 19, 1980 since
it was due to business. Seconded by Kessler. Vote: All aye. r-'btion
Weiss moved to approve the minutes of June 19, 1980 with the exception of
Sonnie William r s absence being excused. Seconded by Kessler. Vote: All
aye. r-'btion carried.
Kessler moved to approve the minutes of June 25, 1980. Seconded by Weiss.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
~UFST OF JIMMIE FORS'IDN, 578 Walden Court, for Special Exception to
Section 44.81, Paragraph 1 (a), to park a one-ton pick-up truck on his
The City Planner stated the property is located in Walden Terrace, lot 9.
The truck is in excess of 3/4 of a ton. No written comnents have been
Mr. Jimnie Forston, 578 Walden Court was present. He stated he does
service station maintenance and is on call 24 hours. The truck is a
necessity with his job. Mr. Forston presented a letter from Pieco, stat-
ing his duties as well as a letter from sorne of the residents near Mr.
Forston stating their approval of the truck being parked on Mr. Forston r s
property. Mr. Forston is responsible for making a gas pmnp safe
(electrically, firewise) if it is hit.
Binford questioned whether the applicant had looked at and considered
property other than residential to park the truck on. Mr. Forston said he
mentioned this to his company and they reported they could not allow the
truck to be out of his sight. There is approximately $140,000 worth of
equiprrent on the truck. Binford questioned whether Mr. Forston had any
other transportation. He said he has one car.
Kessler questioned what type of insurance the corrpany provided Mr. Forston.
He said there is insurance coverage on his personal property. The corn-
partments on the truck are locked.
Weiss questioned where the truck had been parked. He said it was sometimes
parked on the side of the road, in the driveway, and in the backyard.
Board of Adjustment
July 17, 1980
Page Two.
Kessler questioned what type of emergency calls Mr. Forston receives in a
24 hour period. Mr. Forston stated alot of gas stations are open 24 hours
and that if a purrp is hit, there is an open gas line that gas is dispensing
out of. He has to cap and seal the line. He is notified through the
answering service. Kessler questioned whether the Fire and Police ~pts.
are notified? He said they were and that they also call him to make the
repairs. Kessler also asked what the inconvenience would be to the appli-
cant if the vehicle were parked at a designated area for other vehicles
in the city, and the time response in getting from his home to the vehicle.
Mr. Forston said there would be no inconvenience if someone would take the
responsibility for his truck. He stated that the vehicle has to be in his
possession, so that he could get to the truck if necessary. Kessler said
Mr. Forston would not be watching the truck 24 hours a day. Mr. Forston
said the site available for parking his truck is owned by Florida land
and that if they decided to build something on it, the truck will also have
to be moved from there.
Binford questioned how long the applicant bad lived at the above residence.
He said since January of 1980. He has been working with this corrpany for
about 8 years. He stated the truck is new and well-Painted. If the
applicant is not allowed to keep the truck at his residence, he will be
given a smaller truck and will loose the rna.:intenance part of his job.
Weiss questioned whether the applicant has a fence. Mr. Forston stated
he has a 4' chain link fence in the backyard. Weiss also questioned
whether the applicant was aware of the property restrictions when he
bought the house. The applicant said he was not and that this was the
first warn:il1g he bad received. Several police officers have been by,
but had not said anything till now.
The City Planner stated she could see no reason why the corrpany could not
acquire additional insurance if the truck were parked at the Police
IVlr'. David Thorrpson, 583 WaJ.den ct. spoke for the request. He is a neigh-
bor of the applicant and has lived there since last October 1st. He
stated the truck does not bother children playing or riding bicycles in
the area. He questioned whether the applicant would be reimbursed for
the additional insurance coverage. The applicant said he would not.
Mr. Thompson said he has seen the electronic equipment the applicant
has on the truck and said he felt it would be best for the truck to be
parked at his residence.
Ms. CarolYn Naipavel, 579 Walden Court, spoke against the request. She
said she felt it was a detrjment to the property value to allow trucks
to be parked in front of the houses, but stated she did not obj ect to
parking the truck on the side or in the backyard if a privacy fence was
installed .
Ms. Sarah Adams, 585 Walden Court, spoke against the request. Ms. Adams
felt the property value would go down if the truck is allowed to remain.
She also feels the truck is an eyesore and that the property where the
trucks are allowed to be parked is only 3 minutes away.
Board of Adjustment
July 17, 1980
Page 'Ibree.
Mr>. Forston stated he paid the $50.00 application fee from his own pocket,
and that he could put up a privacy fence at his own expense.
Kessler questioned whether the applicant carries gasoline on
the truck. 'Ihe applicant stated he has a reserve tank (made on to the
body) only.
Kessler stated that if this request is approved, he felt a precedent would
be set. He mentioned the possibility of the truck posing a hazard for the
Fire ~pa.rtrrent.
'Ihe City Planner stated the exception could only be granted for one year.
Weiss asked if the applicant would be willing to put up an eight foot
fence to shield the truck from the street, if the Board would not grant
approval otherwise. He said he would as long as he did not have to go
through this again.
Kessler moved to table the request until further investigation is done
in regards to the corrpany providing additional insurance and whether
it is detrimental to the applicant's job. Seconded by Binford. Binf'ord
said he felt another place could be found to park the vehicle, and that
a precedent would be set if the request was allowed and that no one could
be turned down for such a request in the future. Weiss said she would
not like Winter Springs to have trucks parked all over and that if the
request was granted, there would be no way to stop the other neighbors.
Vote: Weiss; no, Binford; no, Kessler; aye. :tJbtion failed.
Weiss moved to deny the request of the applicant to keep a one-ton
pick-up truck on his property. Seconded by Binford. Vote: Weiss; aye,
Binford; aye, Kessler; aye. Motion. ca.:rTied.
Kessler roved to excuse the absences of Al Davis (July 17, 1980) and
Sonnie William (July 17, 1980) due to vacation and business. Seconded
by Weiss. Vote: All aye. :tJbtion carried.
~eting adj ourned at 8: 23 p.m.
Jan Braddock,
Recording Secretary.